Tracy's M.O.

Tracy's M.O.

Tracy's M.O.

(Modus Operandi) Recipe
Start with Dear Abby
Add a dash of Judge Judy
A smidgen of Oprah
A sprinkle of Sandra Bullock
A pinch of Rosa Parks
Shake in some Delilah

665 FBI employees left agency after misconduct investigations: whistleblower disclosure 08/10/2022

This article came out the same day as my interview.

665 FBI employees left agency after misconduct investigations: whistleblower disclosure Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he obtained internal records from a whistleblower alleging 665 FBI employees retired or resigned following misconduct investigations to avoid receiving final disci…


WHAT'S BIGGER THAN THE FBI? "THE LINEUP SERIES" | THE CHAT SESSION In this edition of The Chat Session: "The Lineup" Series, your hosts Rodney Allen Rippy, Nina, & Jefferson have a chat with Author & former FBI agent Tracy S...

3 Tips for FBI Fi****ms + Bonus from Former FBI Agent 28/11/2020

3 Tips for FBI Fi****ms + Bonus from Former FBI Agent 3 Tips for FBI Fi****ms + Bonus FBI Training - Quantico, VA Former FBI Agent Get Tracy's Book, "God Is Bigger Than Your FBI" - Website...

No voting system deleted or lost votes in U.S. election: security groups 14/11/2020

If there is voter fraud... where is it?

No voting system deleted or lost votes in U.S. election: security groups Election security officials have no evidence that ballots were deleted or lost by voting systems in this month's U.S. election, two security groups said in a statement released on Thursday by the lead U.S. cybersecurity agency.


No matter who you voted for - we are NOT enemies! 🇺🇸


Trick or Treat Turn & Yell - Halloween Fun in 2020 -

Jeffrey's Heart Attack - 7/3/2020 27/08/2020

Sorry I tucked away...again! Jeffrey had a set-back on 8/5. He passed out, hit his head, and had a seizure. More testing ahead but they've reduced his meds a LOT so today is his 3rd non-dizzy day in a row. Thank God!

PLEASE keep him in your prayers. He's soooooooo frustrated!

If you've sent me a message and I haven't responded, please accept my apology - and text me.

If you missed it, his Heart Attack video is at:

I'm trying to get approvals to make the passing out video public. Right now it's just for his doctors.

Jeffrey's Heart Attack - 7/3/2020 Jeffrey recounts his Heart Attack on 7/3/2020 - with HEMSI Paramedic Deanna, his wife Tracy, and special friends Donathan, Kelly, and Kathy. ***WARNING: Flas...


I tucked away since Jeffrey's Heart Attack. My apology for not responding to messages. I'll get caught up this week. Below is the link to the videos I did:

1) Jeffrey's Heart Attack - 7/3/2020 is him recounting what happened - with Paramedic Deanna, me, and 3 special friends. (~90 minutes):

2) Angels of Mercy - Paramedic Deanna is from her perspective. (~40 minutes):

Together they make a full "Movie Night".

The link below takes you to both videos:


Jeffrey (my husband) had a heart attack July 3rd. Ambulance took him to the hospital and his heart stopped. They got him back quickly (no heart or brain damage) - and put in a stent. He's home resting now. I've been MIA on social media and slowly catching up.

The petition to "Fix the FBI" still needs your signature. If you signed the first one, it's archived now and doesn't count. The NEW petition needs your signature and is only open until July 26th. If you are part of this group - please take 2 minutes to sign the petition and when they send you an email - verify your signature.

Fix the FBI 26/06/2020

My YouTube Channel was just reinstated so you can see the video at:

A new petition was just created so please sign ASAP to get the signatures needed for a White House response:

Fix the FBI Sign the petition: After 150 signatures, the petition becomes publically searchable on the "We The People...

Home 25/06/2020

Updates about the petition are on my website:

or on the public facebook group: Make a Difference!

Home From Actor to FBI Agent, experience allows me to provide measured, thoughtful, and honest advice as your Life Coach.


Please join the Public facebook group, "Make a Difference!"

Fix the FBI | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government 05/06/2020

Please sign (and verify your email) - the White House Petition to create a White House/DOJ "FBI Clean Up Task Force"

I was on the inside of the FBI as a Special Agent (SA) for 9 years. I know where the cracks are and what needs to be done to Fix the FBI. Two (2) additional former SAs will be proposed to lead the "FBI Clean Up Task Force". We worked together on the largest Counter-Intelligence case in the FBI and can get the job done!

The FBI has demonstrated that it does not have the inclination or the ability to clean up their own agency and it must be done by an outside entity, with full support and authority of the White House and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The "FBI Clean Up Task Force" will focus on the 5-year Polygraph/Re-Investigation currently in place and will direct changes to administer the Re-Investigations correctly to identify any personnel that lie, cheat, and steal. Personnel that fail the Re-Investigation will be dismissed. This is not a "Witch Hunt" - it is improving a process to make it effective so the great SAs can continue doing their job, without the distraction and chaos imposed by corrupt individuals.

Fix the FBI | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government There is overwhelming evidence that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is corrupt and needs to be cleaned up. Special Agents (SAs)/Employees at any level must be held to the standard not to lie, cheat, and/or steal. In January 1994, corruption within the FBI was so prevalent that Director Lou...

Former FBI Agent Releases "Fix the FBI" Video Asking Americans to Sign a White House Petition for Positive Change 03/06/2020 your friends and ask them to sign the petition. It needs 150 signatures before it is searchable on the site "We The People". Once it's searchable, the people that go to that site to see what they can sign will be able to see it...and sign it!

My YouTube Channel was reinstated 6/26/2020 and a new petition was just put up:

The Press Release went out today so you can search Google "Fix the FBI" and it's the first result.
/PRNewswire/ -- Former FBI Special Agent (SA) Tracy Baldwin Swayne created a 7:14 minute video about the FBI, the Michael Flynn case, and asking Americans to...

Former FBI Agent Releases "Fix the FBI" Video Asking Americans to Sign a White House Petition for Positive Change /PRNewswire/ -- Former FBI Special Agent (SA) Tracy Baldwin Swayne created a 7:14 minute video about the FBI, the Michael Flynn case, and asking Americans to...

Sidney Powell | How to Fix Justice 27/05/2020

3 people have said they don't think the FBI corruption is "that bad". Watch this and get educated...Michael Flynn's attorney, Sidney Powell.

Sidney Powell | How to Fix Justice Sidney Powell has practiced law for many years, primarily in the fifth U.S. circuit court of appeals. Support Hillsdale College: https://secured.hillsdale.ed...

Tracy's M.O. 25/05/2020

I am asking for your help with a very disturbing situation.

Please forward the information below. I have sent it to every news outlet I can think of. If it comes from different people, maybe they will listen.

I am a former female FBI Special Agent. YouTube terminated my new Channel with 1 video in 1 day. The video, “Fix the FBI” can now be seen on BitChute. The ~ 7 ½ minute video was about FBI corruption, the Michael Flynn case, and asking people to sign a White House petition to create a White House/DOJ FBI Clean Up Task Force.

Fix the FBI: Video on BitChute:…

I appealed to YouTube and they are upholding their decision. I was notified I cannot appeal again. Their Community Guidelines and Terms of Service state that if a content creator does something in violation of their policy, they will receive an email notification and a warning. The next infringement would result in a Strike. With 3 strikes in 90 days, the Channel will be terminated. A“Termination” by YouTube means I am banned for life. I cannot own another YouTube channel. That puts me in the same category as pornographers, hate speech, predatory behavior, harassment, etc.

Again, this all happened with 1 video in 1 day.

I discovered my new Channel was gone, and friends that had the video link told me they were getting a notice that the Channel was Terminated when they clicked on the link: I then contacted “TeamYouTube” on Twitter. They responded, “If your appeal has been rejected, then there's nothing more we can do to reinstate the channel”.

The video was uploaded Thursday, 5/14/2020 and the Channel was terminated on Friday, 5/15/2020. This needs to be corrected. I am talking about the 1st Amendment (to Petition our Government) in the video and YouTube violated their own policies to silence me.

I am now getting consistent feedback that people are AFRAID to sign the petition due to fear of reprisal.

My book, God Is Bigger Than Your FBI, describing the corruption I endured was published in 2008: To my knowledge, the individuals I dealt with are retired or deceased.

I would appreciate anything you can do to help in this matter. It is very disturbing to me that people are afraid to put their name on a White House petition for positive change. Even very educated people with this fear have said, “I don’t know what will happen, but it’s the FBI. They have a lot of power and I don’t want my head chopped off.”

Tracy Baldwin Swayne
My website is

Tracy's M.O. Fix the FBI


I know some people (who saw the video on YouTube) were reluctant to sign the Petition to Fix the FBI because they don't want to get involved for fear of reprisal. What happened with my YouTube Channel being Terminated in 1 day also feeds that fear. I put the video on BitChute so it's available for those who are interested in positive change. This is not a battle against the FBI - it's identifying a way to funnel the FBI workforce through a process (already in place) that with modifications to make it effective, will result in a great FBI.

Tracy's M.O. 18/05/2020

Fix the FBI Video: YouTube Deleted My New Channel with 1 Video in 1 Day

Fix the FBI: Video on BitChute:

YouTube deleted my new Channel with 1 video in 1 day. I appealed over the weekend and they are upholding their decision and I was notified I cannot appeal again. Their Community Guidelines and Terms of Service state that if a content creator does something in violation of their policy, they will receive an email notification and a warning. The next infringement would result in a Strike. With 3 strikes in 90 days, the Channel will be terminated. I had 1 video in 1 day and my Channel was terminated. I did not violate their policies.

I never received an email or notification of any kind that my Channel was terminated. I discovered my new Channel was gone, and friends that had the video link told me they were getting a notice that the Channel was Terminated when they clicked on the link: I then contacted “TeamYouTube” on Twitter. They responded, “If your appeal has been rejected, then there's nothing more we can do to reinstate the channel”.

I am a former FBI Special Agent and the ~ 7 ½ minute video was about FBI corruption, the Michael Flynn case, and asking people to sign a White House petition to create a White House/DOJ FBI Clean Up Task Force. I sent the video link to my friends and news outlets that I selected, and commented on 1 YouTube Channel video about training at FBI Quantico.

The video was uploaded Thursday, 5/14/2020 and the Channel was terminated on Friday, 5/15/2020. This needs to be corrected. I am talking about the 1st Amendment (to Petition our Government) in the video and YouTube violated their own policies to silence me.

Tracy's M.O. Fix the FBI

Fix the FBI 14/05/2020

Fix the FBI Video can be seen at:

Sign the Petition:

YouTube deleted my new Channel with one video in one day. No strikes, no notifications. That's against their own Community Guidelines and Terms of Service so I'm trying to get it reinstated.

Fix the FBI Sign the petition: About Former FBI SA Tracy L. Baldwin Swayne: 3/1997 – 3/2006. She successfully conducted...