Analog Rituals

Analog Rituals

Make the most of your time.


It’s great to give yourself time to adjust to waking earlier, even if you’ve only been trying to wake 10-20 minutes earlier than normal. The mind and body take time to adjust to a changing sleep schedule, so I recommend a very gradual change, where you give yourself time to adjust.
In addition, I suggest that you spend this week making this a mindful space for yourself:
- Have an intentional start, instead of just stumbling into your morning tasks.
- Treat the time as a meditation, trying to be as present as you can during this time, not just rushing through it, not just treating it like another task on your list.
- Pick specific areas of your house or any location where you can have peace to do certain activities. These will be your sacred spaces.
- Treat every task that you do in your space as sacred
- Find gratitude for every single moment during your activities in these spaces.
Notice whether you are committed to this sacred space. Is it important to you? If not, you should find another place more important for you.
- Can you be more committed? Find a way to be deeply committed.




Once you start your day on the right foot, you need to make the most critical decision: what to do with your first hour.

It is different for each person. Experiment and see what works for you. A few examples that are known to work are:
1. meditation
2. journaling
3. reflection and gratitude
4. light workout (stretches, yoga, light walk, or jogging)

See what works best for you and don't forget: go step by step!


That first hour starts our day when we haven’t done anything else yet. You haven’t checked your messages, gotten caught up in the chaos of your day, or allowed yourself to wander on the vast sea of the internet... And in that blank slate, you get to decide what to do, and this will set the mood for the rest of the day, so make it worth it. On our first day, the first challenge is to wake up early. Quiet, slow mornings and early sun give us the most energy to get through the rest of the day. They bring calmness and the energy of a new beginning. They provide you with time to set your routine. In order to wake up early, you should:
a. Wake up 2 or 3 hours before you usually start your working day (6 AM- 7 AM).
b. Use a light/ solar alarm
c. Have things ready to go, so you have plenty of time
d. Set a morning routine (day 2)


Happy new year to our Analogic audience! We truly hope that this year brings to you all the happiness and growth that your soul craves. Always remember that you are the captain of your own boat called "life". Just take the time to grab the rudder and sail to your goal.


Have you tried to pick up a new habit just to be discouraged from doing so the moment you start to fail?
We all see habits as a significant change that will transform our lives in a couple of months. "I’ll start working out and I'll change my body", "I’ll eat healthier to live longer", "I’ll read at least one book a month to be wiser". But, these "Big changes" are impossible to achieve without first going through small changes, changes so small that they are nearly impossible to fail and will encourage you to continue doing them and even do more step by step and they'll make you able to achieve your goals.


We all are afraid to fail, but that's life. You'll fall, and you'll get back up being a better human being.
