Pbx Detox - Pure Zeolite/Safer than TRS

Pbx Detox - Pure Zeolite/Safer than TRS

Our liquid zeolite supplements are the cleanest around—backed by independent lab results!


We all have some amount of candida naturally in our bodies. We were meant to co-exist together. The issue is that things get out of balance sometimes.

There are a variety of reasons heavy metal toxicity and candida often occur together. However, one of the most common causes is from heavy metals being more prevalent than ever in our environment, AND the consumption of processed foods which often contain added sugars, is at an all-time high.

We’re living in a more toxic world than ever before in human history.

However, we also live in a world that is full of added “syrups” which is not limited to just high-fructose corn syrup.

Whether its condiments like ketchup, processed meats (yes they often have added sugars and syrups), or common snack foods, added sugars and syrups that feed candida overgrowth are everywhere. If we’re not super careful, many of us consume these added sugars and syrups several times a day.

Combining added sugars and a toxic environment high in heavy metals is part of the story as to why candida and heavy metal toxicity often exist together…

Like living organisms on our planet, yeast species like candida do interesting things to improve their survival. The really interesting thing here is that candida will actually transform heavy metals in our body to nanoparticles, which are less threatening or harmful to the candida itself. Additionally, this allows the candida to bind to the metal particles and pull them out of circulation to further reduce the threat of the metals to the candida.


Studies have actually shown that candida cells are able to regulate and bind to different metals in different ways in order to allow them to adapt and survive in a variety of habitats, whether that’s in our body, or out in the environment.


As a person who battles Hashimotos, mainstream medicine almost seems to frown upon iodine, when years ago it was deemed essential:

📌How Fluoride and other toxins compete with the essential mineral: iodine

* Iodine is a trace mineral essential for life: so many functions especially for our thyroid balance and to support our endocrine system

* Iodine is a trace mineral found in some foods.

* The body needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. These hormones control the body’s metabolism and many other important functions. The body also needs thyroid hormones for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy. Getting enough iodine is important for everyone, especially infants and women who are pregnant.

* Iodine is a vital micronutrient required at all stages of life; foetal life and early childhood being the most critical phases of requirement.

* Removing toxins can support absorption of minerals including iodine

* Iodine deficiency remains a major public health problem worldwide and the world’s greatest single cause of preventable brain damage

* Dr. Brownstein feels iodine is the most misunderstood nutrient. Iodine deficiency can cause He feels it is impossible to achieve optimal health when there is iodine deficiency plays a part in: ADHD, Autism, Breast, Thyroid, Ovarian and Uterine Cancer, Detoxification, Fatigue, Fibrocystic Breasts, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s Disease, Hypothyroidism, and AutoImmune

* Toxic metals, pesticides, be plastics are All endocrine disruptors. Your thyroid gland is an endocrine gland. And your thyroid produces hormones and it uses iodine.

* When the toxic load is too high there is a lack of absorption of minerals including the essential trace mineral: iodine

* The amount of chemicals and heavy metals causes severe deficiency of iodine.

* Chemicals, especially the halides which are your bromine, fluoride and chlorine has a major effect on the thyroid gland and many other systems in the body which compete with iodine

* Epidemiological studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children, placing it into the same category as toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls.

* Accoring to the U.S. National Toxicology Program released a systematic review of all published studies evaluating the potential neurotoxicity of fluoride; the benefits of fluoride with respect to reducing tooth decay were not addressed. This comprehensive report scrutinized hundreds of human and animal studies on the impact of fluoride on brain and cognitive function. Most, but not all, of the high-quality studies evaluated fluoride concentrations that were about twice the level added to drinking water or higher. However, when considering all the evidence, their conclusion was “fluoride is presumed to be a cognitive developmental hazard to humans.”

* The National Toxicology Program’s conclusion was strengthened by a synthesis of high-quality studies showing that children who were exposed to higher amounts of fluoride during early brain development scored about 3 to 7 points lower on their IQ tests.

* https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6466022/
* https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Iodine
* https://globalhealing.com/natural-health/free-iodine-webinar/

* https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fluoride-is-toxic-to-developing-brains-new-studies-find/
* https://www.drbrownstein.com/iodine-why-you-need-it-p/iodine.htm

When we remove heavy metals and toxins
Our body can absorb vitamins, and
essential minerals; to utilise the nutrients


What’s behind the frightening rise in major depression and su***de?

There are many factors that contribute to mental health, from economic security to the addition of screen time, social media, and an overall tendency for Americans to be busy and overscheduled. But as more research goes into the complex problem of depression and anxiety, we are discovering that physical factors are an important part of the puzzle—specifically, the connection between gut and brain.

A surprising finding is that the bacteria in our digestive tracts (our “microbiome”) plays a major role in our mental health. Research shows that when mice who had been carefully raised in a bacteria-free environment were introduced to different strains of gut bacteria, these strains could significantly influence behavior and mood. It also revealed that mice who showed autistic behavior (repetitive motions and avoidance of social interaction) also had a microbiome that resulted in leaky gut—and, since many people with autism also experience GI problems, that finding is significant.

Another study showed that mice who had been subjected to increased stress had a significant change in the makeup of their microbiome. Stress seemed to have a negative effect on lactobacillus, and stressed-out mice were found to have lost a large number of these beneficial bacteria. Soon after the bacterial losses were documented, symptoms of depression set in.

The rise in human GI problems and depression seems to indicate that our mental health, like that of the mice in the study, is intricately linked with the health of our gut microbiomes. What’s happened in the last 20 years that would cause this sort of damage?

Widespread Use of Glyphosate on GMO Crops Causes Damage to the Microbiome

Glyphosate has other uses, however. It was also patented as an antibiotic. https://patents.google.com/patent/US7771736B2/en

It’s well known that antibiotics kill bacteria fairly indiscriminately, which is why they can cause diarrhea and other GI issues. When you’re prescribed antibiotics, you’ll often be told to eat yogurt to combat this issue. That’s because yogurt contains lactobacillus, and eating it helps to replace the bacteria that are being killed by antibiotics.

But what about the antibiotics that we’re inadvertently consuming every time we eat something that’s been treated with glyphosate? Studies have shown that, indeed, glyphosate exposure changes the makeup and number of gut bacteria. In addition, “glyphosate-based herbicide exposure leads to despair behavior” in mice.

Although the relationship between Lactobacillus and kynurenine are not fully understood, it’s clear that mental health suffers when the balance is thrown off.

The link between glyphosate and depression (as well as anxiety and autism) is happening in our guts, and the current crisis in mental health is being fed by the toxic effects of Roundup on our microbiomes.


👉Let discuss Parasites and C-a-n-cer.

As most of us realize there is not enough emphasis on annual parasite cleanses here in the states especially with science showing us the connection between parasites and c-a-n-cer. All veterinarians realize that animals here in the U.S. are infested with parasites until treated, and scientists know that our soil and surface water contain parasites, too. So doesn’t it make sense that we humans are affected as well?

Side note: And why was there such an uproar about Ivermectin recently (we will save that for another day 👀)

Anyways, In 1890, the Scottish microbiologist and pathologist William Russell reported the presence of parasitic spores within c-a-n-cer cells. He published his findings in the British Medical Journal, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2208600/
and went on to formulate a comprehensive hypothesis explaining how c-a-ncer is a parasitic disease. Like many pioneers whose ideas are not aligned with the momentum of conventional medicine, he and his supporters were utterly dismissed.

However, more recent data presented by oncologists and c-a-n-cer researchers is making it increasingly difficult to dismiss Russell’s hypothesis. Doctors have noted for some time that a high percentage of cancer patients exhibit some kind of parasitic or pathogenic infection. In 2012, one study examined the correlation more deeply, and concluded that parasitic infection “seems to play a crucial role in the etiology of c-a-n-cer.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3671432/

Other studies have strengthened the theory that parasites have a causative role in the development of c-a-n-cer. For example, the tick-borne T. parva has been shown to cause a condition nearly identical to lymphoma,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877959X16300152
and the C. parvum parasite suddenly and unexpectedly causes colon c-a-n-cer when mice are inoculated with it.

In 2015, a doctor documented a disturbing case in which tapeworm infection allowed c-a-n-cer to become its own form of transmissible parasite. The effected immunosuppressed patient suddenly exhibited c-a-n-cer cell invasion in the lymph nodes, and when researchers analyzed the lymph node tissue, they found tapeworm DNA in the c-a-n-cer cells.

While tapeworms and the similar organisms mentioned above are usually what come to mind when we think of parasites, the truth is that parasitic infection takes many other forms. Perhaps the most common parasite of all is Candida albicans, a pathogenic yeast that leads to a wide array of gastrointestinal ailments and far-reaching health issues when allowed to proliferate. It’s estimated that up to 70% of the population is affected by Candida.

Studies have conclusively shown that “Candida infection can significantly increase overall and some individual c-a-n-cer risks
and even that Candida yeast can “induce c-a-n-cer development of progression

Parasite cleansing as a c-a-n-cer treatment

Since researchers are finding that parasites can be a cause of (or at least a risk factor for) c-a-n-cer development, it stands to reason that clearing the body of parasites could possibly effectively prevent or treat c-a-n-cer.

During one c-a-n-cer research project, researchers actually stumbled onto this connection accidentally. They screened 2,000 different common drugs for anti-c-a-n-cer activity, and they found that an anti-parasitic drug called mebenzadole (Vermox) was by far the most promising one
The converse is also true: chemotherapy drugs have been shown to be incredibly effective antiparasitic agents

Luckily, though, you don’t have to subject your body to antiparasitic or chemotherapy agents to ensure it remains clear of parasites (though these interventions can be necessary in cases of severe infection).

For starters, be very cautious when consuming meat. While the major parasites mentioned above are "less common" in the United States, infection can still occur through consumption of undercooked meat, especially pork. Tapeworms (particularly Taenia solium, a species known as the “pork tapeworm”) are the most common parasite reported in the United States.

Parasites will thrive on a diet high in sugar, processed foods, alcohol, wheat, and pork, so avoid these foods and drinks altogether if you want to rid your body of these carcinogenic organisms. Instead, eat lots of healthy fats (especially coconut oil, which has antiparasitic properties), leafy greens, garlic and onions, pumpkin seeds, papaya juice, oregano, ginger, and lots of probiotic foods.

For strong, acute parasite clearing, start a regiment of oregano oil, clove oil, black walnut, wormwood, and grapefruit seed extract. These powerful natural products can also kill beneficial gut bacteria, though, and therefore should only be used for a limited period of time (after which you should increase your probiotic intake to help repopulate your gut flora).

For myself personally I tend to pair my parasite cleanse with the PBX heavy metal detox. Why? The Zeolite in PBX acts as a binder for the parasite cleanse. Also heavy metals and parasites go hand in hand https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10234173/

Parasites use heavy metals to disable and hide from the immune system. They will also coat their bodies in heavy metals to further hide from the immune system. Candida and parasites actually feed on heavy metals and sugar and store them within biofilms or within their own organism. When people kill candida with antifungals, the die-off symptoms that are experienced are partly the result of the release of heavy metals into the body, which overwhelms the liver and cannot be excreted fast enough.

This is why detoxing heavy metals first or along with killing candida and parasites is imperative. If you do not, you risk releasing a lot of toxic metals redistributing throughout the body.

Photos from Pbx Detox - Pure Zeolite/Safer than TRS's post 22/12/2022

National School Lunch Testing for Glyphosate, Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Hormones, Veterinary Drugs, and Nutrients Revealed.

The testing of 43 school lunch samples shows:

95.3% of the school lunch items contained carcinogenic, endocrine disrupting, and liver disease-causing glyphosate.

74% of the samples contained at least one of 29 harmful pesticides.

4 Veterinary drugs and hormones were found in 9 school lunches samples at levels up to 130.76 ng/g.

100% of the school lunch samples contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 X higher than the EPA’s maximum levels allowed in drinking water.
The majority of the samples were abysmally low in nutrients.

Many of these toxins have been found to contribute to or cause neurodevelopment disturbances, immune system damage, hormone disruption, cancer, liver disease, tumors, and more.

Without proper nutrients, our children’s brains will not function properly, and their bodies will not be developed as needed. Often children with learning and behavioral issues are deficient in just one or two minerals or vitamins; when those nutrients are added to their diet, their mental, physical, and behavioral issues subside. Even violent behavior is discontinued. Our children must have proper nutrient-dense food as well as detox these neurodevelopmental blocking metals/toxins


We often hear about contamination in our foods but there is no emphasis on the long term effects this could have on our children in regards to their health. Last year it was brought to congress that our children's foods were way over the limit in metals such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury as well as lead. Sadly we didn't hear of a resolution or any the damage that could have occurred drom consuming those foods. These are just some examples of the negligence and why detoxing ourselves and our children in these times is so important.


🌱 The zeolites in PBX are perfectly designed to be in the nanometer range and encased in water molecule clusters. This means PBX metal detox benefits while other zeolite sprays and powders stay in the digestive system because PBX can actually go anywhere in the body that water can go!

👉 It doesn’t tax any organs nor redistribute toxins. The toxins safely leave the body in a few hours through normal passages. It is a great metal detox for people with less-than-optimal detox pathways (my MTHFR people). This stuff works!

🙌 Clinoptilolite zeolite works so well because they have a high negative charge and a strong affinity for toxins as toxins are usually positively charged. The PBX metal detox spray benefits because the zeolites are encased in water molecules in a true colloidal suspension. They cannot settle out of the solution and they are able to travel through the body with water and detox at the cellular level, including the brain. They act like tiny toxin magnets that attract and cage heavy metals, pesticides and any other toxin that has a positive charge.
Their tiny pore size means that they have a huge amount of surface area to capture toxins. Once toxins get trapped by the zeolite, they are captured within the zeolites’ cage-like structure and are rendered inert and have no chance of breaking loose.

❤️ What makes PBX so unique; is it picks up toxins as it encounters them, but does not force toxins into circulation. This is why PBX metal detox does not cause redistribution and damage to the body as toxins leave. PBX is transported out of the body mainly through urine and other usual elimination pathways. As the nano sized zeolites are so tiny, the kidneys don’t have to filter them; that’s how gentle this method of detoxing is.

❣️PBX will remove any toxin with a positive charge and that includes heavy metals and toxic elements (aluminum, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, barium, strontium, uranium, lead etc), pesticides and herbicides, plastic residues, toxins from molds and yeasts, chemicals from smoke and air pollution and also any radioactive material in the body.

➡️ If you haven't tried a full body cellular detox now is your time, all new customers can try the complete body/gut detox detox system for fifty dollars off!

Aluminium in brain tissue in autism 08/12/2022

⚠️How Heavy Metals Harm the Brain

Heavy metals pass through the blood–brain barrier and accumulate in brain tissue. Once in the brain, they harm neurological function through several mechanisms.

Heavy metals displace essential minerals such as zinc and iron that are required for neurotransmitter production.


Heavy metals induce oxidative stress, which reduces neuronal plasticity and impairs learning and behavior.


Aluminum accumulates in immune cells of the brain. This may provoke an inflammatory immune response that ultimately affects neurological function and behavior.


Aluminium in brain tissue in autism Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder of unknown aetiology. It is suggested to involve both genetic susceptibility and environment…


Parasites use heavy metals to disable and hide from the immune system. They will also coat their bodies in heavy metals to further hide from the immune system.

Heavy metals can be the underlying cause of Candida and Parasite infections, and you can't get rid of chronic candida or parasites if you have heavy metal toxicity. Parasitic infestations are more common than we realize. Candida and heavy metals create acidity and an anaerobic (lacking oxygen) environment they thrive in.

One reason why candida and parasites takeover in the presence of heavy metal toxicity is that these infections actually serve a purpose to protect us from cellular damage and potentially fatal complications of heavy metal poisoning. So from this perspective, candida and parasites are actually our friends, and although they cause a whole host of annoying symptoms, they are actually the lesser of two evils in this sense. Without them, we may die from heavy metal poisoning, this may sound drastic, but from my research, this sounds possible.

Candida and parasites actually feed on heavy metals and sugar and store them within biofilms or within their own organism. When people kill candida with antifungals, the die-off symptoms that are experienced are partly the result of the release of heavy metals into the body, which overwhelms the liver and cannot be excreted fast enough.

This is why detoxing heavy metals first or along with killing candida and parasites is imperative. If you do not, you risk releasing a lot of toxic metals redistributing throughout the body.

According to the research, around 80% of people who suffer from symptoms of Candida show elevated Mercury levels in their body. The growth of the fungus is the body's immune response to Mercury poisoning because the fungi connect with the heavy metal, therefore, providing safe storage. Candida is an immune response to heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury. It absorbs its weight in mercury and prevents it from entering your bloodstream. As long as the mercury is there, you will have a candida problem.

PBX is also used in preparations for humans to help with fungal infections. When parasites die off, the heavy metals are released, which can cause a fungal overgrowth and impair the immune system, which gives their offspring a more significant chance to reproduce. PBX does not accumulate in the body and does not attach itself to body tissues. It remains suspended while drawing out heavy metals that are attached to body tissues. This process allows the body to dispose of the metals through its normal detoxification processes. It reduces any die-off symptoms caused by the mycotoxins that candida can produce. It raises intestinal ph restoring the correct balance of acidity in the small and large intestine. The rising ph levels kill harmful bacteria while promoting the growth of good bacteria, thus helping to restore your bacterial imbalance to normal.

If you suffer from chronic health problems or chronic candida/parasite infections, then heavy metal toxicity is a likely reason as to why you are not getting better and regaining your health.


What is Methylation and what does it have to do with Heavy Metal Toxicity?

In our ever toxic environment, we are bombarded with massive amounts of organic toxins like bacteria, mold, viruses, parasites, yeast, fungus, and candida to name a few, as well as inorganic toxins such as chemicals, radiation, pollutants from pesticides, xenobiotics in the medications we are prescribed, and the heavy metals in our air, water and food supply.

All of these factors can be thought of as “stressors” to the body. Different from the usual psycho-social things that we typically think of as “stressors”. Such as a crappy job, a highly demanding boss, debt, bills, family members etc, etc. Yes, your body has to process these stressors as well. However, in actuality, a complete list of “stressors” entails the organic, inorganic, and psycho-social stressors. All are influential on the body. The way the body deals with these stressors is through a process called methylation.

The process of methylation (or biochemistry in general) can be very technical and scientific. However, to make it more easily understood, think of methylation as having three primary functions:

1. It Promotes Detoxification
2. It Control Inflammation
3. It Balances Neurotransmitters

When this process of methylation is not working at full capacity, we have an imbalance between supply and demand. An imbalance between the stressors on the body that are demanding our cells to supply sufficient methylation, resulting in the primary functions of methylation not being performed optimally. As a result, your body becomes toxic. Your body accumulates abnormally high levels of inflammation, which in turn, mood and emotional changes develop.This can impact your feelings of happiness and sadness, focus and concentration, sleep, motivation, pleasure, pain, as well your ability to acquire and learn new information.

A further consequence of methylation breakdown can impact fundamental processes in the body such as thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, stomach, intestinal, and hormone imbalances. A MTHFR gene mutation could complicate this process even further by contributing more methylation deficiencies to an already excessive load.

This process of methylation helps the body deal with the stressors it comes in contact with on a day to day basis by preforming three main functions: Detoxification, Controlling Inflammation, Balancing Neurotransmitters. When you have a genetic problem with the MTHFR enzyme, it interferes with your body’s ability to do these three functions.

You can have the following two common MTHFR genetic mutations:


Heterozygous +/- — 40% reduction in MTHF production
Homozygous +/+ — 75% reduction in MTHF production


Heterozygous +/- — 20% reduction in MTHF production
Homozygous +/+ — 40% reduction in MTHF production

Compound Heterozygous (677/1298)

50-60% reduction in MTHF production

(Heterozygous – one normal gene, one affected gene, either mom or dad)
(Homozygous – one gene from mom, one gene from dad)

The more polymorphisms, typically the more significant the problem.

Heavy Metal Toxicity and MTHFR

Heavy metal toxicity can contribute to a further reduction of methylation activity in a number of ways. The bodies way of dealing with stress is to methylate efficiently. In this case, heavy metals that we encounter in the environment, like silver fillings, contaminated food sources like amongst other *things*, accumulate in your body. Methylation will help you reduce this toxic burden. But when you inherit altered, mutated genes, the enzymes involved in methylation as we just mentioned, do not work at optimal capacity.

To understand the concept of genetic defects, think about a four lane highway. If you inherit no faulty genes from your parents, then your four lane highway is working perfectly. It can handle all the traffic that is on the highway. However, if you inherit one copy of the gene mutation (+/-), then consider that four lane highway being reduced to a 2 lane highway. All of a sudden, that same traffic on the highway is not moving as efficiently. But when you inherit both copies of the gene mutation (+/+), now you have a 1 lane highway. Even further backlog of traffic. The same can be said for you body. Only instead of cars creating traffic, think of “stress” creating traffic. The more stress you have, the more traffic you have. The more traffic you have, the increased demand you place on your highways to clear traffic.

If that wasn’t enough, not only can the highways have altered efficiency, or decreased lanes to process traffic, or gene mutations like MTHFR, but you can also have the double whammy of having a car accident in the middle of the 2 lane or 1 lane highway, grinding traffic to a complete stand still. Regardless of how many lanes of highway you have, car accidents will further slow traffic down. These car accidents are call “inhibitors” in our body, and research has shown, that heavy metal toxicity like mercury, is one such major inhibitor. This is just one reason why it is so important to identify and remove these heavy metal inhibitors and support the body’s ability to detoxify with PBX, reduce inflammation, and make neurotransmitters effectively.

Symptoms Of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, like many of the other conditions that can affect people in many different ways: Here’s a list of symptoms that can develop from heavy metal toxicity:

• Alzheimer’s

• Parkinson’s

• Behavioral/learning disorders such as ADD, ADHD and autism

• Fatigue

• Headache

• Bone marrow depression

• Anemia

• Skin discolorations

• Neurological symptoms

• Liver and kidney degeneration

• Cancers

• Agitation

• Learning impairment

• Confusion

• Malaise

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea

• Eczema

• Muscle weakness

• Hair loss

• Stomach pain

• Respiratory issues

• Hypertension

• Muscle and joint pain

• Low back pain

• Atherosclerosis

• Affects the kidneys, lungs, te**es, arterial walls, bones

• Interferes with many enzymatic systems

• Hyperactivity

• Mental and emotional changes

• Loss of appetite

• Chronic fatigue

• Depression

• Poor memory

• Emotional instability

• Peripheral numbness

• Sleep disturbances

• Persistent infections like yeast

My daughter is homozygous C677T and I have the compound Heterozygous mutation. I also had 4 amalgams at one point as well as Hashimoto’s. A huge key to getting my balance was working with a natropath and getting the proper methylated b vitamins into our bodies. We also used the PBX detox pack and still do maintenance sprays and drops daily to help our bodies combat these heavy metals and toxins that could greatly impare out health. Immediately when we started detoxing our bodies we experienced many positive changes. For myself personally my TPO antibody count had decreased and the brain fog that plagued me for so long started to diminish. For my daughter, I noticed better behaviors and focusing.

It's been said that almost up to half of the population could have a mthfr mutation, so now we can see why it's so imperative to provide our bodies with the extra support and make sure we are helping it along with a detox protocol like PBX to help assist it.