Born Again Catholics 815

Born Again Catholics 815

Creating a community for converts to the Catholic faith.


When the children were still very small, I said to them on the way to church on a Passion Sunday morning, “Now watch and tell me what is different today in church!” On the way home they said eagerly that the statues and crosses on the altars were covered with violet cloth.
“And why don’t we do it at home, Mother? Shouldn’t we cover the crucifix and statues in the living room and in our bedrooms, too?”
As I had no good reason to offer against it, we bought a few yards of violet cloth the next day and did at home what we had seen in church. In the following years we were ready for the covering ceremony on Saturday before Passion Sunday.
The older ones among the children also had noticed that the prayers at the foot of the altar were much shorter and that there was no “Gloria Patri” after the Introit and the Lavabo.
To let the children watch for such changes in the liturgy makes them much more eager than if they are told everything in advance.
Promptly, when we came in our evening prayers to the “Gloria Patri,” a warning, hissing “Sssh” from the children’s side made us aware that “Gloria Patri,” even if only in family prayers, should be omitted for these holy days of mourning.
I am sure it would be the case in every family, as it was in ours, that the children are the ones who most eagerly want to carry into the home as much of holy liturgy as they possibly can.
~Maria von Trapp
Photo from


Funny how on some days a little of the “old” is a perfect fit. Listening to ’Old Rugged Cross’ radio station in Pandora.


Dear Brethren, please be guided accordingly.

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Welcome! This page was created to offer a place of fellowship for converts to the Catholic faith. The title is a play on words; most of us are Protestant "born again" believers that have found the Catholic faith and converted to the universal church. Therefore being in a sense "born again and again". If you are like me, conversion has its beauty and at times confusing moments. Where do you look for answers? Well, of course your parish priests and there are also many online resources. However, there is nothing quite like talking it out with a friend. And oh yes, there's that; friends. If you've recently converted to the Catholic faith, no doubt you have lost quite a few friends in the process. Our hope is to build this community and eventually add events and socials where we can learn more about our faith and make new friends. For now, like this page for updates and find us over at the Born Again Catholics Group Page where we hope to meet, talk and get to know each other.
