Ignite Teen - The Berman Center

Ignite Teen - The Berman Center

Ignite is a 10-week, Intensive Outpatient Program for teens ages 14-18 who are living with mental health issues.

The Role of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis Recovery - The Berman Center 19/02/2024

If you are newly recovering from a dual diagnosis, your road to recovery will be filled with many obstacles and challenges. While you may possess all the coping skills and tools needed for the long haul, you simply cannot recover from co-occurring disorders alone.

While you have to do the heavy lifting of working on your individual program of recovery, long-term recovery from a dual diagnosis only occurs when you have the support of others who are also recovering from a dual diagnosis.

The Role of Peer Support in Dual Diagnosis Recovery - The Berman Center Find out how peer support can help you on your dual diagnosis recovery journey. Contact The Berman Center to learn more about our treatment options.

Self-Care for Mental Health: Practical Tips for Daily Well-Being - The Berman Center 12/02/2024

What comes to mind when defining self-care? If you are like many people, self-care means eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, getting restful sleep and practicing good hygiene habits. While those things are important, you cannot neglect self-care for mental health.

If you aren’t taking steps to maintain your daily well-being, your whole self-care program is all for naught—and you make yourself vulnerable to sickness, poor mental health, and even relapse if you are in recovery.

Self-Care for Mental Health: Practical Tips for Daily Well-Being - The Berman Center Learn more about the role self-care plays in mental health. If you are in recovery and need additional support in bolstering your mental health, The Berman Center can help.


Every child deserves to discover their passions and joys.

Call us today at 770.336.7444

Transfer Addiction: Switching Vices and How to Stay Grounded - The Berman Center 24/10/2023

People who have successfully overcome drug addiction have plenty to celebrate. They look good, feel good, and have a new lease on life. While many recovering addicts have started new and exciting chapters in their lives, some feel something is missing. To fill that void, they may pursue other activities to feel the same rush that was felt during their period of substance abuse. While these activities may seem harmless on the surface, they can create dependent and even addictive behaviors that can be worse than substance abuse.

In this article, you will learn about the phenomenon known as transfer addiction. You will learn what transfer addiction is and the steps you can take to combat transfer addiction. If you are in recovery but are feeling you are becoming addicted to other substances or activities, call the Berman Center today. We offer Atlanta intensive outpatient substance abuse and mental health services that give you the tools you need to address addiction in all forms. Call us today and learn how to break free from all addictive behaviors at our outpatient mental health treatment center in Atlanta.

Transfer Addiction: Switching Vices and How to Stay Grounded - The Berman Center Contact the Berman Center today to learn more about transfer addiction and how treatment can avoid this pitfall.


Knowing you are worthy, meaningful, and made with a purpose will change the way you show up every single day.

Call us today at 770.336.7444

Empowering Steps on How to Break a Trauma Bond in Recovery - The Berman Center 19/10/2023

As human beings, we naturally seek connections with others and want to form relationships. In relationships, we seek to love and support our friends and partners and will do anything if they are in need. However, there are some relationships where one party does not have the other’s best interest in mind. These relationships are called trauma bond relationships, which are toxic, sometimes abusive, and create profound feelings of hurt and neglect. If trauma bonding occurs in recovery, those recovering often relapse and experience deeper issues that are difficult to untangle.

In this article, we will learn how to break a trauma bond in recovery. We will also answer the question of what is a trauma bond relationship and learn how to heal from a trauma bond relationship. If you need drug addiction and mental health treatment, call The Berman Center right now. We are the premier outpatient mental health center in Atlanta, offering evidence-based treatment programs and experienced support that will help you heal and grow. Call us today, and let’s work together to build a new and healthier you.

Empowering Steps on How to Break a Trauma Bond in Recovery - The Berman Center Read here to learn how to break a trauma bond and improve relationship health during the recovery process.


Children deserve to grow up surrounded by joy, kindness, and love. At Ignite, we support you and your family to create an environment that is safe and supportive for all.

Call us today at 770.336.7444

What is the Role of Family in Mental Health Treatment For Adolescents? - The Berman Center 10/10/2023

If your teen is struggling with mental health issues, you and your family feel heartbroken and helpless. Teens who struggle with mental health issues feel isolated and miles away from those they love. When teenagers enter mental health treatment, many, if not all, treatment staff recognize that the family itself holds tremendous healing power in helping their son or daughter regain their health and happiness. Ultimately, the role of the family in mental health treatment is crucial in helping their teen and the rest of the family get back on track.

This article will explore the role of family in mental health treatment for teens. You will learn why family mental health treatment is key to your teen’s recovery and where to find the adolescent family mental health recovery program that gives your son or daughter the best chance at lasting recovery. Located in Atlanta, GA, The Berman Center is a top-tier adolescent treatment facility featuring evidence-based and effective mental health treatment that helps and heals your teen and family as a whole. Call us today to learn more about our proven mental health treatment in Georgia.

What is the Role of Family in Mental Health Treatment For Adolescents? - The Berman Center Explore the role of family in mental health treatment for teens. Learn why family mental health treatment is key to your teen’s recovery.

How Does Social Media Affect Adolescent Mental Health? - The Berman Center 04/10/2023

There are many reasons why adolescents engage so deeply in social media. For some, they can connect with other teens around the world. For others, they find informational content they are interested in, and others like the endless entertainment social media provides. While there are great benefits and content found on social media platforms, there are negative consequences for teens who endlessly scroll on social media—including adverse effects on their mental health.

How does social media affect adolescent mental health? This article explores how social media affects teens and ways you can help your teen avoid the pitfalls of social media. If your teen is struggling with their mental health as a result of social media exposure, the Berman Center can help. We offer evidence-based outpatient treatment programs that address those issues head-on and give them the tools they need to regain their happiness and confidence. Call the Berman Center today to learn more about our outpatient mental health center in Atlanta.

How Does Social Media Affect Adolescent Mental Health? - The Berman Center How does social media affect adolescent mental health? Explore how social media affects teens and how you can avoid pitfalls from it.


Let us help you and your child gain the confidence you both deserve!

Call us today at 770.336.7444


It's not always easy to be positive - but sometimes, when you have the right people around you, it's made a bit easier.

Call us today at 770.336.7444


Did you know that 7% of adolescents between the ages of 6 and 11 have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder? This number continues to increase through the teen years.

At The Berman Center, our teen program - Ignite, helps individuals learn healthy habits and establish routines that encourage their well-being.

Call us today at 770.336.7444


Is your screen time intentional or routine? August is National Wellness Month - being intentional with your screen time is a great way to incorporate more mindfulness into your month.

Call us today at 770.336.7444


32% of teenagers experience symptoms related to an anxiety disorder. Mental health issues can cause harm not only to the individual but to their friends and family.

Call us today at 770.336.7444


Getting the care you need 🤝 Living the life you love

Call us today at 770.336.7444


Adolescence is an important developmental stage during which teenagers cultivate social and emotional habits that prepare them for good mental health into adulthood. This includes things like interpersonal skills, emotional management, regular exercise, healthy sleeping patterns, and coping skills.

Without teen counseling, Atlanta teenagers with a diagnosed mental health condition may face issues managing their emotions, problem-solving, being physically healthy as well as emotionally and mentally healthy, and curating stable social habits into adulthood.

If you are interested in our services, call us at 770.336.7444


We treat your child as an individual. No cookie-cutter programs here. We listen deeply. We connect. We see your child for who they are.

If you are interested in our services, call us at 770.336.7444


What does it look like for teens to have healthy support?

Every family is unique, possessing its own dynamics and balances. With that being said, all families benefit from having open and honest conversations, healthy boundaries and expectations, and consistent love and care.

At Ignite Teen, we know it’s essential that the family as a whole gain a deeper understanding of their loved one and learn how to play an active, supporting role in their healing process.

If you are interested in our services, call us at 770.336.7444

Timeline photos 09/05/2023

Every phase of our life comes with its own set of demands, requirements, activities, and more. To navigate everything on our plate it's important to establish healthy routines that support our lifestyle and goals.

For teens - these healthy habits can include establishing sleep schedules, determining when to use and not to use technology, and choosing the best times of day for meals to keep us energized throughout the day.

Ignite is a 10-week, Intensive Outpatient Program for teens ages 14-18 who are living with mental health issues. If you are interested in our services, call us at 770.336.7444
