

Your number one ground school solution! The AeroBuddy iOS app gives you access to theory content for


Calling all students! We want your exam feedback to help build the bank! Send us any feedback from your e-exams, and we will reward you with free content! It’s as simple as that.


LOC-I is a real danger. Improve the safety of your flying with our UPRT course, courtesy of !

Repost: LOC-I (Loss of Control-Inflight) sounds like statistical jargon but it stubbornly remains the top cause of fatal private and commercial accidents in the UK and across the World. Upset Prevention and Recovery training has made huge strides to mitigate the risk across the industry - our course, especially tailored for private flyers, and delivered by UPRT specialists, will give you knowledge and skills to prevent you becoming part of the statistics 👍


Are you a PPL student? We want your exam feedback! If you can remember the questions from your PPL exams, we will reward you with free ground school. It's as simple as that!