

Keto, Carnivore, Low Carb, for overcoming insulin resistance and inflammation. #metabolichealing #in

Photos from Ketovorish's post 17/03/2022

Oh lawdy has outdone herself with her psmf donuts - they are SO good and the consistency is like a real carb loaded donut- I made chocolate glazed and cinnamon sugar and we’ll I might just eat them allllll

Photos from Ketovorish's post 13/02/2022

She’s a work in progress but teal is still my colour!


Hello Monday


Getting back into it! Week one of 6 done

Photos from Ketovorish's post 07/11/2021

Myths busted! What other myths about keto have you found to be untrue?


Yep I lost my 11 year old Facebook account and alll of my various business pages. Thanks to the April 2021 FB data leak - good times. I’ve created a new FB page if you’d like to join me over there as well!


Quote of the day. Are you doing your duty?


It’s the great decaf experiment - there’s a lot I’ll do to improve my health but giving up coffee isn’t on the list so I’m going to see if switching to decaf makes any difference to my cortisol induced morning blood sugar spikes…wish me luck! I’m trying this blend from

What is Nutritional Ketosis? - Ketovorish 13/07/2021

Keto 101 - What is nutritional ketosis?

What is Nutritional Ketosis? - Ketovorish What is nutritional ketosis and will it hurt you?

Photos from Ketovorish's post 08/06/2021

Sorry I've been so quiet lately lots happening in my world - but even with chaos reigning I've managed to stay on track. They say slow and steady wins the race. I can say after 10 months eating ketovore has become a way of life for me. Even with all the stress I haven't wanted or given into the cravings for the foods I would have eaten in the past. I've also become comfortable with the fact that getting to where I want to be with my weight and body composition is just going to take time but seeing my progress each month definitely helps keep me on track!

2 more months until I hit the one year mark - can't wait to see where I am then!

Photos from Ketovorish's post 03/05/2021

Well hey there, will you look at that it's already May! Time for progress check in and let me tell you thank goodness for taking measurements and not relying on the scale for validation because the scale loss has been S.L.O.W - according to that little number box I'm down 900 grams for the month which is pretty disheartening BUT overall body measurements I'm down just under 10cm - and that is awesome!

I've been working with a coach this month to get a different set of eyes on what I'm doing because things have slowed down lately. I regularly track all my food intake to make sure I'm hitting my macro targets which I thought I was doing...well when I looked at trends over time - turns out I'm waaaayyy undereating - by about 400 calories a it appears my body has gone into preservation mode and has been holding on to weight rather than releasing. Funny thing is I'm not hungry - I'm eating pretty nutrient dense but because I'm now considered 'fairly active' (no longer a couch potato lol) I just haven't been getting in enough calories (never thought I'd have that problem). So for the last 3 weeks I've been 'reverse' dieting and adding in more calories - as soon as I started to do that I dropped a kilo and have since just been maintaining - so now I'm in the 'pushing the threshold' to where I start to gain/maintain and convince my body that - hey it's ok to let go there is no famine. Then I can do a bit of a cut so I can continue to lose. Bodies are fun - and oh to be young again where it just falls off you lol.

Other than that I'm still battling one spot of dermatitis on my scalp - I've started taking a Candida killing supplement because at this stage I'm convinced it's that and not a food sensitivity. I experimented with cutting dairy and that didn't make any difference. Did some digging and apparently in the absence of sugar/glucose Candida will use ketones which is just dang annoying. The supplement seems to be helping so fingers crossed I can knock that out.

So begins month 10 - I am still eating ketovore - so meat based and very low carb. I had a few challenge meals where I ate 'normal' food at a restaurant including to die for desserts and of course my levels spiked but they came right back down which is exactly what you want! Overall my blood sugar is still looking great and I'm out of the 'diabetes' zone - I know 100% for sure that walking makes a huge difference in my levels - I seem to need that activity to get my body to use up the floating glucose. The research indicates that insulin resistance starts in the muscles and at this stage I think I'm still healing in that area - I continue to have a big 'dawn phenomenon' which doesn't go down unless I do some exercise - after that my levels are spot on for the rest of the day - hoping this is something that improves with time!

Keto Pralines | The Best Low Carb Sugar Free Pecan Pralines for Keto 19/04/2021

The sweet cravings got me bad today and I came across this recipe OMG they are SO good!

Keto Pralines | The Best Low Carb Sugar Free Pecan Pralines for Keto These keto pralines - or pecan pralines as some people call them - are creamy, buttery, nutty, and just melt in your mouth delicious. Plus...

LOW-CARB FOR ANY BUDGET - now available for download 02/04/2021

Wonderful free resource

LOW-CARB FOR ANY BUDGET - now available for download Pleased to join Dr. Mark Cucuzella IN CREATING this free ebook, Low-carb for Any Budget, stuffed it with info on getting started on low carb

Photos from Ketovorish's post 02/04/2021

Well it's time for the monthly progress update - month 8 of living a ketovore life and I've continued my downward trend. My blood sugar levels continue to improve. I've started introducing a few more foods into my diet just to see how I feel and how my sugar levels go. I also celebrated my 50th which was really lovely and I indulged in a full blown carb dessert on the night - my blood sugar of course went up but came right back down which is exactly how we want it so I was very happy with that. I'm still trying to figure out the cause of the last stubborn patch of dermatitis on my scalp - it seems to flare up here and there and I can't quite decide if it's from the small amount of nuts I have from time to time or if it's dairy. Cutting either out completely has been a challenge lol! My body composition continues to change and my visceral fat index hass gone down again which makes me very happy! I'm extremely close to moving down on the BMI scale as well - which is just a bit of mind game since I think BMI is a b it of BS ha! I've continued to stick to a mostly meat based diet - I have dabbled with a few more keto foods just to see how my body reacted. Raw nuts and I do not get along - oh the stomach aches - activated nuts however I seem to do fine with. I had a few meals with cheese which didn't seem to affect me but I'm still keeping that to a minimum. Anyway I shall continue to solider on - I am pretty pleased to have hit the 40 pounds lost mark - that was definitely a good feeling!


"You are the only one who can limit your greatness" - Remember that - the rest is just noise xo


Yay my subscription box arrived can’t wait to try these goodies - I think one of those collagen bars is going to be in my belly in a hot minute!

Photos from Ketovorish's post 25/03/2021

OMG so good - I haven’t had lasagne in almost a year because pasta is not my friend- but lasagne is a favourite! Swapped lasagne sheets for deli sliced chicken and it’s magnificent!!

Photos from Ketovorish's post 07/03/2021

7 month update! Slowly, slowly getting there. I think I can call this my half way point 16 kilos down which makes me 17 kilos from my 'goal' weight. Those numbers aside I feel fantastic and am confident I'll be feeling great later this month when I hit the big '50'

I'm still eating a ketovore - mostly meat based diet - I've been slowly adding in a few veggies here and there - I missed broccoli lol

At this stage I am just rolling along - enjoying my daily activity and steaks and looking forward to what the year will bring.


I ordered the sample pack from and omg I am in love with the keto clusters both the savoury and the lemon sesame are to die for!! I was just out doing some gardening and was feeling hungry for a little snack and these definitely hit the spot!


I mean it’s probably going to be a steak 🥩 but I’m still thinking about it

Always thinking about food.

Photos from Ketovorish's post 03/02/2021

Exactly 6 months ago today I had a bit of "come to Jesus" moment with my health - I broke out my blood sugar meter from when I was pregnant and was horrified at the numbers I saw. There was no denying I was residing well and truly in the Type 2 Diabetes domain. I had pushed aside the worry for many years after being told "it's ok you are pre-diabetic" just eat well and it will go away. Well I've always "ate well" according to the standard dietary advice the dieticians gave me. Problem was I am clearly carb-intolerant. I like carbs - they do not like me...

So I decided that enough was enough - I was not going to go down the road that was was going to be before me if I just accepted I had Type 2. So I decided to go back to low carb - I knew it had worked for me with gestational diabetes and also when I had managed to drop weight in the past. I started with an egg fast that lasted 2 days but I was in ketosis - I wasn't hungry, felt great and launched into a 5 day water fast (something I have NEVER done before). Not surprising I lost a good hunk of weight (well water weight). During that 5 days I had done some reading and looked a bit further into the Carnivore 'diet.' Since Type 2 is an autoimmune issue, and I also knew I had quite a few food intolerance issues - I thought what the heck I'll give it a go I love a good steak 😆 Well I haven't looked back - I'm not a hard core carnivore - I fall into the Ketovore spot on the carnivore spectrum. I have the odd vegetable when I feel like it, I have dairy and my crutch is keto fudge lol

Not going to lie the weight loss is amazing - but how I feel is so much better!

I've brought my A1C down from 8.1% to 5.5% (no longer type 2 diabetic)- no more fatty liver - my skin has cleared up except for one stubborn spot on my scalp, my teeth are whiter, my hair is growing in thicker and well my shoes are all big so I need new ones HA!

I still have a way to go in terms of the body fat percentage I'd like to be at - but that's ok the biggest hurdles are now done! I am so happy to know I'm giving myself the best shot I can at being around for my kids for as long as possible because I don't want to miss a minute!

If you're interested I am tracking my progress each month on my blog


I can attest - it works!

It works!
The latest systematic review showing that type 2 diabetes can be put into remission with a low carb diet, co-authored by CSIRO’s Nutrition & Health Professor Grant Brinkworth.
Surely it’s time that remission becomes a major goal in every country’s National Diabetes Strategy?
Our Governments need to supplement type 2 diabetes management with a number of strategies to ensure patients can adhere to a low-carb low-sugar dietary approach:
• provide health practitioners with the training, resources and funding to be able to educate and support their patients
• provide every patient with diabetes with a CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) device to allow them to understand the impact of various foods on their blood glucose level
• provide subsidies for real food in poorer socioeconomic areas and for people with diabetes
• provide a clear and transparent labeling system indicating the amount of added sugar in our food and drinks
• ban predatory sales and marketing tactics utilized by businesses and industry
• ban ads and TV commercials for sugary products aimed at our kids
• launch a comprehensive public campaign to raise awareness in kids and adults of the dangers of ultra processed foods and the complications and reversible nature of diabetes.
We might then start to see a downturn in our type 2 diabetes epidemic...

Sugar Free Keto Lemon Curd 28/01/2021

In a bad mood today so I'm distracting myself by cooking (lol) here's what's on the menu:

Made this:

So now I'm making these 2 to use up all the egg yolks!

Sugar Free Keto Lemon Curd Honestly hand on heart this is the best sugar free keto lemon curd recipe you will ever try! In fact it is the best lemon curd ever and you will love it.

Almond Roca Mocha Cake, low carb chocolate cake, gluten free cake 25/01/2021

This is definitely going to be my birthday cake this year!

Almond Roca Mocha Cake, low carb chocolate cake, gluten free cake Almond Roca Mocha Cake, low carb chocolate cake, gluten free cake, sugar free chocolate cake, sugar free mocha cake, gluten free mocha cake, low carb mocha

Photos from Curves Launceston's post 20/01/2021

Yay my gym did a post in my journey - adding in exercise has been a key ingredient in getting insulin levels and blood glucose down - plus I have so much more energy now! Hey it’s also helped get rid of my bloggers flat bum syndrome lol


Shhh don’t tell the family I’m brunching without them

Here's 20% off at FitTrack! 12/01/2021

A big part of my journey so far has been monitoring the changes in my body composition - I've done this through taking my measurements with a good old tape measure - plus using my body composition FitTrack scale. I know scales are a bit of contentious issue and from time to time all of us want to throw it out the window - but I have to say being able to monitor my stats has been really helpful for me. I can see when eating certain foods causes me to have an upswing in weight through water retention or to see the patterns that happen hormonally at different times of the month. I've also LOVED seeing my visceral fat index number drop over the months. I've had my Fit Track scale for a little over 2 years and love it - I've partnered with them through their referral program and am able to offer you 20% off if you use my affiliate link

Here's 20% off at FitTrack! Hey, check out FitTrack! I love their products and they have helped me on my true health journey and I think you will love them too. I’m giving you 20% off to spend. You can thank me later :)


Was just recollecting my Weight Watchers days when they would drag out the props to show you what a pound of fat looks like. It's actually a great visual.

I went in and looked at my scale stats and to date I've lost 26 and a bit pounds of fat...that looks like the image below. Dang.

My Ketovore Journey - Months 3, 4 and 5 Update - Ketovorish 03/01/2021

New post!

Hey I finally got a chance to do an update on my health journey - here's what's happened over the last 3 months!

My Ketovore Journey - Months 3, 4 and 5 Update - Ketovorish Follow along as I document my ketovore journey to health and weight loss. Improving insulin resistance and repairing my metabolic health one day at a time.

The Melanie Avalon Podcast 74 - Benjamin Bikman, Ph.D. 02/01/2021

This is a fabulous podcast - I learned SO much - I especially enjoyed the info about the different ways you can 'get fat' and how some of us get 'fatter fat cells' while others have fat cells that divide and grow (hence those people on "My 600lb life" - how many times do we hear "how did they get that big?"

The Melanie Avalon Podcast 74 - Benjamin Bikman, Ph.D. Human Metabolism, Obesity Insulin Resistance, Diabetes Mitochondrial Function, Alzheimer's, PCOS, Fasting, And More!


Carb addiction is real

Sweet science. Unsweetened truths. 26/12/2020

It's science...put the sugar down.

Sweet science. Unsweetened truths. SugarScience is your authoritative, evidence-based source for the science of sugar, direct from a team of experts committed to improving health by bringing science to the public.


The sloths and I are off for a walk and gym session - it’s a hectic week with Christmas in a few days but this let’s me escape the household madness and the 6 year old asking me every five seconds how long until we can open 🎁😂 💕

Photos from Ketovorish's post 07/12/2020

Time for an update! 4 full months of eating ketovore (carnivore keto). Weight loss has been slow but at the end of this last month I started using Data Driven Fasting and I finally got some movement on the scales. Best part though is my blood sugar levels keep going down which was the whole point of starting this grand adventure. While the scales haven't moved much I've continued to lose centimetres. I've also added resistance training 2-3 times a week. My family now calls me Forrest Gump the walking version as I walk almost every day - they think it's to get fit - really I'm just escaping 😆
So I've continued to heal from the inside out, have really kicked the carb addiction to the curb and am slowly shrinking. Onwards and upwards!

Data-Driven Fasting: How to Lose Weight and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Without Tracking Your Food (The COMPLETE Guide) - Optimising Nutrition 01/12/2020

This method has been a game changer for me!

Data-Driven Fasting: How to Lose Weight and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Without Tracking Your Food (The COMPLETE Guide) - Optimising Nutrition Intermittent fasting has helped many people lose weight, lower their blood sugar, and reverse Type 2 Diabetes without the hassle of tracking their food. But, sadly, for many others, fasting doesn’t provide the results they hoped for. When we get ravenously hungry after not eating for an extended p...


PCOS = Insulin Resistance and it's no fun but you can do something about it.

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition that causes the skin to become darker and thicker that many women with PCOS experience. It most often appears in the skin folds around the neck, groin, and armpits. Other symptoms may include dryness, itching, and unusual odor.

To understand why some women with PCOS may experience acanthosis nigricans, you must understand that PCOS is caused by an underlying driver. There are likely to be 4 'drivers' or 'types' of PCOS. They are:

👉 Insulin resistance
👉 Inflammation
👉 Adrenal (Stress)
👉 Coming off birth control

Acanthosis nigricans is associated with insulin resistance (IR), the most common driver of PCOS. IR drives the ovaries to over-produce testosterone leading to acne, hair loss, hair growth, irregular periods, mood issues, and fertility issues. It also directly leads to sleep disorders, cravings, poor energy, and weight gain.

Since acanthosis nigricans is a common physical symptom of insulin resistance, the key to treating it is by reversing insulin resistance, or in other words, improving your insulin sensitivity, as this resolves the underlying cause of AN is the first place.

Medications such as Metformin are prescribed to do just this as it's known as an insulin-sensitizing drug. Things you can do naturally are:

🥗 Follow a low GI, low to moderate carbohydrate diet to balance your blood sugar levels
⛹️‍♀️ Combine resistance, HIIT, and restorative workouts as these can all improve insulin sensitivity
💊 Supplements such as inositol, N acetyl cysteine, magnesium, and berberine.
🛌 Create a sleep routine.

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream - Keto Friendly Drinks 25/11/2020

My Christmas is saved 😆

Homemade Baileys Irish Cream - Keto Friendly Drinks Homemade Baileys Irish cream is actually really easy to make, even without using condensed milk. This keto baileys copy cat recipe tastes amazing.


and repeat




If my reasoning is correct...
• Hypertension is the single biggest risk factor for death worldwide.
• and insulin resistance is the biggest risk factor for hypertension.
• and excessive consumption of sugar is the biggest risk factor for insulin resistance...
Then... excessive consumption of sugar is the biggest risk factor for death worldwide...

Vitamin D Deficiency and Outcome of COVID-19 Patients 15/11/2020

Good nutrition is one of the most powerful tools you have!

Vitamin D Deficiency and Outcome of COVID-19 Patients Infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) poses an enormous challenge to health care systems throughout the world. Without causal treatment, identification of modifiable prognostic factors may help to improve outcomes. To explore possible associations of vitamin...

Videos (show all)

Pit stop on my morning walk for some 🍳 #ketovore #eggsandbacon #ketovorish #eatfatlosefat #eatfattolosefat #ketowomen #k...
Keto affogatto - sooo delicious - espresso and the rich keto vanilla ice cream I made last night. I’m in love #ketorecip...