Thais & Essential Oils

Thais & Essential Oils

We focus on finding ways to wellbeing using aromatherapy and other less conventional ways.


“It’s one of the hardest things: to release people without closure, to forgive people without apologies, to let go of memories that haunt you, but analyzing it doesn’t work all the time and there isn’t any benefit either.”

Sometimes it’s hard to get this. When I first started trying to practice it, the blends FORGIVE and CONSOLE on the heart space were my absolute best friends. It borders a miracle how much the frequency of these blends can support us. Got questions? Just send a dm and I’ll be happy to help!

Let me tell you something…

You’re never going to understand why they did what they did.

It’s never going to make sense to you. You’re never going to be able to fathom it or wrap your mind around it. You’re not built that way.

Stop trying to rationalize things that will never be reasonable. By all means give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they’re broken. Maybe they’re acting out of trauma or pain. You can always give grace.

But they still chose something you wouldn’t choose, and no matter how much you pick at it and turn it over and over in your mind, you’re never going to understand. Your core values just don’t align.

And thank goodness.

Because you don’t want to be them, and deep down you know that. You want to be you. You need to be you so try not to get stuck on asking yourself “but how could they?” “Where did I go wrong? Why would they do this?”

The actions of an unhealthy person will rarely make sense to a healthy one, so please don’t contort yourself, twist yourself or trip over yourself trying to understand their heart. Please don’t drop the things that truly matter because you’re grabbing at sand and most of all, please don’t waste one second of your precious time and energy trying to figure it out.

You’re not perfect and you know it, but you’re willing to clean up your side of the street. You’re willing to be humble and teachable. You’re willing to listen and do better going forward. Not everyone is built that way. They’re just not.

It’s one of the hardest things: to release people without closure, to forgive people without apologies, to let go of memories that haunt you, but analyzing it doesn’t work all the time and there isn’t any benefit either.

Sometimes it’s a difference of heart and as painful as it is, you’ve got to accept what is without ever receiving a “why.”

It’s their mess.

Leave it with them, prop your feet up and go live your life.

Amy & Jess


♥️ this!


Hard Seasons and Wild Hearts - Brené Brown 06/02/2024

First time I read Brené Brown’s work, no one talked about her. It’s been years since and I love how when I need to hear something, to learn or validate a thought, a “teacher” always appear. Worth reading!

Hard Seasons and Wild Hearts - Brené Brown An update from Brené on unfolding, an armored heart, straddling the tension, and building a community of wild hearts.


Starting tomorrow! Follow my link on the bio to get yours!!! These are amazing deals. 🩵❣️🧡

Nuseir Yassin on LinkedIn: peace Thanks Alex Dwek. | 137 comments 14/10/2023


Nuseir Yassin on LinkedIn: peace Thanks Alex Dwek. | 137 comments peace Thanks Alex Dwek. | 137 comments on LinkedIn


Until a couple of weeks ago, I never knew that psychology deals with the surface/conscious, whereas psychoanalysis is the subconscious… so I started looking into it and it was surprising to learn how our subconscious can run amok under the influence of a traumatized inner child. And I am not talking about shocking traumas only, I am including anything and everything that ever made that little child feel inadequate, unloved, uncared for, insufficient, you name it... It’ll look different for everyone, because our experiences are so different and it doesn’t mean our caregivers were bad people, most did what they thought they had to and that it was for our best. Now, blame game gets no one places… so, one thing we can do today is connect with that inner child, embrace, accept and validate their feelings, make them feel safe, and let them know that we’re now adults and we don’t need to carry any hurt around, that we can take care of ourselves and all is well. We can close our eyes and imagine that interaction. We can do it when we feel powerless or when we feel victimized. We can do it every day until we can notice a lightness. And while at it, you can turbo charge that process by using aromatherapy to support it. I had an amazing experience with and on my heart space and you can get yours by following the link on my bio. Then come back here and tell us about your experience! 🥰


I’m looking forward the most to the new PB Assist and PB Restore!! 🎉🎉 I have had so many issues with belly bloat and the original PB Assist has made such a difference. I am very excited to find out how this one will impact my digestive system! 😍


Let's get back to basics... I'll make a series of posts to give you some practical information about these so called oils. There's been so much research into them in the last few years!

What are aromatic compounds that certain plants produce? They are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and once extracted from the plants, we call them essential oils.

VOCs' biological purposes for the plants are communication and protection. For example, flowers need to attract pollinators, but also need to protect themselves from certain microbes and insects that feed on flowers, like ants. In this case, flowers will release the most VOCs when their pollinators are the most active. You can imagine how bees and bats have different biological clocks, so flowers that attract one or the other will release more of the aroma at different times!

The VOCs found on leaves and stems have more of a protective role, preventing pathogens or a hungry herbivore from coming close. Have you ever smelled the aroma of freshly cut grass? Those are VOCs that are released when the plant has been damaged, in order to help it defend itself from opportunists, warn neighboring plants of coming threat and recover.

Root VOCs also have a protective role, however, they also want to create symbiotic relationships with others and VOCs help attract these "friends", who maybe will help produce certain metabolites that are beneficial to the plant. Fruit VOCs want to attract animals that will eat it and disperse its seeds! Seeds VOCs help protect the seed from invaders who will prevent the new plant from thriving. Bark & wood VOCs are in the resins it releases when the plant is wounded, which is why certain wood oils are so expensive, like Sandwalwood, with unsustainable practices.

That's it for today. Hope you learn something and will come back to check the next post! If you love it, please share it!


Desiree de Lunae has a special way to combine her Chinese medicine and acupuncturist experience and essential oils knowledge together and bring to us these blends that work as catalysts to amazing changes… try this and let me know! I’ll be making one rollon for myself as well! ♥️

A bad habit means operating on an auto-pilot status of self-destruction. Little by little, our vital energy dissipates and leaves us weaker in our presence and impact.

You know what the bad habit is, whether it’s a thing, person, place, or behavior. It is something that diminishes your light.

And even though it seems little, it’s actually very big over time. Break up with your Bad Habit will assist you in letting go of destructive forces that exist in your field. It will help you to experience disgust with the habit, so that parting with it is pleasurable.

There is something about breaking a bad habit that makes you feel alive, present, and paying attention to much more. Time slows down and you feel the pulse of life, instead of being zombied out.⠀

In a 5m rollerbottle:⠀

5 Lemongrass
3 Fennel
2 Thyme
3 Eucalyptus
3 Juniper Berry
2 Green Mandarin

Lemongrass and Fennel together brings disgust towards the things that are harmful to our well-being. They make it easy to change and let go.

Thyme clears the attachment and stubbornness around the pattern.

Eucalyptus and Juniper Berry support the transition into healthier habits.

Green Mandarin harmonizes the blend.

Apply to solar plexus and bottoms of feet. 2x a day.

What bad habit are you going to combat using this blend?


Hope is such a wonderful initiative. If only more people knew about how serious human trafficking is.


I really enjoy watching Emily’s super informative videos about individual essential oils. After so many years using them, I still learn a little bit every time! ☺️

Rich Praytor on Twitter 18/07/2023

Interesting!! What do you think?

Rich Praytor on Twitter “What is an essential oil? Check out the first episode of Secrets of Essential Oils Docu-series.”


Anxiety might have always been around, but nowadays it’s a topic that seems to affect everyone, one way or another. That’s also the reason why I started using essencial oils. My first baby was born with an undetected cleft lip and when I was pregnant the second time, I was so worried my baby would have an undetected issue. That’s when I discovered the emotional power of essential oils. I have always done research and concluded that diffusing was a great option for me. Back then I used citrus and lavender a lot! Nowadays my favorite blend for anxiety is Adaptiv. It greatly helped me during the pandemic, when we were all stuck at home together and I found myself worrying too much about what would happen next. Have you ever tried using essential oils for emotional support? We’d love to hear your experience! 😊


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Wishing every one who fulfills a mother’s role out there a wonderful Mother’s Day! The hustle is real and there are no days off, but it is nice to have one special day when hopefully you can put your feet up and be the center of attention! ♥️

Timeline photos 03/05/2023

Well said. That’s why I talk about essential oils. They helped me so much at a time I thought only meds would “fix” me. But I was pregnant, so I wanted something more natural. It’s been now 8 years and they’re still my first go to for a lot of things… I got really good at figuring out when I am in over my head and need a pro, but otherwise, I’ll keep doing what I am doing!

Be kind out there. The world needs it ❤️


Woooow I am late posting this! It’ll be available while supplies last! Get yours here:

Wholesale: $138.50 | PV 127
Retail: $184.67
Total Savings: $123.50

You buy Vetiver Touch, Spearmint, Serenity softgels and PB Assist and you get Lavender Touch, MetaPWR, Cedarwood, Digestzen Touch and Terrazyme! What a deal! 👏👏👏

doTERRA Physicians Panel 24/01/2023

How can I use essential oils, you ask?

doTERRA Physicians Panel Accomplished physicians joined Dr. David Hill on stage at doTERRA's Global Convention. Find out how safe doTERRA essential oils are and how doctors use doTER...

Your Introduction to the MetaPWR™️ System 02/01/2023

When it first came out, I followed the recommendations and started seeing and feeling results!! Then my dad came to visit and the eating out and having too much temptation at home, along with the holidays, I fell off the wagon, but getting back this month. Too good to pass up!

To enroll and get yours with 25% off, go to:

To get yours at the regular price, go to:

Your Introduction to the MetaPWR™️ System Are you struggling with energy, mood, sleep, stress, brain fog, or even weight? Did you know your metabolic health is related to these health challenges and ...


I ran into this little gold nugget while doing a search on Google. In the individualized world we live it, it seems everyone has a glamorous life as shown on social media, when in reality everyone struggles with about the same stuff. Some have learned coping skills, others haven’t, and, in my opinion, this is one of the main things that distinguishes us from one another. It is never to late to learn to work through our emotions and there are so many tools out there! Aromatherapy is one of them! If you want to learn more, send a message and I’ll share how you can get started.


Going on a walk with my pooch... 🦮🐶🐾 He annoys me deeply sometimes, specially when it’s added clean up for me, but he’s such a great doggy, always up for a walk! 😍


Your metabolism influences a lot of things—energy, weight, body composition, aging, and even your cognitive performance. But only 6.8% of American adults have optimal cardiometabolic health! That means 13 of every 14 people can benefit from metabolic health support. (And if you’re someone who is in the 6.8%, well, you certainly want and need to stay there!)

This MetaPWR product is a proprietary, balanced blend of pure essential oils designed to support healthy metabolic function when ingested. * The MetaPWR blend used internally may curb hunger cravings.* Based on a preliminary study, internal use may even reduce fat cells. *

Make your healthy choices count for more and start seeing real results from your efforts with MetaPWR Metabolic Blend. Today is the best day to influence the rest of your life!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I am so excited!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Combined Reservoirs at 40% Capacity 12/07/2022

Severe thunderstorms sound amazing just about now…

Combined Reservoirs at 40% Capacity CORPUS CHRISTI, TX –The City of Corpus Christi entered Stage 1 Mandatory Drought Restrictions in mid-June based on the City’s 2018 Drought Contingency Plan (DCP) to conserve the available water supply. The National Weather Service forecasts extreme heat...


So very cool. Copaiba works in the same pathways as CBD… but you don’t have to worry about THC and because it’s an essential oil, you can use a drop or two for the effect you want! ♥️

Copaiba is one of my very favorite essential oils with a plethora of benefits. One of things I love about copaiba is its ability to improve the absorption of other lipophilic (fat loving, like essential oils) substances through the skin. Two studies showed that copaiba enhances the pe*******on, retention, and activity of anti-inflammatory drugs. My experience is that using copaiba topically with other oils improves the pe*******on of the oils through the skin and therefore their efficacy. In this way, copaiba acts as a "synergizing" essential oil.

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