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New Citroen e-C4 2021 review | Auto Express 08/03/2021

Novi Citroen e-C4 je sjajna tačka ulaska u potpuno električni porodični prevoz

New Citroen e-C4 2021 review | Auto Express The new Citroen e-C4 is a great entry point into all-electric family transport

Dacia Sandero Stepway TCe 100 2021 UK review | Autocar 06/03/2021

Vrednost supermini je osvojila divljenje, ali da li se takođe sviđa u crossover ruhu?

Dacia Sandero Stepway TCe 100 2021 UK review | Autocar Value supermini has won admiration, but does it also appeal in crossover guise?

Skoda Octavia vRS review: hot diesel estate driven 04/03/2021

Ovo je Škoda Octavia vRS - nedavno stigla u Veliku Britaniju u obliku dizel automobila.

Skoda Octavia vRS review: hot diesel estate driven What is this?

How a brilliant 1991 Mercedes shaped our future | Autocar 02/03/2021

Mercedes je predstavio konceptni automobil F100 na salonu automobila u Detroitu 1991. godine. Mnoge njegove inovativne karakteristike na tržište će se pojaviti tek godinama kasnije

How a brilliant 1991 Mercedes shaped our future | Autocar Mercedes unveiled the F100 concept car at the 1991 Detroit motor show. Many of its innovative features wouldn’t hit the market until years later

Porsche Taycan Turbos S Cross Turismo prototype (2021) review 28/02/2021

Stalni tok novih derivata Taican-a ne pokazuje znake usporavanja, a ko može kriviti Porsche?

Porsche Taycan Turbos S Cross Turismo prototype (2021) review Our first drive in the Taycan Cross Turismo

Sony Vision-S concept car begins testing on public roads | Autocar 26/02/2021

Napredni električni salon tehnološkog giganta prikazuje tehnologiju koja bi se mogla pojaviti u serijskim automobilima

Sony Vision-S concept car begins testing on public roads | Autocar Tech giant's advanced electric saloon showcases technology that could appear in production cars

Lotus gears up for future endurance racing glory with E-R9 concept car 24/02/2021

Poznati britanski brend Lotus prvo se proslavio u takmičarskom moto-sportu na trkama izdržljivosti - a sada gleda u budućnost sa novim potpuno električnim konceptnim automobilom nazvanim E-R9.

Lotus gears up for future endurance racing glory with E-R9 concept car Famous British brand Lotus first made a name for itself in the competitive motorsport field of endurance racing – and now it is looking to the future with a new all-electric concept car called the E-R9.

First drive: 2021 Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo prototype review | Autocar 24/02/2021

Praktičnija, (blago) vertikalna verzija Porscheovog svetlucavog salona na baterije dolazi u pretprodukcijskoj formi

First drive: 2021 Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo prototype review | Autocar More practical, (slightly) high-rise version of Porsche’s scintillating battery-powered saloon arrives in pre-production form

Vegan-friendly cars that are actually desirable 24/02/2021

Ekološki svesni brzo postaju estetski, kao i pogled na život.

Vegan-friendly cars that are actually desirable Who said vegan can't mean luxurious? Here's CAR's guide to the best vegan-friendly cars

KiaCharge launched as new one-shot charging service | Auto Express 24/02/2021

Nova usluga KiaCharge garantuje vlasnicima električnih automobila i PHEV pristup više od 13.900 javnih punionica u Velikoj Britaniji - sve na jednom nalogu

KiaCharge launched as new one-shot charging service | Auto Express New KiaCharge service grants electric car and PHEV owners access to more than 13,900 public charge points in the UK – all on one account

Lexus IS F | Spotted | PistonHeads UK 24/02/2021

SAD dobijaju novi IS na V8 pogon koji je UK uskraćen. Sramota, jer poslednja nije bila upola loša ...

Lexus IS F | Spotted | PistonHeads UK The US is getting a new V8-powered IS denied to the UK. Shame, because the last one wasn't half bad...

Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo shown testing in official pictures | Evo 24/02/2021

Cross Turismo će se pridružiti Porscheovoj paleti Taican kao malo grublji pogled na performanse EV-a

Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo shown testing in official pictures | Evo The Cross Turismo will join Porsche’s Taycan range as a slightly more rugged take on the performance EV
