

Broadcast your news or update announcements to your employees and community members and measure engagement and feedback


ShawtAwt is a community communication tool to connect people and businesses by providing an environment for people to interact in different ways through the application. This is business-grade software with custom capabilities. It's not just another social media platform or network; it's an internal communication tool!

We're a new breed of communication software founded to nurture your employees and take your business to new heights. Enjoy your free subscription now and be one of the leading communities:


We know that when communication is transparent and accessible, the teams you lead thrive!

To help you keep your employees happy and engaged, Shawtawt allows you to collect feedback from your team members in real-time, making sure they are always heard.

Encourage your employees' feedback with a free subscription:


Are you an HR manager or community communication manager in a club, residential compound, school, university, etc.?
Do you face daily challenges communicating with your team members?
Are they distributed among various sites?
Are they of different backgrounds white-collars, blue-collars, field-force, or perhaps household?
Are emails inefficient means of communication when it comes to targeting all of them?
Do you use WhatsApp groups instead?
Is it a big hassle managing all these groups at the same time?
Do you lack the means to measure their engagement?
Are you unable to track and analyze their feedback?

Have you answered "Yes" to all of the above? Then try


Ramadan Kareem 🌙
May the blessings of Ramadan bring you and your families health and prosperity ❤️.


The Importance of Employee Engagement

According to research reported by Harvard Business Review, 81% of business executives believe that highly engaged employees perform better and are more productive.

According to Gallup, a highly engaged workforce produces 21% greater revenue.

Sounds like a lot of opportunities, doesn’t it?

Employee engagement is important because it helps to create a positive work environment, increase productivity, and improve employee retention. Engaged employees are more likely to be motivated, productive, and loyal to their employer. They are also more likely to stay with the company for longer periods of time, which can lead to increased profits and a better bottom line. Additionally, engaged employees are more likely to be creative and innovative in their work, which can lead to improved customer service and higher-quality products or services.

What actually is employee engagement?

Employee engagement is a workplace approach that focuses on creating a positive connection between your employees and your organization. Employee engagement activities can include things like team building exercises, recognition programs, and other initiatives designed to create a positive work environment.

How can you improve your employee engagement?

- Increase transparency: Internal communications can help to increase transparency by providing employees with access to information about company goals, strategies, and decisions. This can help to build trust and create a sense of shared purpose among employees.

- Communicate openly: Internal communications should be used as an opportunity for open conversation between management and staff members, allowing both sides to express their opinions without fear of judgment. This helps create an environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up and voicing their ideas or concerns, which leads to higher engagement levels overall.

- Recognize achievements: Recognize employee achievements and celebrate successes. This helps to boost morale and encourages employees to continue striving for excellence.

- Provide a positive onboarding experience: Providing a good onboarding experience can increase employee engagement. Onboarding is an important part of the employee experience and can set the tone for how employees feel about their job and their employer. A good onboarding experience can help employees feel welcomed, valued, and supported. It can also help them understand their role and responsibilities, as well as the company culture and values. This can lead to increased engagement, motivation, and loyalty among employees.

- Provide feedback: Internal communications can provide a platform for managers to provide feedback on performance, as well as offer guidance and support when needed. This helps employees feel valued and appreciated, which in turn increases engagement levels.

- Invest in your employees: Investing in employees is important to increase their engagement. Investing in employees can help create a positive work environment, build trust and loyalty, and motivate them to do their best work. It can also help to reduce turnover, improve morale, and create a sense of belonging within the organization. Investing in employees can include providing training and development opportunities, offering competitive salaries and benefits packages, recognizing achievements, providing flexible working arrangements, and creating an inclusive culture.

Increase your employee’s engagement with ShawtAwt

ShawtAwt will boost your employee engagement by building a strong bond between your staff and your business as you can track the feedback and measure their engagement through ShawtAwt`s dashboard. Sign up Now and enjoy a free month with ShawtAwt`s great features.


Top 4 benefits of internal communication for your Business

Bring all of your employees together on a single platform, no matter where they are, and you can create communities to enhance your communication process and strengthen a feeling of loyalty to keep your team cohesive within your organization.

Spending time and effort to improve internal communications can result in significant benefits for your business. But what exactly are those benefits, and why are they important?

Better information sharing

Internal communications lead to better information sharing by allowing employees to access the information they need quickly and easily. This will reduce the amount of time spent searching for information, which in turn will increase productivity and efficiency. Additionally, it will allow employees to stay up-to-date on company news and developments, which can help foster a sense of belonging and collaboration among team members. Finally, it can help reduce miscommunication and confusion within the workplace as everyone has access to the same information at all times.

Improved employee experience

Internal communications are essential for creating a positive employee experience. They help to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected to the company’s mission and values. Internal communications can include newsletters, intranet sites, emails, video conferencing, and other digital tools. Through these channels, employees can stay up-to-date on company news and initiatives, learn about new products or services, get feedback from colleagues, and participate in team-building activities. Internal communications also provide a platform for employees to share ideas and collaborate on projects. By improving communication within the organization, companies can create an environment of trust and collaboration that leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Increased opportunities for innovation

Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions can lead to more innovative solutions to problems as well as new ideas for products and services. Internal communications also provide a platform for employees to collaborate and work together on projects, which can lead to more creative solutions. Additionally, internal communications can help establish a culture of open dialogue and feedback, which can further encourage innovation.

A stronger connection between team members

Internal communications can help team members connect by providing a platform for them to communicate and collaborate. This could include things like regular company updates or a shared messaging platform. Having a dedicated space for team members to communicate can assist in the growth of relationships and trust. Furthermore, because everyone is working towards a common goal, it can aid in developing a sense of unity and belonging within the team.

Boost your internal communication with ShawtAwt

ShawtAwt is a solution that allows you to communicate better with your community members. Our SaaS software has several features, such as a web & mobile interface, the ability to divide your employees into groups for different uses, posting authorization for all types of information, measuring engagement, and feedback tracking.


The Impact of Poor Employee Communication

Poor employee communication can have serious consequences for any organization as it can lead to decreased productivity, high turnover, and a toxic work environment. Poor communication can create misunderstandings, lead to mistakes, and cause employees to feel disconnected from the organization. The true cost of poor employee communication can be difficult to measure, but it can have a significant negative impact on any organization.

The Impact of Poor Employee Communication

Poor employee communication can lead to reduced morale, increased stress, and decreased productivity. Without clear communication, employees can become confused about their roles and responsibilities, leading to mistakes and missed deadlines. It can also lead to poor decision-making, as key information is not being shared among teams and departments.

Poor communication can also lead to a hostile work environment, as misunderstandings and tensions can quickly escalate. This can cause employees to feel disconnected from their colleagues and the organization, leading to low engagement and a high turnover rate. So, what’s The Cost of Poor Employee Communication?

Reduced Customer Retention

Customer retention can suffer as a result of poor corporate communication. Poor internal communication can lead to misunderstandings of customer requirements and expectations, which causes a lack of customer satisfaction. Besides that, poor internal communication can lead to miscommunication between departments, causing delays in responding to customer queries or requests. Customers may feel ignored or unimportant as a result, driving them to move their business elsewhere.

Lower Employee Productivity

Employee productivity can be reduced by poor internal communication. Poor internal communication can lead to employee confusion and misunderstanding, which can reduce efficiency. Poor internal communication can also lead to a lack of confidence and collaboration among employees, which can reduce productivity even further. Furthermore, poor internal communication can contribute to a lack of clarity about expectations and goals, making it difficult for workers to remain motivated and productive.

Poor Corporate Culture

Poor internal communication rapidly discourages staff members and lowers morale. Employee engagement and morale may suffer as a result of managers and executives who are unable to effectively interact with their staff. The end result is a workforce that is ready to leave the company and is disengaged and unhappy.

Waste valuable time searching for information

Poor internal communication might waste valuable time looking for information. It can be difficult to find information when communication is not clear or organized. This can cause delays in accomplishing tasks and projects, as well as employee frustration. Furthermore, when employees are unable to efficiently and readily access the data they require, productivity and morale decrease.

ShawtAwt provides you with great features for great communications

ShawtAwt offers many features that can help you achieve all those goals, such as an integrated web & mobile interface, a newsfeed, and a home page to share information with all your employees and customize the content they have access to, ability to create different groups, and the ability to track their feedback and measure their engagement.


The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications in Manufacturing

Manufacturing is an industry that requires precision, collaboration, and seamless communication. In order to stay ahead of the competition, companies must ensure that their internal communications are of the highest quality. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of internal communications in the manufacturing industry, including its importance, best practices, and some tips for success.

The Importance of Internal Communications in Manufacturing

Strong internal communication is vital in any industry, but especially in the manufacturing sector. This is because the manufacturing process involves a complex network of personnel, machines, and processes, all of which need to be coordinated. Without an effective internal communication strategy, it can be difficult for teams to stay informed, and informed decisions can be delayed or inaccurate.

This is why it is essential for manufacturing companies to develop clear and effective communication plans and protocols. A well-defined internal communications strategy will ensure that everyone is on the same page, that tasks are completed on time, and that customer service and overall satisfaction are improved.

Best Practices for Internal Communications in Manufacturing

- Effective internal communication in the manufacturing sector requires a combination of the right technology, processes, and personnel. Here are some of the best practices for achieving success

- Establish clear roles and responsibilities: All personnel should know whom they need to contact when they need help and whom they need to provide information.

- Communicate frequently: Regular communication can help to ensure that everyone is aware of the latest developments and that tasks are completed on time.

- Use the right technology: Investing in the right communications technology will ensure that all personnel has the tools they need to stay connected and informed.

- Monitor and evaluate performance: Monitoring the effectiveness of your communications processes and personnel can help you make any necessary adjustments.

Tips for Effective Internal Communications in Manufacturing

In addition to following the best practices mentioned above, here are some additional tips for improving your internal communications in the manufacturing sector:

- Train personnel: Make sure that all personnel is properly trained in the use of the communications technology and protocols used in your factory.

- Create a culture of openness: Encourage an open and collaborative environment where everyone is encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions.

- Invest in the right tools: Invest in the right tools, such as project management software and internal communication platforms, to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

- Automating internal processes can help reduce the time it takes to communicate critical information to the right people. Automation can also help keep track of important documents, tasks, and communications.

- Be proactive: Set up a system to proactively reach out to team members to ask for their feedback and ideas. This will help you stay up-to-date on the latest changes and developments in the sector.

- Encourage feedback: Make sure that you are giving feedback to team members regularly and that they know their opinions and ideas are valued.

- Maintain records: Keep a record of all internal communications, so that everyone is aware of the action taken. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that tasks are completed in a timely manner.

ShawtAwt is the right solution for internal communication in manufacturing.

ShawtAwt is simple to use. Content can be sent to specific teams, departments, or members with a few clicks, making your content more personalized and keeping your employees feeling more connected by its unlimited scalability feature. Not only that But also ShawtAwt can easily help members to find older posts and view them.

Schedule a demo with our team to learn more about how ShawtAwt can help you improve internal communications in manufacturing.


The challenges caused by poor communication in any business community

Bad communication in any community can lead to a challenge in trust, misunderstandings, and conflict. It can also lead to a lack of collaboration and cooperation, which can have a negative impact on the overall success of the community.

What does poor communication cost your business community?
Conflicts and disputes:

Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, which can cause confusion, frustration, and even conflict. According to research, up to 50% of the reasons people leave their jobs are due to disputes and conflict.

Loss of motivation:

Communication challenges force a lack of motivation among employees as they may feel their contributions are not valued or appreciated, and to top it off, bad communication can create a negative workplace culture where employees feel disconnected from each other and from.


Without clear communication between employees and management, employee mistrust can have a significant negative effect on an organization. It can lead to decreased morale, decreased productivity, and an environment of fear and suspicion that is not conducive to a productive work environment. Likewise, they may not trust the human resources department to handle any personal issues.

Decreased revenue:
According to reports, businesses led by effective communicators increased their ROI by up to 47% in five years when compared to businesses led by ineffective communicators.

Difficulty reaching all members:

It can be difficult to reach all members of your community, especially if they are spread out geographically or have limited access to technology, so they will feel left out and disconnected from the company.

Lack of engagement between the members:

Measuring the engagement of your community members in conversations and activities, especially if they are a large group or are not actively participating in the community, so having an effective system in place to track user engagement is essential.

Successful communication helps to build trust, understanding, and respect between community members. When communication is effective, it can lead to better problem solving, increased productivity, and improved relationships. Good communication pays off in the long run by helping to create a more positive environment and stronger relationships.

ShawtAwt can help you improve your internal communication

ShawtAwt has a variety of features that can benefit your organization’s internal communication—benefits you can experience with ShawtAwt.
ShawtAwt is an internal communication solution that gives any type of organization whether it`s an enterprise, community, club, educational institute the ability to announce their latest news and updates to their members in addition to measuring their members` engagement and tracking their behavior. ShawtAwt helps improve alignment between the organization and its members, builds trust by increasing transparency, and allows their access to more information. ShawtAwt includes features such as simple onboarding process and posting anytime of information to allow help organizations post any type of information to result in effective communication.


Reasons Why Employee Recognition Matters

Employee recognition is an important tool for employers to acknowledge and reward employees for their hard work, good performance, and commitment. It is a way of showing appreciation for their contributions and motivating them to continue to do their best work. Generally, employee recognition is given through verbal or written praise, awards, gifts, or other tangible items.

Employee recognition is an important part of any workplace, as it helps to boost morale and encourages employees to strive for excellence. There are many benefits to incorporating employee recognition programs into the workplace, such as:

• Improved employee engagement and satisfaction: Recognition of employees' hard work and achievements can help make them feel appreciated and valued. This in turn can increase their job satisfaction and commitment to the company.

• Boosted productivity: Studies have shown that employees who feel appreciated and valued tend to be more productive, as they are more likely to give their best effort and strive to achieve their goals.

• Increased loyalty: When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to stay with the company and become more loyal. This helps to reduce the costs associated with employee turnover.

• Enhanced team performance: Employee recognition programs can encourage team building and collaboration, as employees are more likely to work together when they feel appreciated and valued.

• Improved morale: Recognition of employees' hard work and achievements can help to boost morale, as it shows them that their efforts are valued and appreciated. This can also help to reduce feelings of stress and burnout.

There are many ways to show employee recognition, both monetary and non-monetary. For monetary recognition, employers can give employees bonuses, pay raises, gift cards, or other financial awards. For non-monetary recognition, employers can give verbal or written praise, and awards, have recognition events and lunches, or give other tangible items.

How ShawtAwt Supports Employers With The Right Approach

ShawtAwt allows managers to interact with their staff in a more personalized way. It gives managers a simple method to determine how well-treated their staff is, understand their needs and concerns, and react quickly.


Internal Communication: Definition & Best Practices to Build a Positive Environment

Effective communication in the workplace is essential for the success of any organization. Without proper communication between teams, employers, and employees, projects can fail, morale can suffer, and overall productivity can take a hit. It is important for employers and employees to communicate effectively in order to ensure the smooth running of the organization.

What Is Communication in the Workplace?

Communication in the workplace is the exchange of information and ideas between employees, teams, and employers. It is the process of sharing ideas, plans, and feedback in order to make decisions, solve problems, and achieve goals. Communication in the workplace is also essential for building relationships and trust, which can lead to better teamwork and collaboration.

Why Is Communication Important in the Workplace?

Good communication in the workplace can lead to better productivity and efficiency, as well as a healthier work environment. It can help build team spirit, foster collaboration, increase morale, and reduce misunderstandings. It can also improve problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

Internal communication is essential for the success of any organization. By following the tips above, employers and employees can ensure that internal communication is productive, respectful, and effective.

Build your positive work environment with ShawtAwt

Positivity is developed in the workplace when employees feel engaged and committed to the business or community. ShawtAwt increases frequent information sharing, which stops rumoring and negative conversations.


HR communication is the key to increase employee engagement

HR communication is an essential part of fostering an engaged workforce. Employees want to feel heard, valued and understood, and HR communication can help ensure that employees feel these essential elements. Through regular communication, HR can keep employees up to date on company initiatives, news, policies and changes, as well as provide feedback and recognition to employees. HR communication can also be used to build trust, foster relationships, and have difficult conversations, such as performance feedback, disciplinary action and other sensitive topics. By taking the time to have these conversations and show that they are valued, companies can help to increase employee engagement and morale.

HR communication statistics are surprising

HR communication statistics can be both surprising and illuminating. When examining employee engagement with HR, communication patterns can reveal a great deal about how employees perceive their employer. For instance, statistics can show how much time employees spend in HR conversations, how often employees interact with HR personnel, and how employees respond to HR messages. These data can also help organizations understand how their communication policies are impacting employee engagement and morale. By tracking these metrics, HR teams can make data-driven decisions that improve their company’s culture and their bottom line

According to a recent Gallup study, 85% of workers worldwide are either not engaged in their jobs or are actively trying to avoid them. Part of the reason for this is that businesses make the mistake of occasionally making an effort to increase employee engagement, and leadership really hasn't initially implemented effective HR communication strategies.

As per Gallup, organizations that improve communication can increase productivity by 23%, contributing $1.3 trillion in potential revenue annually.

In addition, businesses' efforts to keep employees informed through constant emails, alerts, and meetings have led to a "communications overload" that has nearly 50% of employees and 53% of managers feeling burned out.

The importance of HR communication for employee engagement

Employee engagement is essential for any business to succeed, and one of the key components of successful employee engagement is effective communication from the Human Resources (HR) team. HR communication not only helps to ensure that employees are informed of any important changes or updates to company policies and procedures, but it also builds trust and transparency between the company and its employees.

HR communication should be clear, frequent, and consistent. Employees should be given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback and should know what to expect in terms of communication from the HR team. Regular email and intranet messages, newsletters, one-on-one meetings, and team meetings are all effective ways to promote employee engagement through HR communication.

HR communication should be tailored to fit each employee’s needs, as different employees may require different forms of communication. For example, some employees may prefer face-to-face meetings, while others may prefer more anonymous communication methods, like email. In addition, HR communication should be respectful and should not be used as a tool for discipline or blame.

Good HR communication is an important part of employee engagement and should be a priority for any business. When employees feel valued, respected, and that their voices are heard, they are more likely to be motivated and productive. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to ensure that their HR communication is effective and meaningful.

How HR can collaborate with communications to improve the employee experience

HR and communication teams have the power to collaborate to create a truly great employee experience. Here are some ways that they can work together:

• Establishing clear lines of communication: Effective communication is essential for a great employee experience. HR and communication teams need to work together to ensure that all employees are on the same page and have access to the same information.

• Developing a unified culture: HR and communication teams need to be aware of the company's overall culture and work together to ensure that the company culture is unified and consistent both internally and externally. This will create a better employee experience.

• Fostering employee engagement: HR and communication teams need to work together to ensure that employees feel engaged in their work and connected to the company. They can create opportunities for employees to connect with each other and with the company, such as virtual happy hours, lunch and learns, or other social events.
• Developing a positive employer brand: HR and communication teams need to work together to ensure that the company's employer brand is positive and attractive to potential employees. They can collaborate on creating content and campaigns to share the company's values and mission.

The future of internal communications and human resources

The future of HR and internal communications is technology-driven. Technology is rapidly changing the way organizations do business and how they communicate with their workforce.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will become increasingly prevalent in HR and internal communication. AI-driven technologies can be used to automate mundane tasks, improve efficiency, and save time. AI-driven technologies can also be used to track employee performance, identify trends, and create personalized experiences.

Cloud-based technologies will also become increasingly common in HR and internal communications. Cloud-based technologies allow for quick, easy access to data and resources, and enable organizations to quickly respond to changes in the workplace.

Finally, social media and other digital communication channels will continue to become an important part of internal communication. Organizations can use these platforms to promote company events, share information, and engage with employees.

The use of emerging technologies and digital communication channels will enable organizations to build stronger relationships with their workforce and provide a better, more personalized experience for their employees.

ShawtAwt's Contribution to Better HR Communications

ShawtAwt is an essential tool for improving HR communication. It can be used to streamline communication processes, quickly distribute information, and create better two-way communication between employees and HR.

It’s particularly useful for providing timely updates, such as changes in policy, new announcement, and company events. Additionally, it facilitates group discussions, collaboration, and feedback.
