Devi Yoga

Yoga and meditation teacher specialising in:
Yoga for Fertility
Restorative Yoga
Yoga for Stress Relief
Women’s Yoga
Couples Yoga


⭐️Happy International Yoga Day⭐️
“Yoga is the light which once lit will never dim” BKS Iyengar
During the darkest phases of IVF, it was only the light of yoga which kept me going.
Now as a new mother, it is yoga which gives me the space to find my old self in my new self.
Yoga allows me to find the light in the darkness, to find a space to release emotions I don’t need and be the best version of myself for our miracle baby boy 💙

Photos from Devi Yoga's post 23/12/2022

2022. The year our dream came true. Our dream of growing our family. The year our prayer was answered. The year our journey of trying to conceive came to an end. The year our embryo successfully implanted and grew into our little miracle. The year our stars aligned and the universal energy created our baby boy 💙

Yoga was always a part of my life, from a young age I watched my mother bend herself into shapes which she believed would heal her and keep her healthy.

The day I discovered the true power of yoga was after our first round of IVF had failed. The first time I realised yoga went beyond the physical was during recovery from emergency laparoscopic procedure following large amounts of internal bleeding due to tear in my o***y post egg retrieval.

I was unable to move due to pain in stitches yet I was itching to get back onto my mat. The only pose I could do was savasana. So I did it. For 20 minutes I lay still, breathing into my body. For 20 minutes I allowed myself to feel the physical pain of surgery and feel the unbearable mental pain of failure. Failure to create healthy embryos. Failure to create our family, to be a mother. It was in this moment where I turned failure into success.

Success of finding myself, my true inner self. Success in discovering my passion for yoga. Success in manifesting the power of prana to heal the mind and body. Success in understanding that life has its own plan and that plan is what is needed for us to blossom.

Thank you yoga. Thank you for being my rock, my confidant. Thank you yoga for holding me whilst I cried, tears of pain, tears of joy. Thank you yoga for allowing me to find strength within myself to overcome our challenges. Thank you yoga for nourishing my body. Thank you yoga for nourishing my baby. Thank you yoga for showing me the light when all I could see was darkness.

“Yoga does not change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees” BKS Iyengar


🌙𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓨𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓓𝓪𝔂🌙
Life without yoga is like life without breath.
Grateful for this ancient art of movement and breath which has allowed so many of us to find true happiness within.
Thank you to all the teachers and students out there who believe in the wisdom of yoga!


⭐️Women’s Day⭐️

On the days I could not move
It was women
Who came to water my feet
Until I was strong enough
To stand
It was women
Who nourished me
Back to life

Rupi Kaur

Let’s celebrate all the women who have made us who we are today. Let us celebrate the feminine power in us all.

Tag that woman who has been there for you no matter what!

Happy Women’s Day!


🌙If you wish to be understood, seek first to understand 🌙
Listen without judgement.
Clear communication consists of being heard and by listening.
Immense amounts of healing can begin just by simply having your story heard.
Asana: humble warrior/ baddha vira bhadrasana
Benefits: stretches spine, hips and chest.


🌙We rise by lifting others🌙
I am grateful to all the incredible women who find strength within themselves through yoga to help them in their journey to motherhood.
Together we hold and support each other.
Together we laugh, we cry and we love.
Together we give each other light, when there is nothing but darkness.


🌙The phases of the moon are a matter of perspective🌙
🌙Even in the darkest of nights, the moon is whole and complete.
🌙We too, are whole and complete even in the darkest of moments.
Asana: ardha chandrasana/ half moon pose
Benefits: strengthens glutes, quads, stretches hamstrings and improves balance.


Allow yourself to embrace and accept life’s challenges.
Allow yourself to learn from life’s challenges.
Allow yourself to continually grow through life and it’s challenges.
Asana: viparita virabhadrasana/ reverse warrior
Benefits: stretches muscles of rib cage to enhance breathing. Strengthens quads and gluts.


🌙You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them🌙 Maya Angelou
We can never truly be in control of the external world.
The only world we can truly control is our internal world.
Find time to be with yourself, understand your self and how you can better control your inner world.
Asana: halasana/plough pose
Benefits: stretches hamstrings, shoulders


🌙The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousand fold🌙 Aristotle
🌜Seek your truth and live your truth.
🌚Learn to acknowledge conflicting truths.
🌛Be your authentic self.
Asana: ardha baddha padmottanasana/ half bound lotus stretch
⭐️Benefits: detoxifies organs, stretches hamstring and shoulders, opens hips.


🌙In silence, inner listening forms the bonding of heart and mind🌙 Anodea Judith🌙
Immerse yourself in silence and learn to listen without judgement.
Listening is a skill which is essential in understanding ourselves and the world around us.
Quiet time can help reduce our continuous thoughts, allowing our heart to open.
Asana: virabhadrasana III/ warrior 3
Benefits: improves balance, strengthens legs.


🌙We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are🌙Anais Nin
Our perception of reality is based on our pre conceived notions.
Our perception of reality can often be based on an illusion.
Learning to recognise repetitive thought patterns and emotional responses can allow the illusion to shatter, revealing many different perspectives.
Asana: urdhva dhanurasana/ wheel pose
Benefits: strengthens spine and legs.
via .app


🌙Come out of the circle of time
And into the circle of love🌙 Rumi
Step out of the man made circle of time- hours, minutes, seconds, days, weeks, months and years.
Enter the infinite circles of nature- the earth going around its axis, the earth moving around in its orbit, the sun and moon rising and setting.
What does time mean to you?
Asana: wheel pose/ urdhva dhanurasana
Benefits: tones the spine, strengthens arms and wrists
via .app


🌙To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance🌙 Oscar Wilde
We can only learn to love others once we learn to love ourselves.
We need to understand our own intimate selves; our own fears, hopes, needs, wishes and boundaries.
We must honour the self within to honour the self within others.


🌙International Yoga Day🌙
Incredibly grateful for the ancient art and science of yoga which allows one to truly become one with the universe.
Thank you yoga for teaching us how to find peace in the chaos.
Thank you yoga for allowing stillness in the body to create stillness in the mind.
Thank you yoga for creating balance in the body and the mind.
Thank you yoga for your unconditional love and support.
May the love, light and darkness in me honour the love, light and darkness in you.
Happy International Yoga Day!! ❤️🙏🏽❤️


🌙 True Self🌙
Be your honest self.
Find enthusiasm in everything you do.
Embrace activities which constantly present you with challenges as they help to enhance your sense of power and your sense of self.
Do not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes.
Tackle your challenges with trust in yourself and your journey.
🌑Asana: downward facing dog/ adho mukha svanasana
Benefits: stretches hamstrings, calves and ankles
Gentle inversion which reverses the flow of blood.


🌙Give sorrow words;
the grief that does not speak
whispers the o’er-fraught
heart and bids it break 🌙 William Shakespeare
Allow yourself to acknowledge and express grief.
Allow yourself to weep, to open your heart to sorrow.
Be not afraid of the depths of sadness, for it allows you to grow and gain wisdom.
Asana: tolasana/ scale pose
Benefits: strengthens the wrists, hands and abdominal muscles


🌙We cannot heal what we cannot feel🌙
⭐️J̵o̵h̵n̵ ̵B̵r̵a̵d̵s̵h̵a̵w̵ ⭐️
Emotion is energy in motion.
🌔If the energy of the emotion is not felt, it will be buried somewhere within the body.
🌓Learning to emote without judgement frees us from burying emotions we think are “bad”.
🌑Inner healing begins once we learn to feel without judging ourselves for feeling our emotions.


You are what your deep driving desire is.
As you desire is, so is your will.
As your will, so is your deed.
As your deed, so is your destiny.
🌚Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5 🌝
Lack of desire will result in lack of effort, energy and integration to attain the difficult.
Search for your inner most desire and follow your true destiny.
Asana: reverse warrior/ viparita virabhadrasana
Benefits: strengthens legs, tones ankles, stretches intercostal muscles


The universe exists only through a constant dance of consistency and change.
Through consistency, consciousness finds meaning; through change it finds stimulation and expansion.
To find consistency within change is to embrace the unfolding flow.
⭐️Anodea Judith ⭐️ Easter Body Western Mind ⭐️
Asana: natrajasana/dancers pose
Benefits: develops poise and grace
Tones and strengthens leg muscles
Expands thorax to maximise oxygen intake.


⭐️Happy Mother’s Day⭐️
To all the women trying to conceive, you are already the greatest mothers of all ❤️


Hope is the enduring belief in the attainability of primal wishes.
Hope gives us confidence, enthusiasm, positive thinking, and excitement about life.
Hope is the essential essence needed to thrive and move forward.
Anodea Judith, Eastern Body Western Mind
Asana: Warrior 3/ Virabhadrasana 3
Benefits: strengthens quads and core. Brings balance and harmony to the mind.


🌕We need fear to survive.
🌑Fear enables us to find alternate pathways, to adapt and to face the unknown.
🌕Constant fear can dampen our ability to respond appropriately to life.
🌗How can we tackle excess fear?
1) Accept the feeling of fear.
2) Learn to recognise its physical manifestations in the body.
3) Find methods which allow you to focus on the present moment; breathing, meditation, yoga, walk in nature etc
4) Love yourself unconditionally
Asana: ustrasana/camel pose
Benefits: balances reproductive system


🌙Hotel Quarantine Diaries 🌙
I’m excited and thankful for every moment life gives. Each day is a blessing, each moment is a gift.
🌕We have had a wonderful time in quarantine.
🌑I haven’t had some one cook this many fresh and delicious meals for me since childhood. I am so grateful for the farmers who produce delicious crops, so many different vegetables for us to eat to sustain our body and soul.
🌕I am grateful for the chefs who spent hours prepping the meals for us, the staff who diligently answered all of our requests, risking their lives to serve us and make our stay in quarantine comfortable.
🌑I am grateful for the nurses, the police and the army who ensure that the cities remain safe from COVID.
🌕I am grateful for the sun, the rain, the clouds, the oceans, the rivers, the wind which is the same no matter where we are on Earth. I am grateful to experience them all from our balcony.
🌑Thank you life for giving us this opportunity to find comfort in the discomfort.
🌕Thank you to all of my clients who gave me the opportunity to continue to teach yoga during quarantine which immensely helped me get through the two weeks.
🌑Grateful for yoga for giving me inner strength and flexibility to endure what cannot be cured and cure what cannot be endured.


🌙”And so we find that the end is the beginning. We are not travelling a linear path, but an interpenetrating one🌙
🌑There is no destination, only the journey”🌑 Anodea Judith
🌒What is the destination of the sun, the moon, the ocean or the clouds?
🌘What is the destination of trees, the Earth and the wind?
🌗What is your destination?
🌝Asana: eagle arms/garudasana
Benefits: stretches shoulders and thoracic spine to facilitate deep breathing
⭐️Photo credit: ⭐️


“Once the light of understanding has dawned, the path to further understanding is illuminated” Anodea Judith
Once we understand that each challenge in life leads us to our highest potential, we begin to awaken.
🌗We begin to realise that we can never control what happens to us, but we can control our actions and reactions.
Asana: flipped adho mukha svanasana/ flip the dog pose
Benefits: strengthens shoulders, spine and glutes. Stretches intercostal muscles
⭐️Photo credit: ⭐️


🌙”I asses the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage” 🌙 Friedrich Nietzsche 🌙
Will is a power which allows us to transform.
🌑Will give us the drive to achieve our goals.
🌗Will gives us the power to venture into the unknown and accept challenges.
🌒Will frees us from fixed patterns of behaviour.
🌑Start the fire of your will by using your inner intelligence to create an intention you wish to achieve.
⭐️Photo credit: ⭐️
Asana: headstand/sirsasana
Benefits: increases blood flow to brain, reverses effect of gravity, strengthens core and shoulders
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🌙International Yoga Day🌙🌓🌑Incredibly grateful for the ancient art and science of yoga which allows one to truly become o...
🌙Hotel Quarantine Diaries 🌙🌚🌝I’m excited and thankful for every moment life gives. Each day is a blessing, each moment i...
