Diamond Fitness

Diamond Fitness

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The Lord is NOT Mocked… 09/03/2024

Christ said… For verily verily I say unto you… what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap…So be careful in all your endeavors “FOR GOD IS NOT MOCKED”…and every WORD SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY HIM. You know, in today’s society, so many people go about their day to day activities without shame or without thought. But the Lord said to me… “Tell my sheep…Be ye NOT swayed from your understanding of the TRUTH, for God is with us always and his reward is with him.” There is nothing that we shall encounter or experience in our lives that OUR FATHER doesn’t already know about or knows how to deal with....

The Lord is NOT Mocked… Christ said… For verily verily I say unto you… what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap…So be careful in all your endeavors “FOR GOD IS NOT MOCKED”…and every WORD SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BY HI…

Sign Up 21/12/2021

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