Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness

Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness, Health & Wellness Website, .

Timeline photos 02/08/2020

When you try to control everything and everyone, you enjoy nothing. Sometimes you just need to relax, breathe, let go and live in the moment 🌿🌲

Everything will figure itself out so take today to focus on the things you can control and leave the rest aside 😊

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

Reminder before the long weekend:

Life is the damn cookie😊🍪

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

What makes you happy? 🤔

That can be a very tough question for people to answer. For me right now, a good personal development book, some pump up tunes, a face mask and a night in with myself.

In the past, I relied my happiness on other people and things. I always had to be doing something and I couldn’t be alone.

It’s crazy how working on yourself internally can make a huge impact on your life. The fact that I used to HATE being alone and now I crave it all because I decided to make my mental health as a priority.

I am a firm believer and from my own experience that physical change won’t work unless you mentally change first. Don’t get me wrong the physical results are great but the inside results have made me the happiest person I’ve ever been. No physical result could give me that.

Don’t be afraid of change, embrace it and be proud of yourself for putting your happiness first! It’s not an easy thing to do but it’s well worth it!

Comment below what makes you happy! ⬇️

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

Since my injury 5 months ago I have done a lot of reflection on how I want view fitness going forward. I am sharing these reflections in hopes that I can spread some light on the importance of taking care of yourself and listening to your body.

How I viewed fitness before my injury: working out intensely everyday to become the leanest version of myself, doing whatever it took to get there. This made me exhausted, unhappy and stressed. I struggled to sleep through the night, was taking on too much and neglected the signs my body was giving me to slow down and that resulted in my knee injury.

How I view fitness after having my injury:
Moving my body for at least 30 mins a day. I don’t focus on the end result but more on how I want to feel vs look. Some days it’s just yoga and stretching or it’s a high intensity workout. I don’t punish myself anymore for eating the pizza or ice cream but celebrate with how far I’ve come with my relationship with food. I have become a less anxious person and have started living life not wanting to look a certain way but to enjoy the process by doing the things I love that make me feel good.

This is my reminder to YOU that your body knows you best and those gut instincts you feel are an indication that something isn’t right. Don’t ignore it, take your time to work through it and know that the hard times won’t last forever.

From my experience and looking back I am grateful for that hard time because it has made me understand the value of health and taking care of yourself. I wouldn’t change any of it because it’s brought me to this moment, the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been.

Timeline photos 04/07/2020

Week ✌🏻 of Barre Blend done and I think my smile says it all!

For those of you who know me I have no coordination or flexibility so this program was last on my list to do but it has surprisingly been one of my favourite so far! Barre has pushed me out of my comfort zone and I feel stronger from using only 2lbs weights and a chair💪🏻

I am very happy that my Netflix for fitness has programs for all fitness levels and has helped my transition back into working out from my injury so easy!

I know how it feels to be lost on what workouts to do or what to eat to reach your fitness goals. I’m here to help you find a workout program specific to your goals and show you that you can eat the foods you love without eliminating them and still get amazing results.

We are always welcoming more people to our amazing supportive fitness community and want to extend the invitation. If YOU are ready to take control and go all in to find a healthy balance in your life, let’s chat!!

Timeline photos 19/06/2020

My reality for the last few months = Physiotherapy

I was working out 7 days a week and also training for a 10km race. My warm up and cool downs were nonexistent. I had never trained for a long distance race before and pushed myself a little too far.

One day working out I felt a sharp pain up my knee that I’ve never felt before. I immediately stopped working out and tried seeking help but was frustrated because the pandemic just started and everything was closing but I found a physiotherapist who was doing virtual treatments. It was weird that she never got to see my knee but It’s been 3 months working with her and the pain in my knee has decreased so much!

Im happy I took this time to really focus on my therapy and recovery because I have learned a lot about my body and how to protect my knee going forward. I can’t wait to get back to my amazing online workout programs next week and I want to share some helpful tips on how to avoid a knee injury:

1. Wear proper footwear - do your research (for anyone with flat feet or bunions like me ASICS will be your best friend)
2. Take at least 2 rest days a week (yoga and walking are good options if you still want to move)
3. Warm up for 10 minutes with dynamic stretches and cool down for 15 minutes targeting the areas where you feel pain or want relief
4. Ice for 10 mins if sore after exercise
5. Foam roll both morning and night (for knee or leg pain do the ITB and quad muscle) for 30 seconds each side x2
6. If running make sure your stride is short with the middle of the foot hitting the ground (this will decrease the amount of pressure being put on your knees)
7. If you like long distance running do alternating jog/walk to build up your stamina. Starting with 50/50 then each week changing the equation by 10% (ex. 55/45)

Timeline photos 27/02/2020

Your journey is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
It may take a long time, or it may take a short time to see results.
You will have good days and you will have bad days.
It will be tough, and you may want to quit.
But you must remember that good things take time and commitment.
This is not a fad diet, it’s a healthy lifestyle.
If you want to get the results you have to work hard and keep going.
Challenge yourself and prove your negative thoughts wrong.
Because you deserve to be happy, healthy and live the life you want confidently!

Photos from Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness's post 25/02/2020

Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Bars 🍫🥜

1 scoop chocolate superfoods or protein powder
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup dry rolled oats
1/2 cup peanut butter (to be healthier you can use natural pb)
1/2 large ripe banana, mashed
Parchment paper


1. Combine superfood shake/protein powder, cocoa and oats in a large bowl. Mix well
2. Add peanut butter and banana, mix with spatula or hands (recommending using hands)
3. Place parchment paper in an 8x8 inch pan and add oat mix into pan (flatten and spread evenly).
4. Freeze for 3 hours, cut into pieces, serve and enjoy!
@ Bolton, Ontario

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

Important takeaway from the personal development book I just finished reading 📖

We each have a beach bum and a millionaire inside of us.

A potential failure or a potential success.

We each get to decide how things turn out and the direction of our life.

This hit me HARD!

Sometimes we need to check ourselves and be reminded that our daily actions have to be able to get us to our end goals. Keep grinding everyday if you want to see big changes!

Timeline photos 20/02/2020

Surround yourself with people who:

Push YOU
Challenge YOU
Make YOU Laugh
Make YOU Better
Make YOU Happy

I am very grateful to be surrounded by such amazing ladies who constantly push me daily to become the best version of myself!

Life isn’t meant to be done alone. Find your tribe, love them hard, enjoy your journey freely and loyally together ❤️

Timeline photos 18/02/2020

This is your Tuesday morning reminder that YOU are strong, capable and can handle anything that this day or week may throw at you! 😊

Timeline photos 14/02/2020

How is this my life? I get to work on becoming the best version of myself (mentally and physically), help others on their journey to becoming the best version of themselves and to top that all off I GET PAID FOR IT!

I just got my third coaching paycheck and it honestly feels so amazing to finally find something that I am passionate about. Knowing that I have an amazing team who want ME and trust ME to help them reach their goals makes my heart so happy.

These programs have given me the BEST results and I have met some of my best friends through coaching. This is all because I said yes to this opportunity, I paid $186 to work on becoming the best version of myself, meet friends, join an amazing community of likeminded ladies who support one another and have the chance to earn trips. I can confidently say that was the best $186 I have ever spent. I currently have promos codes for an additional $10 off and with purchase you can get a free box of the pumpkin spice shake ($90 value for FREE). To break it down for you that is only $45 a week for 1 month to change your life 🤔

So, what’s holding you back? I know you all have $186 but I bet it’s because you don’t believe in yourself. Girl, I’m here to tell you that as your future coach I believe in you, you are capable of amazing things you just have to let go of your excuses and say YES to doing the damn thing!

I’m inviting all of you to join me on this amazing journey because the only thing I regret is not starting sooner!

Photos from Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness's post 11/02/2020

We over complicate nutrition.

Eat your veggies.�Fill up on protein.�Use only good carbs as fuel.�Drink more water for mental/physical clarity.

I wrote out my meals for the week, went grocery shopping and prepped them in a couple of hours. Having my meals prepped gives me no reason for me to go off my meal plan.

I measure all of my food groups into convenient containers so I am getting the right portion of each type of food. No weighing, no counting, no restrictions, just measuring and enjoying!

This nutrition program is amazing because it allows me to enjoy the foods I love (carbs) and without these restrictions I have a better relationship with food. Nutrition doesn’t have to be hard when you have the right tools and mindset towards what you’re eating!

Swipe to see the finished plan approved product! 😋
@ Bolton, Ontario

Timeline photos 09/02/2020

Maybe you’re having a hard time loving your body.
Maybe you’re having a hard time at your job.
Maybe you’re having a hard time getting out of bed.
Maybe you’re having a hard time with your nutrition.

Whatever it is, be proud of exactly where you are right now on your journey! Even though it may be hard that you’re not where you want to be don’t forget to show yourself some love today ❤️

Tomorrow is a new day to strive towards what you want! Keep going, don’t give up and prove to yourself that you are stronger than you think!

Timeline photos 07/02/2020

Post workout feels this morning: Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. Not a punishment for what you ate.

Did I feel like working out today? NOPE
Did I let my excuses get to me? NOPE
Did I feel better after my workout? HELL YA 👍🏻

No, it’s not always going to be easy but let me tell you it will 1000% be worth it! I have my share of hard days (anxiety attacks and the occasional date with Ben and Jerry) but I decided that I was tired of making excuses and this was the year I wanted to prove to myself that I had it in me.


Keep fighting.
Keep dreaming.
Never settle.
Believe in yourself.
Listen to your body.
Love yourself fully everyday.

Once you find your reason to start, you’ll never want to stop! 💕

Timeline photos 04/02/2020

Left:�• Underweight from no appetite�• Mentally, emotionally and physically drained �• In denial of health and mental state

Right:�• Eating ENOUGH for my body�• Smiling through genuine happiness�• Not perfect but learning through the ups and downs

My journey has been a crazy rollarcoaster ride. I’ve been underweight. I’ve been chubby. I’ve been fit. I’ve struggled with anxiety. I’ve struggled with body dysmorphia. I’ve struggled with binge eating. All I can say is through my journey I stayed in an unhappy place for too long. It’s taken a lot of work but I wouldn’t change anything about it because it has brought me to where I am today, living a balanced, healthy and happy lifestyle.

Wherever you are in your journey (want to lose weight, gain muscle, learn how to eat better, work on having a better mindset or need accountability or support) just KNOW that it’s up to you to make the next move. You do not have to wait until tomorrow, next week or next year. DO IT NOW! Even better, LETS DO IT TOGETHER!

Photos from Jessie Harwood: Strive4Strength Fitness's post 03/02/2020

“One of the best feelings is finding someone who really gets you. A person who lets you be vulnerable and honest. The kind of person who encourages you to push past your flaws because they accept you as you are. Someone who never tells you that you’re too much of this or too little of that. Because to them you’re just enough of everything they love” - Sylvester McNutt

I am very thankful for this guy. For being patient with me when I wanted to take things slow and get to know him, working with me when I get anxious, listening when I need to vent, being the calm to my storm, being my biggest supporter through any decision I make and most importantly for not giving up when things got hard.

Relationships aren’t easy, they take lots of work. With time and persistence we’ve worked through things together and overcoming these obstacles has only made us stronger.
@ Mexico City, Mexico

Timeline photos 29/01/2020

YOU are not too fat or too skinny
YOU are not ugly or stupid
YOU are not too young or too old to follow your dreams
YOU are not defined by the size of your b***s or butt
YOU are not defined by your struggles
YOU are more than your mental illness

No matter what has happened in your life your body has carried you around. It has taken you places, picked you up when you’ve fallen down. Fought through colds, flu, broken bones and broken hearts. Even though you put yourself down, it keeps moving and working to the best it can. Through the good and the bad your heart keeps beating and it will take you through to the very end.

YOU ARE YOU and that is a beautiful thing!

Timeline photos 28/01/2020

Things I needed to read today and maybe you do as well:

It’s okay to change plans.
It’s also okay to cancel them.
You don’t have to be perfect for everyone.
You don’t have to be happy all the time.
Making mistakes means there will be growth.
True friends understand.
Someone out there believes in you.
You are worth more than what you give yourself credit for.
Tomorrow is another day.
Do whatever makes you happy and don’t care what others think.
Start pouring into your cup before you pour into others.

Don’t feel guilty for doing what’s best for you, you deserve that time, energy and love❤️

Timeline photos 27/01/2020

Nutrition is something that I always used to struggle with and I know most of you aren’t sure where to start so I wanted to provide you with my top meal plan/prep tips to help you stay on track. Just remember It’s all about finding what works best for your body but I hope these tips help:

⭐️Always plan out your meals / snacks weekly – being organized is the key to staying on track with your nutrition. Write it down and plan out what meals you want for the week and the foods you need for those meals. I’ve come to like certain meals and stick to them weekly, you may too!

⭐️Have a grocery list made and a set day to do your groceries – Every week, pick a designated “grocery shop” day and have a list of the foods you need for the meals you chose for the week. This will avoid buying anything that is not on my meal plan

⭐️Don’t go grocery shopping hungry – I repeat, don’t do it! Impulse buying is at an all time high when you are at the grocery store and your stomach is growling at you when you see those chocolate covered pretzels.

⭐️The freezer is your future friend - meal prepping a little extra that can be eaten at a later time is good for days you don’t have anything planned or want something quick and easy.

⭐️Find Healthier alternatives to your favourite foods – I love pasta and have found two alternatives that have been a game changer. For days I need more veggies I get spaghetti squash and for days I want pasta and don’t necessarily need more veggies I use quinoa pasta.

⭐️Do your research – whether its different types of foods or healthier meals the internet is a handy resource. I have found some awesome recipes and food alternatives that have made it easier for me to stay on track.

Timeline photos 26/01/2020

This photo was taken on Nov 22, 2019 and I wanted to post this one because I remember exactly what I was thinking in that moment the photo was taken “why can’t I be happy with myself”. I was in Mexico celebrating a friends wedding. It was a beautiful time but the whole week I didn’t feel like myself.

I would wake up and look at myself and question why I let myself gain 7 pounds over the last month. I would pick myself apart in the mirror and compare myself to older photos of me when I was extremely unhealthy. I would avoid eating certain foods or drinking alcohol because I was scared I was going to gain more weight. I was being my own worst enemy and it sucked. I paid money to go to a beautiful resort with my boyfriend and his friends to celebrate a wedding and all I cared about was how I looked and what others thought of me. I had access to my online workouts while I was there and went to the resort gym 4 of the 7 days we were away. It was in that moment when I finished my one workout and someone said to me “wow that workout you did looked so intense, good job” was when the lightbulb went off and I realized that no one was focusing on what I looked like. It was in that moment that I was ready to stop letting that mean voice in my head get to me and take care of myself again.

I look back now and feel so horrible because I spent a week in my head, anxious, and uncomfortable when I should have been feeling happy and free for being somewhere so beautiful with a great group of people. I am thankful for that person in the gym who talked to me because If they didn’t I would probably still be in that horrible place.

For those of you who struggle with this just remember that at the end of the day NO ONE cares what you or I look like in a bathing suit or any outfit because people only care about themselves. NOT CARING about other people’s opinions will make you a much happier person.

Just keep repeating this to yourself when you are struggling: ✨NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW I LOOK THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES✨ and I promise you, you will start to believe it over time. It took me years to finally not care about other people’s opinions and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been!

Timeline photos 25/01/2020

This morning I woke up and felt a bit fluffier than usual because I didn’t follow my meal plan fully yesterday. I was being hard on myself but wasn’t going to let my inner mean girl get to me so I stopped those thoughts immediately and reminded myself and want to remind you all to:

❤️Love and appreciate my body everyday
❤️Love the process

It’s far too easy for us to bash ourselves because we aren’t seeing what we want in the mirror. We usually focus on the negative instead of the positive and that’s when you usually give up but that should be your motivation to keep going. Next time you start picking yourself apart, stop, give yourself a compliment and be proud with how far you’ve come with your journey!

Whether it’s a physical or mental journey just remember that true progress takes time. Be okay with where you’re today but keep showing up so you can be ever better tomorrow.

Timeline photos 24/01/2020

I see happiness. I see change. I see confidence. I see brave. I see strong. I see consistency. I see determination.

Everything above is why I’m so thankful for this health and fitness journey. I am thankful for taking another shot at coaching. I am thankful for my old self who let go of my excuses and said yes because without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Change isn’t easy, it takes time and commitment. It takes courage but be brave. Be strong when things get tough. Make that decision to love yourself everyday, no matter what!

Videos (show all)

AT HOME TABATA CIRCUT 💪🏻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀There is no better way to start or end your day than by crushing a workout. If you’re s...
