Lead a healthy life

Lead a healthy life

Follow this beautiful page for tips and recipes and live a healthier life!


I love having tea to relax!


Delicious coffee to wake up!



3 white sweet potatoes
1 cup of cooking water
2 tablespoons of cold butter
salt to taste

Wash, dry and peel the sweet potatoes. Cut and transfer to a pan. Cover with water and season with ½ teaspoon of salt.
Bring to a boil over high heat and, once boiling, cook for about 20 minutes, or until tender.
Turn off the heat and reserve 1 cup (tea) of the cooking water. Drain the potatoes through a sieve.
Return the potatoes, still hot, to the same pan and beat with a mixer until smooth. Gradually add the cooking water to give the point. If you prefer a more rustic puree, pass the potatoes through a ricer.
Add the butter and mix well with a spatula until melted and the puree is creamy. Taste and, if necessary, season with more salt.


Walking, like any physical activity, brings many health benefits, even more so if done outdoors and in a group or accompanied, because this way we have a very strong interpersonal relationship between practitioners, spending hours together and we can talk, observe and appreciate all around. In addition, outdoor walks help in the prevention of numerous diseases, improve self-esteem and mobility of practitioners.



• Wheat flour: 2 cups of tea
• Salt: 1 teaspoon
• Baking powder: 4 teaspoons
• Sugar: 2 tablespoons
• Eggs: 2 units
• Warm milk: 1 1/2 cups of tea
• Melted butter: 1/3 cup of tea
• Vanilla extract: 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation
- In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, yeast and sugar. Reserve.
- Preheat the waffle maker to the desired temperature (I leave it on maximum).
- In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Add the milk, butter and vanilla. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture. Beat with a fouet until blended.
- Place the dough in the preheated waffle maker. Cook the waffles until golden and crispy. Serve immediately.


Today I already stretched:

Stretching throughout the day can have many benefits for your body. That's because it improves joint functions and helps keep all muscles relaxed and more flexible to handle the routine.


Creamy cocada

1 cup shredded coconut
100ml of sour cream
200ml of coconut milk
3 tbsp xylitol (or other sweetener)

Put all the ingredients in the pan and take it to the medium fire for approximately 15 minutes;
Mix until you get the consistency you want.


Banana benefits

1. Prevents cardiovascular diseases
2. Helps with brain functions
3. Helps the good mood
4. Improves sleep
5. Brings energy to the body and reduces cramps
6. Increases satiety and helps with weight loss
7. It is beneficial for the digestive system
8. Good for eyesight


Great day to rest!


Today's delight

- Vegan Strawberry Smoothie with Banana and Flaxseed

1/2 water banana (dwarf or cockatiel)

3 strawberries

200 ml of water or plant milk

1 teaspoon of flaxseed


Delicious flavored water, to drink more water!

- Pineapple, ginger and mint:

1 liter of water;
1/4 of pineapple;
5 slices of ginger;
A handful of mint.

- Strawberry, kiwi, fennel and star anise:

1 liter of water;
1 kiwi;
8 strawberries;
a handful of fennel;
5 pieces of star anise.

- Orange, lemon, cinnamon stick and cloves:

1 liter of water;
1 orange, cut into slices;
1 lemon, cut into slices;
2 cinnamon sticks;
5 cloves.


Broccoli and Bacon Parmesan Garlic Cream

250 g of chopped bacon
2 tablespoons of butter
1 chopped onion
5 minced garlic cloves
400 ml of sour cream
500 g broccoli (2 to 3 heads of broccoli)
Salt and pepper to season
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Fry the bacon in a large skillet and bake over medium heat until crisp. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to soak up some of the oil. Reserve.
Drain most of the bacon fat from the pan, leaving about 1-2 tbsp for added flavor (adjust this amount to your liking).
In the same pan, melt the butter, add the onion and cook until translucent (about 2 minutes).
Add the broccoli and season with salt and pepper and cook stirring occasionally for about 3 minutes.
Add the garlic and stir the broccoli for 30 seconds.
Pour in the cream, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until the sauce has thickened to your liking.
Add the bacon and mix well.
Pour everything into a serving dish, top with the mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses and bake in the oven until the cheese is bubbly and golden.
Season with a little extra pepper, if desired, before serving.



It is during sleep that the body performs the main restorative functions of the body, such as tissue repair, muscle growth and protein synthesis. During this time, it is possible to replenish energy and regulate metabolism, essential factors to maintain a healthy body and mind. Sleeping well is, therefore, a habit that should be included in everyone's routine.

Experts recommend an average of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a day. This number may vary according to the age of each individual and the development needs of their body, as indicated.


5 benefits of red fruits:

1- Benefit the vision. ...
2- They have anticancer and detoxifying action. ...
3- They are rich in fiber. ...
4- Increase satiety. ...
5- Fight anemia.


1 yellow pepper, chopped into strips
6 large curly lettuce leaves
6 large lettuce leaves
1 sliced cucumber
6 chopped cherry tomatoes
2 oranges in wedges
1 tablespoon NATU'S flaxseed
Cottage cheese or ricotta cheese, to taste
Pitted black olives (optional)

4 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon NATU'S sea salt
pepper to taste



Pie crust

1 cup of peanut butter
2 whole eggs
3 tablespoons almonds or oat bran
3 tablespoons erythritol or sweetener of your choice
1 spoon of coconut oil
1 coffee spoon of bicarbonate of soda
-Mix everything until it becomes a dough
Use an 18 cm loose-bottomed pan (small)
Shape the dough around the entire shape,
Place in the oven to bake at 180°C for 20 minutes.
Remove and let cool in the fridge.


1 can of cream (must be canned cream)
4 tablespoons (80g) xylitol
1 and a half tablespoons (30g) almond flour
1 lemon juice
-Place the cream and xylitol in a pan and stir until boiling
Add the almond flour and stir until creamy.
Let the cream cool and when it is cold, stir in the lemon juice.


Put the cream inside the dough
Place in the freezer to chill for at least 40 minutes.


Have you had water today?

See the list of benefits that drinking water brings us:

1. It can help control weight
2. Helps with concentration
3. Improves mood
4. Optimize physical performance
5. Lubricates the joints
6. Prevents certain headaches
7. Regulates body temperature
8. Helps in skin hydration
9. Helps to avoid hangovers
10. Helps prevent kidney stones
11. Aid in digestion
12. Helps prevent constipation
13. Maintains blood volume
14. Eliminates toxins


Delicious pumpkin and bacon broth

300 g of pumpkin
100 g bacon or bacon
Black pepper (preferably white)
Olive oil

Cook the peeled pumpkin for 5 minutes.
Let cool and blend in a blender with 200ml of water. Reserve.
Fry the bacon in cubes in its own fat, but without letting it dry out.
In a pan add the beaten pumpkin, bacon, salt and pepper to taste and let it boil for a minute.
Serve in small soup bowls, adding a little oil and parsley on top.


Delicious and healthy berries

1. Fruits are sources of essential minerals and vitamins for the body
2. Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons help to strengthen immunity
3. To strengthen the health of the nervous system, oleaginous and high-fat fruits are great options
4. Berries improve skin and hair health
5. Eat fruits to reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
6. Fruits are important for the formation of babies during pregnancy


So, have you done your yoga today?

5 scientific benefits of yoga:

-Improvement of anxiety and depression.
-Better respiratory awareness.
- Greater flexibility of the body.
- Relief from bodily pain.
- Stress relief.


The benefits of walking 30 minutes in the morning

There are several ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, we cannot neglect the exercise necessary to lose weight, which must be carried out continuously and not with long intervals. Walking 30 minutes in the morning is one of them.

It is therefore recommended to perform at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.

In this way, you will avoid diseases such as high blood pressure, embolism, depression, some types of cancer, heart attacks, obesity and will also prolong your life. Therefore, it is recommended to walk 30 minutes a day in the morning.


2 medium Peeled and Chopped Carrots
1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4 Medium Eggs
2 Teacup Almond Flour or Coconut Flour
2 Tablespoons Culinary Sweetener or Xylitol
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder
1 Bottle of Coconut Milk
2 Tablespoons Butter
8 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder

To obtain a cream, you put the chopped and peeled carrots, the olive oil and the eggs in a blender. Beat until you form a homogeneous cream.
In a bowl, add the almond or coconut flour, the culinary sweetener and the baking powder, mix these ingredients.
Then add the carrot cream and mix well until you get a homogeneous mass.
Pour this mixture into a greased and sprinkled shape.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 35 minutes. Then book the cake.
For the topping you mix all the ingredients and put it in the oven until it boils.
Drizzle your low carb cake with this frosting. Serve immediately.


Green Cabbage, Lemon and Cucumber Juice
Kale and cucumber have diuretic properties and each 250 ml glass of this juice has approximately 125 calories.


1 cabbage leaf;
juice of ½ lemon;
1/3 cucumber with skin;
1 red apple with skin;
150 ml of coconut water.
Method of preparation:

Wash the cabbage, cucumber and apple well. Cut the apple and cucumber into cubes and place in a blender. Add the other ingredients to the blender and beat for 2 minutes. Strain and then drink, preferably without sugar. This juice can be prepared and stored in a bottle or other well-sealed container and kept refrigerated for up to 6 hours.