Vidafy Life

Vidafy Life

At Vidafy we are convinced that we all have the potential to grow and turn our lives into what we've


Nanofy™ Liquid Curcumin Micelle is less than 30 nm in diameter and is water-soluble — enabling pe*******on of all tissues. It provides 185 (average and 277 times greater for women) times greater serum levels of Curcumin than natural Curcumin powder. There are thirty 10 Drop Servings per Bottle

Ten Drops Equals Is More Than Equal to Twenty-Seven 500 mg Capsules of Curcumin Because of Exceptional Tissue Saturation

The graph shows one serving of Nanofy versus one serving of natural Curcumin.

- After ingestion, natural curcumin stays in the plasma of one's body
for only a few hours and only at 0.5 percent of the level of curcumin as can be had with our product. In other words, our product puts hundreds of times more Curcumin into one's blood and tissues and it stays there many times longer — that's the reason to use our product.

- Ten drops of our product is equivalent to twenty-seven capsules of natural powdered curcumin, except that it stays inside the body ten times longer.

- Our breakthrough technology for reducing the size of Curcumin (nanonization) and making fat soluble Curcumin particles water soluble (micellization) plus combining a small amount of Vitamin D3 (24 IU) to improve blood brain crossover it what makes our product unique.

- Our Curcumin micelle is only 30 nm in size... and is water soluble — so that it penetrates all bodily tissues.

- The Liquid Curcumin micelle matrix is completely stable at gastric pH and is FULLY delivered to the intestinal wall for maximum absorption.

That is why our Liquid Curcumin is the best curcumin product by far!

WEBINAR DE WELLNESS: Cúrcuma, formula avanzada 18/05/2020

New product: Nanofy plus! Curcumin + Vitamin D3 + Ginger + Vitamin C

¡Comience a ganar dinero ahora, desde su casa con el mejor producto de salud del mercado! ¿Estás pensando en comenzar un negocio en casa?

La curcumina con vitamina D3 de NANOFY es la primera de una línea de productos basada en la nanotecnología patentada de BioMS que ofrece una biodisponibilidad dramáticamente incrementada de ingredientes lipídicos potentes. Esta formulación permite que la curcumina se absorba fácilmente a nivel intestinal y luego se transporte a cada célula, donde deja su encapsulación penetrando en la membrana celular, ejerciendo sus beneficios en nuestro cuerpo.

# bienestar

Para comprar nuestros productos contáctenos en [email protected] o visite - Para convertirse en un distribuidor independiente, contáctenos en [email protected]

WEBINAR DE WELLNESS: Cúrcuma, formula avanzada En este webinar el Dr. Ángel nos habla de los beneficios de la Cúrcuma y como en sinergia con otros ingredientes nos pueden ayudar a sentirnos mejor.

Welcome to VIDAFY by Shane Brady 12/05/2020

Welcome to VIDAFY by Shane Brady

Welcome to VIDAFY by Shane Brady


To become an independent distributor please contact us at [email protected] or leave us a message here!

Start making money now, from home with the best health product in the market! Are you thinking to start a home business? On this video you will find some reasons to do it! JOIN US NOW!

Benefits of turmeric 07/05/2020

Turmeric is a root that comes from India and has been used for over 4,500 years. It´s one of the plants most studied by scientists due to its multiple health benefits.

To become an independent distributor please contact us at [email protected] or leave us a message here!

Benefits of turmeric Turmeric is a root that comes from India and has been used for over 4,500 years. It´s one of the plants most studied by scientists due to its multiple health...

SIMPLIFY Plan by VIDAFY, Shane Brady 07/05/2020

Learn about the benefits of our VIDAFY SIMPLIFY Plan explained by Shane Brady, CEO & Founder.

To become an independent distributor please contact us at [email protected] or leave us a message here!

SIMPLIFY Plan by VIDAFY, Shane Brady Learn about the benefits of our VIDAFY SIMPLIFY Plan explained by Shane Brady, CEO & Founder

Technology BioMS by VIDAFY 19/04/2020

Technology BioMS by VIDAFY
Have you ever tried to mix water and oil together? Seems impossible, right? The same thing happens in your body. There are foods and substances which your body simply cannot process in the correct way, so it disposes of them without absorbing all their nutrients and benefits. One of these substances is curcumin, which is the active substance in turmeric.

Technology BioMS by VIDAFY Have you ever tried to mix water and oil together? Seems impossible, right? The same thing happens in your body. There are foods and substances which your bo...

Hidden Secret in the dietary supplement by VIDAFY 02/04/2020 Hidden Secret in the dietary supplement

Hidden Secret in the dietary supplement by VIDAFY While it’s no secret that the dietary supplement industry is a very large, and growing business today, there´s a big, hidden secret within it. VIDAFY founder...

The oral bioavailability of curcumin from micronized powder and liquid micelles is significantly increased in healthy humans and differs between se... - PubMed - NCBI 02/04/2020

CLINICAL STUDY: The oral bioavailability of curcumin from micronized powder and liquid micelles is significantly increased in healthy humans and differs between sexes.

The oral bioavailability of curcumin from micronized powder and liquid micelles is significantly increased in healthy humans and differs between se... - PubMed - NCBI Mol Nutr Food Res. 2014 Mar;58(3):516-27. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201300724. Epub 2014 Jan 9. Randomized Controlled Trial; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't


We mimic our body's natural process to create micelle structures surrounding the lipid ingredients, allowing the oily metabolites to be absorbed into our water-based bloodstream & cells. This process is like putting a costume on the active lipid metabolite. The body surrounds the nano-sized metabolite with amphiphilic molecules, which are attracted to both water and oil. In this case, the "costume" allows the oily metabolite to dissolve in water, making it possible to enter into the bloodstream and be transported to the cell. Once there, the lipid metabolite can cross the cell membrane and be utilized by the mitochondria of the cell.


Ditoxify is designed with a proprietary blend of select herbs and natural fibers that promote a whole body detox while nourishing and benefiting each body system, starting with the digestive system where it promotes healthy intestinal microbiota (community of bacteria that live in our intestine).
Through this integral approach, DITOXIFY helps to rejuvenate the mind and body resulting in a positive impact on our comprehensive health and well-being.

To buy our products visit


To buy our products visit


Start making money now, from home with the best health product in the market! Are you thinking to start a home business?

NANOFY Curcumin with Vitamin D3 is the first of a product line based on patented BioMS nanotechnology offering dramatically increased bioavailability of powerful lipid ingredients. This formulation allows curcumin to be easily absorbed at the intestinal level and then transported to each cell, where it leaves its encapsulation penetrating the cell membrane, exerting its benefits on our body.

To buy our products contact us at [email protected] or visit -- To become an independent distributor please contact us at [email protected]


This page is NOT the official Vidafy page, this page has been created by an INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR as a tool to support and promote Vidafy in the United States. To buy our products visit To become and independent distributor please contact us at [email protected]

Nanofy Curcumin

NANOFY Curcumin with Vitamin D3 is the first of a product line based on patented BioMS nanotechnology offering dramatically increased bioavailability of powerful lipid ingredients.

To become an independent distributor please contact us at [email protected] or leave us a message here!