

Digilist is a team of freelancers acting as your all-purpose craft for online marketing, advertising and social media.

Consider Digilist as a freelancer team supporting any other Digital or Media or PR industry as outsourcing helping team to exceed any company targets and KPIs in time. Established in early 2018, Digilist has a success story with various clients, established by a creative and efficient team, ready to serve your goals and fulfill your business needs and guide you through the wide digital world. For Business tasks contact: [email protected]


On behalf of the entire Digilist Craft team, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ahmed Saeb - أحمد صائب
we are thrilled to have you with us.

Thank you for your trust in our team.


On behalf of the entire Digilist Craft team, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome "We4 Beauty center" as a new client.
we are thrilled to have you with us.

Thank you for your trust in our team.


عزيزي الطبيب او مقدم الخدمة الصحية أو المستثمر في المجال الصحي،
تعرف انك بتخسر أكثر من ٥٠٪ من عملائك المحتملين بسبب عدم وجود تسويق الكتروني لمؤسسات او خدماتك الصحية!

في ظل الظروف الحالية وثورة التحول الرقمي الحديثة، المؤسسات الطبية بكل أنواعها “عيادات، مراكز، مستشفيات، صيدليات، معامل اشعة أو تحاليل ..إلخ” يجب لازمًا ان يكون لها كيان كامل متفاعل علي الانترنيت و منصات التواصل الاجتماعي ”السوشيال ميديا“.

حاليًا مقدم الخدمة الصحية مبقاش بيتعامل مع المريض بشكل مباشر فقط كما في السابق، لكن المجال توسع ليشمل شركات التأمين الطبي و تطبيقات الكشف أون لاين، بالإضافة لتحويلات المرضي من جروبات السوشيال ميديا وغيرها من التجمعات البشرية الافتراضية العامة.
وعشان كده اصبح وجودك علي الأنترنيت ضرورة ملحة للتوسع وتحسين التواصل وعرض الخدمات الخاصة بك الحالية والجديدة بشكل محترف والمحافظة علي العملاء الحاليين و زيادة في العملاء المحتملين.

السؤال هنا، أزاي تقدر تعمل كده؟
وأحنا هنا بنقدملك الحل!

فريقنا في التسويق الرقمي الطبي هو فريق يتكون من الأطباء والصيادلة بالإضافة للعاملين في مجال الإعلام والتسويق الرقمي نعمل كوحدة كاملة لخدمتك حيث يمكنك أن تعتبرنا قسم الدعاية والتسويق لأي مؤسسة تقدم خدمات طبية للجمهور و بكفاءة عالية و تواصل مستمر و أسعار باقات منافسة جدًا في السوق.

بنساعدك من المرحلة الأولي التأسيسية و بنتحرك معًا عشان توصل لأفضل استفادة ممكنة من وجودك علي الانترنيت بكل الأشكال عن طريق تقديم الخدمات الأتية:

• الاستشارات التسويقية و التحليل التسويقي الخاص بالمؤسسة و الخدمات المقدمة.
• تأسيس وإدارة موقعك الإلكتروني بالكامل من الصفر بكل متطلباته سواء تصميم او استضافه او محتوي و غيرها.
• تحسين الظهور علي محركات البحث الالكتروني ”جوجل“ وإدارة إعلانات جوجل لزيادة وتسهيل الوصول من عملائك المحتملين.
• تأسيس وإدارة منصات السوشيال الميديا الخاصة بالمؤسسة ” فيسبوك و انستجرام وتويتر“ وغيرها.
• إدارة الإنفاق الإعلاني علي منصات السوشيال ميديا لتحقيق افضل النتائج الممكنة.
• كتابة وإدارة المحتوي الطبي بالكامل باللغتين العربية والانجليزية بصورة محترفه و علمية و بسيطة للمتلقي الغير متخصص كوسيلة للتوعية الصحية له واستهدافه كعميل محتمل.
• تأسيس الهوية البصرية و البراندنج ”لوجو و تصميمات السوشيال الميديا و الموقع وغيرها“ بعد دراسة وتحليل طبيعة النشاط الطبي والأسم التجاري.
• تأسيس و بناء وحماية السمعة التجارية الخاصة بالمؤسسة و اعادة تشكيلها و تغييرها طبقًا للمعطيات الحالية.
• إنتاج ميديا طبية متنوعة ومختلفة حسب الطلب سواء تصميمات ثابته أو متحركة لدعم الخطة التسويقية للمؤسسة.

كل تلك الخدمات هي خدمات أساسية لبناء كيانك الالكتروني و تقوية علامتك التجارية و زيادة الشعبية و التوسع مما يعود بالإيجاب المباشر علي زيادة العملاء المحتملين و مبيعاتك المؤسسة.

تواصل معنا في أي وقت علي رسائل الصفحة او في التعليقات او من خلال الرسائل للتعرف اكثر علي خدماتنا و التوصل لاتفاق مرضي ومثمر في خلال رحلتنا المشتركة عبر عالم الانترنت الواسع.


That time of the year has come. May all of us find peace on this Ramadan. Happy Ramadan Kareem!


Here are some Tips For Active Social Media on the Education Sector

Social media offers schools and teachers ways to facilitate learning and capture students’ interest. Because many students, as well as their parents, are already on social media and quite adept at using the platform, educators who maximize social media are able to bring the classroom closer to their pupils and their guardians.
Crafting an Effective Social Media Strategy for the Education Sector

Learning institutions can use social media networks for a broad range of goals, from getting more leads to providing better support to spreading word about important achievements and events. Below are tips to help your school create an effective social media strategy.

1. Set Measurable Goals
Develop specific measurable goals for what you want to achieve through your social media campaign. For instance, if you’re hoping to generate leads, specify how many leads you want to have within a specific time period.

Next, do a social media audit to identify where you are versus where you want to go. List down all the social media accounts you have. Look at your social media analytics to understand the level of engagement you’re getting on each platform.
After determining where you are, study your competitors’ online strategy. Find out what keywords they’re using and which channels they’re on. Determine the types of content they’re publishing on their accounts and which of these generate the most likes, shares, and comments.

2. Prepare a Social Media Style Guide
Whether you work for a small school or a university, taking time to organize a style guide will generate multiple benefits for your institution. Here are a few:
• Consistency: You are able to use a consistent tone and voice in your published posts, which then contributes to the strength of your brand image.
• Coordination: This is especially important if you have several staff handling social media management or your departments are maintaining their own social accounts.
• Maintaining quality: Clarifying posting standards empowers your departments to maintain the quality of published posts.
items to include as you create or improve your school’s style guide:
• Official social media profiles
• Naming conventions
• Guidelines for profile information, cover, and header images
• Brand colors
• Hashtags
• Rules for images, graphics, video posts, and user-generated content
• Handling comments, inquiries, and competitor interactions
• Guides for each social media network
• Post format
• Crediting sources

3. Choose Appropriate Platforms for Your Campaigns
Social media channels have different user demographics. Before launching your campaign, consider the networks your target audience is more likely to use.

4. Incorporate Live Streaming and Student-Generated Content
Providing users with different ways to engage with your school can increase awareness of your programs and nurture a sense of community while adding more traffic to your social media channels.

5. Diversify Your Social Media PostsWhen creating your content calendar, go beyond words and images. Include video clips, newsletters, user-generated content, or even virtual tours. You can also add interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and contests.

6. Be Responsive
Having an active social media presence goes beyond publishing posts regularly. To keep people engaged, you need to make sure your teams are responding to comments and inquiries in a timely manner.

7. Provide Career-Planning Resources

Schools can use social media to share information on high-demand skills in specific industries. They can also provide more resources on different careers as they relate to specific college courses or learning tracks.

8. Use Data to Improve Your Strategies

There is so much you can learn from your social media analytics, such as the types of posts that generated the highest shares and reactions. Knowing this information can help you improve future campaigns by doing more of what worked and focusing your resources on platforms that generated the highest results.

Dr.Ahmed Mansour
Co-founder, Managing director


Analyze Your Competitors
When it comes to social media, understanding competitors gives you a lot to know what works and what doesn’t, because competitors target the same customers that you target. And when you ignore competitors ’study, you lose an opportunity to learn from their successes and their mistakes. Studying competitors contributes to developing your message and providing added value.

Searching for competitors includes knowing active social networks, studying their content, the type of sources they use, and how to talk about products and topics that focus on them. By visiting your competitors ’social media accounts and writing answers to the following questions:

What social networks do they use?
How do they use communications to increase revenue?
What are the most popular topics for their audience?
What strategies do they work with?
What do they miss?

Photos from Digilist.eg's post 24/03/2021

The 2021 Mother's Day celebration was filled with corporate surprises. I personally liked two experiments. The first was Chanel's experiment in which they hosted the children of the female employees of the company and let the children make drawings then the best drawing would be a Chanel poster.
The second experiment was by an Egyptian company called MA, which declared that it will pay out March wages on the 18th of the month and that those wages would be sent via company representatives to the mothers of the the employees of the company.

I liked both ideas because they involved thoughtful engagement and sharing with children and their mothers, however I have a question:
How did women with no children feel?
And how did the children whose mothers have passed away felt?

Nabila EL-Wakeel
CEO& Client servicing director
