Prophet G.A Selenkeh

Prophet G.A Selenkeh

Go in the world and preach the Gospel to everyone for the time is near and the time has come


Read again



Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.

Amos 5:14-15

Thoughts on Today's Verse A whole bunch of folks claim that God is on their side. In reality, the important question is whether we are on God's side! That's determined more by what we seek and do rather than what we think and say. God longs to be with us, but he will not sacrifice his character to extend us cheap grace, a grace that does not call us to be like him. He's looking for believers who put their character where their mouths are.

My Prayer

Most Holy God. Your righteousness and holiness are beyond me. I know that my best efforts are only vain attempts to attain them. Yet I long, dear Father, to be more like you in every way that it is humanly possible. Let me know of your presence with me as I seek after you and your character in my life. In the name of Jesus the Righteous One I pray. Amen.

Prophet G.A Selenkeh


Prophecy for 2023
I see God taking home may father in the lord
From Nigeria we will loose a great man and father to father's
I see one of the father's of miracles son to one of the great woman who has excited in the faith from Israeli
Then I see the full Gospel mission crying because a father will be taken from them his death will shake the world and Cameroon for its time I see two great men taken from us in the full gospel mission
For the have fought the good fight the have finished the race
the names will be kept because the are public figures
This will all happen within this year
