The Dental Yogi

The Dental Yogi

3rd year dental student who loves yoga


grateful for for giving us a chance & bringing me closer to my person 🤍


✨ 29 ✨

a perfect time to reflect as i enter my last year of my 20’s

compared to my early 20’s

it’s quite a contract

i’m grateful that i took the time to step inward and find what mattered most to me

i started journaling avidly when i turned 22 & to see how my life has turned out after becoming aware of the patterns that didn’t serve me & working to become the best version of me

your dreams life won’t happen in one month or even one year

you have to have faith that with every step you take your one step closer

i’m grateful to be healthy 🧘🏼‍♀️

i’m grateful for the career i have ahead of me 🦷👩🏼‍⚕️

i’m grateful for the support system i have around me 🤍

i’m grateful for my friends, whom inspire me ✨

i’m grateful for the opportunities that come my way

29 your going to be even better than 28 🙃


✨🦷 𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙓 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 - 𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝘽𝙤𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨 👩🏼‍⚕️✨

wow what a crazy, intense 2 days 😱😱

on Monday and Tuesday i took my licensing exam & it’s no joke

the pain your body feels from the effort of perfecting the right prep & the stress of knowing when to ask for a modification is daunting

our school did a great job preparing us for our boards this year by making a mock exam for us

but it was nothing like the real boards exam 😖

🦷 day 1 ~~~

4 hours to prep 1 crown and 1 bridge

3 hours for endo, performing root canal on an anterior tooth & accessing a maxillary molar

1 hour to scale & root plane a quadrant

at the end of it i felt like i had plenty of time to do everything but the amount of procedure we had to do in one day felt hard in my neck and my eyes

there’s no way around the stress of making the best preps of your life

i had to remind myself that i’ve been practicing and training for this day for four years

i also had to trust my gut when i felt like i needed to stop

sometimes when you try to make something to perfect you end up breaking a wall off & jeopardizing your prep

🦷 day 2 ~~~ 6 hours

anterior class III prep & fill

posterior class II prep & fill

i had to open my prep up as big as possible to remove all of the decay

i surprisingly didn’t need any modifications

again i had to trust that i did the best i could and turn it in

the evaluators end up grading your prep and filling that day so expect plenty of time to breathe, relax and stretch your neck

even though i enjoy working with my hands, these were the hardest two days of dentistry of my life

i know that the stakes of this exam is the reason why stress was so high

just know that when it’s time to take your boards

no matter how much you practice

your body & mind will feel it but know

that your going to make it through 🫶🏻

it’s just part of the journey of becoming a healer



Our last dental conference together as dental students, but don’t worry this is only the beginning 🫶🏻🦷✨


things i do before a big/new procedure in clinic 🦷✨

the day before i see my patient i make sure to confirm with them that they will show up

i do this so that i don’t build up adrenaline in my body and then feel the crash when im disappointed that they are a ‘no show’

i dont mind feeling adrenaline but its always better to feel a sense of accomplishment as your finishing up your notes after a treatment

the night before i watch youtube videos refreshing me on the procedure im going to do the next day while taking notes in my pocket procedure notebook

i make sure to arrive 15 minutes earlier to the appointment so that i can set up my chair and mentally go over the work flow

i give myself five minutes to go over ever step mentally as a mediate

if i have any doubt or question on why i need to do a step or why i need to be using one material over the other i make sure to ask before the patient shows up

lastly i check over my station on more time to make sure im ready to rock and roll when the patient arrives

i always make sure to have an extra bib, lidocaine, fresh burs and extra cotton rolls

these are the items i always have to run back to grab more of during the appointment😅

once the procedure is over and the patient has left, i make and correction or additions to my notes

this helps me remember and collect all the tips and tricks i’ve learned through my journey

what are some habit you’ve picked up that help you get ready for big/new procedure days?



& just like that we’re back in clinic & school 🙌🏼

even though i was nervous so get back into the swing of things after more than 2 weeks off, it went smooth 🙂

yet everyday i felt like i learn something new, it’s what makes the longer days feel meaningful on clinic

when you first start on the clinic floor it can feel very overwhelming as you’re trying to not only care for your patients but learn how to navigate Axium without missing any vital steps that could give you a deficiency

& those deficiencies can really add up by the end of the month when you’re seeing more than five pts a week 😅

what does the second to last quarter look like for me?👀

Monday ~ vibing 😎

Tuesday ~
11 main clinic
2:30 professionalism - practicing ownership

Wednesday ~
8 main clinic
11 religion
2:30 main clinic

Thursday ~
8 main clinic
11 main clinic
2:30 professionalism -law & ethics

Friday ~
8 implant/pediatric rotation
11 wellness clinic

i’m really looking forward to learning even more during implant rotation and seeing how much more comfortable i’ve become as a provider during my pediatric rotation



Embracing the magic of Christmas with a heart full of gratitude and love. 🤍✨

May your day be filled with warmth, joy, and the simple yet profound moments that make this season truly special.
Merry Christmas 🎄✨



just finished my last fall quarter of dental school forever 😜

Its quite mind-blowing to know that this is the last fall quarter I’m ever going to be experiencing as a student

Its been a packed quarter for me in clinic

Im very grateful to have patient who show up to their appointments and wanting to get treatment done as soon as possible

I’ve scheduled myself to the max more weeks than I wish I did

Frequently not finding time to make myself fresh meals or skipping a yoga class due to extended zoom meetings after clinic hours

This quarter showed me im very capable but I don’t want to scarify myself in the process

I love what I do but I find that I haven’t created the best bounderis when it comes to my work

Next quarter I vow to…

⋑ leave the dental school clinic by 4:50 pm every day
⋑ feed myself more homemade meals
⋑ only drink caffeine on a full stomach
⋑ move my body 5 times a week
⋑ journal daily
⋑ meditate for the first 15 minutes of the day
⋑ no social media consumption for the first 2 hour of the day
⋑ reading more
⋑ lead into my professional style
⋑ spend time with those who’ve supported me through this journey

& most importantly enjoy the last 6 months of being a student

Photos from The Dental Yogi's post 14/12/2023

one of my most treasured gifts from on of my favorite patients

Elizabeth Pet Art creates Keepsake Art Portraits

she’s so talented and now i have a timeless piece of my little baby girl Mochi😍

my pt picked up drawing again a few years back and it’s amazing to see how much talent all of us possess inside of us until we actually try and explore that side of us

always tells me that’s it’s never too late to improve on the left side of the brain no matter the age

i will treasure this piece and display it in my future dental practice

if you want to give your loved one a gift for Christmas they will love or want a portrait of vour little fur baby for vourself

direct message today for a commissioned piece of art


when was the last time you came in for your dental cleaning? 🌚

has it been over 6 months?? 👀

if there’s one things you feel an urge to do after seeing this post, please let it be taking care of your health by scheduling your exam & cleaning appointment today

in this picture, i completed half an SRP(Scaling & Root Planing) on the left side a week ago

the calculus on the left side was just as extensive as you see on the right

it’s amazing to see how quickly the body responds and heals to treatment

on the left side, the gums show no history of irritation as the inflammation from the gums was reduced after calculus removal

calculus is normal and everyone gets it in different locations and at different frequencies

it’s nothing to be embasessed about

just know that it takes 2 visits that are each an hour long

yesterday i finished the right side and the result were 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼

Photos from The Dental Yogi's post 16/11/2023

things i learned from my first complete denture case 🙌🏼

undertaking a complete denture case can feel overwhelming for the first time but it’s really not that bad as long as your patient are aware of the long process at the dental school

it’s very important to discuss expectations with your patient before you start

i became the provider after my patient went through a complete comprehensive exam

and during his exam was told that he would receive dentures in three months 😮

i learned this fact on the day i was delivering his case and it was already 8 months since he had teeth 😅

that’s when i realized that i forgot the most important part of full prosthetic work - managing patient expectations

when my pt first saw me he was ready to start on his dentures but unfortunately every quad in his mouth needed an Aveoloplasty due to the bone spurs that were formed after his full mouth extraction

he had past history of head & neck cancer, so i had to refer him out to grad Oral Surgery in order to give him the best care

we had to wait at least 6 weeks for the gums to heal before we can begin working on his dentures

if at the exam you notice your pt has bony protrusions on their alveolar ridge, when planning for a denture it’s important to treatment plan for an aveoloplasty

this way the pts is fully aware of the process and aren’t upset when their prosthesis needs more adjustment before they receive their final product

my pt drove 2 hour away to see me every time and it wasn’t easy but we made it!!

8 appointments and 8 months later, my pt has his smile back and plenty of dates lined up 😛

it’s also imperative to remind your pts that their first denture they receive post extractions will become loose in a year and thats totally normal due to bone remodeling

the NEXT denture they receive will be their “final” one and will fit better

it’s really a priceless feeling giving your patient their whole smile back 🙂


when your patient is scared of getting their teeth pulled it’s always the best feeling when they tell you that they could hardly feel a thing and it was one of their best oral surgery experiences 🙌🏼


squad looking 👌🏼


it’s spooky seazon 🎃✨


TGIF 😜💕🫶🏻✨
