Lady BEC, Inc.

Lady BEC, Inc.

There is no box. Become ACTUALLY what you are POTENTIALLY.
#definelady #bealadytheysaid


I know it sounds cliche.
But I’m convinced that it is true.

I really do believe that you are right where you need to be.


After all..
Isn’t that what many of us long for?

Relief from the pressure? The uncertainty?
The pain? The fear?

What if choosing to see your current circumstance as something to leverage was an option that was available to you?

What if all you had to do was realize it was an option.. and then act accordingly?

Instead of spending time complaining, wondering, wishing things were different or staying attached to past circumstances..

What would happen if you chose to dig your heels in and lean as far as you could into this present moment?

Really -

What would happen?

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 14/10/2023

You may judge me for posting this.
That’s ok.

I’m intentionally trying to reach the people who need me most.

What I’m finding is, the branding experts are right.. the more specific I get about who I’m talking to, the easier it is to find more of ‘my tribe.’

I share this information about myself here because I want YOU to know that you aren’t alone.

It’s okay to make endless amounts of mistakes and live life the way you have been up to this point and then decide to change overnight.

It really is okay.
In fact, I encourage it.

Because it isn’t easy.
And many people don’t.
Look around you and see how many people are living the same way they have been for years, in the same cycles, the same conversations, the same.. misery.

Changing from old habits to better ones is a hard thing to do - it requires discipline, support and a plan.

I’d love for you to join me in my Exploring the Bible sessions every Monday at 10am EST (in my private FB group) or at my next Virtual Village meeting that will happen on 10/19 at 6pm EST via Zoom. — check the link in my bio to learn more, just DM me or comment below for the links to the meetings

Can’t wait to meet you, xo


For as long as we live, we will find ourselves in the in-between.

In between relationships,
In between careers,
In between situations, circumstances..

We will never be able to outrun it..

Instead, I think we should leverage it.
We should leverage the liminal space we find ourselves in, see it as a gift.. a void of options and opportunities..

Being in between doesn’t have to be depressing, daunting..

It can be exciting..and beautiful.

Think about it. 💭


What you value should not be thrown into the bucket of things you get to experience only when certain conditions are met.

What you VALUE should not be contingent on your accomplishments, money, what others say or material things.

What you value should not be considered LUXURY, but should be considered part of your every day.

The problem with most of us is..
We have forgotten what we actually value.
We have never really sat down and thought about what we value.

And even worse, when we do know what we value, many of us withhold those things from our lives because we feel like we don’t deserve them, like we aren’t worthy.

I want you to know that you’re worthy.
That if you value something, you deserve to have it..each and every day.

So the question is..
What do you value?

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 06/10/2023

I want you to have the best day, every day.
And I am convinced that you can.

Here are a few steps for you if you’re ready to change your life from one where the bad/stressful/anxious days consume you..

to one where

you’re free, happy & flowing from a place of abundance.

If you’d like to join my private FB group, or learn more about The Village and working privately with me, visit my website or shoot me a message! ❤️



I’m here to remind you that at any point in your life, you can decide to choose differently.
Choosing differently may not be easy, it may not initially feel good.. and it may go against everything that those in your ‘circle’ are telling you to do.

But y’all already know this part - if you continue to do the same things, you’re going to GET the same things. The same situations, the same feelings, the same dead end.

But what if choosing differently
on a regular basis
became your new norm?

And what if those small changes added up to big results? Big differences? Or dare I say - to the life you’ve always dreamed of?

There’s only one way to find out. 😉


When I first started to pursue myself, to explore and uncover the person God intended me to be, stepping into the unknown was scary. Like. Really scary. At first, it felt like I had to force myself into totally new territory - I felt alone, incapable, weak. What I’ve learned, though, is that when we purposely go in search of finding our edges, the edges of our comfort zone, we are actually doing something incredible fierce and fearLESS. We are growing and evolving on purpose, instead of by default. And THAT is AMAZING. Don’t discredit yourself. You are doing it. You are worthy. You are enough. ❤️

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 01/10/2023

Putting ourselves first can feel so foreign, especially when we didn’t see the people in our lives model it from a young age. The Village has been a safe space, supporting people through transformational moments, for years. I’d like to challenge you to show up for yourself the way that you do for everyone else, to prioritize the things that are important to you. And if you don’t already have a safe space to be seen and heard, a place to go to be supported, to be celebrated.. to show up as you are.. come to our next Virtual Village meeting.. on 10/7. Visit my website, comment below or message me for more information ❤️


Repeat after me -


It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, disconnected, upset, and like you’re falling behind.

But what if..
What if God has fully equipped you for this moment? And that everything in your life is actually RIGHT ON TIME?

Stick with me as I continue to share information with you that has me convinced that we are ALL perfectly positioned for our next moves.

I believe in you.
You’ve got this. ❤️


Did you know that you are perfectly positioned for your next move?

What if I told you that everything that you have ever experienced has culminated to create your current experience?

That you are RIGHT where you need to be and you are more powerful,
more whole,
more capable
than you have EVER been before?

If you know me, thank you for being here.
Thank you for your support and your kindness.

If you’re new to my world, welcome.
I’d love it if you would reach out.

I’m here to help you see that the world is working in your favor and that big things are happening all around you.

I want you believe that, to embody that, to LIVE that. I want you to understand that YOU and ONLY you have access to the past that you’ve had and the future that awaits you - that you have an ADVANTAGE and an EDGE that no one else does.

It might be hard to see that right now.
It might feel dark. Like a dead end.
But it’s not.

It’s just the beginning.


Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 17/09/2023

I haven’t always considered myself a good mom. In fact, I feel like I was robbed of several years of my children’s lives because I was in survival mode - trying to prioritize what was most important in the moment for the bigger picture.

Postpartum stress, anxiety, depression..
Balancing financial concerns and relationship issues..
Trying to predict the future and make the best decisions I could with the information I had.



In fact, when I would speak up, it seemed as though my cry for help was dismissed, that what I was experiencing was a ‘rite of passage’ and if I just ‘slept when my baby slept’ all of my troubles would wash away.

… 🤔


Becoming a mother in this day and age is different. When women (typically) have careers they’ve worked hard for, that they enjoy. When we have healthcare providers who follow policy, instead of the body. When society doesn’t support men in being soft, gentle and emotional. When we’ve lost the Villages of Support that supported our ancestors.

Looking at these pictures, though..
My youngest now 6, my oldest 8.
Having made it through my divorce, the pandemic & a total overhaul of my life.
More inspired, more connected, more focused than ever..

I’m grateful. I feel like WOW. I MADE IT.
I wish I could go back in time and give the woman I once was a hug, let her know that it’s okay, that she is going to be okay, that it is all already okay.

That the spaces in between are the most fertile. That so many seeds were being planted during those moments. That even on those darkest days, during the toughest hours, when I thought it was all for nothing..

That I was mistaken - I wasn’t being buried.
I was being planted. And maybe, you have been, too. 🌱


Do you find yourself fantasizing about a life that doesn’t feel tangible for you? More time with your family? More money? In a different relationship or job?

You don’t have to settle.
You don’t have to watch the world around you be successful and happy, while you ‘fall behind.’

And don’t forget - chances are..
The people you are comparing yourself to probably aren’t happy fact, the majority of people you encounter on a daily basis ARE unsatisfied in some area of their lives.

We all are.

The difference lies in whether or not you decide to do anything about it.

Will you?
You deserve to live the life you’re dreaming about. ❤️

I am now booking 1:1 Intensives to help you to get clear about your plan for moving forward and making lasting change in your life. If you’re local, come to my next Village Meeting on 9/23.

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 13/09/2023

Wow. It’s been a few days since I got back from Columbus, OH, where I attended SUMMIT OF GREATNESS event.

I am SO grateful to have met some remarkable people. Events like these inspire me, anchor me and give me access to a vision of the future that I just can’t tap into when I am on my own.

I promise, you are right where you need to be. Every single thing that has ever happened to you has happened and is happening IN YOUR FAVOR.

You have a unique and specific experience to leverage - so let’s do it! ❤️

If you’re interested in connecting or working together, please comment below, DM me or check out my website 🥰


Biggest take-away from with : JUST TAKE THE LEAP. 😮‍💨 I’m in midair as you read this.. willing and ready to take the leap to my next level. Are you? 🔥


Do you have enough time to do all of the things you want to do on a daily/weekly basis?

Are you wanting to earn more money at your current job? Or maybe in a new way?

Are you tired of having to reinvent the wheel or come up with new ways of facing the same challenges because nothing seems to work?

I want you to join my 6 WEEK RESET that starts next week.

In it, we will be talking about the skills that I believe everyone needs to make and maintain change in their lives..

Starting with TIME-MANAGEMENT (which is my personal favorite).

I went from feeling like I NEVER HAD ENOUGH TIME for anything & being exhausted by 7pm every night to working in all of the things that are important to me and not wanting to go to sleep some days because I have so many incredible things in the works!

I want this for EVERYONE. I want to show you how to show up for yourself and live a life that is happier, healthier and more beautiful. YOU DESERVE IT.

Register at the link in my bio ❤️


I’m not perfect.

I let myself get distracted,
to wander off of my path.

Y’all let me tell you that
SPIRITUAL WARFARE is real and that there is a force that does not want us (heart-centered, spiritual, powerful, Christian people) to succeed.

How quickly can you snap back when you become aware that you are OFF OF YOUR PATH?

How quickly can you recognize a spiritual ATTACK?

How quickly can you identify when you are SELF-SABOTAGING and full of negative SELF-TALK?

How willing are you to admit when you are participating in behaviors and habits that ARE NOT SERVING YOU OR YOUR HIGHER PURPOSE?

Think about it.
You’re not perfect.
But you are CAPABLE and WORTHY
of MORE than the things you are settling for.

For those of you who are new to my world, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

Friendly reminder for all -
I’m available for 1:1 sessions (for coaching) and we have a Village meeting upcoming on 8/19. Links are in comments!

Let’s go! 🚀


Occasionally, a change in pace and perspective is required.

Give yourself permission to PACK A BAG AND GO. ✈️

It doesn’t have to be far, it doesn’t have to be fancy. It just has to be the thing that fills you, that fuels you.

I’ve heard before that you need to spend time in the places the heal you & inspire you. ✨ I couldn’t agree more.

Ask yourself - where can you go to heal? Where do you feel like you can experience peace, quiet and comfort? (For me, it is a local resort in the mountains.) 🏔️

And then - where can you go that’s inspirational? (For me, it’s NYC.. there are ideas and creativity up for grabs for anyone who is open to it!) 🏙️

And before I could make these two places happen (and even sometimes, still) I heal by being alone in my home, with my family or in the presence of a few select lady-friends 💕 of mine. And my inspiration would take place through reading, imagining and connecting with others virtually. 🖥️

Whatever the places are, however far, however simple or ridiculously bougie 🤑, give yourself permission to GOOOOOO.


When I originally started this whole self-help journey, I was a new mom, depressed, lonely..lost.

I realized one day that I had been showing up for EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE) but myself.

I made a commitment to myself,
a pact with God,
that I would forever pursue the person
He intended me to be.

Will you?


Are you feeling uncertain?

As I sit here, beginning my morning, I hear Pastor say “The presence of faith does not eliminate UNCERTAINTY.” (And that convicted me.)

As a Christian, as a life-long believer who has found herself lost and questioning on more than one occasion, it felt good and was validating to hear someone say this out loud.

Don’t get it twisted.
I need you to understand, that if you’re feeling alone, lost, confused, behind, in a state of lack or total depression, it’s okay.

God uses these moments in our lives to get us to exactly where we need to go. Having faith does not exempt us from experiencing difficulty. In fact, if you ask me, it makes us more susceptible.

What I want you to know is that I hear you. I see you. And actually, you’re not alone. I don’t think it is possible to be a human on this planet and NOT struggle with one of the things I mentioned above.

What I also want you to know is that I’ve dedicated the better portion of the past decade to relentlessly pursuing the woman God intends me to be - and I want to help you do the same.

If you’re feeling a tug, I’d love to meet you. I’m available for 1:1 sessions, having upcoming group events on 7/15 & 8/12/2023 and.. two spots left that I’d love to fill at my LAUNCH 🚀 event this weekend (July 1). Comment, message me or visit my website to learn more:

And remember:
“The presence of faith does not eliminate UNCERTAINTY.”

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 21/06/2023

“The kingdom of God needs women who believe in their gifts and refuse to neglect it.”

Pursue your Self and your GIFTS with me. Consider attending my upcoming LAUNCH 🚀 event in Canonsburg, PA on July 1.

OR - mark your calendar for our next Village Meeting taking place in Connellsville, PA on 7/15 ❤️

(Quote from Practice Your Gift, pg 1711, (in)courage Devotional Bible)


Happy to announce that there is STILL TIME to register for the upcoming LAUNCH event happening July 1 -- and at a discounted rate!

If you are looking for clarity, to get out of your funk, to be surrounded by others who are interested in and invested in you.. and to treat yourself to a day focused on relentlessly pursuing YOU.. you do not want to miss this! ❤️ Days like this are the days that have changed my life. What does this day have in store for you?

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 18/06/2023

Last night, we hosted a Village Meeting at CrossFit Uniontown. A small group, of all the people who needed to be there.

Years into having these meetings, it never ceases to amaze me that God has this beautiful way of creating each group in ways that I could never imagine.

For quite some time, my friend Kate and I hosted these meetings at our own brick & mortar space. As a result of COVID and some other unpredictable things in life, we left the space and begin having these meetings elsewhere - basically, wherever we could.

Then, for about the past year, the meetings have been on pause, while I dug in deep to my own healing and relentlessly pursued the woman God wants me to be.

During this time God made it clear, first as a whisper then as a shout.. “Bring back The Village.”

Needless to say, I realized why the meetings had to come back as I sat, nervously, facilitating the first one.

These meetings serve as a catalyst for life-changing events.

These meetings provide connection, support and understanding.

These meetings help people realize that they matter and that they are never alone.

They allow a space for us to discuss tools, resources and tips to start making change in life.

They allow space for us to laugh. To cry. To express ourselves in ways we do not get to on a daily basis.

I invite you to join my private Facebook group..where you’ll experience some of this support virtually and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming meetings.

Currently, the meetings are in-person in PA, but I’d like to start hosting them virtually, for all of you.



Who needs to PIVOT?! (IYKYK)

Upcoming Village Meeting in Uniontown, PA where I’ll be sharing some challenging and practical information on why you may be feeling anxious or stuck - and ways to pivot towards freedom.
^^ These groups are great if you’re feeling ALONE, like you need someone who GETS YOU, like you need a little spiritual pick me up & some motivation, support or inspiration.


Another event happening July 1 in Canonsburg, PA for those of you who are ready to LAUNCH 🚀 forward in your life, business or career.
^^ This is a day long event where I’ll be helping you get clear about what’s next on your to-do list.. along with some actionable strategy to actually GET THIS STUFF DONE! I‘m talking to those of you who are wanted to start a business, expand one, get clear on a passion project or take time to curate your own personal goals.

If you have questions or want a 1:1 session, let me know!

If you’re ready to register.. follow this link:


Coming to you from the Hilton Club in NYC -

Let me ask you:

What are you avoiding?
What dreams do you have that you aren’t following?
What ‘human’ and ‘material’ things are holding you back?

Did you know that it’s OKAY to want more?
You’re actually ALLOWED to strive for more, DREAM bigger, set goals?

Have you realized that you are (most likely) telling yourself that your family has to come first and therefore yours must come second.. or.. never?

Y’all - this group is about RELENTLESSLY pursuing yourself, the person God made you to be.

That starts with becoming aware with the fact that there are places in your life where you are UNSATISFIED.

There are places in your life where you are UNCOMFORTABLE.

There are things that you are AVOIDING.

Consider joining me for our upcoming Village Meeting on 6/17 in Uniontown, PA..

Or my upcoming LAUNCH 🚀 event in Canonsburg where we will have a FULL 👏🏻 DAY together to dive deep, strategize and leave feeling CONFIDENT in the pursuit of ourselves and our dreams.

You in?

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 02/05/2023

Happy to be 🏠 HOME.

The red eye flight from Alaska ➡️ Chicago kicked my butt, but I’m too excited about everything upcoming to go to sleep.

E is playing with her dolls, A is out cold 💤 and I just ordered takeout (because I have no groceries and even if I did, would not feel like cooking).

Coffee is warming up ☕️.
Laptop 💻 is nearby.
I’m catching up on the work I’ve missed while traveling & am planning for the next few weeks. 📅

So grateful to be living this life.
The 20-year-old me wouldn’t even know what to do with it.

What is something the version of you from 10 years ago would be proud of today? Tell me! 👇🏻👇🏻

Photos from Lady BEC, Inc.'s post 01/05/2023

If you enjoy Lewis Howes & his podcast School of Greatness please join my private FB group for a special opportunity to get his new book and attend his upcoming event in OHIO! 🔥

If you’ve never heard of Lewis, the podcast or his books, but find interest in the things I share here on social media.. you should probably check him out!

I have been listening to Lewis’ podcast for YEARS.. and have been picking up pieces from the incredible guests he has interviewed that have drastically changed my life.

Lewis’ story is incredible and reminds all of us that anything is possible.

I had the privilege of spending some time with him, his team and some other remarkably gifted people a few weeks ago in LA and I want as many people as possible to be able to have this experience.

With that being said - I’m attaching a ticket to Lewis’ event (in Ohio, in September 2023) to one of my upcoming events.

Are you coming?! ❤️

Link in comments! xo
Or reach out to me!

Floatation Therapy, with Dave Rapach 10/03/2023

New episode of The Credible Sources podcast now available everywhere you listen, including YOUTUBE!

This week, I chat with my friend Dave, owner of Levity Float Studio in Pittsburgh, PA. If you've been considering floatation therapy - tune into this episode to learn more about why you should book your appointment now.

Spoiler alert - Dave and his team at Levity make this float studio the ONLY place I want to float!

Floatation Therapy, with Dave Rapach This week’s episode features my friend Dave, owner of Levity Float Studio in Pittsburgh, PA.If you’re like me and are interested in unconventional means of c...


I started following years ago when I came across his podcast, The School of Greatness. Hundreds of episodes later, I get to be a part of his launch 🚀 team for his new book 📖 The GREATNESS Mindset. Go give Lewis a follow & check out the podcast anywhere that you listen in. And stay tuned here for some upcoming event information and offers that might just land you with a copy for yourself! 😚😉

Episode 15: Taking the Next Best Steps, with Rachel Rakovan 24/01/2023

New episode now available on The Credible Sources podcast (which can now be found on YouTube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts!)

Check out the YouTube version here!

Episode 15: Taking the Next Best Steps, with Rachel Rakovan Rachel Rakovan is a mom, humanitarian, environmental scientist and pageant/model coach. In this episode, Rachel and I chat about topics that skim the surface...

Episode 9: Mindfulness, Generational Trauma and So Much More, with Cynthia Berenyi by Credible Sources 31/01/2022

Happy Monday!

Another episode of The Credible Sources podcast is now available.

In this episode, my friend Cynthia Berenyi and I discuss her new book, So Much More, along with some other things like generational trauma, mindfulness and more!

You can listen to the podcast by clicking here:

Don't forget - if you open it on the Spotify app, you'll get to see the video conversation!

Episode 9: Mindfulness, Generational Trauma and So Much More, with Cynthia Berenyi by Credible Sources Cynthia and I discuss SO MUCH in this episode, including her new book, So Much More. If you're ready for this conversation packed with truth about grief, trauma, healing, forgiveness, compassion, mindfulness and liberation by breaking old patterns and listening to your own inner guidance.. buckle up...

Episode 7: Preparing for Joy, with Loren Kaylee by Credible Sources 17/01/2022

Happy Monday!

Another new episode is up on The Credible Sources Podcast and ready for YOU!

This episode features Loren Kaylee. In it, we discuss how to prepare for JOY on a daily basis, regardless of the obstacles and challenges we face.

Please tune in -- don't forget to leave a rating!

Episode 7: Preparing for Joy, with Loren Kaylee by Credible Sources In this episode, Loren and I discuss what it is like to live in a modern-day world that requires so much from us. She discusses the significance and power of prayer and how she actively prepares for joy. If you're interested in connecting with Loren, add her on Facebook or Instagram. To inquire abou...

Credible Sources • A podcast on Anchor 12/01/2022

Hey everyone!

A new episode of my Credible Sources podcast has dropped.

Thanks again to Rick Fike for joining me on this episode and to Ascension Studios for the support!

Credible Sources • A podcast on Anchor Your experience is enough. Tried, true, real advice from people who have actually experienced the situation you're going through.


Not only CAN you do it. You DESERVE to do it. GO DO the thing you’ve been journaling and dreaming about.



Good morning Poetry lovers


TONIGHT 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

5:15-5:45pm FREE YOGA with Nicole Lea Craig followed by a

FREE VILLAGE MEETING from 6-8pm 👏🏻👏🏻

Tonight’s topic at the meeting:

Register at the link in the comments so we know you’re coming! Donate if you feel called! 😘

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We are having our first Virtual Village Meeting TOMORROW (10/7) at 10am EST ❤️ The meeting is via Zoom & free to attend....
Our first virtual VILLAGE MEETING is happening this Saturday (10/7) at 10am EST ❤️ Show up for yourself the way that you...
PSA: TAKE THE LEAP! If you’re finding yourself unsatisfied in a particular area of your life, let’s fix it! You don’t ha...
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