Reo Takurua Winterless Opera

Reo Takurua Winterless Opera

Welcome to Reo Takurua Winterless Opera! This is a new level 2 venture put together by Northland ope


Get along this Saturday 29th August at 3.00pm or 7.30pm and see Sophie Sparrow - Soprano, Kawiti Waetford and Eliza Boom Music in action!

Tickets selling fast. GET THEM NOW!

GREAT NEWS! We have added an additional concert at 3pm and ... Kawiti Jack Waetford and Eliza Boom will be performing at both concerts!! Plus we have the wonderful Roger McClean playing throughout.

BE SURE TO SECURE A TICKET NOW! Only 90 tickets per concert available, due to level 2 restrictions.


Our artists Sophie Sparrow - Soprano and Kawiti Jack Waetford are performing next weekend at the Whangarei Anglican Church Saturday 29th, 7.30pm

Get your tickets now!
Winter Gala Concert - Sophie Sparrow & Friends

📢 THE SHOW MUST GO ON ! 📢 Whether Whangarei is in Level 2 or 1, this Winter Gala Concert will take place - either with limited numbers of 90 max or with a full house of 350 🥂✨

GET YOUR TICKETS now to secure a seat. We will continue to keep you updated as the week progresses

Please note: if things change the ability to do this concert ticket holders can be refunded

Harry Grigg Kawiti Jack Waetford Juan Kim


The interview Maori Television did on our project, taking footage of our masterclass :) Thank you for coming along and for Creative New Zealand for making this project possible!

Voices of Aotearoa 6:24 - NZ OPERA 28/07/2020

LOOK! An exciting opportunity for singers, lyricists and composers alike - come on Northland! 🎶

Voices of Aotearoa 6:24 - NZ OPERA Voices of Aotearoa 6:24 is an exciting new opera project that invites emerging and experienced artists to explore what it might be like to create an opera.


REMINDER we are still on this evening! 🌟

Though we’ve had to postpone our afternoon session because of the weather situation, we are still going ahead with this evening’s masterclass, starting 5:30pm at Whangarei Anglican Church. We would love to see you there - it’s sure to be an evening of wonderful music making!


Due to the weather events during the night we have postponed this afternoons session to another day (TBC) however, we are still going ahead with tonight 5.30-8.30pm and tomorrow 2pm-8.30pm. Observers still welcome :) Look forward to seeing you there!

Photos from Reo Takurua Winterless Opera's post 14/07/2020

We had such a wonderful weekend of masterclasses!! Thank you everyone for coming along and singing/watching. Looking forward to another weekend of learning and teaching on Saturday and Sunday 😃

All singing slots are full but observers are welcome to come watch and learn from these singers.

Saturday 2:00-5:00pm, 5:30-8:30pm
Sunday 2:00-4:30pm, 5:20-8:30pm

Juan Kim Kawiti Waetford Sophie Sparrow - Soprano Eliza Boom


Observers! Come one, come all!
Come along and watch these Northland singers in action. We believe that you can learn equally as much by watching and listening to people being taught as by singing yourself.

$10 per session
$30 for a full weekend (includes 4 sessions)
CASH at the door

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow
Proudly supported by Creative New Zealand


ONLY 7 slots left for the masterclass weekends.
3 for this weekend and 4 next weekend. Get signed up now so you don't miss out :)


Not long to go! 🎉
We still have limited slots available, so sign up now! We would love to have as many of you there as possible, either to sing or observe.
Follow this link to complete your registration:



Due to a successful funding application with Creative New Zealand we have been able to reduce the fee considerably.

- $30 for 13 years & under
- $35 for 14 years & over

Spread the word. We have limited spaces.
Follow this link to sign up:

Kawiti Jack Waetford Eliza Boom Sophie Sparrow


We have opened up registration for the masterclass weekends coming up 🙂 Follow this link to sign up:

We have made it really affordable to work with all the artists so we can get as many singers involved as possible.

$90 - 13 years & under (includes 20min singing in public masterclass with official pianist Juan Kim, 20min private lesson with one of the teachers, and full admission to watch all the masterclasses)

$110 - 14 years & over (includes 30min singing in public masterclass with official pianist Juan Kim, 30min private lesson with one of the teachers, and full admission to watch all the masterclasses)

Further details to come about observing the public masterclasses.

Any questions please don't hesitate to send us a message or email [email protected]

Sophie Sparrow - Soprano Eliza Boom Music Kawiti Jack Waetford Juan Kim


We are very excited to share with you the details of our upcoming Masterclass weekends! These will be an opportunity for singers in Northland to work with three internationally trained performers on songs and vocal technique. All ages are welcome, spread the word!

To register your interest, please follow this link and fill out your details so we can contact you when official registration opens.

For those wanting to observe rather than participate, more details on how to book will come later.



Eliza Boom began her training as a classical singer in Whangarei at age 15. Becoming interested in pursuing a career in music, she studied a Bachelor of Music at Vision College ATC, followed by post-graduate study in music at the University of Waikato. Passionate about passing on knowledge, throughout her study she taught voice, piano and music theory to between 20-30 regular students, both privately and as an itinerant teacher. Eliza also returned to her alma mater Vision College to teach second-instrument voice, music theory, and provide academic support for students.

In 2017 Eliza worked for New Zealand Opera, performing in their opera productions. She then moved to Manchester, England to study a MMus and then an PGDip in Music at the Royal Northern College of Music on full scholarship. After two years at the RNCM, Eliza spent the 2019/20 academic year at the National Opera Studio in London.

In September 2020 Eliza will join the Bayerische Staatsoper Opera Studio in Munich.

Check out Eliza Boom Music



Kawiti Waetford was raised and educated on Northland's Tutukaka Coast, and is now a multi-talented opera singer, performer and public speaker. As an alumnus of Otago University, he trained under Isabel Cunningham and Professor Terence Dennis. Kawiti was mentored by Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and has performed with her nationally and internationally.

Kawiti graduated with a Masters degree in Advanced Vocal Studies from the Wales International Academy of Voice, under acclaimed Welsh tenor, Dennis O’Neill. He has an extensive background in New Zealand Maori Performing Arts and as an actor appeared at The Globe Theatre, London, in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”.

Check out Kawiti Waetford



Sophie Sparrow began singing lessons in Whangarei at age 9, later moving to more classical training at age 14 with Joan Kennaway. She joined Opera North when she was 16 and performed in countless events as a soloist and chorus member, including Opera in the Garden. Becoming interested in pursuing a career in music, she studied a Bachelor of Music with honours alongside a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting at the University of Otago.

In 2016 Sophie moved to Auckland to work with Frances Wilson at the Auckland Opera Studio as well at New Zealand Opera and continued to perform throughout New Zealand. In 2018 she moved to London to study a Master of Performance at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, under the tutelage of Yvonne Kenny and Marcus van den Akker, with the support of the Guildhall School, and UK and New Zealand funding bodies. Sophie is currently in her final term at the Guildhall School which she is completing (online) while in NZ due to COVID-19.

In September 2020 Sophie will join the Royal Academy Opera Programme in London.

Check out Sophie Sparrow - Soprano

Photo credit: Sue Shepherd



Created by opera singers Kawiti Waetford, Eliza Boom and Sophie Sparrow during the COVID-19 pandemic, community grown and internationally trained, the trio are passionate about the continuation and development of their art form within Te Taitokerau.

The aim of Reo Takurua Winterless Opera is to create opportunities to show new audiences the appeal and beauty of classical singing, provide valuable training in the form of masterclasses for young singers, and expand Te Reo Māori into this high Western art form.

If you or someone you know is interested in hosting Reo Takurua Winterless Opera’s performance in your home, garden, backyard, or business/venue, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!

More information coming soon about the Masterclass Series for Northland singers aged 9 and above. Stay tuned!

Much love,
Sophie, Kawiti, and Eliza x
