TWEC- Chloe Slade

TWEC- Chloe Slade

� I help other independent women see more to life than the 9-5�

Photos from TWEC- Chloe Slade 's post 05/09/2024


These are the questions I ask myself often!

I was 19years old when I had my first baby, barely an adult!

Now 22 years old, what do most 22 yr olds have behind them? (let alone a 19 year old) to WILL to their children if something tragic happened!

So I genuinely thought about it.
What do I have?

🏠A large mortgage debt

🚗A fully paid off car that will not be running by the time they can drive

💰Less than $15k in super

Money will not protect them from the grief, or the hardship of not having a mother.


It could help my partner take a break from work while he supports our family.

It could relieve stress of bills, especially funeral costs

It could ensure my children have a nest egg to start their adulthood.

And for these reasons…

is exactly why I chose this business model over others!

The compensation plan pays monthly for the rest of my life and IS willable to my children.

Once I reach that point, the monthly income starts at more than my monthly wage now ($5k USD) all the way up to $80k USD a month.

This could definitely take a great deal of financial stress off their shoulders, IF something were to ever happen to me.

Being a parent in your 20s is great in so many ways but we don’t have our s**t together, not even close.

We have had very little time to build a nest egg behind us before having kids. And to be honest it wouldn’t have even been a thought in my head before having kids.

Hence why I’m building this business now!

To ensure I’m set up for anything the future holds.

Surely I’m not the only parent that has these thoughts right? 🫣

Photos from TWEC- Chloe Slade 's post 04/09/2024

You know what’s funny…it’s so easy to over complicate the easiest of things. 🫣

When I first started working online I was like how the heck am I going to sell anything to anyone let alone a water ioniser, I hardly drink water!

But looking back on my life I’ve done a lot harder things than creating content and talking to people, for starters I love creative stuff and I’m a talker! I love talking to people!

You know what was harder for me though ⬇️

I bought my first house as a single mum at the age of 19! 🏠


I sold my first house and bought my second house while juggling a newborn and a toddler at age 21! 🏡


I was a store manager at dominos, with a brand new store, while pregnant, while buying a house and while going through one of the hardest years of my life! AND I still was able to achieve 2 awards that year! 👩‍💼



The hardest struggle I’ve been through…

And I over came it….

Was almost 10 years stuck in a constant, drowning, empty and unhappy state of mind. 😩
Almost 10 years of struggling with depression and anxiety! Yet for 2 years now I have felt like I have never stepped back into that state…. Yes I have bad days here and there but everyone does.

That is my greatest hurdle I have over came so far!

So do I think creating content that’s fun and meaningful and talking to like minded others, is hard?

Absolutely not!

Comment below ⬇️
What’s your greatest hurdle you’ve over came?

Photos from TWEC- Chloe Slade 's post 28/08/2024

🤩If only I knew, what I know now🤩

I struggled with mental health for years, I had a horrible outlook on life and truely believed I was not going to live to the age of 21. 🫣

The only thing I was proud of and worked hard for was my job, no matter how hard the day was I would still get up and go to work with a smile on my face. 🥲

I worked in leadership and while I loved it, a lot of sacrifices come with that.

I would go to work early, work through lunch breaks and go in late at night to get things done.
This was not paid for, as I chose to do this, I was so driven to work up the ladder and impress my boss. At that point in life it was the only thing that mattered to me.

I felt like I poured my heart and soul into my work… and this is why I ended up going into a major anxiety attack when I was pregnant at work I had just found out that I was only able to have 13 weeks off after giving birth to my son.

I was a single mum so I had no choice but to work! Luckily I have a great support system so I was able to go and work in industry. Which was better money then I was on before hand and no where near as stressful (work wise).

I still ended up loosing out on time with my son. I worked his first Christmas and almost couldn’t get the time off for his first birthday. I missed out on so much in that first year including his first steps.

I felt horrible and would often cry on nightshifts after receiving different videos of what he was doing. But I had no other option but to work.

The day after his first birthday I found out I was pregnant, thankfully I knew I would get 1 year off this time and was so grateful. 😌

This time I wasn’t doing it alone, but realised I wanted to be a present mum and a calm mum. I didn’t want to be exhausted and angry around my children because I’m to tired after work. 😮‍💨

I decided while I was still working full time and pregnant that I would find something that can provide me with the same or more income, but without loosing precious time with my babies.

I researched all different options, from cryptocurrency, selling courses, low and high ticket affiliate marketing etc.

And for what I was looking for (high income + more time with my kids) high ticket affiliate marketing was the answer I was searching for.

Little did I know what I was about to gain from this.

I stumbled across a similar post to this, and decided I would reach out for some information.

I sat on the idea for 2 weeks, going through all the pros and cons and took a leap of faith. Trusting that all the information I had was true, then this was going to be the best decision I have ever made.

And thankfully I did! Within 3 days of launching my business online I made almost a whole month’s wage in one sale! ONE SALE! 💸💸

I didn’t realise how much self growth I was going to gain out of this!

I’m the happiest I have ever been and have become the calm and patient mum that I so desperately wanted to be!

If you’re feeling similar to how I was, I highly encourage you to seek out the information. ℹ️

Comment “CHANGE” below to see if this is a great fit for you too!


Imagine having the freedom to work from anywhere, on your own schedule, while sharing a product that genuinely enhances the well-being of both you and your family.

This is the reality when you partner with Enagic. You can earn generous commissions by promoting something you truly believe in, all while enjoying the process.

What I’ve gained so far in the business:

High commissions:
I made over $3500 in my first ever sale 3 days after starting! 💸

More time for me and my family:
I can work on my schedule some days I don’t do anything work related and some days I do. 🤩

Tax time benefits:
this year I received almost $12,000 back in tax- you can claim a lot when you work online! 💰

my son’s eczema on his face has calmed down a lot since we installed the Enespa in our shower, and we have been able to live low- tox with the kangen water💧

I’m truely lucky that I have a family that support me but also a community of people who support me! I haven’t ever felt this happy and excited for my future. 🥰

I went from hating my life online to loving it. Making funny videos and sharing about my life is fun and exciting! I have learnt so much since starting that I didn’t even know was possible. 🙌

Looking back one year ago I did not think I’d be in the position I am today and I’m so grateful I jumped on to this opportunity when I did. 😍


🚀 Ready to Transform Your Income? 🌟

Imagine earning while you sleep, no 9-5 grind, just freedom to live life on your terms! 💸

Curious? I was too—until I discovered this. Click the link to see how you can start making serious money online today! 🔥 💻


✨Tax Time is a Game Changer for Affiliate Marketers!✨

Did you know that affiliate marketing offers incredible tax benefits that traditional businesses can only dream of?

1. Claim Those Expenses: From your home office setup to marketing tools, internet bills, and even that laptop you just bought—affiliate marketing lets you claim a wide range of expenses. This means more money in your pocket at the end of the day! 💸

2. Lower Investment, Higher Returns: Starting a traditional business often requires significant upfront investments—think rent, utilities, staff salaries, and more. But with affiliate marketing, your initial costs are minimal. You only need a phone and an internet connection. 📲

3. Flexibility & Freedom: Unlike traditional businesses, affiliate marketing offers the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime. No need to worry about the 9-to-5 grind or commuting. Plus, you get to spend more time with family and friends while growing your business. 🌍

4. Scalable Income: Traditional businesses often take years to become profitable. In affiliate marketing, your earning potential grows with your audience and efforts. The sky’s the limit! 🌠

Tax time is the perfect reminder of how much more efficient and rewarding affiliate marketing can be. If you’ve been considering making the leap, now’s the time to do it. Let’s make those tax benefits work for us!

Ready to maximize your income and enjoy more freedom? DM me READY to start the conversation ☺️

Photos from TWEC- Chloe Slade 's post 09/08/2024

If you've ever dreamed of breaking free from the traditional work structure, now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities of online work. It's not just about earning a living—it's about creating a life you love. 🥰

Working online has truly transformed my life. It’s more than just a career—it’s a lifestyle that allows me to pursue my passions while being present for my family. Here are a few reasons why I love the flexibility and freedom of working online:
DM me “New beginnings” to learn more! 🙌


🌟 Imagine a luxurious getaway designed to uplift and transform you into the best version of yourself. That's what's on offer when you join our exclusive community!

✨ This is more than just a getaway—it's a chance to transform your life and return as a more empowered and fulfilled version of yourself. Ready to embark on this life-changing journey? Join us today and this could be just 1 of many perks you encounter

DM me “getaway” to get you started!

Photos from TWEC- Chloe Slade 's post 05/08/2024

This could be the solution to your issue you're facing!
You won't loose anything by asking 🙋‍♀️
in fact at minimum you'll gain some insight on a potential future for you! 😊

DM me to discuss your future plans🤩💸


Excuse after excuse after excuse….

I would continue to give myself excuses to why I can’t move on to something better.

Comfort was my biggest one. Comfort over happiness.

Interviews and applying for new jobs or moving away or having to do courses for certain jobs, felt way to hard to do when I already had a job that worked for me even if I wasn’t at my happiest. 🤷‍♀️

Mediocre income was better than no income even if I could’ve done better… I just didn’t want to. 😕

This was my mindset a few years ago, it didn’t kick into gear until I became a mother, the mediocre income was not going to give my family the memories or opportunities I wanted to be able to give. 🤔

The time I would’ve had to give to my job that soaked all my happiness and energy up, scared me as to what kind of mother would I be if I was constantly unhappy and drained. 😮‍💨

After searching for a different life I set aside all the excuses and went all in on myself and I haven’t looked back! I feel like I’m at my prime! Enjoying every bit of these early years with my kids as much as possible. 🥰

And thank goodness I found it now and not when the kids were all grown up! I can’t imagine the feeling I would feel if I was working through these first 5 years and missing so much of their development stages. 😍

If you can relate, and you’re tired of making excuses for yourself… DM me “NO EXCUSE” to start the conversation. 🤩


It’s so true! 🤩

Surrounding yourself with likeminded others and your choices in life will shift with them. 🫶🏻

We all know it about drugs or alcohol etc. but what about health and fitness? Or people with ambition and desire?

I have turned my whole life around by choosing “the right crowd” ✅

I have surrounded my self with people who care about their health, their wealth and their freedom!

Just by changing the people around me, my mind has shifted in more ways than one.

I’m finding myself caring more about my health and for the first time ever I’m taking action on it by doing 5km runs every Saturday.

I’m caring more about how my time is being used… instead of working most of my life away from my children, I’m able to incorporate the family and work life together.

I’m so glad I stopped using everything and anything as an excuse for why I couldn’t change my life choices and just did it!

This business has made me the best mother I can be! I’m present, I’m happy, I’m calm and I soak up as much time as I possibly can because they grow up way to fast and I don’t want to miss any of it! ❤️❤️

Who’s with me!

Who wants to stop with the BS excuses and change what needs to be changed!

DM me “READY”!! 😍


When is the timing right? 🤔

If you keep putting something off saying I’ll do it in a couple months, I’ll do it in a couple years etc. you’re wasting time.‼️

The “right time” will never come around if you keep making excuses for yourself, something will always come up that will detour you away from your goals.

‼️ The right time is now! ‼️

While you are watching me post and making a better life for myself you are wasting that space.
You could be making it for yourself instead! 🤩

You can either walk behind me or beside me, which will it be? your call! 😊


2 of my school friends have begun their online businesses to create a better future for themselves. This is such a different world we live in with the amount of technology around us. 😱🤩🤩

It was a no brainer for me to start working online and leveraging my socials! 🤯

For years I would sit on my phone for hours and hours on end watching useless content that would drain my energy, I was feeling so tired during the day and having no motivation to do anything. Now I am using my socials for good and not getting stuck in the endless scroll of Facebook. Which has now turned my mood around, I wake up feeling motivated, I don’t sleep during the day unless I’ve had a rough night with the kids and I enjoy the time around me instead of wasting that time. 🥰


Investing in myself has been my greatest achievement yet! 🤩

I was so drained thinking about my future.

- thinking we have to work until we retire at a job that’s never going to make me happy, and hope I make it to retirement without being to fragile to enjoy it.
- Thinking about how I would be able to afford to go on holidays when I’m living month to month with absolutely no savings
- Thinking that this is it for me, there’s nothing better than this. And trying to find any positive I could out of a life I didn’t want like this. 😮‍💨

I wanted to be free, free to explore the world, free to give my kids as many memories as possible, free to enjoy work!

I was looking into online working and how I could do this, first came low- ticket affiliate marketing, which would only give a little extra money, the only way I could do that as a full time job was to do a lot! And I mean ALOT! Which meant there goes all my time. ❌

Next came, jobs that required me to go to uni. This was a thought for a bit but I can’t see myself studying a job I’m not going to enjoy and only doing it to be a stay at home mum. ❌

Or it was to stay in the job I’m in and find someway to like it, as it was working half the year and getting paid more than enough. ❌


I come across a post, similar to the one you’re reading now! And what struck out to me was TIME FREEDOM and FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
First thought was, no job can do that, must be a hoax. So I messaged the person who posted it, because even if it was a hoax atleast I can say I tried to find an answer to all my problems. ✅

Thank goodness I reached out, I not only found the answers to the financial stress and the stress of leaving my babies at home while I worked but also found such a positive and uplifting group of people not to mention the health benefits both water machines have done for my family and I. ✅

I encourage you to reach out to me if you can relate to the same stresses I was having or see for yourself through the link below 👇 ❤️

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