Jethro & Pumpkin

Jethro & Pumpkin

Jethro - born April 2016. Gotcha day July 5, 2017. Male domestic shorthair. Brown, with black stripes. Has a white chin. Female domestic short hair.

Pumpkin - estimated to have been born in 2016 also. Orange and white. Rescued October 25, 2019.


A little setback for her.

It’s been a sunbeamy day today after some yucky weather, so Mum and I did a brief pawtrol.

I’m back on insulin and Mum is closely monitoring my blood glucose. It’s now slowly going down again but we need to go back through the usual “diabetic dance” to get it regulated.

It looks as if a mild pancreatic flareup caused this latest blip and we are working to again have me in remission. (Straightforward diabetes is much easier to manage; I also have underlying chronic pancreatitis which complicates things.)




Party starts tonight at our place through the 5th. Out page is 4 years old and the 5th is the 7th anniversary of his gotcha day. Then they will bring everyone to her party.

Possums ready! Don't have heart to tell her our pawty isn't till the 6th...teehee!♡


Pumpkin ❤️🐈❤️


Jethro is so handsome here. ❤️🐈‍⬛❤️


PLEASE remember the pets. ❤️❤️❤️



We are those people. We are the ones that take in the strays you dump, the unwanted kittens because you didn't bother to spay your pets, the ones you just didn't want to bother with. We give them food, care, shelter and love.

We give them all we have to offer. A little over 2 years ago a battered old man came into our lives. We doctored him up and got him healthy and named him Marbles. He was sweet and gentle but even though he was in his late teens he got into some trouble. After he tangled with a groundhog and ended up at the veterinarian we found out that he was FIV positive last April. We knew he was on borrowed time but he was still happy and healthy so we brought him home instead of letting him go then.

He spent the last year eating like a piglet and spending time in his heated box. This spring his muscles started to waste away. Our new veterinarian thought he most likely had lymphoma secondary to the FIV which is very common. She said we didn't need to make end of life decisions as long as he was eating. We took him home on high calorie foods hoping we could get him to gain some weight. For a week he did pretty well and then this weekend he stopped eating. We spend a lot of time loving on him this weekend and Tom even laid in the floor and slept with him Saturday night. Marbles left us last night.

So we are those people, who clean up your mess and love the ones you leave behind. We are the people who sit here with broken hearts when they leave us. He deserved better from whoever you are. We're grateful he got the last two years with us.

Rest in peace Marbles


Life is short. Eat dessert first 💖🥧🐈

Photos from Noah's Legacy: I'm a blind rockstar, this is how I roll's post 01/07/2024

Meet de new princess

Introducing Princess Adora! She will be joining our kingdom this week! We have met her and fallen in love with her. We hope you will all love this beauty as much as we do already. Can't wait to integrate her into our home. Nanugi will never be replaced, and we hope Adora feels the love from you as well! Officially we will be Queen Scarlett, and two princesses..Princess Mimi and Princess Adora!

Bonus trivia...where did the name Adora come from?


The look I give Mom when she tells me I am a good girl...


Blocked and dirty litter kicked at hims. These type of posts makes us mad. Moms listens to hers doctors not people who makes false claims about a product.

Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For 29/06/2024

Our friends Lili’s Pad shared this song. So everyone keep smiling and that’s what friends are for.

Dionne Warwick - That's What Friends Are For Dionne Warwick's official music video for 'That's What Friends Are For' ft. Elton John, Gladys Knight & Stevie Wonder. Click to listen to Dionne Warwick on S...


Pancreatitis information. Please check out Kitty A’s post about this. She has a couple of articles in her comments.

Pancreatitis was once thought to be very rare in cats, but is now recognized more frequently. This may be due to improvements in testing and diagnostics available to veterinarians. Though a few infectious diseases, such as Toxoplasma gondii, have been associated with the development of pancreatitis in cats, in over 95% of cases there is no obvious underlying cause.

To learn more click the link below.

Photos from Penny & The Kits's post 28/06/2024


Photos from Jen’s Journey with a double lung transplant's post 28/06/2024

Check out mom’s new page to help anyone and everyone. She’s wanting to share what it’s like to have a transplant, chronic medical issues and mental health issues. Please share so we can start reaching those who we can help.


Moms here. I’m feeling a lot better. I’m still having some symptoms of my virus but it’s now not kicking my butt. They have been great nurse kitties. I’m back at my pt and rehab this week.

He decided it was his chair. We had cuddles before I left and after I got home.

We hope everyone is surviving the nasty weather that’s been here all over this week. We know people affected by a tornado over in Genoa City. We hope the nasty weather is staying away from our friends.


Please go to original post to see video

Friends of the Magic Nation,
We will have a quiet day as we say goodbye to PePaw. A Memorial Video was created for the service. The link is in the comments if you would like to watch.

Momcat Linda 💙

Photos from Prickly Pear Cat Rescue and TNR's post 27/06/2024

Maximus medical update! The specialist is having one more test run on my biopsy samples. So far results were inconclusive, they are looking for either IBD or intestinal lymphoma. I am starting steroids this week to get a treatment plan started.

Thank you dear friends for your love, support, and humor. 😘

Photos from Penny & The Kits's post 26/06/2024

The other day while I was lake playing a momma duck and 15 babies came ashore. I ran from the dock. The ducks splashed into the water. I sprung into the water and grabbed a baby duck. You should have heard the siren go off. Well on second thought it was the scream heard around the world. I brought the baby duck back to shore and the siren got louder and louder. Dad came and I gave him the duck. I was really proud of myself, and the siren kept telling me I was a BAD BOY. Thank goodness for Dad, Uncle Shaun and Aunt Sue...They kept telling mom I was a Springer and just doing what I was bred to do. Mom is still mad at me. So now I am behind bars! Yep the other side of the fence. Incarcerated! Please send bail in the form of Lake Play. I miss my lake.
The Chauncey man


FIV is NOT “Cat AIDS”!!!!

When I picked Floof up from the clinic where he had his dental and they found the throat mass, the volunteer looked at me gravely and said, “Shadow has AIDS.”

I wanted to scream at her, “What the F is this? 1987?!? THIS IS THE KIND OF LINGO THAT GETS FIV-POSITIVE CATS EUTHANIZED!”

But I kept my mouth shut. This clinic performs a service for those who cannot afford traditional vet care. They did a great job taking care of Shadow. Their hearts are in the right place. The vet was right about Shadow’s throat mass.

I will certainly use them again, if needed, especially for TNR surgeries.

That all being said, people need to stop calling it “Cat AIDS” or “Feline AIDS” or any variation thereof.

Shadow did not have AIDS. He was an FIV-positive cat who developed cancer. Yes, he was predisposed due to his compromised immune system. But for 10 years prior to this, he loved an happy and healthy life. So healthy I was a little surprised that he was FIV-positive because his teeth and coat were great and he’s had no more health issues than his FIV-negative counterparts.

Here’s Tiggy…FIV-positive, 10+ years old, and living her best life as a playful and happy indoor cat. Once I got her diagnosis, I immediately started her on daily probiotics to boost her immune system.

Besides some skin and coat issues, you’d never know she had a compromised immune system. I’m fully aware that she could develop complications at any given time, but right now she’s as healthy as can be, besides possibly early kidney disease, which can happen to any cat regardless of their FIV status.

FIV is NOT a reason to euthanize a cat! I’ve had positive and negative cats live together for years with NO transmission. Charlie and Tiggy shared food bowls, beds, mutually groomed and played together for three years before I had them tested. Tiggy was positive and Charlie was negative.

All of my FIV-positive cats lived longer than Penny and Weeny, who were both negative for FIV. And all of them besides Shadow lived longer than Charlie, who again, was negative.

FIV-positive cats can live as long and healthy lives as FIV-negative cats.

Have I made my point yet?


PePaw has passed away. Magic Nation is sad. Much love Momcat. We are sad here.

Friends of the Magic Nation,
Plans were made to meet with the Hospice Care Team tomorrow. PePaw vetoed those plans and joined Meowma at REALLY HOME earlier this evening. I am truly heartbroken.
Momcat Linda



PLEASE CHECK UNDER YOUR CARS for community cats seeking shade in the summer!

Most of the country is in an oven right now with no relief in sight.

Community cats may hide out under your car for shade, especially if they’re in an area without a lot of shady spots. Our property has a lot of trees and shade and the Yard Cats are still seeking shade under the Jeep.

Be sure to check under your car before going anywhere, even if you just popped into the store for five minutes. Doing so may just save a life. ♥️

PS..The cat in the picture is our very own Domino aka Dom Juan, who was under my Jeep rather than the hundreds of shady spots on our property.


Hello Friends,

We come to you this morning with the sad news that our Pyewacket has made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge.
Mommy woke up shortly before 4:00am to find Pye laying on the dining room floor taking her final breaths. Mommy and brother David were with and told her how much she was loved and always will be.
She went very peacefully and we are so thankful for that.
Pye was 18 years old and came to us a stray kitten that was wandering around cousin Elisha’s apartment complex.
Our Pye was not much of a lap cat and she absolutely hated being picked up, but she had a big purr and that would kick on as soon as you touched her and she loved being petted.
She stuck to herself for the most part and brother David’s room was her domain.
In her younger years she was quite feisty and would give a good slap and attack when provoked by one of the other kitties, but in her older age she seemed to take to a couple of our recent rescue kittens and would give them baths.
Pyewacket had hyperthyroidism for many years and had been losing weight as she got older, but up to last night she was still getting around okay and even ate her dinner last night.
Mommy knew this day would be coming soon, though she was never ready and never will be for days like this.
Please wish our Pyewacket a safe and smooth jour to the Bridge where we know that our siblings like IttyBitty, Mr. Whiskers and Expo and many others will be waiting for her, along with our dear furiends like Gentle Ben and Ti-Pou, and of course I know that mama Kim and my beautiful Angel Girl will be there to greet our precious Pyewacket.
Keep mommy and brother David in your thoughts and prayers as their hearts are broken over this huge loss.

We Love You Friends.
Thank You for always being here for us. ❤️

Videos (show all)

Moms we want to goes swimming too. Brudder kidnapped hers again and de went to hers eye appointment to see her retina sp...
What happened next 🤣😂
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#jethropumpkin #april2024 #catsoffacebook #catsatplay
#jethropumpkin #april2024 #catsoffacebook #catbath #sneakattack #queenofthecastle
Wait for it at the end. 🤣😂🤣
#April2024 #jethropumpkin #snowfall #catsoffacebook
#jethropumpkin #catsoffacebook #biscuits #happykitty
#catsoffacebook #jethropumpkin #catsplaying
