

Sound Of Indefinable Longing. Exotic Folks Melodies, Evoking Poignancy and Nostalgia ...


The elders ruminate and reason —
it matters not what you have seen
and even less what might’ve been
What matters is this pristine day
freshly arising with many a ray
and expanse of hope to fill your way.


Reflecting on the year #2020 makes one wonder how he or she made it to the end. An eventful year full of rocky roads and turmoil, grace and the innate ability of mankind to adapt and survive kicked in. Fast forward, only hours stand in the way of our transition into another year full of promise, hope and prosperity and for that we are thankful.



My eyes come alive as the body sheds the fog of slumber ; the blind is drawn and curtain is curtailed for a hue of handshake with a rising sun .

by Meseko


Thoughts on my mind looking through my camera lens.
The thoughts of how we can look inwards to develop a version of ourselves as Africans. A version born through our story and uniqueness that gives us collective saltation.

So much is missing in the world; who knows, perhaps if we go back to rediscover ourselves, we may find the elusive treasure that the world has been looking for that lies within.



The only thing that’s left is a prayer
but the prayer is already long fulfilled
in many thoughts that did precede
when the day is done by the deeds
and many words of wishes and wits
the only thing ever done is pray.

Photos from Meseko's post 29/10/2020

Given the dynamism of Indigenous African Religions, it is easy to surmise its modern-day relevance and applications in that:

1. They present a worldview that has collectively sustained, enriched, and given meaning to a continent and numerous other societies for centuries through its epistemology, metaphysics, history, and practices.

2. Diviners for example have access to an extensive literary corpus and a verbal trove of information covering science, medicine, cosmology, and metaphysics.

3. They have provided the blueprint for robust conversations and would transform thought leadership in issues about community relations, interfaith dialogue, civil society, and civil religion.

4. Women play a key role in the practice of these traditions, and the internal gender relations and dynamics are very profound. The traditional approach of indigenous African religions to gender is one of complementarity in which a confluence of male and female forces must operate in harmony.

5. Given our current impending ecological crisis, indigenous African religions have a great deal to offer both African countries and the world at large on how human beings can best live within and interact with the environment.

Ultimately Indigenous African Religious beliefs and practices will always be relevant as they provide our societies with moral values, which guide the relationships between people in the community and instruct our relationships with the environment, spiritual realm and physical wellness.

Reference: Kylie Kiunguyu



I’m not sure whether it’s even necessary to post this. It may be inconsequential; but these are my passing thoughts.

The Nigerian situation is deplorable and has consistently deteriorated, things are coming to a head now, but it is all a natural consequence of the twisted tendencies. When we lack originality in almost every aspect of our endeavours, what truly do we imagine the ultimate consequence to be? What can we call to life or expect to realistically endure from corruption? Opportunities have been perpetually wasted.

In the natural order of things, leaders are put in place not always because they are the best among us, but rather because they require urgent self-redemption before their people. But often the opportunities are wasted. No one works for the common good, everybody is about self interest. Yet, of what abiding relevance is a small oasis of wealth in an overwhelming desert of poverty and deprivation?

Our wealth and wellbeing can only be intricately linked to the wealth and wellbeing of the least among us. We must heed the prevailing enlightenment about the natural laws. — We reap what we sow as individuals, families, groups, people or nations — in our thoughts, words and actions. A seed sown in the soil of insincerity may sprout but shall never stand.

Photos from Meseko's post 05/10/2020

When I think of Africa, I feel blessed, but when I think about our people and how we have neglected who we are in a quest to imitate others, I can't describe how I feel.

It is about time we embrace our culture and heritage so we can start to progress as a people from a Great Continent.

How about we kickoff the week with these thoughts ?


Is it fair to say
What are your plans for the weekend ?

Photos from Meseko's post 29/09/2020

In African medi-cure practice, music is particularly researched for dealing with mental/spiritual sicknesses. In other circumstances, music creates and sustains a mental-physical state of being requisite for the administration of physiological cure. Music convenes the community participation that in turn musters the spiritual energy of the sick person to recover and rejoin a supportive human fold. When the will is strong the body is better in tune to fight injurious organisms.

Musical constructs are critical in healing music situations. Hence producing aleatory or improper musical sounds may marginally act as diversion or palliative, but cannot effect or induce healing. The healing energy of music derives from distinctive structural conformations - melodic/melorhythmic/textural/formal structures.

Diallo, Yaya & Mitchel Hall (1989). The Healing Drum. Rochester: Destiny Books.


Composed by

Photos from Meseko's post 16/09/2020


Children Of My Spirit

I wake up in the morning
My eyes inhabited by lingering sleep
And the children of my spirit
Are already in flight
Beyond the outer walls of the city
Where the breeze still blows
And you can hear the snap of a twig
The children play – they sing, they dance.
A deadly disease dominate the domain
Human faces transform into masks
And it feels like you're alone in the world
Ride on, pedal on
The earth is big enough to contain it all,
Ride on, pedal on
The earth is small enough to feel you too


The Bleat Of Balafon.

Photos from Meseko's post 09/09/2020

The Girl And The Bouquet


I see a little girl
Her hair in fancy curl
She's just across the street
Walking on her bare feet
I see her from the office towers
As she holds her bunch of flowers
All by herself alone
She sets such a magic tone
And makes the dull to disappear
To ennoble the atmosphere.

The intangible breath
even from the womb
has become the mother of our bodies, the father of our bones,
it has founded our fame;
The invisible beast
has become the invincible beast
until the world is on its knees
and finds no meaning in all of its might.

Photos from Meseko's post 05/09/2020

I am awaken by asking the right questions. I am awaken when I see knowledge being spread that goes against my own personal experiences. I am awaken when I see popular opinion being wrong but accepted as being right, and what is right being pushed as being wrong. I awaken by seeking answers in corners that are not popular. And I am awaken by turning on the light inside when everything outside feels dark.

What are you AWAKEN by?

Photos from Meseko's post 01/09/2020

Black, White, Brown, Yellow.


The renewing attribute of diversity,
The strengthening power of combined forces,
The uplifting quality of a rich variety,
The inspiring dynamic in the union of many,
The elevating factor of the complementary,
The delightful sight of multiple colours,
The restorative harmony of variations,
The enthralling melody of different tones,
The propelling property of a wide range,
The edifying impact of togetherness,
The perpetuated beauty of regeneration,
Is the refreshing influence of our differences.


Allow me to throwback to an amazing performance in Zanzibar.
A melodic piece for the soul as we go into the weekend.
Link below for full performance.

Photos from Meseko's post 26/08/2020

A Meseko Original POEM

It was only moments ago
the sun was right overhead
now the position has changed
and there's a cast of shadow
where once there was light

The sun is going down
how sad does it sound
we've all been a clown
not to wrap up our round,
it now feels heavy to see
how transient it all can be.

The sun is going down
but don't be chased out of town
nor admit even a frown -
don instead your gorgeous gown
to celebrate the golden crown


In a world of stress, uncertainty and unpredictability many of us are looking for ways to manage our emotions and outlook on life. Coping skills can be defined as the way we respond to stressful situations. We all have our coping skills, though many tend to cause more problems than resolve original issues. Many of our coping skills are used on auto-pilot where we don’t recognize our actions as coping skills. We might use blame, denial, a busy schedule, food, drugs or alcohol as a way of handling the uncomfortable feelings associated with stress. Have you considered replacing any of those behaviors with music? Music is a healthy alternative to incorporate into your toolbox of how you respond to life’s challenges.

Enjoy some of my melodic sounds for clarity and relaxation.

Link below👇.

Photos from Meseko's post 18/08/2020

The Storm is a Mirage

No, don't be fooled
It's thick and overwhelming
It oppresses your world
No, don't be fooled

It's surging and submerging
It allows no space to breathe
No, don't be fooled

It's walled in and suffocating
With nowhere left to turn
No, don't be fooled

Squint your eyes a bit more to see
C**k your ears a bit more to hear
A lil more effort to turn the corner

The storm is a mirage --
There's sunshine ahead.


Musical instruments has been one of many ways to communicate how rich our culture and heritage is in Africa.

There are many benefits to learning to play any musical instrument. It helps to keep your brain young and agile, and helps to coordinate the body and the brain. Mastery of musical instrument inspires confidence and self-assurance as well as improving memory, discipline and time management skills.

While many flock to the guitar or piano, my choice to play a woodwind instrument; like the pan flute was based on its own discrete benefits. These are instruments which are played by breathing into them. Flautists need to have excellent breath control. And with deeper breathing comes stress relief, better flow of oxygen to the brain and a sense of harmony and wellbeing.

Not to mention, the soothing and hauntingly beautiful sound of this traditional instrument was first used by the ancient Greeks but played throughout the world for centuries from China to South America. Mastering a woodwind instrument also helps to build core strength and improve your posture so you get a mini-workout every time you play.

Whether you’re already a prolific multi-instrumentalist or you’re looking for your first instrument to help you begin your musical journey, the pan flute is a wonderful choice.

If you have ever played a pan flute before , please share your experience with me.

Comment 👇

Photos from Meseko's post 10/08/2020

A Meseko Original

People of different origins
like flowers of different colours
harvested from the fallow fields

where lost nutrients are regained
and that which was to decay and die
is in a fresh bloom of beauty

I cross all through the night
I bounce off the depth of sleep
I fly over the meadows of sweet dreams

The first lights scratch off the dark to reveal the delight of dawn

And my first thoughts forms for you -
You're my beautiful day

Photos from Meseko's post 05/08/2020

A Meseko Original .

I look across the sea
there's water as far as the eyes can see
I wonder what may correspond
to something that lies beyond…

Infused with a longing undefined
even after years of being refined
It still leaves me ever so restless
and makes all my acts seem senseless
Of feelings so battered and blown
and sentiments of being alone…

Wish I could sail onward home
beyond the sea and its frail foam.
The night dissipates
the light dominates

the sight is revealing the shape of the day
the stir of joy
the shape of love
the shape of you.

The ‘First Black’ Syndrome – Meseko 27/07/2020


The ‘First Black’ Syndrome – Meseko What first? What black? What is this frenzy about being the first black person to accomplish a feat in an area of human endeavour? First for what purpose? First to what end? ‘First Black’ presupposes a non-previously existing and rare ascendancy or breakthrough in one discipline or another by a ...

Photos from Meseko's post 24/07/2020

Today on
we learn about Sub saharan Africa's traditional musical heritage ,one that expresses its originality seamlessly .
The frikywa (pronounced free-KEE-wah) thumb bell is a small, handheld percussive bell, hand forged from recycled iron in Ghana.

Frikywa are often played by roving dunun players or in pairs as an accompaniment. The volume can be controlled by cupping the bell more tightly into the palm and dampening the resonance. These bells make great learning tools for exercises involving time marking and keeping the pulse.

What is thumb bell called in your local language?
Share with us .

Reflections of The Prince 14/05/2019

Reflections of The Prince Reflections... @ 4th AWA Festival in Toronto

Olurombi 30/11/2018

Night of Storytelling & Music

Olurombi ... the disconsolation that accompanies the departure of the Prince from the land is only comparable to the grief that greeted the sacrifice of Olurombo - an...

