Lady Griot Oracle

Lady Griot Oracle

Treat your Higher Self to a massage. Readings are $75 and up.

Using oracle cards as her tool of divination to help you to align with your higher nature, Lady Griot has a gentle and personable approach to giving you the clarity and guidance you need about a concern or situation. Cashapp: $samanthathornhill
Venmo: @samanthaspeaks
Paypal & Zelle: [email protected]

Once payment is received you will receive zoom link where the reading will take place.


I’m home from an unforgettable few days in NYC, and I’m swirling inside with all the love that I absorbed from all the spaces that I graced and graced me. I’m like, wow, did that all really happen?

Not even a day to process it all, then boom. My first podcast appearence of the year drops today! I really enjoyed this comprehensive conversation about the many hats I wear.

I’ll catch you up on my trip soon. Here are some words from the podcast creatrix, Lais Stephan:

I interview the one and only Samantha Thornhill , a writer, poet, and soulpreneur.

We discuss Samantha’s journey as an author, the conception and ex*****on of her self-published journal “Black Unicorn Journal of Passions”, her role in running the Aspirant Agency of Intuitive Talents, and her unique experiences as a traditionally published poet.

We also touch on Samantha’s role as a single mother and the culture of journaling where Samantha emphasises the need to normalise journalising within the community.

She’s starting a new journaling cohort for women who are in need of community, introspection and healing. DM her for more info.

This episode contains so many wisdom nuggets, inspiration and she even recites my favourite poem of hers: the animated universe. 😍

Links to podcast in comments


It warms me to receive photos like this from customers. Soon enough, I’ll be starting up my journalling cohorts on Zoom and the interest in doing this self-work in the presence of community has been astounding and affirming! Gone are the days when we thought we had to heal in a silo of silence and solitude. May we heal loudly!


There are people in this life that may want to turn you into an imaginary version of yourself that sits in their heart most comfortably, and that is the extent of their capacity to love you- your proximity to their fantasy. And then there is this:

SamanthaSpeaksLLC - Etsy 17/10/2023

I created at Etsy shop with products of my design such as my new workbook as well as t-shirts and tumblers featuring lines of my poems.

Proceeds go to the people of Gaza.

SamanthaSpeaksLLC - Etsy Shop items by SamanthaSpeaksLLC.

Enter our spiritual clinic! Dreams & mediumship. - The Aspirant Agency 09/05/2022

Download the clubhouse app and come get this healing!

Enter our spiritual clinic! Dreams & mediumship. - The Aspirant Agency Tuesday, May 10 at 7:00pm AST with Samantha Thornhill, Amar Singh, Safiya Inniss, Mona Webb, Alesha Dunlevy, Alexis Mohamed. The focus of this clinic is dreams and mediumship. Come with your mediumship questions. The Aspirant Team accepts Cashapp contributions for our highly valuable dream & ancesto...


New decks for my birthday. I hope you’re ready.


Life becomes a meditation when I bring the fullness of awareness to each moment. I am but fractionally successful at this, I am no guru. But one of my favorites is the crying meditation, which entails sitting with myself until I activate my heart to burst, burst with gratitude and gladness for all that I’ve gained and lost. It is such an honor to soften to the experience of my life. To not bull through things as I once did. It all starts with the simple act of sitting with myself and the Divine presence, picking up the phone in my chest to call home.


Oracle: owl. You see clearly now.

You are receiving messages from all directions. Owl spirit reminds you to be wise and pay attention to what’s between the lines, what others may not be able to perceive. Clarity will come if you sit with what you’re sending, allowing your intuition to guide you in understanding the whole and not just the parts. Intuition is real and can provide you with the clarity to understand your situation now—whether it’s your relationship, finances, your career.


Friday message: trust

There’s something to be said for trusting in life. To nestle into the invisible cradle of the universe. We have no control of anything outside of our internal reality, which is our true dominion. Tap in with your heart and inner wisdom to guide you through situations. Because once the rational mind and need for control takes over, life gets more challenging because we make it so.

Go within where your power lies, and trust the messy process of life.

Message courtesy of Lady Griot Oracle and Messages from the Mermaids by Karen Kay


Every full moon, and every day
is an opportunity for all life’s best
forehead kisses. Remember that.


Todays message: breathe

Patience in all things is called for right now. Allow your life giving air to replenish you by taking some slow deep breaths. Try not to rush. Allow the heart to slowly open. You have worked long and hard, and your aspirations are coming into form. Slow and steady wins the race.

Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid


Today’s oracle: be open to healing information.

Listen to what’s coming up within you and what is being shared with you by trustworthy others in your life. Healing angels can help you heal emotionally, physically and spiritually with their energy, and they can also direct you towards information that will help you return to wholeness. When this card appears, information is being revealed that can help you to heal an aspect of your current situation. You are being exposed to information and insights that will have a dramatic effect upon your life. Pay special attention to the information that’s coming to you that feels inspired, insightful and warm. It will be supportive of your wellness.

Photos from Lady Griot Oracle's post 07/11/2021

Sunday oracle: ambition

Drawing the hollyhock speaks of ambition. You have big aspirations and the drive to make them manifest before your eyes. Keep striving for your goals, and they will take steps towards you, too.

Message from Lady Griot Oracle and Flower Medicine Oracle by Cathy Nichols


Friday oracle: Child of the Cosmos

The mysterious force that governs all life, encouraging flowers to bloom, is within you, too. It's easy to forget this intelligence exists within us. Because of this planet of polarity and free will, we can become disconnected from this pulse of life and fall into a pattern of believing that we are separate and isolated from the soup we're in.

You're being called to remember the intelligence that each one of your cells contains. That you are a precious child of the Universe with access to all the wisdom, strength, flow and qualities of the All. And remember that if flowers remember exactly when and how to bloom, then you do too.

From the Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell


May light be restored to the world.


Tuesday oracle: Melting mask

Allow your spirit self to shine through the many roles you fulfill.

A role becomes a mask when it distorts, constricts, or conceals rather than reflects a true expression of our spirit self.

This card signifies the impending loss of a mask to an encounter, an event, or a circumstance that invites its melting. The dissolution of any mask, despite the discomfort, resistance and grief that comes with its melting, is a blessing.

It is important for a mask to melt once the function it had served tips into detrimentally constructing us at our highest level.

Observe which roles in your life feel good and natural and also observe which ones feel constricting. Then remember you are none of these roles, which are just expressions of your spirit.

The Lantern Oracle by Angelina Mirabuto.


Sunday message: sound healing

This card is a reminder of the power of sound on our human form that is constantly vibrating on a cellular level. Because of this, sound frequencies such as singing and music can have profound healing effects on the body.

Sound pollution such as traffic, negative people, sirens, sad music and TV can cause unease on a cellular level. However, the sounds of nature, high vibrational music, mantras, positive affirmation and instruments such as Tibetan singing bowl music can have a profound healing effect on the body.

Stay conscious of what you absorb energetically. Feed your being with sounds thst heal and inspire you.


Tuesday message: composure.

Take the time to gather your thoughts and energy if you are feeling a buildup of frustration and annoyance at this time. You are a passionate being that doesn’t want to be taken for granted or underestimated. The warrior in you might want to rise up and fight, or prove your worth, but this card indicates that right now you’re not going to be respected or heard in the way that you deserve. Retreat, reflect, and compose yourself before proceeding.

Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray


Monday MESSAGE: See from a higher perspective.

Eagle medicine encourages you to recognize that your views or vision may be limited at this time. If you are involved in a situation with others, you are being guided to see things from everyone’s perspective. If you are feeling the need for something to change, what can taking the higher road possibly look like for you?

Message courtesy of Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray


Meet my divine partner Amar The Dream Lander. As a dream team, we specialize in dream guidance and oracle wisdom. See our booking link.


Friday oracle: Trust

It is vital to stay aligned with your inner truth and trust in your inner knowing and guidance.

Should you find yourself being overshadowed by the judgement and criticism of others, detach dispassionately from their illusions, opinions and belief. There is no need to validate or justify your reasons for being on the path that you are on.

Trust your heart’s compass to steer you in the right direction most aligned with your truth.

Take the time to listen to yourself, hear, and feel what is going on and follow through on what needs to be done.


Thursday Oracle: patience

Now is not the time to charge ahead like a bull in a storm into a new project—no matter how excited you are or how good it seems. The Divine is at work putting more pieces into place so that your next step can unfold.

It may also mean that you are anxious that nothing is happening with your situation and whether you should be doing more to make it happen. But that opposite is true. You’ve done the work, you’ve set the intentions, and you’ve made your requests of the universe.

It’s time to hold space so that your manifestation can occur. Relax into this period of waiting, knowing you’ll need your full energy when the time to act arrives.

Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs


Wednesday oracle: Patterns
Elen of the Ways

Have you noticed patterns in your life that lead to positive experiences? Developing positive habits introduces new patterns and timelines into the fabric of reality and will support your dreams as they take shape in form in this material world. It takes awareness and discipline to make this happen, but can do it. It’s time to enjoy the experience of a new happiness.

From the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid


Tuesday message: Endless possibilities

We look at the world through the lens of our life experiences, personality and conditioning. This filter determines whether you believe in an abundant universe of endless possibilities, or degrees of limitation and a finite range of options.

Today ask yourself what you believe. Are there limitless potential outcomes to align your energy with? As you believe, so it will be for you. Your energy will attract its match in the outer world. Conditions meet expectations. Either your world remains the way it is or it becomes more. Everything shifts as you open yourself up to a greater version of you and a more fulfilling life. Discover opportunities that better reflect your true self. This is the nature of your dynamic relationship with the Divine.

Message courtesy of Lady Griot Oracle and Oracle if the 7 Energies by Colette Baron-Reid.


Friday oracle: Cancel, clear, release

You are being guided to clear your life of negative people, situations and events. Time to release any old ideas, habits, and negative thought patterns. Angel wisdom wants you to recognize and realize the power of your words, thoughts and intentions. You’re being encouraged to recognize the sarcastic jokes you make about yourself that might be having a continued negative effect on you. Be more loving toward yourself and clear the clutter from your life. When you clear physical space, you clear psychic space.

Whenever you have a negative thought or say something you wish you hadn’t, you have the capacity to remove that idea or energy from your field by this powerful affirmation: “Clear, cancel, release!”

Message courtesy of The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray


Thursday message: discernment.

Look closely at your particular situation before taking further action or making a decision. An offer or proposal might seem tempting at first glance, but something may be going on under the surface.

Someone may be withholding information from you or trying to distract you from an unattractive truth. Dig deeper until you have the full picture. Use your discernment and trust your inner knowing.

Also, If you have an exciting idea in the early stages of manifestation, it’s better to keep your ideas close to your chest for now. Criticism from one person can diminish the magic of an idea in its seedling state. Share when the dream feels stronger.

Message courtesy of Oracle of the Unicorns
By Cordelia Francesca Brabbs.


Wednesday oracle: Ocean of emotion. Dreaming of oceans is often a call to more fully explore, experience and express your feelings.

Explore the realm of your inner mystery. The ocean reminds you of how vast, mysterious, playful and moody you can me.

Your emotions are not your enemies. See them as your allies, informants, and friends. Laugh, cry, yell into a pillow with the goal of having your feelings without them having you.

Message courtesy of The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle by Kelly Sullivan Walden.

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If I could sage my insides, and if I could sage the whole world, I would.
