

HaLo is a project name making music collaborating with many artists in the world. the released album


the NHK documentary will be re-broadcast on 19th monday 2425-2524. it is about the love from child and parents, but not only autism.
Nov. 19th 2425-2524 on NHK


narrated a documentary on families, the mother or wife with dementia over more than 3 years of covid 19.

it will be broadcast from 22:00 on saturday,”june 10, 2023, on NHK channel 1 as NHK special.

the time when families couldn’t meet affected the families and the person and meeting and the time together should make changes.


1/4(水)20放送ハートネットTV 「我がままに生きて ある重度障害者 最後の日々」ナレーション担当しました|ayako_HaLo|note 02/01/2023

How did Mr Yoshida, a severely disabled person, live independently in the community and seek freedom until the day he passed away? This documentary program asks the question of a society that is easy for all of us to live in.

20:00-20:30 January 4, Wednesday, 2023

1/4(水)20放送ハートネットTV 「我がままに生きて ある重度障害者 最後の日々」ナレーション担当しました|ayako_HaLo|note 合理化の元に、無人化が進んでいるJR九州管内の駅を利用し続けてきた吉田春美さん。吉田さんの幸せや楽しみを通して、誰もが自由に暮らせる社会って、どうやったら作れるんだろうと感じています。裁判は続いています....

12/17 23:00 NHK BS1放送「軍人スポークスマンの戦争〜大本営発表の真実〜」語りを担当しました|ayako_HaLo|note 08/12/2022

narrated a documentary on the spokes soldiers and the reading text during the world war 2. it will be broadcast on dec.17 23:00 on NHK BS1.

12/17 23:00 NHK BS1放送「軍人スポークスマンの戦争〜大本営発表の真実〜」語りを担当しました|ayako_HaLo|note NHK BS1放送のドキュメンタリーの語りを担当しました。 放送は、12月17日(土)2300-2429 「軍人スポークスマンの戦争〜大本営発表の真実〜」 https://www.nhk.jp/p/ts/R3J4Z41RL5/ 大本営発表を読み上げていたスポークスマンたちの人と....

【公式番宣】【ドキュメンタリー】幻のノーベル賞~物理学者戸塚洋二が遺したもの~ 06/10/2022

narrated the documentary on the astrophysicist Yoji Totsuka who passed away before receiving the Nobel Prize.

【公式番宣】【ドキュメンタリー】幻のノーベル賞~物理学者戸塚洋二が遺したもの~ #テレビ静岡 2022年10月10日(月・祝)午後3時25分放送ノーベル物理学賞を確実視されながら、2008年、病でこの世を去った物理学者・戸塚洋二さんが遺したものとは。母校である静岡県立富士高等学校・新聞部の生徒ととも...


narrated a documentary on the people who had suffered from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. They had to survive not only from the bomb itself, but also from the prejudice and the fact that was ignored by the Japanese government. There were people who stood up and fought. Broadcast on Sunday morning. Dec.12.2021, 6:10-6:40am on NHK channel 1 Mokugeki Nippon (Witness Japan)


narrated a documentary on the female war-support association quickly spread around whole japan territory at the war time.
why was it expand so rapidly?
how did the good motivation manipulated?

nhk special ‘ladies behind the war’ 21:00- august 14, 2021


narrated a heartnet tv documentary on the court trial on withdrawing staffs from small train stations. the handicapped who needs help getting on and out had lost freedom of activities. their slogan is let’s make the trial enjoyable for everyone.

2021年8月10日(火) 午後8時00分 〜 午後8時