Christ HAS Returned Luke 17:25 Matt 24:44 REV 16:15

Christ HAS Returned Luke 17:25 Matt 24:44 REV 16:15

LUKE 17:24-25 MATTHEW 24:44 REVELATION 16:15 Christ has returned to earth LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT


Lucifer mimics Christ in the pagan ritual cult known as Christianity based on Osiris. Christ is Yahweh Brian Marshall.


When you pray in the name of Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall you find out He is Christ. Rev 3:12 new name!


The Climate Is Cyclical…

Timeline photos 29/12/2022

Yeah, I never signed a “social contract”.

Timeline photos 01/12/2022

The game is being played on the backs of the vast majority.

Timeline photos 01/12/2022

Sadly Christians are unaware their religion has paganism woven into it. Isis and Horus form the basis. They rejected the REAL JC.


December 18th is flagged up as a possible date for evil to be removed from this planet.
I hope so!

SITUATION UPDATE 11/11/22 12/11/2022


Vanished out of sight Julian Day 855 10/11/2022

Vanished out of sight Julian Day 855 Our bitchute channel two days of Yah's "going" described within the script from the foundation of the worl...


We pray in Jesus name that pagan ritual Christianity is closed asap and its followers wake up to the fraud.


Christ HAS Returned Luke 17:25 Matt 24:44 REV 16:15 LUKE 17:24-25 MATTHEW 24:44 REVELATION 16:15 Christ has returned to earth LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT AND HAS TO BE REJECTED AS PER BIBLE PROPHECY. Christians are misinterpreting.


This is the reason Christians wont listen to the news that Christ Yahweh has already returned to earth. They are worshipping the pagan Ishtar (Easter) cult and Tammuz.

EASTER IS PAGAN AND NOT HOLY DOWNLOAD PDF OF THIS ARTICLE DEUTERONOMY 12:29-32 “29 When the Lord thy God shall cut off the nations from before thee, whither thou goest to possess them, and thou succeedest them…

Apostolic letter 15/09/2022

From 2013 when Christ (Yahweh the Father) and Pope Benedict were speaking and just before Benedict was beaten by thugs for speaking to Christ and writing the Apostolic Letter IN CHRISTUM CREDUNT confirming Christ is on earth as Brian Golightly Marshall. Mary and Jesus of the bible were based on Ishtar and Tammuz the book is not what you think it is no one will float in the clouds........

Apostolic letter


Christians block us because they believe the corrupted freemason KJV Bible is the word of God. Its very sad.

Freemason Bible: The King James Master Reference Edition Masonic Bible : Jewish Rabbis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 07/08/2022

Christ has been exposing the original KJV Bible for years.....

Freemason Bible: The King James Master Reference Edition Masonic Bible : Jewish Rabbis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive This is the Master Mason Bible, a book originally compiled by Jewish masters for the management of goyim Masons. This copy was purchased from a seller on...


Luke 17:25 Christ must firstly be rejected on His return.

What Is the Meaning of Jesus Coming Like a Thief in the Night? 29/06/2022


What Is the Meaning of Jesus Coming Like a Thief in the Night? The Lord Jesus said He would come like a thief in the night. What’s the meaning of His words? Read this article to learn the way of the Lord’s return.

The Ascent of Yah into His Altar to the Lord Isaiah 19:19,20 and more 26/05/2022

Sadly Christians can't grasp the fact that their book and religion are largely false. The Jesus story is a mish mash of various Gods such as Horus, Zeus, Osiris, Tammuz and Saturnalia festival etc. Christ will not waft about on a fluffy cloud on His return nor will Christians float up into the sky to meet the wafting Jesus in Fluffy Cloudland in some illogical floating rapture. He came via the womb like the first time, the only way onto the earth.

The Ascent of Yah into His Altar to the Lord Isaiah 19:19,20 and more October 11th 2013, Daphne's 101st birthday, is the day Yah suffered multiple heart attacks, another vain attempt to kill him, confirmed in February of 2014, 4 months after the event and back in Australia, not trusting anyone to present to a hospital…


Welcome new members. The problem is that the KJV bible has been falsely marketed as the Word Of God. It is not. Christ has returned via the womb not on a cloud and clearly explained that the Christian religion is a fabrication. He states the bible was written by satanists and the religion created to control society. Those satanists hung the face of Lucifer over Christ's face sadly, so now the whole of Christendom is expecting an almost effeminate fine b***d weakling who doesnt have normal relationships with women to float on a cloud and not the strong, married alpha male we see in Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall ie you are expecting Lucifer not the real Christ which is why you don't recognise the real Christ. You have been deceived and which brings us to Luke 17:25 Christ is rejected when He returns as people are expecting the false airy fairy Jesus to turn up and sitting on a cloud.


Welcome Christians. Christ is back as the Father Yahweh. He came via the womb. He has revealed that the KJV Bible is flawed. He wont float on a cloud and Christians wont float up to Him in rapture. Every eye doesnt see Him at the same time. The book was written by Freemasons. A false image of an effeminate Jesus was created, sadly. He was the same alpha male that we see in Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall today. Please scroll down the group posts to learn more. Thank you for attending this group. Tell your friends.


Welcome one and all. Christ is back already and has revealed the KJV Bible and Christian religion were invented to control society and were not requested by Him. The correct bible is THE BOOK OF YAHWEH. Those of you who recognise and accept Christ today are His children. Those of you who laugh and mock and scream KJV bible passages at those of us who are spreading the word that Christ is back are not. He isn't going to float on a cloud or make Christians float into the sky. He came via the womb like the first time. He didn't tell people to turn the other cheek like weakminded doormats, you are being manipulated by those who invented the false religion. Everything you need is in this group's posts. Thank you.

The Book Of Yahweh 08/02/2022

The Book Of Yahweh Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall is God and proves himself to the World by measurement, coincidence , numbers from the words in the bible, his image and much...


The-Great-Pyramid-Code-Reveals-Jesus-Christ-Is-Back-And-The-World-Orde The-great-pyramid-code-reveals-jesus-christ-is-back-and-the-world-order-cover-up Download ebook PDF or read online. Get book with high quality and all files are


Brian Marshall of Toogoom, Queensland, has the crucifixion scars all over Him and His face in the Shroud but Christians cant stop referring back to the myths in the bible instead of using their brains. HELLOOOOOO

In Christum Credunt 14/08/2021

Pope Benedict was silenced when he tried to announce Christ is back on Italian TV but his document IN CHRISTUM CREDUNT was fortunately sent to Christ via email and captured for the world on this website including details of what happened at the time. Had this been broadcast on TV everyone would have believed it instantly, we are now faced with unbelieving people because they 'haven't seen it on the television or heard it on the radio'.......

In Christum Credunt The Return Of Christ Announced By Pope Benedict XVI

In Christum Credunt 08/07/2021

Jesus (as the Father Yahweh) returned LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT silently and has to be rejected by this generation (see bible passages posted below this post giving correct bible passages as Christians are using prophecy in the wrong order and also following some myths sadly). Christ and Pope Benedict spoke via email in March 2013 shortly after Benedict retired, Saint Andrea Anna arranged the online meeting. Benedict recognised Christ from the Shroud of Turin which has the image of Christ's face today miraculously imprinted on it so that we can recognise Him, and scheduled a TV announcement in Italy which was cancelled against his wishes. He was silenced and prevented from speaking out about Christ's return by Francis. Christ has stated that Francis is the 'antechrist'. Francis' thugs reported to Christ they had murdered the witnesses. Christians won't listen to this news as they have been deluded by a book which Christ Himself has revealed was penned by Freemason satanists and a religion created to control society. This manmade book and religion contain myths about how Christ returns such as floating on clouds and making Christians float into the sky. These are simply fantasy (fiction). The word of God is Christ's word from His own mouth not a book written by Freemasons. Christ states that He didn't ask for a religion to be created about Him, it is largely fiction. The correct bible is THE BOOK OF YAHWEH which was hidden. Christ is and was Yahweh and today lives in Toogoom, Australia with His wife. The idea that Christ had no normal relationships, such as having a wife, yet more masonic myth. The totally false image of an effeminate, airy fairy, anti s*x Jesus was based on various lower ancient and transgender gods when Christianity was invented, and is nothing like the real Christ who is the alpha (white) male whom we see today in Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall who has normal relationships with women. Yes he was white not middle eastern. Christ also has a Youtube channel (yes He also uses modern methods of communication such as telephones and computers) where you can meet Him and message Him and His wife Janelle aka Asherah (Yahweh and Asherah) Christ is back as the Father Yahweh this time not the son. His name is Yahweh Jesus Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall. Christ already has a UK Office who have created this page for you, The Australian Secret Intelligence Office are already working for Him and some of the US ARMY have adopted 'MARSHALL' Law as they know He is Christ. Please see Pope Benedict's announcement document below and remember, when the same lies are fed to people for a long time people believe them without question and when truth is finally revealed it sounds like madness.

In Christum Credunt The Return Of Christ Announced By Pope Benedict XVI