

The business side of Jennifer Ledbetter - aka 'PotPieGirl'. Stick around - no tellin' what I might

Timeline Photos 14/06/2019

I hear ya - it's a LOT to take in at one time.

Here's the secret..

Just pick TWO strategies that you like - that you feel comfortable with - those will be the ones that work.

Pick just TWO here:

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

All it takes is one good idea, one new way of thinking - one change...

You got this!!

Timeline Photos 13/06/2019

Tired of blogging your tail off and NOT making the money you hoped?

Tired of reading income reports and wondering why YOU aren't earning money like that?

Wish you knew the secrets the super successful bloggers know, and USE, to make such amazing money every month?

65 Experts Are Sharing Their Secrets:

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

Truth is, many times it only takes ONE new skill or one NEW idea to make ALL the difference in your blogging results.

You *could* pay over $4,000 for all this information...

OR -

you can get it ALL for only $39 here:

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

* offer expires June 14th so you better hurry.

I can't WAIT to hear how much YOUR blogging business changes in the very near future!

Timeline Photos 12/06/2019

RIP my sweet AAA keyboard batteries!

I guess the Energizer Bunny folks didn't count on MY use of my keyboard - they're NOT "Still Going" haha!

and true story:

I popped the old batteries out, then went to type this post...and couldn't figure out WHY my keyboard wouldn't work. Bless my little heart...lol!

Don't forget this super deal on 65+ AHHHH-MAZING training courses is still available!

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

For those serious about this business we're in, it just makes perfect sense to get it =)

Stencil | Exclusive Offer from AppSumo 10/06/2019

I brag about this image tool ALL. THE. TIME!

I love it!!!!!! And there is one heck of a LIFETIME deal for it today:

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/image-tool-deal/

I could NOT do all I do with images for my pins and images for my blog posts and images for my social media WITHOUT this tool - it makes life SO much easier!

PLUS - now they also have a Wordpress plugin so you can make your images right inside your wp-admin while you are writing your post!

This tool is usually a monthly expense, but right now, it is ONE LOW price for LIFETIME access and unlimited use.

If I could scream from the rooftop that EVERY blogger NEEDS this tool, I would - it is THAT valuable to me.

My advice - GET IT before the deal is over!

You will NOT regret it!

Stencil | Exclusive Offer from AppSumo Wow your social networks with beautiful designs created instantly with Stencil

Timeline Photos 09/06/2019

It's Here!!!!

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

65 Training Courses,Tools and Resources for ONLY $39!

It's the most magical time of the year for bloggers - but only for a few days.

Hurry before it's over:

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/see/bcstack/

Timeline Photos 30/04/2019

Push them ads, Pinterest! Just had this pop up on my Pinterest account overview page... Anyone else see it?


Good morning!

A little work - a little sunrise. Whatever YOU decide to do today, you got this!!! Have an amazing day!


A little work - a little sunrise. Whatever YOU decide to do today, you got this!!! Have an amazing day!

Timeline Photos 26/03/2019

Meanwhile, in PotPieGirl's office...

Here is my current super secret, covert BIG White Board business planning strategy situation....


My super secret, covert strategy flowcharts are kinda lacking....lol!

But YES, my 4-year old grandson DID write his name and draw me that picture at the bottom.

The top doodles are from other adult big kids that wander in here to my work zone lol!

Google Hurt Pinterest's Growth in 2018 by Deindexing Keyword Landing Pages - Search Engine Journal 26/03/2019

Wow... I posted about this LAST YEAR - many thought I was crazy - but NOW it's news?


btw, up until the other day or so, Pinterest was STILL doing this via mobile search and forcing Google searchers to create an account in order to click a pin and see the blog post that the pin is attached to.

(glad to see that tonight, when I get on my phone, logged OUT of the Pinterest app, that Pinterest seems to have corrected this....for now)

I know many think this does not matter, but as long as Google ALLOWS Pinterest to have a dominating presence in Google search results, this DOES matter.

It's not about what we Pinterest Marketers expect to find in Google, it's about the "normal Google user" experience and being forced to create a Pinterest account in order to see the search result Google offered them.

I sure love me some Pinterest, but that is one heck of a way to build your user-base as you're coming up on an IPO and need your numbers to look super good.


Article from:
Search Engine Journal

Google Hurt Pinterest's Growth in 2018 by Deindexing Keyword Landing Pages - Search Engine Journal Pinterest's recent IPO filing contains details about the site's growth being hurt in 2018 due to a Google update.


Sorry, but... Mean PotPieGirl in the house...

So, you started a blog, pinned a lot of pretty images on Pinterest and LOVE all the traffic Pinterest can send your blog.

You're so excited because, if Pinterest traffic keeps up, you will reach MediaVine status (which, btw, is awesome).

But then, Pinterest changes things - and others tell you what to do to survive those changes.... and you say...

"I ain't got time for that!"

I don't get it.

It's FREE TRAFFIC.... sorry, but most likely, the MAJORITY of your blog traffic is from Pinterest... but you don't have TIME for that?

I've been in this business for 12+ years.... 'blogging' wasn't even a term back then - and social media, ie, FREE Pinterest traffic, was not even a happy dream.

As I said in another group, back then, we had to wait at LEAST a month for Google to find our content.

For real - we'd make a website or a new web page, and it could be at least a month + until Google, our only source of traffic, even FOUND our content.

It was TOUGH!

Here comes 'mean' PotPieGirl...

How in the world can you NOT do ALL you can to keep your Pinterest traffic rolling?

It's the easiest traffic EVER - and if your entire bottom line depends on that traffic - MAKE TIME.

Test, experiment, try new things... As the saying goes, roughly, you can't expect different from the same old thing.

Pinterest had another update mid-February ... so, if you're still pinning the same pins - with the SAME pin description as you were before mid February, well... things are NOT going to get better.

Also, and I know people hate me talking about this (because in their minds, Pinterest and Google are TOTALLY separate - but they're not) - but Pinterest is working towards their IPO...and they are doing weird "gate" things on mobile search in Google.

Just for fun, pick up your phone, be sure you are logged OUT of the Pinterest app... then search Google for anything and find a Pinterest url as the search result.

Can you click that pin and go to the blog?

OR, does Pinterest "nag" you to create an account? And there's no way to click the pin and go to the blog?

Let me ask you, WHERE do you think Pinterest gets their NEW users from?

Here's a hint: GOOGLE.

If I get the big ol' you-know-whats, I'll post about it in more depth, but short story, Pinterest is "locking" OUT Google users from seeing our content (ie, our pins) in order to create a larger user base. (meaning - forcing them to create a Pinterest account in order to click our pins and see our posts)

Moral of the Story: You work Pinterest with all you got - and you MAKE time to do it. I don't think there will EVER be an easier traffic source online.

If your entire business/income, or business model, is revolved around Pinterest, well... time to rethink all that.

All this said with the most love!



Timeline Photos 21/03/2019

Oh, how I LOVE you, Pinterest!

When I do what YOU want.... THIS crazy traffic shortly follows!

Multiple sites - multiple Pinterest accounts - it just keeps working.

:::doing the HAPPY DANCE:::

03-11-2019 - - If Your Pinterest Traffic Is DOWN, Read This Now... 12/03/2019

This email is probably in your inbox now, but just in case...


03-11-2019 - - If Your Pinterest Traffic Is DOWN, Read This Now... I seriously can't go one hour without seeing a new post on Facebook from others talking about how badly their traffic from Pinterest is DOWN.

Timeline Photos 11/03/2019

My new little easy-peasy Pinterest strategy is becoming a game-changer for so many Pinterest marketers –

such amazing results!

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/piq-strategy/

I "PIQ'd" this new pin and this is what happened only 24 hours in!

LOVE it!

60 Second Pinterest Tip For More Traffic - PotPieGirl.com 05/03/2019

How about a One MINUTE Pinterest Tip that WILL Make a difference in your results?


60 Second Pinterest Tip For More Traffic - PotPieGirl.com Would you like MORE traffic from Pinterest? Yes? Good! Let me show you something… This is going to be a really quick blog post, but there’s an important Pinterest tip that I need to share. For those of you reading this post that already took the time to download What Works NOW 2019, this will ma...

preview.mailerlite.com 01/03/2019

🥰 Blogging Tip Email I just sent out - thought YOU might like to read it:



Timeline Photos 01/03/2019

Is Your Pinterest Traffic DOWN?

Please don't FREAK OUT!

Instead, be sure to remember THIS:

As I'm closing out my February stats for my blogs, I, at first, kinda freaked out - because, on paper, the numbers look a lot worse than last month.

Then I remembered...

February was a SHORT MONTH - only 28 days (compared to 31 days last month).

That could make a BIG difference in your month-over-month numbers!

For example, if you average about 1,500 visits per day from Pinterest, your stats for February will be 4,500 visits LESS than last month.

Be sure to compare your average per DAY when comparing to last month before you freak out and go changing everything =)

Keep this in mind when comparing your ad revenue, Google search visits, etc for last month, too.



Timeline Photos 28/02/2019

Good Morning! Coffee is brewing... it's time to DO this thing! Let's work, y'all!!!

Have a great day!



Woo-Hoo! One MILLION+ RePins on Pinterest! 26/02/2019

Over One MILLION RePins!



Woo-Hoo! One MILLION+ RePins on Pinterest! So exciting to see hard work pay off! I recently reached a big Pinterest goal and I'm pretty excited about it =)One of my Pinterest accounts has hit over

Timeline Photos 26/02/2019

Words of Wisdom! Take that first step!

Struggling with Pinterest?

Try my personal PIQ method - it works!

=> http://www.potpiegirl.com/piq-strategy/


THIS!!! 😍 Yes... THIS.. THIS.. T-H-I-S!!!!

(a big thank you to my "real life" friend, Vikki - this is THE best!)

Timeline Photos 31/01/2019

Just some food for thought...

You know when we see referral traffic direct from Pinterest.com in our Analytics and everyone tells us it's ALL just direct traffic from the Smart Feed?


Is it ALL direct traffic from the Pinterest Smart Feed (ie, logged in Pinterest users home page)?

Or, mayyyyyybe, it's also another source?

While I do NOT disagree that it IS some traffic from desktop users clicking a pin url directly from their Smart Feed, I want to add this thought...

Pinterest users are what... 85% mobile via the Pinterest app? Right?

If you use Pinterest thru your phone, when is the last time you could click JUST the blog post url of a pin in your Smart Feed?

Whenever I try it, it opens the pin - and then I have to click the pin (which makes the referring url to my blog that pin url... NOT direct from Pinterest.com).

Has anyone actually TESTED this?

I have - multiple times in multiple ways (I love testing stuff like that!)

It's not ALL direct Smart Feed traffic -

Perhaps that traffic is from ANOTHER 'powerhouse' online that starts with G =)


P.I.Q. Strategy from PotPieGirl - PotPieGirl.com 30/01/2019

👀 Shhhhhh... this is NEW and YOU are the first to see it!

Do you love Pinterest traffic, but struggle to get it?

Perhaps you just want MORE traffic from Pinterest?

(and from Google?)

Maybe my NEW little "under the radar" strategy will help?

(it sure helps ME!)

It's so easy and FUN =)

I've been having a blast with it!


P.I.Q. Strategy from PotPieGirl - PotPieGirl.com A Ridiculously easy way of finding GREAT keywords for your Pinterest pins and blog posts. I'm totally FINE if NO ONE else ever knows this... but here it is...

Timeline Photos 15/01/2019

Just Look 👀 what I got!

Yes, folks, that IS a microphone - in my hands.... oh my goodness, bless us all! haha!!

I have so much to say... and about 66% of it I probably should NOT say - I've been in this game a VERY long time and seen too much that I really shouldn't talk about -

but anyone interested in hearing any of the other stuff?

Or... convincing me to talk about the OTHER 'other' stuff?

I don't know if I should stick to training videos... or a podcast type of thing or YouTube or going LIVE here on Facebook..... or all of the above.

If you give a mouse a cookie is kinda like giving PotPieGirl a microphone and then asking what she thinks - no tellin' what will happen next.

I've been killin' it on Pinterest with multiple accounts and kinda know what Pinterest wants right now...

I've been blogging on multiple blogs and doing pretty darn well with the SEO thing...

I've been testing Tailwind SmartLoops like crazy for months and finally worked it out for me and my multiple accounts...

So, I dunno know... anything YOU would like to talk about?

It's a brand New Year - let's do something awesome!

Ideas? Questions? I'm all ears!!



What Works NOW 2019 from PotPieGirl (it's ready!) 08/01/2019

As we start this brand new year, are you doing what WORKS now?


What Works NOW 2019 from PotPieGirl (it's ready!) It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Every year, about this time, I release my yearly What Works NOW guide that shares all the little tips, tricks and hacks that really made my blogging year better, easier and more profitable. Today, I am proud to present the newest guide in my What Works NOW...


This is TOO cute! Peek a Boo!

(gosh, I sure love these bird videos - they crack me up!!)

Timeline Photos 01/01/2019

Hey you! Yes, YOU!

I see you... I know... I get it.

You're working SO hard and don't feel like you're getting anywhere.

All these other bloggers share such amazing results...and you feel so discouraged.

You feel as if you've failed.

You should probably just QUIT.



Listen, I've been doing all this for almost 12 YEARS now and I sure as heck did NOT start out with magical results and income reports - not even close.

All those 'other bloggers' also started as a brand new blogger - had failure months - felt they weren't getting anywhere... had to learn SO much, and break things...and fix things... and wanted to QUIT.

I want you to stop, right now, and think about everything you have learned so far.

You, my dear, are AMAZING! You're also doing an amazing job using the best you have and GIVING the best you have.

As 2019 ticks in, I want you to know that I think YOU are AMAZING - in fact, you are FABULOUS!

You have decided to try something new and scary AND self-educate yourself to make it happen.

Do you realize how wonderful and INSPIRING that is?

YOU are inspiring... and I'm so proud of you.

Please don't quit.

The only way to fail at all this IS by quitting - and you're so much better than that.

Here's to an amazing 2019 for you - I KNOW you've got this... just keep moving forward - whether it's big leaps or baby steps, it doesn't matter.

You can do it.

{{{BIG HUGS}}}


Timeline Photos 30/12/2018

WOW! I posted this almost 2 YEARS ago in another group... and it is still pure magic. If you're blogging...and want to convert that traffic to sales, read this:


Hi y'all! I just wanted to share something that came across my feed from another group I'm in. No, I'm not selling anything - just sharing a picture and my thoughts on how it applies to what WE do.

This picture shows the basic steps of creating a Sales Video (also called a VSL - Video Sales Letter - you see them all the time online) but these same basic steps apply to what WE do as well - we just do these steps with content AND we not only have to please and inspire the reader, we also have to please Google and other search engines.

My point of sharing this is NOT to get anyone to over-analyze this, but to have it all in our minds when creating content. Just Food for Thought =)

Let's talk about the step:

1. Get Attention: This is a double whammy for us because we need to "hook" the reader in with our headline and first paragraph AND we need to please Google so our content can be FOUND.

example: I was SO tired of it - seriously, I had enough. My cat kept p*eing OUTSIDE her litterbox and I was at my wits end. I thought I had tried everything, but I finally found the solution.

(my examples here will be rough - they're straight off the top of my head)

2. Identify the Problem: This is a great place to use your keywords (as well as in your first paragraph). In essence, keywords ARE problems. People type them into Google because they are looking for a problem and/or answer, right?

example: My first fear was that my cat was sick, but a quick trip to the vet assured me she was very healthy. I asked my vet how to keep my cat from p*eing outside the litterbox - and his only "help" was to "keep it cleaner". That was no help! I clean it constantly. I've tried all the best litterboxes and even the best-rated automatic and self-cleaning litterboxes - nothing worked.

3. Agitate the Problem: This part is where we, the blogger, can really have our readers nodding their heads and relating to us (ie, I, the writer, had the same problem as you...and it was a bad problem).

example: Constantly cleaning her litterbox wasn't working - she still insisted on p*eing on the floor outside her box. Cleaning cat urine off the floor is bad enough, but the SMELL - ugh! There is nothing nastier or more embarrassing that cat urine smell in your home.

4. Identify the Solution: Enter, your focus product.

example: Then, one day I was at my niece's baby shower and one of her friends was talking about HER cat having the same issue. Naturally, I couldn't resist eavesdropping. She solved her issue simply - with a this new SUPERCOOL litterbox and then this new SUPERCOOL cat litter.

I had never heard of either - so you guessed it, I tried it. What did I have to lose? Guess what? It worked!

5. Introduce the Product: This is where you talk about the basic features of the product(s). No example needed.

6. Results and Benefits: This is a big part... how it helped and fixed the "big problem".

examples: no more cleaning cat p*e of the ceramic tile floor... no more cat urine smell in the house.... cat is happier and healthier... and my life is better.

7. Your Call to Action: Now, in videos, the Call to Action (CTA) is towards the end of the video. But with blog posts like ours, we have subtle CTAs throughout our content (pictures, text links, etc) - but it's very important to have a very clear (and blunt) CTA at the end of your content. Believe it or not, people need to know what to do next... and they want it as well.

8. Social Proof: If the person is still reading and didn't click your random links throughout the content or your Big CTA - they want/need more. This is where Social Proof is super important and helpful for increasing conversions.

This area is basically a "what do OTHER people say" area - the reader is apparently interested in what YOU have to say (they read to the bottom, right?), but maybe they (like most online shoppers) need more input from other people.

Some good ways to do this are using Pros and Cons of the product.

example: Many people love this litterbox and have really helpful things to say about it. Read lots of reviews from other owners of this litterbox here.

However, there area few people who didn't like the color of the litterbox. The color of the litterbox was irrelevant to ME, all I wanted was cat p*e IN the litterbox, but a few people made some points to think about in their reviews. Some others mentioned that the cord was too short. I don't know where THEY planned to plug this litterbox in, but I have mine in my laundry room and the cord is plenty long enough to go around the wall and be plugged in behind my washer/dryer out of sight.

Read all one-star reviews from people who don't like this litterbox here.

I read ALL the reviews, but only a few really helped me. This is the review I read that really, really helped me realize this was the right choice for me to end the madness and helped make my overall decision. Great info and super helpful for anyone who is trying to stop their cat from p*eing outside their litterbox.


Not sure if you really read that example above, but if so, you may have noticed that I talked about a SPECIFIC review that helped me. I also talked about the one-star reviews.

You can link to ANY page on Amazon with your affiliate link. ANY PAGE. You can link to only the 5-star reviews or the 4-star.....right down to only the one-star reviews. You can link to a SINGLE review as well. Just go that any page on Amazon and then click "link to this page".

ANYONE can link to the main product page of a product... your readers have probably already BEEN to the main product page as well. They get there, see ALL those reviews and are overwhelmed - and head on over to Google to get more input and find their answers/solutions. In essence, people want someone ELSE to tell them that this product will fix their problem - because it fixed the same problem for them (your post content) and you show them the reviews from people who also had their same problem solved (social proof).

Do that work FOR them =)

Q. What if the product(s) I am reviewing/blogging about does NOT have a "problem" associated with it?

A. In reality, EVERY purchase online solves something - even if the purchaser was just bored.

That said, there are some products that don't have a BIG problem associated with them at face value. For example, shower curtains.

But think about it - if your keyword choices are super relevant and someone wants a Blue and Yellow Shower Curtain with Ducks, and your content shows a lot of choices in this style that aren't ALWAYS the obvious first-page products on an Amazon search...well, you ARE helping them solve a problem, aren't you?

Anyway, just food for thought - something to keep in your mind as a mental checklist when you blog. It's not a "This Way or It's WRONG" type of thing at all, either.

Now, I need to stop typing because this is WAY too long for a Facebook post....lol! Hope y'all don't mind!

Please excuse any typos, I was trying to type as fast as my brain was thinking and that doesn't always work out well for me...lol!

Timeline Photos 25/12/2018

From all of mine to all of yours - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope that each and every one of you are able to touch and reach the bright star in front of you in this coming year. I know you can do it!


Being Broke Is Hard...
Making a BIG Change is also really hard...
If it's gonna be hard either way, Why not make a BIG change?

Timeline Photos 13/12/2018

All. The. TIME! I have a serious case of Delayed LOL-itis!

Do you do this too?


I am overjoyed, and deeply humbled, by all the AMAZING feedback my 2019 What Works NOW guide has received. What an HONOR to supply our blogging community with tips and tricks to help them get BETTER results... while working LESS. THANK YOU!


Seriously, I can NOT stop sneezing! You know it's bad when you resort to searching Google for "constant tickle in nose" only to find out you either have a cold - or a tumor (gee, thanks Google!)

Any suggestions?

On a brighter, less sinusy note - there are 2 more days to get the Early Bird Deal on my brand new What Works NOW 2019 =)

60 Second Pinterest Tip For More Traffic - PotPieGirl.com 06/12/2018

NEW 60 Second Pinterest Tip on PotPiegirl.com -


60 Second Pinterest Tip For More Traffic - PotPieGirl.com Would you like MORE traffic from Pinterest? Yes? Good! Let me show you something… This is going to be a really quick blog post, but there’s an important Pinterest tip that I need to share. For those of you reading this post that already jumped on your Early Bird opportunity to download What Work...


What a DAY! Sheesh! I release What Works NOW 2019 and my site blows up - my inbox goes NUTS...and my server gets overloaded (I guess those are all GOOD problems, right?!?!)

This has been a ride....on very little sleep.

I'm SO happy everyone loves the tips and tricks I shared in What Works NOW 2019 - it is, by far, my favorite yearly guide to date, and was a true labor of love getting those tips out to everyone!

Now... I sleep (hopefully!)

Videos (show all)

Pinterest Bug Hurting Traffic
Pinterest Tips & Tricks for Bloggers (from PotPieGirl)
Pinterest SEO  - Let's Talk Pin Descriptions
