Nostalgic Nomads HC

Nostalgic Nomads HC

The Nostalgic Nomads HC are an invitational, touring, veterans hockey team that ought to know better.


So…we asked ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence to tell the story of the Nomads. Despite the obvious lack of reference to alcohol, the result is quite something!!

“In a world of constant wanderers, there was a band of nomadic field hockey players who traveled the land in search of adventure. They were a daring group of talented athletes, united not only by their sport but also by their way of life.

As they journeyed from one place to another, they carried with them their beloved field hockey sticks, which were worn and well-used from countless games in the most unusual of places. They played in abandoned fields, on sandy beaches, and even on the tops of mountains. Every game brought them closer together, forging strong bonds between the players.

Their life was not always easy, however. They faced many challenges as they traveled through deserts, forests, and mountains. But they faced all of these obstacles with courage and determination. They knew that they could always rely on each other for support and motivation.

One day, they heard of a great field hockey tournament being held in a far-off land, and they immediately set their sights on competing. It took them weeks of travel, but they finally arrived at the tournament grounds. The competition was fierce, and the nomads knew they were up against some of the best teams in the world.

But they refused to be intimidated. They took to the field with all the energy and enthusiasm they could muster, and the crowds were amazed by their incredible skill and teamwork. The other teams were left stunned by their unconventional style of play.

As the tournament went on, the nomads advanced through the rankings, culminating in an intense final against the tournament favorites. It was a tough match, with both teams playing at their very best. But in the end, the nomads emerged victorious, celebrated not only for their incredible performance but also for their unique and inspiring way of life.

From that day on, the nomadic field hockey players were known throughout the land as champions, not just in their sport but also in their way of life. They inspired people all over the world to believe in themselves and to never give up on their dreams.”


A fabulous weekend and the Nomads emerge victorious - Champions, Sevenoaks Hockey Festival 2023


Introducing two new members of the Nomad’s squad, on the left, ‘Ernest’ to be awarded for acts of dubious behaviour…on the right, ‘Lawrence’…awarded in recognition of meritorious accomplishments.

In other words…Naughty Nomad and No.1 Nomad


Nomad-ness 2022, the video!

Photos from Nostalgic Nomads HC's post 24/10/2022

We also play hockey from time to time…


Our history:

Webbo and Kit are metropolitan policemen with a difference. Kit likes nothing more than slipping into little cocktail frocks while Webbo bouffantes his hair for a night "on duty". However, since they aren't in this team, we won't give their last names.

Plucky Paddy Heathcote is a nuclear scientist in love with Mafia Boss, Hacker Harris who is himself married to Conchita MacBeth, a lively belly dancer at a Belgian disco, whose manager burley Matt ‘Racquets’ has a naked daughter Janice engaged to Rickaaaaay, a New York private detective employed by the elegant Nurse Pamela to trace the missing million pound golden bidet that Hi**er gave to Eva Braun during a camping holiday in Bavaria and which remained hidden until Gilly the World Cup referee was found in a drunken stupour in a New Jersey tenement with the plans of a Russian secret weapon partially tattooed on his elbow.

In Brisbane the Brain Brothers, Tubby and Beno, torture Jules, a Mayfair trichologist who reveals to Steve Dinns in a tender and emotional death scene that his hair is not his own.

Meanwhile the Nomads have trapped husky Matilda Tritt in her own ‘D’ near Sevenoaks and she reveals all before conceding a long corner. Tonto and Gilly arrive just in time with the Police and the Halle Orchestra and proceed to sing a love song which allows Dr. Jem ‘Neptune’ just enough time to cross the Alps into Geneva where he meets Clive of India, a Kung fu fanatic and cat-lover who frivolously shoots him but not before introducing him to lively intelligent Norwegian widow Lally Krimpt who shows him her inner thighs where he finds the address of a good French restaurant and unexpectedly meets St**fy, an ex Korean plastic surgeon whose frankly blonde assistant, Sally Lesbit, is now the half-brother of a distant cousin of Paddy the nuclear scientist in love with Mafia Boss Hacker Harris who is himself married to Conchita MacBeth, a lively belly dancer at a Belgian disco, whose manager burly Matt Racquets etc., etc. This they now do.

Meanwhile Wiggy and Candyman discover a new found love for each other in a flashback near Devon where they meet up with Webbo and Kit the metropolitan policemen who surprisingly turn out to be in this team after all. Towards the end they kill everyone and live happily ever after.
