Vladimír Pavelka

Vladimír Pavelka


Solo project of a mastermind from Cult Of Fire, Death Karma, The House, Černý Kov, DSM-IV-TR 302.9.

I composed the first songs for my solo project in the year 2012 already, however, I was unable to finish everything completely because I was busy with Cult of Fire and Death Karma. The right time for completing the first work on my project was in the year 2016 when I recorded the Sold Out EP "Pod Nočným Závojom" (Under the Veil of Night), which consisted of two songs. This EP was released on 7-inc

Photos from Vladimír Pavelka's post 30/05/2024

Bolo úžasné šliapať po tých istých stopách, ako môj dedo pred 60-timi rokmi, až k samotnému vrcholu Ďumbieru v Nízkych Tatrách. Dnes chápem kde, a na čo sa pozeral na pôvodnej fotke, ktorá bola použitá na môj posledný sólový album - boli to krásne a majestátne Vysoké Tatry. Tie isté výhľady, výstup a noc strávená na chate M.R. Štefánika, boli skvelé. Chcem sa poďakovať Igorovi, ktorý so mnou výstup absolvoval a tiež personálu Chata M. R. Štefánika pod Ďumbierom za neopakovateľnú atmosféru.

It was amazing to walk in the same footsteps as my grandfather did 60 years ago, all the way to the top of Ďumbier in the Low Tatras. Today I understand where and what he was looking at in the original photo that was used for my last solo album - it was the beautiful and majestic High Tatras. The same views, the climb and night spent at the M.R.Štefánik cottage, they were great. I want to thank Igor, who completed the climb with me, and also the staff of the Štefánik cottage for the unique atmosphere.

Vladimír Pavelka - Spomienky (Memories) 30/06/2022

Celé album si môžete vypočuť tu: https://youtu.be/fi2Fcj-0epQ
You can listen to the whole album here:

Vladimír Pavelka - Spomienky (Memories) "The album is about my happy childhood which I spent with my grandparents in the country. The songs on this album are describing the everyday joys of my chil...

Photos from ViaOmega Magazine's post 04/01/2022

Thank you ViaOmega Magazine.


Thank you The Goat Tavern !

To accompany my yesterday's list, here are my favourite full-length debut albums of 2021! A lot of outstanding surprises and some new bands that are now spreading their wings! Keep it up! Check out the full list:

Chainsword – Blightmarch
(Godz Ov War Productions)
Chamber of Unlight - Realm of the Night
(Werewolf Records)
Diabolizer - Khalkedonian Death
(Everlasting Spew Records / Desiccated Productions / Me S**o Un Ojo Records)
Dold Vorde Ens Navn – Mørkere
(Lupus Lounge)
Frozen Soul – Crypt of Ice
(Century Media Records)
Grabunhold – Heldentod
(Iron Bonehead Productions)
Grieving - Songs for the Weary
(Godz Ov War Productions / Interstellar Smoke Records)
Heathen Deity - True English Black Metal
(Cult Never Dies / Death Kvlt Productions)
Last Lightning – Porten
(Norwegian Dark Arts)
Los Males Del Mundo - Descent Towards Death
(Northern Silence Productions)
Mānbryne - Heilsweg: O Udręce Ciała i Tułaczce Duszy
(Malignant Voices / Terratur Possessions)
Stormkeep - Tales of Othertime
(Ván Records)
Thyrathen – Thanatopsis
(Ván Records)
Vladimír Pavelka – Spomienky
(Beyond Eyes Shop)
Yoth Iria – As the Flame Withers
(Pagan Records)
Zmarłym – Druga Fala
(Godz Ov War Productions)

VLADIMIR PAVELKA – Battle Helm 10/09/2021

Here you can enjoy my interview in Battle Helm Magazine

VLADIMIR PAVELKA – Battle Helm As a guide to the vast array of bands in this universe I present to you an interview with Vladimir Pavelka. Anders Ekdahl ©2021


Aj keď nastalo mierne oneskorenie, konečne dorazili všetky CD a LP. Budú expedované dnes a zajtra. Ďakujeme za trpezlivosť a podporu.

Even though there was a slight delay, we have finally received all Vladimír Pavelka's CDs and LPs. They will all be dispatched today. Thank you for your patience and support.

Vladimír Pavelka 25/03/2021

''Spomienky'' are officially available via common streaming platforms.

+ more

Vladimír Pavelka Artist · 163 monthly listeners.


Vážení zákazníci,
v piatok sme dostali z výroby informáciu, že vinyl "Vladimír Pavelka - Spomienky" bude mať kvôli poruche stroja cca 3-týždňové oneskorenie. Ospravedlňujeme sa za dlhšiu dobu čakania. Je nám to úprimne ľúto, ale nemôžeme s tým nič robiť.
Ďakujeme za vašu podporu.

Beyond Eyes

Vladimír Pavelka „Spomienky” 03/03/2021

Thank you Pathologist from Chaos Vault Webzine

Vladimír Pavelka „Spomienky” Wydawca: Beyond Eyes Records Vladimír Pavelka może być bardziej znany czytnikom Chaosa, jako jako Infernal Vlad, czyli trzon takich kapel jak choćby Cult of Fire czy Death Karma. Vladimír po wydaniu znakomitej solowej EPki pokusił się w końcu po pełny album i tak oto powstały „Spomienky....

Vladimír Pavelka - Spomienky 22/02/2021

Another reviews this time from Peru and Greece.


Thank you.

Vladimír Pavelka - Spomienky Το Kostolné είναι ένας υπέροχος εξοχικός τόπος στη Slovakia. Από κει μας έρχονται οι post / black metal παιδικές αναμνήσεις τού Vladimír Pavelka

Vladimír Pavelka – Túra na Čachtický hrad (Unofficial Video) 20/02/2021

Thank you Jake for this beautiful video!

Vladimír Pavelka – Túra na Čachtický hrad (Unofficial Video) This is an unofficial, fan made video for the track "Túra na Čachtický hrad" on Vladimir Pavelka's (Cult of Fire, Death Karma) upcoming release "Spomienky". ...

Vladimir Pavelka - Spomienky (Memories) (Beyond Eyes) ⋆ Ave Noctum 16/02/2021

First reviews:




Vladimir Pavelka - Spomienky (Memories) (Beyond Eyes) ⋆ Ave Noctum You may know Vladimir Pavelka as Cult of Fire’s Infernal Vlad. This album however is different. “Spomienky”, which means Memories, is a long standing atmospheric instrumental work in which Vladimir evokes eight memories of his rural childhood in Slovakia –... Continue Reading →

Photos from DEAF FOREVER's post 10/02/2021

DEAF FOREVER presents our new song "Detské hry" from upcoming full length album.


...in the Himalayas at 4600 meters above sea level.


Tak, test press hrá bezchybne a na Vinyl a CD sa možete tešiť koncom februára u Beyond Eyes Shop. Viac informácií už čoskoro.

So, the test press plays flawlessly and you can look forward to Vinyl and CD at the end of February via Beyond Eyes Shop. More information coming soon.
Stay Tuned.

Vladimír Pavelka – Túra na Čachtický hrad (Track Premiere) 23/11/2020

Vladimír Pavelka – Túra na Čachtický hrad (Track Premiere) A new song "Túra na Čachtický hrad" (Hike to the Čachtice Castle) from the upcoming Vladimir Pavelka's album. The album will be released at the beginning of ...


Viac informácií o novom albume čoskoro.
More info about new album soon.


Bicie pre nový album sú hotové, nahral ich Miroslav (Algor, Malokarpatan, KroloK)
Týmto by som mu rád poďakoval.
Viac informácií už čoskoro.

Drums for the new album are done and they are performed by Miroslav (Algor, Malokarpatan, KroloK)
I would like to thank him so much.
More info soon.


Beyond Eyes Shop have last 7pcs of our last EP.
Check here : https://beyondeyesshop.com/

Pavelka Vladimír - Aprilis 18/05/2020

Tu si môžete vypočuť nový singel, alebo si ho zadarmo stiahnuť : https://beyond-eyes.bandcamp.com/album/pavelka-vladim-r-aprilis

Inšpiráciou mi bolo premenlivé aprílové počasie, keď slnko náhle striedajú krátke silné búrky, meniace sa v zápätí na azúrovú oblohu. Fotografia bola urobená na vodnej nádrži Dubník pri Starej Turej na Slovensku, koncom 70. rokov.

"Na tomto mieste som trávil každý rok letné prázdniny spolu s milovanými starými rodičmi a s priateľmi. Je to pre mňa čarovné miesto."
Vladimír Pavelka

Užite si "aprílové počasie zo Slovenska".

Here you can listen to a new single or you can download the track for FREE : https://beyond-eyes.bandcamp.com/album/pavelka-vladim-r-aprilis

I was inspired by the changeable April weather, when the sun suddenly alternates with short strong storms, which immediately change to the azure sky. The photo was taken at the Dubnik reservoir near Stará Turá in Slovakia, in the late 70's.

"I spent the summer holidays here every year with beloved grandparents and friends. It's a magical place for me."
Vladimír Pavelka.

Enjoy the "April weather from Slovakia".


Pavelka Vladimír - Aprilis New single from Vladimír Pavelka ( , , , , ...) The theme is the changeable April weather, when...

Vladimír Pavelka ‎– Pod Nočným Závojom 16/05/2020

New single "Aprilis" will be digitally out 18.5.2020.
Now you can enjoy previous music.


Vladimír Pavelka ‎– Pod Nočným Závojom Artist : Vladimír Pavelka (Cult Of Fire,Death Karma,The House) Album : Pod Nočným Závojom (7‘‘ splatter vinyl EP) Country : Slovakia Released: 14 Mar 2017 Tr...