Band psych-ish o Ddyffryn Conwy. ARGOELUS•EURAIDD•GARW•AGORED

A psych-ish band from Dyffryn C



🎧 Gwrandewch yn ôl / Listen back to the fantastic The Pressure Drop show on CJLO Montreal 🇨🇦 to hear the brand new single by MÊL ‘Cusco’ 🌵 🍯



Adam Walton - 17/10/2020 - BBC Sounds

Listen back to Adam Walton's show last night, MÊL on around 1hr16 in 🏜🍯
In true Adam style, off one listen (and not even the full version) he picks out "early Cure doing early Pink Floyd but on more acid" and "Ennio Morricone doing Os Mutantes covers" 🤣
Diolch Adam (I think!) 😜

bbc.co.uk Adam brings you the best in new Welsh music, exclusive sessions, interviews and demos.



Joining the vast swathe of “life-affirming sonic excellence” tonight that is the Adam Walton BBC Radio Wales show will be MÊL latest single ‘Cusco’🌵

Tune in from 10.00pm 🤩 DIOLCH Adam x

Listen in: 🎧 📻


Diolch yn fawr Huw Stephens am y 1st play 👍👍👍
Ond, cofiwch chi DJs, di'r fersiwn llawn (nid y radio edit, y llall) ddim yn brathu (nac yn rhegi) jyst bach hirach dio 🍯🏜😎
Georgia Ruth Aled Hughes




Mae MÊL yn ôl gyda’u trydydd sengl ‘Cusco’🌵 a'r un cyntaf fel band llawn. Tarddiad y gân oedd profiad diddorol yn Ninas Cusco (Peru) ..... byddwch yn barod i gael eich tywys ar daith arrallfydol 🌞🌝

‘Cusco’ allan ar 30/10/20 🍯


MÊL is back with their third single 'Cusco' 🌵and the first as a full band. The origin of the song was an interesting experience in the City of Cusco (Peru) ..... be prepared to be guided on a magical journey 🌞🌝

‘Cusco’ is out on 30/10/20 🍯

PYST | Beast PR


Photo gan Hari Cennin Roberts
efo: Rhodri Owen , Mari Lwyd, George Amor , Morgan Jones ac Eryl Prys Jones 🍯




Back in the USSR...na, sorry the STUDIO! ☣👍🍯🥳
Sengl newydd wedi ei anfon i mastro, allan yn fuan iawn iawn / new Peruvian-cactus based single out very very soon 🇵🇪🏜

Rhodri Owen - Dodrefn a Chelf / Furniture and Art Libertino Georgia Ruth Huw Stephens Aled Hughes BBC Radio Wales BBC Radio Cymru 2 Marc Riley BBC 6 music Y Selar



🍯Hoffi bangin' tunes? 👍
Yna, Mix Haf MÊL ydi'r peth i chi 👇👇👇
Gwrandewch yn astud (neu yn anastud)
Click the link for our Libertino Spotify Summer Mix playlist 👇👇👇

☀️ Mix Haf / Summer Mix
⛱ Wedi greu gan / Created by MÊL
▶️ https://bit.ly/MixHafMel

🎧: Super Furry Animals, SFA / Mary Hopkin Music / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Unknown Mortal Orchestra / MGMT / Los Gatos / Ysgol Sul / Television Official & more



Balch iawn i fod yn ran o hyn 👍👍🍯
Proud to be part of a strong Libertino stable 👍🍯🐎


Accü // ARGRPH // ALEX DINGLEY // ILU // Silent Forum // Adwaith // Ynys // MÊL // Breichiau Hir // Clwb Fuzz // Papur Wal // Los Blancos // KEYS // Kidsmoke // Hotel Et Al // SYBS // KIM HON

🎵: ilu


Mêl - Plisgyn - AM

Eryl/Pearl yn ymgeisio fersiwn acwstic o Plisgyn ar ei ben ei hun bach, cymerwch sbec 👇🍯
Check out the full version of Plisgyn below if you want to 👇🍯
Clic ddy linc 👇 do it

app.amam.cymru Check this out on AM.


Cipolwg chwim o fersiwn acwstic amaturaidd o Plisgyn: vid llawn am gael ei lwytho fory-ish ar 👀🍯

Sneaky peaky of some ropey guitaring and astonishing simultanious main and backing vocals. Full version to be uploaded tomorrow-ish.👀🍯


DIY recording in its purest and most literal form... 🔨 🍯🤣
Recordio caib a rhaw

*i'r rhai sy'n pryderu am safonau, dim ond ryff demo di hwn
Ronseal UK & Ireland Hammerite Magyarország Sandtex Crownpaints GHANA freebies plz.x


A still from MÊL's upcoming ... plus an obscure Welsh Football Fans trivia challenge for you= which year(s) is this beautiful blue shirt from? And who did we play against wearing it? Libertino Welsh Football Fans For Independence Sgorio @ 🍯🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿⚽️
Gwobr rhithiol i'r atebion cywir cyntaf


Ynai / Innit / Ynde 👇 😎

📣 This is such a wonderful read, Eryl Prys Jones MÊL In conversation with Cath Holland for God Is In The TV Zine. Learn more about MÊL and their first two releases ‘Mêl i Gyd’ and ‘Plisgyn’ and what makes up this new and exciting band 🌟 x

Darllenwch/Read: 📚

Gwrandewch/Listen: 🎧



Words of wisdom here, amigos 👇 have a look - have a think 🍯
Siarad sens o'r radd flaenaf #2 👇
Diolch to Holland and


godisinthetvzine.co.uk Eryl Prys Jones laughs when he attempts to explains the name of new project MÊL. Now he’s had time to reflect, the vocalist and songwriter reckons the English translation ‘Honey‘ sounds not unlike a R&B-lite girl band from the 1990s, snuggled in alongside All Saints or Eternal. He may have a ...


Dal ar y plêlist 👍 Ond biti am y diffyg tô bach - nid Melanie mohonom! 😜👎

Rhestr Chwarae BBC Radio Cymru


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Henffych, bobl! Ar y pnawn Sul diflas lockdowniog hwn 'dwi wedi mynd ati i sgwennu geiriau Plisgyn allan a'u cyfieithu i'r Sbaeneg a'r iaith fain; gweler isod 👇
🇯🇲 Whilst rather bored on this particularly locked-down Sunday I've translated the lyrics to our single (Plisgyn) into English and also to Spanish; may be of interest or use?! See below 👇
🇦🇷 Este domingo, mientras estaba bastante aburrido entre cuatro paredes, traduje mi nuevo single (Plisgyn) al castellano 👇


PODCAST: Show Me Magic! Episode 4 with special guest Cath Holland | God Is In The TV

Bore da gyfeillion ☀️ Diolch i God is in the Tv ac i Cath Holland am roi sylw i Plisgyn ar eu podcast / check the podcast out, MÊL is on from 50mins...
P.S. We won 🏆

Read about the podcast: 📚

Listen to it here: Spotify: 🎧

godisinthetvzine.co.uk The fourth episode of “Show Me Magic!” a new music recommends podcast from www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk featuring Bill Cummings and Jim Auton plus our special guest this week is respected journalist Cath Holland, together we debate and dissect the recent music that excites us most. We round off t...


Diolch i Welsh Music Podcast / Podlediad Miwsig Cymreig am hwn. Gwrandwch arni, gyfeillion! Have a listen to the tune, also have a look at the background of the song (below); it was written a while ago, before the YesCymru awakening. But now, the times they are a-changing!
Might post a 'translated' version of the lyrics if there's call for such action... 🍯


Plisgyn is the second single by MÊL, which is out now on Libertino https://youtu.be/LEhszYJNELM

MÊL is the new project of Jen Jeniro frontman Eryl Prys Jones, who recorded the track with producer Llŷr Pari at Stwidio Glan Llyn, Melin y Coed.

Eryl said: “The subject of the song itself is the position of Wales and the general attitude of moaning about things, but then accepting our fate rather than speaking up, standing up and pulling together. This is mainly due to the fact that we’ve become long since accustomed to the way things are (and have been), and have learned that ‘rocking the boat’ or challenging the order, which has been imposed upon us has previously been futile and pointless.

“It is not a rant or a ‘call to arms’, but an observation of sorts. Some of the past changes were inevitable. But not every current change and shift that happens before our eyes must be inevitable.”


Mêl i Gyd - Mêl - AM

Dyma fersiwn iffy braidd o'n sengl 1af (Mêl i gyd) 👍😎 y tro 1af ac o bosib yr olaf i chi weld fi'n chwara gitâr! Needs must!
Here's a slightly ropey acoustic version of our 1st single to accompany your housework, sitting in the garden or dog-walk or whatever 👍🍯
Diolch Libertino am sortio'r 'ma

app.amam.cymru Check this out on AM.


Datganiad pwysig (yn y video)

Dyma lle gallwch lawrlwytho Plisgyn/ Here's where you can listen to or download Plisgyn:




Pump i’r Penwythnos – 10 Ebrill 2020

Something for the weekend... darn bach da gan Y Selar yn esbonio'r gân, cymerwch sbec 👀🍯

selar.cymru Gig: Roughion – Cardiff Music Lockdown – Facebook – 19:00, Gwener Ebrill Ar ôl cwpl o benwythnosau prysur o gigs ar-lein, mae hi fymryn yn dawelach ar benwythnos y Pasg. Set ‘byw’ gan Roughion gyda Cardiff Music Lockdown am 19:00 nos Wener, 17 Ebrill ydy’r unig beth sydd wedi dod i’n ...


"I've had some very strange but very beautiful dreams over the past couple of weeks that that song would be a fine soundtrack to"
Diolch Adam Walton; insightful quote during very strange times!

Rhywbeth i chi feddwl am: which scenarios/film scenes would you use Plisgyn for? Suggestions?

📣DIOLCH i Adam Walton am chwarae sengl newydd MÊL ‘Plisgyn’ ar sioe nos Sadwrn a neithiwr pan yn eistedd i mewn ar sioe Janice Long 🍯 ALLAN DYDD GWENER YMA 🐝 xx

Gwrandewch nôl: 1.04 awr 🎧

Gwrandewch nôl: 51min 🎧


MÊL on Twitter

Backdated diolch am y 1st play (wythnos dwytha); thanks also to Lisa Gwilym and Adam Walton amongst others for giving Plisgyn a spin. Allan fory / available for download tomorrow!


“Paid â drysu cysur efo boddhad... diolch am y 1st play 👍🍯🥚 https://t.co/jTZpziJ3fl”


MÊL's cover photo


MÊL : Plisgyn (sengl newydd / new single)! Promo bach taclus gan Libertino 🍯🥚




🍯 Am newyddion da / Such good news....MÊL have a new single on the way. Fe fydd ‘Plisgyn’ allan ar Ebrill 10fed. ‘Plisgyn’ will be out on 10th April 🐝 ☀️

Gwrandewch arno ar sioe ‘Hwyrnos’ BBC Radio Cymru Georgia Ruth heno 🎧
Hear the song in full for the first time on Georgia Ruth’s ‘Hwyrnos’ BBC Radio Cymru tonight 🎧


Yn Y Selar, gyfeillion 👇 ambell ddarn o newyddion cyffrous i ddod yn fuan iawn hefyd... sengl...gigs ayyb
Some decent news (release & gig-related) to be announced very very soonish 🍯🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏝


Hen Galan ysglyfaethus i chi, gyfeillion... Mari Lwyd i ddilyn 👍 Happy Old New Year ya filthy animals 🍯 this year is the Capelgarmonese 'year of the MÊL' so they say... gwyliwch y gofod, petha ar y gweill


Sengl allan ar Libertino yn y lleoliadau digidol arferol ond tra bo'r tir, y gwir a'r dyfroedd du yn oer, a'r haf yn bell i ffwrdd - checiwch y fideo.

Single out on Libertino Records in the usual digital places.
One day, it'll all be honey, until then - enjoy the video.




'Mêl i gyd' - sengl allan heddiw / out today

If you go up to the windfarm today you're in for a pîg surprise....
if you go up to the windfarm today you'd better go in disguise...

Rhyw ddydd bydd pethau'n fêl i gyd - heddiw yw hwnnw!
Get it on spotify, itunes and the usual places.
Rrrreu! Iddi!

Videos (show all)

Cipolwg chwim o fersiwn acwstic amaturaidd o Plisgyn: vid llawn am gael ei lwytho fory-ish ar @ambobdim   👀🍯Sneaky peaky...
MÊL : Plisgyn (sengl newydd / new single)! Promo bach taclus gan Libertino 🍯🥚