Ellan's Dailys

Ellan's Dailys

Growth has no age, s*x nor color. U CAN.


One day you'll understand that the people you thought you lost, were actually removed by God for your growth.


Remember that person you were dating and thought you'd end up with? It didn't work out right? You two broke up somehow.

Remember that much money you thought you'd make from doing that business? It somehow didn't turn out as expected right?
You got little or nothing out of it.

Most of us aren't where we planned to be in our childhood.

So many people have made us so many promises that they never fulfilled.
Not one.

What about the jobs and high positions we thought we'd get after achool? Instead we find ourselves struggling to meet up and get by right?

So you see, over and over again life will remind us that, things can't always go as planned.
That changes can occur.
So while preparing on what to do when it happens, also prepare on what to do when it doesn't happen.

It's more to say, while preparing for the best, don't forget to prepare for the worst.


Have you noticed that only poor people are possessed by demons?.
I mean, how common is it to see a rich man rolling on the floor in the church in the name of deliverance? Never.

Pastors always choose those meant for deliverance and avoid the rich men so he doesn't lose customers😂



That one person who isn't a Stanger anywhere.
Wherever they find themselves, they immediately start bonding with the people there as though they have known each other for long.

They chat, laugh, share and check on their neighbors always.

It takes them minutes to know their neighbors names and all.

People know when they're around and when they aren't.

They can sit next to a stranger in a bus and communicate with them as if they have met before.
They introduce new topics of discussion and make the conversation interesting.

Take them anywhere even if it's for the first time and they won't act like strangers there cos they will chat with everyone they find and flow effortlessly .

It's not being classless or anything. It's just them being themselves.

They got that socializing spirit and turn to create conversations and friendly relationships wherever they go.


Motives are best shown in actions not thoughts.

Ellan Official


People have a lot to tell you.
Especially all those grumbling and gossiping they do behind your back.

They plan to say it to your face so you know.
Just that they're not drunk or angry yet.
When they are, you will know exactly how they feel about you.

There is truth in the Wine.
And there is honesty in the rage.


Just as the rain pours, May the Universe shower its blessings on you this Day.


Keep pushing 💪


Exactly 💯


You wake up in the morning, stay in bed, think about your life and how things are going and you just can't help but shed tears.
You ask yourself what's going on. What's happening to you. Time is passing by and you are on the same spot battling one and same problems.

It's either your business keeps failing, the struggle to foot your pills keep increasing, or the means to feed keeps stressing you out.

At times you will think too much and develop headache and fever.
You are tired of asking for help from people who either mock you in the end, promise and fail you, or who never have to help you.

You go down on your knees to pray but tears won't let you as you cry, cry and cry.
You ask God why your life is like this.
Why can't you succeed like others? Why do your efforts keep going to waste?
Why do people keep disappointing you?

You even wonder if it's something you did in the past or its something someone said against you in the past that's working now in your life.

Well, that's the call of REALITY.
It gets so tough sometimes that we even feel like questioning our own existence.
But the truth I will tell you is that, be firm in your spirituality.
Life is more spiritual than physical.

Don't just relax and attribute everything to CHALLENGES.
Some challenges are not natural.

Draw closer to God and also, be positive that everything will be okay.
Very important. Victory starts in your thoughts.

Worries won't solve nothing.
Crying and drinking won't either.
Ellan Official


That feeling when the one person you thought could understand you the most and believe you always, is the one accusing and blaming you for something they heard. That one person you thought knew your DOs and DON'Ts, end up being the one to question your honesty and innocence.

They doubt your own side of the story and just go with their emotions. Doubting and accusing. Acting like you are the worst human being on earth.

It's a different kind of heartbreak 🥺
Tears and alcohol will even fail you to express how hurt you are.

EEllan OfficialOEllan Official


They say loosing is part of winning.

But there are some losses that can take a lifetime to get over.
Some losses that remains a loss forever with no win attached to it.

There are people we will lose that will never get replaced in our lives no matter who we meet next.

There are opportunities we will lose that we'll never get back no matter how many times we try.

There are friends that will be our truest and so irreplaceable forever.

So do get scared of losing cos it's costly to get back.
Don't treat them however you like thinking you can replace them when they leave.

Don't act anyhow thinking you can get it back or have better offers when you lose.

Some things and people are just irreplaceable so handle them with care and caution cos losing hurts so bad and may cost you your life, especially when you know that you are the reason for the losses.

Ellan Official


Dont be stupid and greedy enough to go ahead and accept anything from someone who has obviously showed they want something that you, have no intentions of giving.
Be it friendship, relationship, benefits or information.
Stay clear from the beginning that you are not interested and if they don't agree to doing things to you for free, bounce(leave).

Not every wings has an angel attached to it you know. Remember, witches fly too.

Just be careful how you accept favors and money from people who have directly or indirectly revealed their intentions towards you. Maybe via their words, how vulgar and dirty they talk to you, which makes you feel so uncomfortable.
It may not end well when they do all they do for you and end up not getting what they want from you.
You could get really hurt either spiritually or physically.

Stop thinking you can outsmart people. It's a dangerous world out there. People kill for the least things and get away with it.

If they want what you have no intentions of giving, say it and leave. Do NOT collect a dime from them thinking you can get away with it cos you didn't force them to give you. Lol

Very dangerous


Ask people why they go to church and some will say to worship God, others will say, to get cleansed from their sins, some will say cos the Bible says so, and others will say to prepare their path for heaven.

Different people, different reasons, but the same topic.

That's how it goes for every trend and every Vision.

People will always have different opinions about the breaking news of a celebrity same way they will have a different approach towards making money. The ideas will be different, the approach will be different, but the vision will be the same which is, to make money.
So instead of forcing them to focus on just yours which is highly impossible, why not let them be themselves?

Hundreds of Africans overseas yet they all didn't take the same route or process to travel there. But what was the main aim? To travel abroad right?

Your route is not the best or the only one simply because you think so or cos you succeeded through it.
Give people space to create their own route and learn their own lessons.


You have shared your problems with them enough but never really got any help or feel better. You have explained your plans to them enough but never really gotten any support.

It's high time you make your life a mystery to them.
Stop saying where you are, what you do, how you're fairing, or even the challenges you are facing.

You should know by now if their sole interest is to know if you're succeeding or not for their personal reasons, or if they really do care about your wellbeing.

Silence the voice of your plans, shut the doors of your problems, and swallow the secrets of your survival. Tell them NOTHING.

Just tell them you are fine and God is in control.

People are wicked.

Ellan Official



Sometimes we find it hard to pray as we don’t seem to see the result of our prayers. But if we know there is reward each time we pray, I’m sure most people would be motivated to pray more often. If amount of praying is directly related to the amount of reward we receive, then we will be praying all the time.

This is just to tell us that, results motivate people.

It's so hard to consistently do something when all you get is losses, disappointment, excuses and all.

Of course that guy will be discouraged to keep taking care of you and continue that relationship when all you do is cheat, lie, disrespect and neglect him. Cos he doesn't see the future in it. Why bother to invest where he won't possibly get any positive result right?

That employee is bound to quit when all you do is take advantage of their hardwork and enrich yourself while they get nothing in return. No promotion, no bonuses and no salary increment. They get fed up cos when they look at how their bills and responsibilities are choking them, they conclude that their hardwork under you, isn't encouraging in any way so its better to quit.

Even your parents get really passed when they you pay you rent, fees, give you allowance, but see no positive result in the end to encourage them. To reassure them that their efforts are worth it. You don't do well in school and expect them to be happy? Of course not.

Hardwork is like praying, and people will always expect an answer (good result) in the end else they may stop praying (give up on working).


People, when their country plays the Fifa finals football match :; We will bring the cup home. We will win.

Still people after loosing the finals :

The cup isn't even worth it. It's just a game😫. We just wanted to teach other countries a lesson they will never forget. We didn't even need the cup? 😂

Well, that was just a small demonstration of how much people praise you when they expect something from you and how they treat you when they couldn't get what they expected from you.


There is a lesson in everything.
The sports we watch, the jobs we do, the travels we make, etc.
A lesson in all
Just pay attention.


A word to a wise is SUFFICIENT.

When your words no longer move them, let your actions do.

When you consistently complain to them about something and they keep doing it, it's no longer a mistake but a choice. A willful act to provoke you. Stop talking and just Walk away.

You don't have to always explain yourself to them whenever rumors or blames come up. If they don't trust you enough to believe you and know what you can and can't do, then let it go and stop explaining. Just let them believe whatever and stay mute.

They always feel they can just apologize, say sweet words and make you stay each time they hurt you. You tell them to stop,they accept but do it all over again. Enough of the begging. Just Walk away.

I just believe that, whoever is for you, will do everything but stress and hurt you. Their best intentions will be to love, support and understand you. So if they continously do things that they know will hurt you, then I'm sorry but they don't respect you and care enough.

Sometimes just swallow your words and act. Especially when they least expect it.

The world is tough and wicked enough to be around people who add to your pain and stress


Don't inherit enemies.
You don't where life will lead you.

Don't follow the crowd.
Think out of the box, have a mind of your own.

Don't please people.
It won't stop them from being humans who are never satisfied and won't like you 💯.


May we not miss the opportunities in life to get ahead.

May we not reject the answers we need to gain knowledge.

May we not fight the people we need to lead the way.

May we not reject the solutions we need to solve our problems.

May we not use Gospel where BRAIN is needed.

We perish due to lack of knowledge.

We have the answer right infront of us but we choose to play victim, waiting for someone to come help us.


Women should not extract money from men in the guise of love when they know they feel nothing for them.


Men should not deny a pregnancy they know fully well they are responsible for.

That's a demonic act


Seek advice from someone who barely agree with you. That person you consider strict and jealous, they're actually honest and sugarcoat nothing to suit your ears.
They don't tell you what you wanna hear they tell you what you need to hear.

But you see that person that loves and supports you like tomorrow doesn't exist? They'll hardly keep it real with you cos they don't wanna hurt your feelings. Very few can damn the consequences and hit the nail on the head.

Even at home, we all have that sibling we run to for advice cos of their straightforwardness and honesty, and then we have that one we gist with when we wanna hear nice things about ourselves.


May the Universe cause blessings to rain on you today as you face today.



I really envy and admire Hausa people.

They are united than Christians and relatives put together.

They can never see their own somewhere and just pass without even greeting and checking to see if they're fine.

And to think this hausa driver, forfeited a 500frs drop to a ride to an hausa guy he saw trekking.

I have even witnessed a situation where one had to pay 90k (cash) to save a fellow hausa from a situation he met in the quarter.

I was like, "wow". Christian go tell you "pray, put God first, God in control, have faith," nye nye nye.

Christians are one of the most greedy set of people I have ever seen.

They think serving God is by going to church, carrying big Bibles, praying every second, avoiding alcohol, giving 1 million as tithe and fasting like Jesus.

Serving God is by serving mankind.
Have the heart for humanity


HELP is rare and so scarce these days.
So respect and appreciate whoever give it to you.

E no easy at all

We in a space where nobody has. Everyone is going through something.

No one have to give you.
Its either they tell you that they are going through worse than you.

So if someone sacrifices his/her time, money and recommendation for you, APPRECIATE like your life depends on it.



Some people are just too difficult communicate with.
They don't socialize much, always in their corner, doing their thing and minding their business.

But they can be the best friends to Confide in and they be there for you.
They can be the sweetest soul to befriend.


There is always that one sibling who blackmail you about everything.

It's either you're giving them money, your favorite shoe, bag, clothes, perfume etc.
Else, they're telling on you or not running an errand for you.
There must be an exchange

You either pay them to wash your clothes, bribe them to tell no one about your stuffs they know.
You either pay them to do the work Mom told you to do, or you're bribing them to take the fall for something you did.

It's always a business transaction. No kidding😂


The ones you want are always available when the ones that want you, finally have you.

It's only when you say yes to A that you will have B-Z options.

So in this life eh, there will always be options that will appear to be better than, finer than, more profitable than the one you chose.
It's left for you to control yourself and focus on what you have cos if you want everything, you might end up with nothing.


A very ungrateful person is somewhere right now telling people how ungrateful you are.

Life funny

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