No On Prop 20

No On Prop 20

Stop the Prison Spending Scam and vote NO on Prop 20! Ad paid for by Californians Against the Prison Spending Scam, No on Prop 20.

Committee major funding from
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Patricia Quillin
Committee on California


Endorsement: No on Proposition 20. Don't let police unions roll back justice reforms

LA Times: "Proposition 20 would be an untimely and ill-considered step backward for California. Voters can instead move their state forward by voting 'no.'" Proposition 20 is built on a package of falsehoods — spread by police unions — about three critical reforms.


Prop. 20 is a retrograde and racist prison spending scam. Californians should vote no

Just published in The Fresno Bee:

"California’s prison reforms are working. This is no time to turn our backs on justice. The Fresno Bee Editorial Board urges Californians to vote no on racist and retrograde Prop. 20." The prison guard union is spending millions to pass Prop. 20. because more prisoners mean more prison guards. | OPINION


Editorial: Reject Prop. 20’s return to a ‘lock ’em up’ justice system

People who commit violent crimes receive severe and lengthy sentences, often life in prison.

That's NOT what Prop 20 is about.

Prop 20 is a scam to spend millions more on prisons. California’s past tough-on-crime policies failed to lower crime, led to prison overcrowding and skyrocketing costs.


Editorial: Reject Prop. 20’s return to a ‘lock ’em up’ justice system

"The last thing California needs is a return to the tough-on-crime days of the 1990s that largely failed to lower crime rates and resulted in massive prison overcrowding and skyrocketing costs to taxpayers."

Vote NO on Prop 20! California’s past tough-on-crime policies failed to lower crime, led to prison overcrowding and skyrocketing costs.


California’s Proposition 20 Would Roll Back Years of Criminal Justice Reform

"The ballot initiative, supported by police, corporations, and even big grocery chains, would use more taxpayer money to incarcerate people, rather than invest in other social services."

Vote NO on Prop 20! The ballot initiative, supported by police, corporations, and even big grocery chains, would use more taxpayer money to incarcerate people, rather than invest in other social services.


Prop. 20 is a retrograde and racist prison spending scam. Californians should vote no

ICYMI: The Sacramento Bee says, "Prop. 20 is a retrograde and racist prison spending scam. Californians should vote NO" The prison guard union is spending millions to pass Prop. 20. because more prisoners mean more prison guards, writes The Editorial Board | OPINION


Opinion: Vote for fairness, not fear on Prop. 20 and Prop. 25

"Prop 20 is trying to get us to fearfully retreat from reforms that are showing clear evidence that they are working well... I urge you to reject [this] cynical attempt."

—Jeff Rosen, District Attorney of Santa Clara County Californians should back bail reform, reject return to ‘lock ’em up justice’