The Knot String

The Knot String

Have you ever had your child or children beg for things at the store, on vacation, on-line or while


We've been away for a while, but now we are back to provide the book at .99 on the iBookStore under education category!

The Knot String eBook Images 10/05/2011

Images from our new book The Knot String available on the Apple iBookStore


The Knot String children's book for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch is now available in the iBookStore! More to come!


The Knot String eBook, exclusively for iPhone and iPad is in the Apple Store Pending approval!!!


The book is written and in production!! Whoohoo!


I am proud to announce The Knot String to all of you. It is a simple little story of how my kids learned to stop begging and start earning. Check it out! Mark it as "Like" and spread the word!! Look for the Book coming in May!
