She's Called and Confident

She's Called and Confident

Helping women pick up the mantle of their calling full of confidence in knowing who they are.

Photos from She's Called and Confident's post 15/02/2024

I thought I healed but trauma resurfaced,

It resurfaced in a way I didn’t even know was there.

I think for so many believers it can be scary to admit that there is internal work to be done, but at the same time, it’s an opportunity to experience an intimate journey with God.

Here are my top signs that indicated there was something else happening to me:

1️⃣ I noticed constant negative thoughts and emotions that lingered for months.

2️⃣ Little arguments with my husband increased on things that wouldn’t matter to me otherwise.

3️⃣ I began to loose interest in some of my passions and responsibilities.

4️⃣ My creativity and love for things vanished.

5️⃣ I became hyper fixated and critical on certain areas of my life.

I notice some of these red flags and I decided to take action.

I think for so many believers they think it’s normal to live a certain way because they have lived with their struggles for so long,

But there’s another way to experience God’s full freedom through a healing journey to reprogram your thoughts and release wounds that have kept you hostage.

If the enemy can keep you in psychological bo***ge he will cap your growth and potential.

He doesn’t want you to operate at your full capacity doing the work of God.

It’s ok to slow down and tend to your wounds and trauma so that you can operate in your calling with freedom and power.

If your in need of a safe place to overcome limited beliefs and past hurts so that you can be all who God created you to be,

I have opening spots for private 1:1 coaching.

Comment “Details” if you want to know more.


Calling All She’s Called & Confident Ladies🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️

This Saturday, Dec 16th PST, I am having a FREE 2024 Vision Workshop called “The Mantle of Your Calling”.

I believe that God wants to restore areas of your life that perhaps have felt heavy and un accomplishable.

This workshop is for the woman of God who has a calling upon her life and she is good at doing the work but when she stops and looks at her personal life and the quality of her relationships it’s not where she wants it to be.

The enemy has perverted and distorted what it truly means to dream with God and creating life goals.

Join me this Saturday to align your calling with your life Goals so you can walk out of 2024 feeling accomplished and like you honored God with your calling and life stewardship.


Here is the link to join and get the zoom info:

Much Love,

Sis Yolanda 🩷


Join me and Floydise Paquette for “You Are Worth The Change” Free Masterclass.


It’s 100% a matter of how the heart is postured 🩷

We need to be careful because, “The movement is cut from the same cloth as movement.” She Works His away

Be vigilant and don’t get cought up with titles.

The titles are not your identity. It’s things you do with the gifts God has given you but not who you are.

You are an anointed daughter of God and not a carbon copy of worldly movements.


Hey She’s Called and Confident Community!!!

It’s been a while but I wanted to let you know that no matter the circumstances God can turn it around and use it for your good.

Keep pressing forward because the season of complete restoration and healing is here.


It’s OK not to know what to do next.

This is part of life. You can get a bit frazzled up…it doesn’t make you less of a person.

This is your permission to take your time… Pray about it…Get the clarity and answers you need…and get back up.

Different Seasons of Life 🩷🩷🩷


I’ve mourned dreams that are not in the timing that I want.

I’ve felt I’ve wrestled with God like the way Jacob did in the Bible about these dreams.

He’s taking me in a different path and all the while I’m winning to God, telling him I don’t want to.

Sometimes we delay birthing dreams because we are not getting them the way we want them.

I’ve learned time and time again.

Things I want and desire given to me but in a whole different manner than I expect.

So here I am again at the feet of Jesus telling him I trust him and He knows what’s in my heart and dreams.

It’s a new season. I know that. I can’t hang on the what use to be. I have to embrace the new and carry forward this new assignment.

What remains in tack is massive breakthroughs, deliverances, and healings.

And if your still reading this thank you 💗

I pray God uses you and blessed your life. If there is any way I can serve you and pray for you let me know.

Much love,

Yolanda King


Hey beautiful woman of God,

The doors to She’s Called and Confident Coaching is closing down.

I am extremely thankful for you and look forward to what is next.

You can listen more on this decision on this week’s Podcast episode:




You cannot defeat what you are not willing to define.

What is it exactly you want to overcome?

You need to clearly acknowledge the hurts, grudges, offenses, and mishaps you want to overcome because without that you will harbor emotions and strongholds that will prevent you from moving forward.

It will imprison you from being the woman God has called you to be.

This is just some of the things I work with my clients inside School of Inner Confidence.

If you want more information drop a comments so you can be placed on the waiting list when cart opens soon.


3 Years Ago I launched The She’s Called and Confident Podcast and can you guess how many downloads I got???


I have to admit it I was one of those downloads 🫣

I knew I had little to no audience,

I didn’t know what I was doing,

I was scared to make a joke out of myself,

👉🏼But I had something I couldn’t contain.

I had a message!! 🔥🔥🔥

I knew the fire blazing inside of me was not just nothing.

The birthing of She’s Called and Confident Podcast was like nothing I’ve ever done.

God has seen me through so many seasons, so many transitions, and so many mistakes.

Here I am now, 3 Years later with the same Vision to help Jesus loving women step into their calling full of confidence in knowing who they are and what they are destined to do.


Now each episode gets 100+ downloads and can sometimes get to 500 🤯.

I’m not sharing to boast but to celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.

If he has given you a vision don’t be afraid of not seeing the fruit right away.

It takes time.

Don’t ever take for granted your small beginnings because that is where the molding and growth happens.

I am ready for this next season of the show and see how God breaks generation strongholds and fill his daughters with righteousness and His spirit in Jesus name.

In honor of this milestone it would mean the world to me if you can listen to an episode and leave a rating and review over on iTunes:

Let’s do one thing together 👇🏼

Let’s make a difference in this world 🌎


I’ve always felt like I don’t fit in,

This has caused me to hold back for most of my life.

I came to the point of telling God I’m done caring what people think of me to the extent you want me to.

God knew you before you where formed in your mother’s womb and he knew your exact personality and way of thinking.

Don’t you think he did that on purpose?

You are not meant to serve everyone you are meant to serve specific people God has called you to serve.

To the rest of the world it doesn’t matter what they think of you.

Confidently live out your calling and expand God’s kingdom.


Here’s a little reminder to surrender and trust in God. He knows what’s best in your life and has the best intentions in mind.

Release and Give it to God…


Leaders be careful who you allow in your space.

Don’t allow people to take emotional power away from you. It is not healthy for your overall well-being and leadership calling.


Many times you associate pain, discomfort, or sacrifice with your calling.

Can it be that those exact thoughts are what’s holding you back from fully committing, taking action, and being all of who God created you to be?

What lie do you need to break up with so you can experience breakthrough and transformation in that area of your life?

You know what you want and what God is calling you to do, so stop making excuses or selling yourself lies as to why it’s not possible.

It’s 💯 possible for you!

Believe it!!

Share with me what lie you are breaking my up with and what belief you are choosing to believe in the comments 👇👇👇


“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:35‬ ‭

Seriously every time I see this verse it gets me jumping and shouting hallelujah!!

It’s so powerful and straight to the point nothing in this earth is going to last but the word of God is going to last forever.



Beware not to be more interested in the gift then the God who gave you the gift.


Godly Women don’t encourage women to sin! 


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:19‬ ‭

You can’t go and make disciples based on your achievements you have go make disciples based on relationships!

Yes it’s work,

Yes it can be hard at times,

Yes it takes time,

But it’s what God wants us to do!

Check out this weeks podcast episodes with Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus on the She’s Called and Confident Podcast.



We talk all things discipleship and much more!


Do you ever think you need better balance in your life?

This week on the podcast Michelle and Somer talk about the so called living a balanced life.



Also you have a chance to win their new She Works His Way book!!

Winner will be announced on Sunday!

Go listen yo the podcast and share your takeaways with me!


Do you want a FREE She Works His Way Book???

Here’s how you can get your hands on this amazing God inspired book 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

This week on the She’s Called and Confident Podcast I interviews Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus founders of She Work’s His Way "a discipleship community for working women who love Jesus."



In this podcast episode we talk about:

▶️History of She Works His Way,

▶️How to incorporate more of The Gospel in the work place,

▶️Building Relationships and Making Disciples,

▶️The Assignment of your home, &

▶️Detecting lies from the enemy hidden in everyday life.

I left instruction on how you can be one of the winners to this powerful anointed book!!

Go listen and then give it a shout out on social media. Make sure to tag me so you can be entered.

I will choose a winner on Sunday Morning Via My Social Media Stories!!


Everyone has influence it’s what you do with that influence that determines if you’re a leader.

Do You Agree? Comment below!

Yolanda King

Hi there!

My name is Yolanda King, I am the CEO of She’s Called and Confident! This is a Christian women’s empowerment company.

I am also the host of “Confident Christian Female Entrepreneur” Podcast that focuses on helping women grow business confidence and build a profitable online business that honors God.

I am obsessed with helping women conquer their fears and move past stuck so they can tap into their potential and live with joy while pursuing their calling.

Videos (show all)

Private Coaching is now open.
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