Laura Lambe Fitness

Laura Lambe Fitness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Laura Lambe Fitness, Coach, .


I am looking for 5 women who want to lose 10lbs+ over the next 4 weeks for a SPECIAL offer on my coaching 🔥
Raise your hand if that's you before the spots are filled 👋


🚨🚨How I Became One of The Youngest Female Investment Risk Advisors Globally To a CEO of A Multi Billion Dollar Hedge Fund, Start and Grow My Own 6 Figure Coaching Business, Create An Unstoppable Mindset And Develop Unwavering Self Confidence...

All While Getting Into The Best Shape Of My Life….💪🔥

How did I do it??
How Did I juggle it All?
How Did I Work 11 Hour Days in A Hedge Fund And Still Grow My Own Business On The Side AND Get Into The Best Shape I have Ever Been? 💪🍑

How Did I Level Up My Time Management Skills To Be Able To Achieve Everything I Wanted? 🤓
How Did I Create Endless Energy And Motivation Daily?? 🔥
How Did I Become The Strongest Mentally I Have Ever Been? 🤯🙌

Well I am Going To Share ALL Within My Group….🔥🔥

Want To Know How I Managed To Completely Transform My Life, My Mindset AND My Physique?

Join Me In My Group Where I Will Tell All….

Join the Group below in comments 🔥🔥🤓🤯


The ‘one size fits all’ diet plan that will just bleed your bank balance dry, leave you feeling super frustrated and not being to able to lose a single lb and maintain it in the longterm…

We have all heard the saying ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’
But how many of us actually live by those words??

You see you can exercise as hard as you like and as often as you like but if you have not got your nutrition nailed then you are sadly just wasting your time (and money) 🙅‍♀️

And what do i mean by ‘having your nutrition nailed’?
A thing I hear pretty much on a daily basis is ‘I don’t understand why i can’t lose weight as i eat healthy’ ….. What does ‘healthy’ mean?

The term ‘healthy’ has been created by the fitness industry to simply get you to think you are eating according to your goals whilst handing over your money over and over again as it is such an open ended word that it creates soo much confusion.

The word ‘healthy’ is everywhere we look now. You can’t go to a restaurant these days without ‘healthy’ being slapped everywhere. Just because the word ‘healthy’ is put infront of something does not guarantee fat loss. Infact if you were to eat foods branded ‘healthy’ all day long with zero knowledge about HOW MUCH food you were eating compared to HOW MUCH you need to lose weight you have ZERO chance of ever losing weight...EVER!! 🤯
This is the kind of advice I hear on a daily basis that women have received on how to eat ‘healthy’..🤦

❌' Just Eat clean’ - i think this tops my list of useless advice…’clean’ what even is that?? You can eat all the ‘clean’ food in the world and still not lose a single pound of fat if you are not aware of how much food you are eating..
❌'Cut carbs, cut sugar’ - This is SUPER harmful advice, especially for women as we NEED carbs for a list of things including hormone regulation. If someone just blankly tells you to cut you to sugar or carbs challenge them..or simply walk away...🤷🏼‍♀️
❌'Intermittent fasting’ - don’t kid yourself, you are basically skipping breakfast and slapping a fancy name on it
You see losing weight is 90% driven by HOW MUCH you eat (notice i didn’t say ‘what you eat’) but yet the vast majority of women are ploughing their money into the 10% ie the workouts - the gyms, the PTs, the bootcamps etc while ignoring the 90% - the very thing that is needed to lose weight!!🤷🏼‍♀️

It is kinda like having a broken leg on and putting a plaster on it thinking it's going to make a difference…

So if you want to know how to actually reach your physique goal instead of just throwing your money away and putting yourself through so much restrictive diet misery for nothing then i can tell you about a strategy that is actually designed for YOU and YOUR goals then just comment 🙋‍♀️below 💪


Just a few weeks in and her waist is disappearing already 👋
Eating MORE food now and was waaaay more energy in day to day life but is finally getting a flat stomach 💪💪🔥

Who else would like to Learn how to eat MORE food but get a flat stomach in just a few weeks??


Summer is 10 weeks away and that usually means one thing...bikini season

So to help you feel more confident on the beach this summer who wants a TUMMY BLAST workout?? 🙋‍♀️

DISCLAIMER: You can do all the sit ups until you are blue in the face but if your nutrition isn’t where it needs to be for YOUR body to actually lose weight you will never achieve that flat stomach. Nutrition over sit ups every single day...This will only help those who know what to eat to get a flat stomach

🚨🚨So if you want to know what to eat to achieve your best physique for summer in 10 weeks hit me a comment below 🙋‍♀️

Ps yes i eat carbs
PPs yes i eat chocolate
PPPs yes i can teach you how to eat whatever you like and have abs


Around 6 weeks between these photos and we have had multiple holidays - skiing, miami and more - before going into lockdown

She is still eating all the foods she loves including cheesecake 😍 the foods she eat always make me hungry just by looking at them

Cannot wait to see what killer physique this lady has at the end of her time working with me. We are going to blow that before pic out of the water
Would you like results like this over the next 6 weeks while still eating all your favourite foods in lockdown??