Jordie Cole - JCole_Creations

Jordie Cole - JCole_Creations

I developed my passion for writing early in life and am excited to share my stories with the world!


So excited to be registered for the 2024 competition! I can't wait to see what this year's challenges bring!



Cole & Clarke Books Jordie Cole and Lyn Clarke met by chance and were inspired to create and share their unique talents.


Round 2 results of the NYC Midnight Challenge were posted and I'm sad to announce I did not advance. I am very proud of the progress I made and for challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone. I wrote unique stories I never would have considered before and I am honored to have participated amongst such talented writers. Congratulations to all whom advanced to round 3! I'm coming for you again next year!


And... I've submitted for round 2! This round was certainly harder (3 days vs 8 and 2,000 words max vs 2,500), but I finished! I have felt incredible pressure and don't know how others are able to accomplish this, but the challenge has been very rewarding. Regardless of the results, I am happy with what I have accomplished and believe my short story is unique.

Cheers to all those competing in round 2! And a HUGE thank you to my supporters and friends who have encouraged me and helped provide feedback and critiques! I couldn't have done this without you!!!


One of my greatest weaknesses as a writer is my lack of confidence in myself and the feeling that I am a fraud. While this accomplishment may not equate to being a prized-winning author, it is certainly a historic milestone in my writing journey...

Competing against 5,956 writers among 215 initial groups, I was tasked with creating a short story (less than 2,500 characters in length) in less than 8 days. I am so very humbled and proud to announce that my submission, 'Sorenson's Peak' ranked #4 in my group, and that I will be moving on to round 2 of the competition!!!

I want to thank God for this amazing opportunity to challenge myself and for the courage to try something out of my comfort zone. I want to thank my family and friends whom always encouraged me and even stayed up late hours to proofread and edit my samples. I could NOT have done this without you all by my side! I would like to congratulate all the others whom placed and will be competing in round 2 and encourage all others to continue writing and learning from their craft. This was not an easy task and took me far outside my comfort zone, so I cannot even begin to imagine how others felt during this process of discovery.

If you've made it this far, thank you for your continued encouragement and support. I am so humbled and honored by this opportunity and I will try my best to update you all as I continue this weekend into round 2!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID IT!!!


I DID IT! I may not make it to round two of the competition, but I can say I successfully submitted my short story for the . My designated topic was far from what I would normally write, so no matter what the results end up being, I am very proud of this accomplishment!

Thank you for the friends (you know who you are) who encouraged me through late night chats, suggestions, and edits!


I just thought you all should know that I'm scouring my Facebook friends/feed for a good character name for a short story.


Warm wishes this holiday season! Merry Christmas!


Don't forget to mark your calendars!
10AM - 12PM
TOMORROW, December, 10, 2022!
Sunset Valley Elementary School

We are excited to announce that Santa is making time in his busy schedule for another visit! Join us this Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022 from 10AM - 12PM for donuts and pictures with Santa. Plus enjoy a live reading of 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift' with a rare autograph opportunity from both the author and illustrator! We hope to see you there!


Friends and family... don't miss out!

We are excited to announce that Santa is making time in his busy schedule for another visit! Join us this Saturday, Dec. 10, 2022 from 10AM - 12PM for donuts and pictures with Santa. Plus enjoy a live reading of 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift' with a rare autograph opportunity from both the author and illustrator! We hope to see you there!

Photos from The Friend Zone's post 08/12/2022

Santa reading 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift' will truly be a cherished memory ❤️ I can't thank The Friend Zone and The Clarke House enough for this amazing collaboration and experience! I look forward to many more momentous occasions! Cole & Clarke Books


Words can't express how very excited and blessed I am to be a part of this event. This truly will be a memorable experience for me and I am so thankful for all of our supporters who helped this dream come true! Cole & Clarke Books The Clarke House The Friend Zone


Cookies and storytime with Santa are less than a month away. Don’t forget to register ASAP.

Cookies and storytime with Santa are less than a month away. Don’t forget to register ASAP.

Book review of Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift 01/11/2022

Is this REAL?! A 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review on our very first children's book collaboration with Cole & Clarke Books The Clarke House!!! So very excited for this announcement and to see it shared live on Readers Favorite Facebook and webpage! If you haven't purchased it yet, don't forget to visit Amazon for your copy of 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift'!

Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift

Book review of Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift is a children's Christmas story by Jordie Cole. Complemented by some enchanting illustrations by Lyn Clarke, the book follows Charley, a young boy who loves Christmas. During the Christmas season, Charley gets to sleep as much as he likes, eats the food he wants,....


Well, the disappointment is real with this one. Although we got a couple shares, not a single person bought a raffle ticket so we are unable to gift the 30 books to a classroom or school. Buuuut, lucky for those who missed out, we hope to have a new opportunity to share soon, so stay tuned! Hint, hint... 😉🙃

In celebration of our book launch, we want to host our first ever CLASSROOM BOOK RAFFLE!

The winner of the raffle will win autographed copies of Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift for their whole classroom*! Not a teacher? NO WORRIES! You can choose a school or classroom for the books to be provided to*.

All raffle tickets cost $5 and you can enter as many times as you want! To qualify, you must submit payment by the due date, like this post, and share this post. The drawing will be hosted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7PM (1 official week after our book launch)**. Payments can be made through the following methods:

VENMO: -sims-sherrod
ZELLE: [email protected]

*Maximum of 30 copies will be provided to a classroom or school of your choice.
**Winner must respond with classroom and/or school details via Facebook messenger no later than Monday, October 31, 2022; otherwise the winner forfeits all rights and a new winner will be selected.


What an amazing opportunity! Where are all of my teacher friends, PTA members, or parents at?! Great way to start the holidays and share a gift with a classroom!

In celebration of our book launch, we want to host our first ever CLASSROOM BOOK RAFFLE!

The winner of the raffle will win autographed copies of Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift for their whole classroom*! Not a teacher? NO WORRIES! You can choose a school or classroom for the books to be provided to*.

All raffle tickets cost $5 and you can enter as many times as you want! To qualify, you must submit payment by the due date, like this post, and share this post. The drawing will be hosted on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7PM (1 official week after our book launch)**. Payments can be made through the following methods:

VENMO: -sims-sherrod
ZELLE: [email protected]

*Maximum of 30 copies will be provided to a classroom or school of your choice.
**Winner must respond with classroom and/or school details via Facebook messenger no later than Monday, October 31, 2022; otherwise the winner forfeits all rights and a new winner will be selected.

Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift 19/10/2022

It's official! So excited for this journey and the exciting opportunities and connections we will build upon.

Whether you're a parent with young children, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or family friend, Charley's Unexpected Gift is a wholesome read for all ages! Paperback copies can be purchased on Amazon now! And don't forget to like our page Cole & Clarke Books for updates on book giveaways, future stories, and more!

Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift For Charley, the Christmas season is all about sleeping in, no homework, good food, and lots and lots of presents from Santa. But this year, Charley uncovers that not all gifts can come down the chimney and that Santa is not a magical wish-granting factory. Join Charley as he learns a valuable Ch...


My kind of kids!!!

So sweet!


❤❤❤ Super excited to share Charley's story with The Friend Zone!

The "Cookies and Storytime with Santa" event welcomes school-aged children with special needs, and their families! If this includes your family, or a family you know, please share and/or RSVP as soon as possible!

We will be contributing 1/2 of all proceeds from books purchased at this event to The Friend Zone! In addition, this is a rare opportunity to purchase a copy of 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift' with an autograph from both the author, Jordie Cole - JCole_Creations and the illustrator, The Clarke House!
📲Scan the QR to RSVP or 💻visit


So very excited for this! It is starting to feel real!

I am so very excited! If this isn't on my doorstep when I get home, I will be anxiously awaiting for the delivery driver! Our proof copies of 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift'' arrive today! If all goes well 🤞 we will hopefully be able to approve the print and submit for publishing! I cannot wait to see the finished product and share the link with you all as soon as possible!

- Jordie Cole


This will be an amazing event and a rare opportunity to support a newly published work 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift' as well as the newly established The Friend Zone. All books purchased at the event will be autographed by the author (me!) And the illustrator! In addition, 1/2 of the proceeds for all books purchased at the event will go to support the Friend Zone!

Due to building capacity requirements, this event is currently listed for only school-aged children with special needs and their families. If this applies to you or someone you know, please RSVP as soon as possible so we know how many to expect and whether we are able to invite more people to join and celebrate with us all!

Come jingle and mingle with us at the first annual cookies and storytime with Santa event!


I am thrilled to announce that, in addition to our partnership on 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift', Lyn Clarke The Clarke House and I have teamed up to form Cole & Clarke Books! To be the first to learn more about our new books, enter giveaways, and to learn additional details as we prepare to publish 'Charley's Unexpected Christmas Gift', please like and follow our page!


My dearest friends and supporters, I am so very excited to finally announce... that I am publishing another book!

In combined efforts with illustrator Lyn Clarke Clarke House, we have put together a wonderful holiday treat for your kiddos and families! We are excited for this opportunity and we look forward to announcing a live publication date with you all soon! Stay tuned for more updates!


A few weeks ago I announced that I would have some fun news to share... well I have another ***HINT***!

The exciting news involves a partnership with The Clarke House!!!! I can't wait to share more with you all soon!

I have some very special news coming soon! I don't have an official date, but hope to share with you all in the next month or two! Hint, hint... the surprise has sooomething to do with the picture below...


So thankful to have such a wonderful and supportive mom. A hug from her can heal my soul! Thank you, mom!


💯 and buying books and reading them.... 2 separate hobbies


I don't know though, a walk-in closet sounds nice, too... why does girl have to choose?

📷: Because all the Books


In life, in love, in... anything

This is such a good reminder!

📸 = Power Ofspeach
