

Mentoring and Coaching program for self-development


Self love is the highest form that we can gift ourselves.
So that we are our own true self/ no-self.

Once we hit this space, it's definitely a calm, peaceful, joyful space.

That's the sweetest spot we can hit.

Ask yourself, "Why does it hurt me when someone says something to me?" Instead of asking "why do they hurt me?"

The truth will hit you. Deep within we are validating what they are saying. Unless we validate what they are saying we wouldn't get hurt by what they tell about us.

Hope this helps, for Your growth.

Share your learnings / thoughts in the comments!


Is it possible to look at things new everyday, even if you have terrible fights?

Oh yeah, it's possible, we normally use the old memories, and keep reacting to people and make our life miserable.

If we stop using our memory for all the negative emotions, our life would become beautiful. Imagine a relationship with your loved ones without any rage or anger!!

It's because we think we have past experience and that we only know to use it against the people who created negative emotions to us, we don't know how to actually work on it to help our relationship better.

How do you use your past experiences?

To learn and grow or keep the anger, rage, and other negative emotions to use it against them when the time is right?

Share your learnings / thoughts in the comments!

I am Sireesha Nori, aka Ananya, a yogi, Founder of the Emotional Freedom Tribe. I am on a mission to awaken humanity to the journey of holistic prosperity. My unique goal is to make living from a heightened state not only possible, but practical for all.


Are you able to use your troubles for your growth?

The sole purpose of us encountering problems is that! That we use them for our benefits. We rather complain and get into the trap of helplessness.

We stagnate life thinking about
a. something someone said long ago
b. someone treating us badly
c. someone doesn't like us
d. someone ignoring us
e. someone ill-treating us

Is that really needed?

When life is only to teach us, why do we restrict thinking that, I need a solution to the problem they way I look at it.

If something else comes in some other way, I don't want to take it.

This is a foolish approach. If things were to happen it our way, it must have already happened from the time we have dealt with it.

If it did not work for a long time, why do we keep sticking to it, forcing others to fall according to our liking?

Is this fair enough? When we know life is not fair then why do we want the ending to be fair too?

Holding on burns the energy more than releasing it.

When we have limited amount of time and energy, don't we need conserve it in a better way than to think why people are not behaving the way I want them to?

If they are not behaving the way want to, doesn't it mean that they are behaving the way they want?

Why do we break our head expecting them to change and live a life according to our liking?

If we can have a life to our liking then yes we can expect them to act according to our liking. When our own life isn't similar to our liking how can we make others to act according to our liking? Is this fair enough?

Why do we drain our energy and thoughts in futile way?

Why don't we use them to enhance our lives and the lifes around us?

Understanding that life is not fair and accepting is the wise way to move forward.

Photos from ironananya's post 19/02/2024

With my trainer at the TTT.


A great blessing indeed! 😇


Life is meant to be simple, how many of you believe in that?

What happens when you know that you can't blame anyone and yet you react in a way that was inappropriate! 🧐

Phew! 🤘

This happened to me this morning. My husband was awake early morning, as his timing for sleep changed due to travel.😊

I was getting ready for my yoga, all set just the milk had to boil and I had to wait for the filter coffee decoction to be ready.😌

I told him just a few minutes ago that I will be back in 5mins. He forgot and asked me for a coffee. My immediate response was with anger "I just told you" within seconds my inner voice speaks whose creation is that? 🤔

Oopsy! I have nothing to say 😔 My God, if only I can have the still mind!

Happiness becomes a natural outcome if we learn to be still! 🤘😁

Share your thoughts in the comments.


Outside Comfort Zone = Growth

How many of you agree?

It's when we expand our comfort we can experience true growth.

Stepping outside comfort zone can't happen in big leaps.

It has to start by doing small things.

By stepping outside comfort zone, like tasting a new food at a new place.

Taking a new route to your office.

Talking to a new person everytime.

These help us remove our identity and move towards growth sooner.

It's by taking small steps we step into growth.

What have you tried to get out of your comfort zone?

I have tried some crazy things.

Hope this helps, to your growth.

I am Ananya Nori, founder of the Emotional Freedom Tribe, I am on a mission to help working professionals achieve emotional freedom using Mindfulness and NLP.

If you wish to be a part of my tribe, join the community from the link comments section.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


Do you have any of these?

It's time you need to take care of yourself!

Take good rest, as much as possible, if you are getting irritated.

If you are feeling unmotivated, it's time you relook at what you are doing currently. Are you doing what you wanted to do?

Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you having a good exercise routine?

If you don't have patience, make a note of the things that make you impatient. Also you need to stop doing things that are not important.

If you are anxious and have panick attacks, breathe is slowly and deeply through your nose, and breath out slowly and deeply through your mouth and count 1-5 on every breath. This will reduce the anxiety and panick attacks.

If you are feeling empty, try to connect with more people. Try and heal your wounds. Seek help from experts.

If you want more help, try to connect with my tribe at the link in comments.

I am Ananya Nori, I am on a mission to help 100000 working professionals achieve emotional freedom, using mindfulness and NLP and I am the founder of Emotional Freedom Tribe.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


Because of ignorance, greed and attachment we miss the opportunity for grace. 🙃

When we are alert is when we understand when we encounter with the opportunity for grace to flow through. 😇

Destruction is always loud and it makes us feel disempowered. ☚ī¸

It is in grace we will have to take a few steps that appear to be totally insane to others. 😏

It's in grace, we have the daring mind. 😃

When we surrender is when, we take steps that appear insane to the World. 🌐

We feel totally empowered, and walk with power ⚡đŸ’Ē

When we surrender we can see things clearly that others cannot see. 👀

Do you have any questions? Share in the comments.

DM me!

I am an emotional intelligence coach, I help working professionals achieve emotional freedom.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


How can these help us?

Reading every day expands our knowledge. Reading doesn't always mean book. With latest technology in place, watching educational YouTube programs, doing a course online, apps like audible, Spotify, etc also can be used in reading.

Writing down ideas can help us work on them step by step.
It helps us to streamline everything we are planning to do.

Doing exercises keeps our brain sharp and always active. We can grasp things very faster. It reducess stress.

Getting out of our comfort zone, will help us in many ways to become who we are and release a lot of who we are not! In short it will help us remove all the unwanted pieces of ourselves. It eases everything for our growth.

Writing down a to-do list helps us identify what we need and keeps things ready and saves a lot of time.

Meditating gives clarity and clarity is power. When we have clarity it becomes easy to sail through any troubles we encounter. Keeps our emotions in control.

Share what you are following and what is helping you in your growth in the comments.

DM me if you want to work on yourself!

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


For a long time I found it difficult to say "I am sorry"

One of my reporting manager made me think and correct it.

I had so much ego and wouldn't accept my mistakes. That one interaction with him changed the way I viewed things completely.

I went and apologized every one. Even till date who ever I need to apologise if I have forgotten i will accept my mistake and apologize.

For me everything here below was difficult. Some of them I am still trying to change, like saying "I love you"

If you are given a chance what will you change?

Please share your experiences or willingness to change in the comments.

DM me if you want to book a 1-1 discovery call!
Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏

Photos from ironananya's post 12/09/2023

The second pic is with the person who wrote I see the light song

Photos from ironananya's post 12/09/2023

I had the opportunity to click the pic with the person who wrote I see the light. Song.


It's so true! Only people who have dreamt crazily did crazy things!

Apple became what it is today only because what Steve dreamt about. His dream was so massive that he was sent out of his own company and he had to learn from Pixar to redefine few more strategies.

Walt Disney dreamt of Disney Land, it was so powerful, it was anyway built even after he passed away.

Mother Teresa when she wanted to build a non-profit organisation people did call her crazy. Her faith was the only support she had. The rest is just history.

It's the same case with Gandhi, people called him mad, when he said it's only through non-violence India can win the independence. When demonstrated that is when people could identify the power of non-violence.

We can take any field; crazy things always began with crazy people having crazy dreams.

What are your thoughts? Share them in the comments.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏

Photos from ironananya's post 10/09/2023

At MMI Sep 2023! Massive learning and transformation!


RIP dear birdie you taught me a lot in terms of responsibility, patience, curiosity, love, inclusion, leadership, service, what not? It was a lovely experience serving you. Thank you for the opportunity 🙏đŸŧ My experience I cannot explain in words.

You always hold a special place in my life!


Actually, when we stay silent, which is very difficult (😁😀) if you manage to stay silent, you will get a lot of answers.

Staying silent when you
1. are experiencing something totally strange
2. are in completely extreme personalities
3. encounter with utter negativity
4. surrender to whatever is happening to you and learn from it

we benefit the most in the world.

We fall in to the trap of judging ourselves instead of allowing ourselves to experience anything without having any judgement.

When we manage to reach the stage of not judging any experience as either good or bad but just allow it happen we benefit the most.

How many of you can relate to this?

Share your learnings in the comments!

Check the comments to book a free discovery call, me if you want to learn how.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


It was intimidating when in one of the interviews I was asked by one of the HR managers, "Why did you have a break here, why did you have a break there?"

Back then I didn't have any answer.

It took a long time for me to identify the answer.

It was obvious reasons, I wondered why she was asking me. She definitely made me think.

I am glad to have met her, even just for that one round of interview.

What did you learn through someone who just met you for a few minutes? Share in the comments.

Happy Teacher's day.!

If you are willing to learn how to handle such difficult conversations, and are willing to work with me, DM me.
Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


How to reduce stress?

Why invite stress?

If we can fix some of these, our physical and mental well-being will be taken care of.

It's important that we stay mentally fit too.

We are what we eat and what we repeat.

Having quality sleep is very vital. We need not sleep 8hours, even if we have 5 hours of quality sleep, that's more than sufficient too.

We need to have our mind clear, if we can plan the next day it will be very easy to take it forward.

Taking one day at a time is necessary.

When we are clear about why we are doing what we are doing it gives a great satisfaction of whatever results we see.

Hope these tips help, share it for those who needed it.

DM me if you are willing to learn more.

PC appropriate owners.
Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


New member in the family!

It has broken it's leg as it fell down from the top of the tree! The mother bird couldn't carry, it couldn't fly either had to bring it home and feed it. 😇



Working on ourselves, improving ourselves a little bit more than yesterday is very important as a leader.

Only when we enhance ourselves, we become capable of handling any situation.

In order to handle difficult situations, difficult conversations, we have stay in a space where we hold empathy.

If there is no empathy it becomes very difficult to manage teams and coordinating with them. When we are able to inspire, communication becomes easy.

Do you agree?

Do you want to learn how to inspire and influence easily? DM me if you are interested.

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


When we are the hindrance for our own growth, how can we manifest what we want?

Constantly thinking about why this happened to me didn't get me anywhere.

Constantly complaining didn't get be better.

The moment I took full responsibility, things started to change and I started to live my life, constantly bending my own rules to fit in other close one's requirements,

This shifted a lot in my life. I became flexible, therefore I got a lot more freedom never even imagined about.

Today I work at my leisure, with all the responsibilities at home, yet be myself without my own people questioning me for what I do. They rather started to understand my requirements and allow me to do what I want to do.

I got the following in the bargain

1. Freedom of being who I want to be
2. Freedom of doing what I want to do.
3. Better relationships ever, even with my mother-in-law.
4. People want to be with me, rather avoid me.
5. My energy shifted.
6. I am happy no matter what!

It's the resistance to accomodate what we are asked to do (win-win situation), kills our aliveness within.

It's the union that makes us free.

Have you experienced?

Do you want to join me in learning about how to get this freedom?

If you are interested, I am going to conduct 2 days workshop online.

How I achieved it all soon! DM me if you want to register.

Pc: Appropriate owners

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


Intensive training session with Blair Singer!


In the year 2012, I did not have an answer when my husband told me I was good for nothing. He was right! đŸĨē How?

I was very lazy. I was neither growing in my workplace. I was complaining. I was not willing to take responsibility.😏

That changed my life completely. I started to ask myself, how can I make my inner voice true? Which always said to me "You are going to make it big one day."😂đŸ¤Ŗ

I did not have any evidence of that being true, I don't have any evidence till date (Lol). 😁😁

We all make mistakes in life, but are we learning from them? 🤔

Lessons can be learnt only when we have an open mind! 😇

Few important lessons that I learnt in my life.😎

I learnt it the hardway.🙆đŸŊ

a. Have your intention right.
b. Stay true to yourself no matter what.
c. Life gives us tests repeatedly until we learn the lesson.
d. If you are in the side of truth, you should be brave enough to stand alone.
e. You can take any decision and make it right.
f. Change begins with YOU!
g. Patience, is definitely an important virtue in our lives
h. Surrender enough to the universe to see Miracles happen.
i. Let go of your EGO and see the magic happens
j. Learning is never ending.

I am thankful to all my coaches, friends, family, acquaintances, and everyone who are a part of my life big or small. 🙏đŸŧ

What are the lessons you resonate with you? Why? Please share in the comments.

I am have been counseling and coaching more than 200 individuals over 1000 hours for the last 3 years now.

It's been a wonderful journey throughout. I am happy to be blessed to have so many valuable lessons, and purpose for my life! 😎😇

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


When you go out shopping, and you bump into your college friend!


Blessed to receive this kind of feedback! 🙏đŸŧ

Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


When we learn how the mind works and we learn how to "be" we are free from the karmic accounts.

In being we become the creator, there are no Karmic accounts for any creators!


Make an ecstatic day All! 🙏


My Uncles and Aunts 29/7/71

Videos (show all)

Breathing exercises for daily routine!
#CanvaDesignChallenge#kindness #unconditionallove
What is your emotion during performance appraisal? #leadership #choice #emotionalintelligence
How do you make decisions as a leader?


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00