

Resources and methods for deep change towards just and ecological societies!

Visit our website to download free toolkit and discover more creative methods and resources that invite new perspectives and support collaboration.

Astrobiologists Suggest the Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Entity 18/02/2022

Astrobiologists Suggest the Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Entity A team of scientists have posit the idea “planetary intelligence,” which describes the collective knowledge and cognition of an entire planet.


This is how big a redwood is.

Who's Who 14/02/2022

Who's Who These owls may wear the same game face, but when it comes to personality, they’re as different as day and night.

Bee bricks become planning requirement for new buildings in Brighton 29/01/2022

Bee bricks become planning requirement for new buildings in Brighton A planning law introduced in the city of Brighton and Hove, England, calls for new buildings to include special bricks that provide nests for solitary bees.

Photos from For The Wild's post 20/01/2022
How to reduce bias in your workplace | The Way We Work, a TED series 28/10/2021 - A very informative and clear video on how to reduce bias in your workplace!

How to reduce bias in your workplace | The Way We Work, a TED series We all have bias -- especially the unconscious kind -- and it’s preventing us from doing our best work. Gone unchecked, bias can make employees feel resentfu...

Designing Collective Artist Residencies | Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research 12/10/2021

Escaping the coast of Cornwall to a weekend "climate refugee camp" set in the near future, going on a neighborhood safari in the Netherlands to engage with site-specific performances about an upcoming energy transition, embracing ambiguity in research in an ancient Swedish watch tower. Enjoy our recent article exploring creative/collaborative ways to engage with both practical and emotional dimensions of climate change (co-authored by several in our group! Eernstman Anke de Vrieze Kelli Rose Pearson) "Designing Collective Artist Residencies: Cultivating imaginative disruptions and light-heartedness in times of gravity"

Designing Collective Artist Residencies | Airea: Arts and Interdisciplinary Research Designing Collective Artist Residencies Cultivating imaginative disruptions and light-heartedness in times of gravity Natalia Eernstman Kelli Rose Pearson Arjen Evert Jan Wals Åse Eliason Bjurström Anke de Vrieze Keywords: climate change, participatory art, art residencies, art-based methods, crea...

1,158 Bird Species, 7,500 Miles, 1,000 Cups of Coffee and Counting: Meet the Couple Doing the First-Ever Big Year Across Colombia 20/07/2021

1,158 Bird Species, 7,500 Miles, 1,000 Cups of Coffee and Counting: Meet the Couple Doing the First-Ever Big Year Across Colombia As they’ve crisscrossed the country tallying and documenting birds, photographers Niky Carrera Levy and Mauricio Ossa have also discovered hundreds of untold stories of conservation heroes.


🌿 Northern Ireland council for Derry City and Strabane recognizes the Rights of Nature (Español abajo)

In a first for these islands, Derry City and Strabane councilors have agreed on a motion recognizing the , which was passed unanimously with two abstentions.

This motion directs the council to draw up a Declaration for the Rights of Nature for the area to be brought back for adoption within the next six months. It also looks to embed RoN as a keystone concept into its operational practices, planning processes, and long-term decision-making.

The hope is also to encourage other councils to follow suit.


🌿 El consejo de Irlanda del Norte de Derry City y Strabane reconoce los Derechos de la Naturaleza

Por primera vez en estas islas, los concejales de Derry City y Strabane han acordado una moción que reconoce los , aprobada por unanimidad con dos abstenciones.

Esta moción ordena al consejo la elaboración de una Declaración de los Derechos de la Naturaleza para la zona, que se presentará para su aprobación en los próximos seis meses. También pretende integrar los DDNN como concepto clave en sus prácticas operativas, procesos de planificación y toma de decisiones a largo plazo.

La iniciativa a su vez espera animar a otros ayuntamientos a seguir su ejemplo.

Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland


Lots of interesting videos at the interface between arts and sustainability

On July 4th, at 21 pm "Donna Haraway: Storytelling for earthly survival" will be streamed live on this Youtube channel 👇

Climate Culture Η Τέχνη της Βιωσιμότητας Ένα ψηφιακό συμπόσιο το οποίο εξετάζει τον ρόλο που μπορεί να παίξει ο πολιτιστικός τομέας στον αγώνα για κοινωνική και περιβαλλοντι...


Join us at our virtual Symposium: “Wisdom Across the Ages ~Celebrating the Centennial of Archaeomythologist Marija Gimbutas” July 16-18th. Register at ASWM member discount $185, non-members $250.


Fine-tuning the last details of our workshop on Using and Designing Creative Methods for the Spaces of Possibilities Confex, organised by our wonderful colleagues of the MSCA ITN Recoms:


🧚‍♀️How many ways are there to see, understand, and even 'be with' phenomena and beings around us?
🧚‍♀️What if we went beyond 'measuring' and included other languages, that embrace the senses, the feelings, and even our intuition?

The Stream - Sci-fi for social change 05/06/2021

Great video about sci fi and social change! As the host says - live long and prosper and may the force be with you :-)

The Stream - Sci-fi for social change Can science fiction spur social change? Sci-fi often evokes images of space travel and future technology, but fantasy worlds are also being used to examine a...

Cities of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures | Center for Science and the Imagination 05/06/2021

Solar Futures! What a fun and exciting project using fiction and art to re-imagine 'solar' cities.

Cities of Light: A Collection of Solar Futures | Center for Science and the Imagination Our second collection of solar futures, Cities of Light, follows in the footsteps of its predecessor, but with a twist, leveraging the unique cultures, economies, and geographies of Chicago, San Juan, San Antonio, and Portland to inform and explore a dialogue about post-carbon cities in possible fut...


Today, our amazing colleague and Re.imaginary co-founder Angela Moriggi is defending her PhD thesis 'Green Care practices and place-based sustainability transformations' - the result of four years of deeply committed participatory action research with innovative green care entrepreneurs in Finland. Go Angela go - you rock!

[My work]
PhD thesis finally in my hands!!🤩🥳

And now only a few days left to the public defense, happening June 1st, at 11.00 am, fully online.

If you wish to join, here is the page for the live stream:

Abstract of the thesis at this link:

Thesis Committee:
Chair: deputy Rector Magnificus Prof dr ir Cees Leeuwis

Prof dr Bettina Bock
Dr Katriina Soini
Dr Dirk Roep

Prof. Dr Ioan Fazey, University of York
Dr Dawn Mannay, University of Cardiff
Dr Maria Tengö, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Prof. Dr Arjen Wals, Wageningen University


Less than 24 hours to this workshop!


You can still register at:

We are so happy to have you on board! We organized this workshop for you, to give you a moment to reflect, refresh and reset your faith that a change for sustainability is possible.

We want to reach out to all of those who together are working for a better world: so welcomed!

For more information check this video:

Organized by The Sustainability Atelier

See you there!

Saransh Sugandh




🌍 Join Janine Benyus for this Friday’s module of Trimtab Space Camp office hours 🚀

Janine popularized the term biomimicry in her 1997 book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In Biomimicry, she names an emerging discipline that emulates nature’s designs and processes (e.g., solar cells that mimic leaves) to create a healthier, more sustainable planet. Since the book’s 1997 release, Janine has evolved the practice of biomimicry, speaking around the world about what we can learn from the genius that surrounds us.

Coming up on Friday, May 21th, 9-10:30 pacific time

Join Trimtab Space Camp Design Science Redux and to attend this upcoming session with Janine Benyus

sign up today!

[image description: Janine Benyus-- a fair skinned woman with short, blond hair, wearing a blue sweater with a waffle texture-- looks at the camera and smiles while standing in an autumn forest that is out of focus behind her. On the image is written "Janine Benyus."]

The power of ‘Complexifying’ 18/05/2021

[Transformative mindsets] Complexifying! In the mainstream media :-)

The power of ‘Complexifying’ Americans are drawing lots of battle lines on our biggest, most controversial issues. When we struggle so much to find common ground, how can we move people on opposite sides of an argument towards solutions? NBC’s Joshua Johnson discusses how showing our complexities and sharing our whole truth c...




Le Festival Ka Nuovo Immaginario Migrante, avec le soutien de la Direction des affaires culturelles de la Mairie de Ancona, la promotion de Water Grabbing Observatory et Pepe Lab, dans un cadre de collaboration avec Kilowatt, Festival Ratatà, Le Vanvere, éditions Canicola e TU Tenerezze Urbane, lance l’appel international JE PARLE EAU pour la réalisation de 10 affiches artistiques.
L’objectif est la création d’une exposition itinérante qui puisse être un outil original d’information, éducation et étonnement sur le thème de l’eau.
Les dix travaux sélectionnés rejoindront ceux de 6 artistes déjà connus qui soutiennent activement cet appel avec une de leurs œuvres : Roberto Catani (animateur), Allegra Corbo (artiste visuelle), Marino Neri (auteur de bande dessinée), Claudia Palmarucci (illustratrice), Gio Pistone (artiste visuelle), Stefano Ricci (dessinateur).

L'appel s'adresse aux illustrateurs, graphistes, auteurs de bande dessinée, animateurs, dessinateurs, artistes plasticiens et créatives, sans conditions de nationalité mais âgés d’au moins 18. Ils peuvent participer individuellement ou comme membres d’un collectif d’artistes.

Cet appel est né dans le contexte de l'édition biennale du Festival Ka Nuovo Immaginario Migrante. Cette édition est consacrée au thème Terrestre, vu comme une perspective complexe dans laquelle réfléchir sur les migrations contemporaines. Nous nous interrogeons pas seulement sur le futur de l’humanité, mais aussi sur celui des humains et des non-humains qui sont interdépendants et, en tant que êtres terrestres, demeurent soumis aux mêmes variables écologiques. Dans ce cadre, les migrations sont une des conséquences plus visibles, explosives et complexes des facteurs qui sont de plus en plus hors control.
Parmi les éléments qui affectent la vie de tous les êtres vivants sur la terre, cette année nous avons choisi l’élément EAU. L’eau est la plus abondante des ressources rares, l’élément terrestre le plus vital, mouvant et précieux, qui on trouve dans tous les coins de la planète. L'eau amène la vie et parfois la mort. L'eau est un droit universel, mais est devenue l’objet de privatisation et de spéculation. L'eau soutient tous les écosystèmes naturels, étanche la soif des communautés et permet une agriculture différente. L’eau a nourri imaginaires et cosmogonies à toutes les latitudes, l’eau a toujours été un facteur de liaison entre la sphère humaine et celle surnaturelle, un élément symbolique qui au cours des siècles a acquis plusieurs de significations.

L’exposition sera inaugurée à la Mole de Ancona le samedi 26 juin dans le cadre du Festival Ka Nuovo Immaginario Migrante et continuera à Bologna dans le cadre du Resilienze Festival (9/12 septembre 2021) chez les “Le Serre dei Giardini”. L’exposition est conçue comme un projet itinérant, donc autres étapes seront cherchées et planifiées.

Date limite - 22 Mai 2021, 23 :59 h
Annonce des gagnants - Avant le 9 juin 2021
Vernissage Exposition Ancona - 26 juin 2021 dans le cadre du Festival Ka, troisième édition
Vernissage Exposition Bologna - 9 septembre 2021 dans le cadre du Resilienze Festival

🎯 Découvrez l'appel ici:



The Alliance for Ecotherapy and Social Justice is a new project in the US, hosting dialogues that highlight the importance of Social and Racial justice in Ecotherapy, Forest Therapy, Ecopsychology, and related fields. In this context, Social Justice is seen as honoring Indigenous rights, and providing equitable access to economically-disadvantaged groups, minorities, people with disabilities, and other underserved communities.

We are seeking international panel contributors for our inaugural conference, taking place online at various times from June 18-25.

Panelist participants will discuss the following:
1. How is Ecotherapy, Nature therapy etc. practiced in your country
2. How is Social Justice integrated into your work?
3. If it's not integrated, do you think it's important, or not an issue?

Speakers need to be comfortable presenting, discussing their work, and answering questions in English. If interested, please submit your information using the link below.



Re-imagining and being able to access possibilities for imagination are crucial to the transformative capacity of an organization, a network, a group of people!

Check out this beautiful graphic by Emma Ruffin, part of the open access article "Jumpstart Virtuous Cycles Within Social Innovation Communities" (Goldstein 2021)

Beyond words – the potential of arts-based research on human-nature connectedness 10/05/2021


"Arts-based research is capable of tapping into emotions and embodied experiences, which are often neglected in science. Since most art forms entail a non-verbal component, using them in the research process may transcend the cognitive to elicit unspoken knowledge. This makes arts-based research eligible particularly for investigating and enhancing emotional connections with nature."

Beyond words – the potential of arts-based research on human-nature connectedness (2020). Beyond words – the potential of arts-based research on human-nature connectedness. Ecosystems and People: Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 249-257.

Event | Transformative Learning Hub | Pause. Reflect. Envision | May 12, 2021 from 9.30 – 12.30 CET | Online 07/05/2021


Event | Transformative Learning Hub | Pause. Reflect. Envision | May 12, 2021 from 9.30 – 12.30 CET | Online Wow, it’s been a looooong year. And many of us are feeling pretty damn weary by now. So, how about we take a pause together? For the May edition of the Transformative Learning (TL) Hub, we& #…

Pacific Northwest’s ‘forest gardens’ were deliberately planted by Indigenous people 29/04/2021

Pacific Northwest’s ‘forest gardens’ were deliberately planted by Indigenous people Finding suggests humans have added value to forests in lasting ways

The Posthuman & New Materialism | Utrecht Summer School 29/04/2021

Applications open for Posthuman & New materialism summer school 2021
"The course offers an overview of this scholarship across a trans-disciplinary range of fields that includes philosophy, literature, law, media, pedagogy and the arts. Mindful of the patterns of exclusion of the sexualised, racialised and naturalised “others” that were not recognised as belonging to humanity, special attention is devoted to perspectives emerging from Black and indigenous epistemologies and to the efforts to think beyond anthropocentrism.

The Posthuman & New Materialism | Utrecht Summer School Organising institution Utrecht University  -  Faculty of Humanities Period 16 August 2021 - 27 August 2021 Course location(s) Online course ETCS credits 2 Course code C30 Student fee €350 Course fee Price €550 Course Level Advanced Master Variations The course will continue the tradition of ne...

Robin Kimmerer - Mishkos Kenomagwen: The Teachings of Grass | Bioneers 22/04/2021

A beautiful and urgent talk by Robin Wall Kimmerer, in which she introduces many precious concepts and practices, such as: gratitude, attentiveness, reciprocity, the 'honorable harvest', the importance of knowing the names of non-humans to start any relationship of care, the 'restoration of our honor' rather than the restoration of the land..

If you have 20 minutes, check it out!

Robin Kimmerer - Mishkos Kenomagwen: The Teachings of Grass | Bioneers Indigenous peoples worldwide honor plants, not only as our sustainers, but as our oldest teachers who share teachings of generosity, creativity, sustainabili...


A nice illustrated map of existing and emerging design disciplines from Kirsten Moegerlein's PhD 'Designing in Transition:
Towards Intimacy in Ecological Uncertainty'

Mindfulness event for the European Parliament 21/04/2021

If you are as interested in 'inside-out sustainability' as we are, watch this dialogue between European member of Parliament of the Greens, Alviina Alametsä and Jamie Bristow from the Mindfullness initiative. They discuss the ripple effect of mindfullness that eventually may lead to social agency addressing climate change, how an outer crisis reflects an inner crisis and why investing in the inner lifes of citizens as well as decision makers might be key in addressing the climate crisis.

see 'part 2 - climate change'

Mindfulness event for the European Parliament The Mindfulness Initiative were delighted to take part in a Mindfulness event for Members of the European Parliament, which took place on 10 December 2020.

Creating leadership collectives for sustainability transformations 21/04/2021

Inspiring article on working towards a culture of care in academia (and beyond).

From the abstract: "Leadership collectives can support a move in academia from metrics to merits, from a focus on career to care, and enact a shift from disciplinary to inter- and trans-disciplinary research. Academic organisations need to reorient their training programs, work ethics and reward systems to encourage collective excellence and to allow space for future leaders to develop and enact a radically re-imagined vision of how to lead as a collective with care for people and the planet"

Yes, yes, yes!!!!

Creating leadership collectives for sustainability transformations Enduring sustainability challenges requires a new model of collective leadership that embraces critical reflection, inclusivity and care. Leadership collectives can support a move in academia from metrics to merits, from a focus on career to care, and enact a shift from disciplinary to inter- and tr...