Nelson Y. Howard, DDS

Nelson Y. Howard, DDS

"A person's smile is their Window to the World. It is my personal goal to make the world of each pers At Nelson Y.

A phenomenal dentist in San Marcos and Rancho Bernardo, Dr. Howard is dedicated to excellence and the highest quality of dentistry. He is highly skilled and artistic in full mouth restoration, conventional dentistry, and implant dentistry to permanently replace missing teeth. Dr. Howard's procedures also include endodontics, (root canal), extractions, teeth whitening, mouth guards, dentures and pa


Plaque doesn’t just build up on your teeth; it can also build up on your tongue! This can lead to a foul mouth odor, as well as several other potential oral health issues. You should gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth to help keep your whole mouth clean and problem-free!


Did you know that brushing your teeth too hard can be just as harmful as not brushing them at all? Overbrushing can wear down the enamel of your teeth, leading to painful sensitivity as well as increased vulnerability to cavities and decay. Both adults and children can have the tendency to overbrush, too.

One easy way to tell if you’re brushing too hard is if the bristles of your toothbrush are being squashed against your teeth – if so, ease up! Your pearly whites will thank you.


Do you ever notice yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth? It might also unknowingly occur during the night while you’re asleep, which can cause your jaw to feel sore when you wake up.

Often, teeth grinding and jaw clenching are related to bruxism, a condition that can lead to worn-down tooth enamel and excess strain on the temporomandibular joints, which connect your jaw to the rest of your skull. These problems won’t resolve on their own and can affect patients of any age; however, with professional intervention, these uncomfortable symptoms can be managed!


Who doesn’t love having fun under the summer sun? Not only is it a great way to pass the time, stay active, and work on your tan, but the UV rays from the sun also help your body produce vitamin D, which is essential for healthy teeth and bones! In this sense, getting some sun will quite literally benefit your smile this summer.

Just don’t forget to wear sunscreen; otherwise, the resulting sunburn will be quite a bummer!


Flossing is just as important as brushing, and it’s a habit you should strive to maintain daily this summer and beyond – and all you need is a pack of trusty, tried-and-true dental floss! But just be sure you’re only using that floss to carry out oral hygiene. As far-fetched as it sounds, in 1994, a West Virginia prison inmate braided a large amount of dental floss into a rope and used it to help escape from prison – he actually tried twice using this method and enjoyed a few weeks of freedom before being caught again!

Needless to say, this isn’t the intended use for floss, and you should stick to using it to clean between your teeth! 😁🦷 ✨


Today we celebrate Juneteenth, a significant milestone in our nation’s history. This day is a reminder of the resilience and strength of those who fought for their rights. Let’s continue to work towards a more inclusive and equitable future!


Our practice would like to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Father's Day!


Looking for snack options this summer? Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, celery, and other similar items aren’t just tasty and good for you – they’re good for your teeth! They can actually help to clean your teeth as you eat due to their fibrous texture. Plus, they aren’t high in sugars and starches compared to snacks like chips, crackers, cookies, and other unhealthy options.

This summer, it doesn’t hurt to be extra conscious about what you’re eating; your teeth will thank you! What’s your favorite tooth-friendly summertime snack?


We hope your summer is off to a fantastic start! Before you get too caught up in your festivities and fun under the sun, take a moment to recall when your last dental checkup was – we’re now about halfway through the calendar year, so if it’s been longer than six months, it's time to schedule your next visit!


Did you know that the technology for dental implants has been around for quite some time? In 1952, an orthopedic surgeon stumbled across an incredible discovery; while studying bones and regeneration, he found that titanium was able to fuse with the femur bone of a rabbit successfully. He hypothesized that this fusion could be utilized in other fields, such as dentistry – and now, over 5 million dental implants are placed annually in the US alone. Needless to say, dental implants are a groundbreaking innovation!


When we think about things that might potentially stain our teeth, coffee is often the first thing to come to mind. It’s true that this beloved beverage can cause dental staining, but it’s not the only consumable you should be mindful of. Red sauces and wines, blueberries and other kinds of berries, sodas, sports drinks, hard candies, and other similar items can all leave your teeth duller than usual. Remember, enjoying these items in moderation – and maintaining excellent oral hygiene – is a great way to ensure that your pearly whites remain sparkling bright!


Today is National Cheese Day! On this day, we celebrate the thousands of varieties of cheese in all their glory. Not only are certain cheeses absolutely delectable, but some can even help to protect teeth from decay by stimulating saliva flow. Not to mention, cheese is a great source of calcium, which vastly benefits your pearly whites. Celebrate today by indulging in your favorite cheesy delights!


With temperatures on the rise and summer approaching, you’ll probably find yourself cooling off with an iced beverage quite frequently in the upcoming months. But beware of those chilly ice cubes – chewing on them is actually quite harmful to your pearly whites! Biting into ice and other hard objects can damage the enamel layer of your teeth, or even lead to a chipped or fractured tooth.

Rather than chewing on your ice cubes after finishing your drink, ask for a refill to stay hydrated and cool!


With the school year coming to a close soon, you might be thinking about all of the fun summer plans you and your kids have. But before you get too busy, you should be sure to go ahead and schedule your child’s next dental visit before they return to school in the fall. Dental offices tend to fill up fast during this time of year, so give yourself the peace of mind of knowing that your family’s smiles will be looked after!


The connection between dental and overall health is simply outstanding, and it’s sometimes tough to believe just how interlinked our body is. One example of this has to do with gum health. Treating gum disease can help you in all sorts of ways, including lowering your blood sugar levels – which helps those with diabetes to maintain control of their condition. Needless to say, it’s just another reason to strive to maintain a healthy smile and body!


Our office would like to wish you and your loved ones a peaceful and pleasant Memorial Day! Stay safe and stay smiling.


With warmer temperatures approaching, you might find yourself enjoying the outdoors more in the upcoming months. But if you’re participating in contact sports, you’ll want to be sure you’re wearing a protective mouthguard to shield your teeth from a potential dental disaster! That way, you can continue to stay active and stay smiling.


What’s your favorite thing to drink when it’s hot outside? Most of us love to cool off with a chilly soda, refreshing lemonade, or a tall glass of iced tea – but did you know these drinks can be quite harmful to your teeth due to their high amounts of sugar? Enjoying them in moderation is okay, but at the end of the day, it’s always best to rehydrate with good old-fashioned water; it will only benefit your pearly whites!


Did you know that almost half of all adults are concerned about not having an attractive smile as they get older? Thankfully, these concerns can easily be addressed through regular dental care, in addition to simple procedures that can make you more confident in your smile. Your smile is too important to deny it from shining its brightest!


When we think about the types of health issues that can affect our overall wellness, we often don’t think about dental issues first. However, did you know that a staggering 87% of people say that poor oral health negatively impacts their lives? This figure only further emphasizes the importance of regular dental care – it simply helps us to feel great each and every day!


Let’s talk about mouthwash; it’s estimated that 201 million Americans use it regularly, but how does it benefit dental wellness? It essentially supplements the job done by brushing and flossing, meaning it’s just another surefire way to keep your teeth and gums healthy and happy!


Today is the first day of National Smile Month! This month is the perfect opportunity for all of us to work together toward promoting oral health education and smile awareness. Smiles are free, but their value is priceless; let’s brighten the world with our grins!


Have you ever noticed that you tend to chew more on one side of your mouth than the other? You aren’t imagining things – in fact, right-handed people tend to chew food on the right side of their mouth, while left-handed people tend to chew their food on the left side of their mouth. It’s just another way that each of our smiles is incredibly unique!


Happy National Root Canal Appreciation Day! Despite what you’ve heard about them, root canals aren’t painful, frightening, or dubious at all – in fact, they’re incredibly beneficial for your smile. If you’ve been told you need a root canal, don’t fret; your smile will thank you!


When you’re at the store picking out a tube of toothpaste to buy, do you ever consider the color? Apparently, most people tend to prefer blue toothpaste over other options, such as red. Perhaps this is because blue is more often associated with cleanliness – but whatever your preference is, any color of toothpaste can get the job done!


Happy Star Wars Day! Just like any wise and powerful Jedi would, be sure you're taking great care of your teeth, and may the Force be with you on this exciting day!


With summer right around the corner and warmer temperatures on the way, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated – but did you know that this greatly benefits your teeth? Dehydration can cause dry mouth, which increases the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease. If you’re planning on being out and about a lot during these upcoming months, be sure to carry a refillable water bottle with you; your pearly whites will appreciate it!


We use around 3 million miles worth of dental floss every year, which is a pretty large amount. That said, it’s still only around 3% of the distance from the Earth to the sun!


Many people think that putting a cap on their toothbrush before storing it is a good idea, but it is not. Doing so can trap moisture and encourage the growth of microbes and harmful bacteria that lead to oral health issues, according to the American Dental Association. That said, after you’ve finished brushing, rinse your brush off with hot water and put it far away from contaminants in an upright position, completely uncovered so that it can air dry as necessary!


Did you know that your teeth are just as unique as your fingerprints? Whether it’s the baby teeth that serve us in childhood or the permanent ones that we have in our adult years, no two teeth are exactly the same shape and size, and this varies greatly from person to person. And despite their unique properties, teeth can indicate certain information about us, like our age, gender, and personality!

What do your teeth say about you? 😁 🦷 ✨

San Marcos & Rancho Bernardo Dentist

A phenomenal dentist in San Marcos and Rancho Bernardo, Dr. Howard is dedicated to excellence and the highest quality of dentistry. He is highly skilled and artistic in full mouth restoration, conventional dentistry, and implant dentistry to permanently replace missing teeth. Dr. Howard's procedures also include endodontics, (root canal), extractions, teeth whitening, mouth guards, dentures and partials.

At Nelson Y. Howard, DDS, Dental Artistry and Aesthetic Enhancements, you’ll find all of the dental services you need to have a smile that is healthy and attractive. With office in San Marcos, CA and San Diego, CA, Dr. Howard and his skilled team of dental hygienists and dental assistants are able to provide exceptional care to many of our friends and neighbors in the region. Additionally, patients travel from as far away as Texas and Washington, D.C. to take advantage of Dr. Howard’s outstanding skill in the art and science of cosmetic dentistry. In fact, Dr. Howard was the first dentist in North San Diego County to become an Accredited Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
If you are looking to enhance the appearance of your smile, you won’t find a more qualified, skilled or compassionate dentist that Dr. Howard.
Our office also provides preventive and restorative dentistry, as well as sedation dentistry, laser dentistry and periodontal therapy.

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 15:00