Viado Clan

Viado Clan





when you think you can't handle anymore, God knows better and you get hit from another angle. Don't be mad, look at it as a challenge to make you a better you


"Get rid of the negative people in your life - surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you".


Mistakes are painful when they happen...But year's later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.


Don't be afraid to show who you really are, because remember, as long as you are happy with yourself, no one else opinion matters


Never let anyone steal your joy. Life is too precious to waste time on negative people.


"The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of each other."


Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life.


we don't need anything but a humble heart, peace of mind, contentment and a strong faith to survive the challenges in life.


Life doesn't give you very many chances to be truly happy so seize every single chance you get and make it last as long as you possibly can!


Four things you can't recover:
1. The stone after the throw.
2. The word after it's said.
3. The occasion after it's missed.
4. The time after it's gone.


Successful people always have two things on their lips,"silence & smile" Smile to solve the problem.And silence to avoid the problem.


para dun sa may planong mag pakasal kilatisin nyong mabuti hehehe...


Think good thoughts. Speak good words. Take good actions. Three steps that will bring more to you than you can ever imagine


Cherish the memories you have with the ones you love, Tell them you love them each and every day, You will never know how amazing they are until they are gone..


The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything they have. So Live it up, Laugh loudly, & Love deeply


Better memory, test scores, and mood are all just a forkful away—if you pack your plate with the best brain-boosting foods such as berries, eggs, and chocolate (yum!). Let natural compounds in delicious foods act as the first line of brain-health defense, clearing your body of cancer-promoting free radicals, pesticides, and plasticizers while nurturing neurotransmitter health and chasing away depression. And remember—when it comes to choosing these foods, go the organic route. Many pesticides are neurotoxic and have been shown to lower IQ in kids.

Berries are brain boosters, and for several different reasons. Raspberries and blueberries contain anthocyanin compounds that protect brain neurons linked to memory. Strawberries’ fisetin compounds build long-term memory strength. A British study found that eating about a cup of blueberries a day can markedly improve memory in just a few months.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is very likely true when you consider that this formidable fruit contains catechins, substances that show promise in protecting us from brain-damaging chemicals all too common in everyday products. Just be sure to choose organic apples; the catechins are in the fruit’s skin, the part exposed to pesticides in chemical farming.
Flavonol compounds in dark chocolate help boost your circulatory system, promoting better blood flow to the brain. In fact, they could even improve your math skills. A 2009 study asking study participants to count backwards in groups of three discovered that those who drank flavonol-fueled hot cocoa calculated more quickly and were less likely to feel tired or mentally drained.
Pumpkin seeds are tiny treasures filled with tryptophan, a crucial building block of brain health used to create serotonin, a key component of mood and brain health.
Hot peppers are bursting with capsaicin, a compound most famous for its use as a natural fat fighter and pain reliever. But according to The Happiness Diet authors Tyler Graham and Drew Ramsey, M.D., our brains benefit from the heat-packing compound, too. The human brain is actually loaded with receptors for capsaicin, which release stress-reducing endorphins, making it easier for us to focus.
No, this isn’t a typo. The right type of lard can actually do wonders for your brain; specifically your mood. Lard’s oleic acid is a monosaturated fat that lowers your risk of depression. It’s also a rich source of vitamin D, a vital hormone believed to stave off dementia. For the healthiest lard, be sure to source the product from a farmer who grazes the farm animals on organic pasture.
Here’s a good reason to eat your Brussels sprouts: Scientists have proven that the cruciferous plant is packed with molecules that our bodies convert into diindolymethane, an immune-system booster that helps protect new brain cells. Its antioxidant content helps clean up cancer-causing free radicals, waste products your body makes when it uses fuel to create energy.
Just like Brussels sprouts, kale and its cruciferous cousins cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower act as potent anti-aging agents for the brain. A Harvard Medical School study of more than 13,000 women found that eating these veggies lowered brain age by 1 to 2 years. Money-saving tip? Kale is super easy to grow fresh and organically in your back yard.
Beets bring vitamin B to the brain game. This vital nutrient helps you quickly process data and sort through your memories. Fresh beets even serve as natural antidepressants! Sauté and eat beet greens, too. They’re packed with heart-protecting folate. Just be sure to avoid canned beets; the containers are likely coated in bisphenol A, or BPA, a chemical that disrupts our natural hormonal systems.
Your brain thrives on omega-3 fatty acids. The polyunsaturated fats help protect your brain from accelerated aging and memory loss, while shooing away depression and bad moods. Anchovies boost 10 times the omega-3 levels that tuna does and are much lower in harmful seafood contaminants like mercury. As a side benefit, the tiny fish are also loaded with bone-building vitamin D and calcium.
Just like anchovies, pastured eggs are chock-full of brain-protecting omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs have even been called the perfect brain food! But not all eggs are created equally. Eggs from pastured hens—ones raised outside on green grass pastures—contain two times more omega-3s than standard store-bought eggs, and three times more naturally-occurring vitamin E, a potent antidepressant and possible Alzheimer’s disease antidote. Be sure to eat the yolks—pastured eggs are rich in choline, a brain-boosting compound that promotes neurotransmitter health.


7 Amazing Foods For Longer Life

Here’s a fact: Neither a fountain of youth nor an age-defying product can help you cheat death but when it comes to living a longer and healthier life, there are more ways than one to make it more possible. For sure, healthy eating coupled with regular exercise can cut your chances of getting heart problems and cancer by half . However, trimming down your choices into foods that have long been proven to work wonders on our health is always better than getting lost with those bogus advertisements claiming that this and that is a miracle product that everyone ought to try. Here are just seven of the most well-known foods with a long list of health benefits under their name:

Green Tea

For many years, people from East Asia have used green tea as a healthy way to hydrate their bodies. This must be the reason why in both Japan and China, strong research evidences have pointed out the potency of green tea in reducing a person’s risk for cancer, cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. According to latest scientific findings by the American Medical Association, drinking at least five to six cups of green tea a day is enough to get a 26% less chance of dying from any natural cause compared to those who only drink less than a cup. The antioxidant called catechins which can be found naturally in green tea leaves can help in fighting off free radicals responsible for cancer, increasing the body’s metabolism and dilating the blood vessels so that occurrence of atherosclerosis can be prevented effectively.


Also known as the “stinking rose” for the strong flavor it usually emits, garlic has more to offer than an added twist on our dishes. Two of the naturally occurring compounds found in garlic namely, allicin and diallyl sulphide, have been linked to garlic’s antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. In addition to that, scientific evidences have also proven that garlic can help in decreasing blood pressure and one’s risk of both cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Just make sure that you won’t prefer burned garlic over fresh ones because the former won’t give you the health benefits you desire from this superspice.

Bell Peppers

Some people hate munching bell peppers but even more people like the sweet taste they bring to some of our favorite tomato dishes. But aside from their attractive colors and sweet taste, there are more reasons why bell peppers have managed to stand out among other spices. These wonderful addition to your everyday dish are naturally rich in phytochemicals, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, beta carotene and folic acid. Combine all these nutrients and you will get a natural dose of medicine that can help you fight off cancer, cataract, heart diseases, skin and immune problems.


When people hear the word “soy”, they will immediately think about soy sauce and the boatloads of sodium it contains. But we’re talking about improving your health and prolonging your life here so soy sauce is definitely out of the picture. What every one must include on their diet are those products which naturally came from soy like soy milk, tofu and soy beans. According to a report published in the Journal of American Medical Association, soy can be as powerful as medications called “statins” in keeping your cholesterol levels at bay. Several scientific studies have also backed up the claims about the healing powers of soy in preventing hot flashes and other undesirable symptoms from ruining a woman’s menopausal stage.

Low-fat yogurt

Calcium is an important mineral that has a vital role in keeping the integrity of both our heart and bones. As we age, our body’s ability to absorb calcium decreases so risks of having pathological fractures are then increased. But you don’t have to wait until your bones start complaining because by eating dairy products that are high in calcium but low in saturated fats, you’re also strengthening your body’s defenses against osteoporosis. Aside from a low-fat yogurt, other rich sources of calcium are dark green vegetables, skim milk, low-fat cheese and sardines.


With a long list of health benefits listed on its resume, almonds definitely deserve to shine above its other counterparts like cashew and peanuts. An ounce of almonds contain almost 9 grams of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fats responsible in boosting our memory. In addition to that, almonds are also naturally high in fiber, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium and vitamin E. The fiber it contains can fill the stomach and prevent constipation, the reason why almonds are considered a gem in fighting off both diabetes and colon cancer. Almonds are also known in decreasing bad cholesterol levels in the body and keep one’s blood pressure reading within normal limits.


Oatmeal is among those foods that have an impressive reputation in keeping our body in perfect shape. Naturally rich in soluble fiber, this heart-friendly addition to one’s breakfast has been known for years to effectively decrease one’s risk for diabetes, cancer and severe cardiovascular disorders.

The secret for a longer life is not actually something that has been hidden from human civilization for many years. One only requires discipline in maintaining a healthy outlook in life and continuously eating health-friendly foods like those that are listed above to keep major diseases at bay. We all hold the secret for a longer and healthier life but more often than not, we keep on overlooking foods that can do miracles not just on our own health but also to the lives of people we care about.

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7. Sunflower seeds

This is another source of magnesium which can significantly decrease the level of excess sodium in the body. In addition to that, sunflower seeds, especially those with no salt content, naturally contain phytosterols, a nutrient that will help you get rid of excess cholesterol in the body.

Hypertension should not be taken for granted because a high blood pressure can always lead to severe heart-related diseases or even death if left unattended. The seven foods above are just some ways to maintain an ideal blood pressure but let us all remember that diet is just one part of the portrait. Exercise, balanced diet, weight management, social connection and effective stress management are other essential ways to kiss hypertension away. Everyday is a battle so we must always watch what we do and what we eat to benefit not just ourselves but those who love us tenderly.

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6. Avocado

Avocado, just like banana and potato, is also a great source of magnesium and potassium. Moreover, avocado is also a natural source of oleic acid which is known to decrease cholesterol levels in the body. Hypertension, if combined with high levels of bad cholesterols (LDL), can be fatal for anyone regardless of age.

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5. Dark Chocolate

Consuming small amounts of dark chocolates can give you a significant supply of flavonoids, nutrients that are known to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide, in turn, relaxes the muscles surrounding blood vessels and allows blood to freely flow without unnecessary pressure.

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4. Beans

Just like spinach and banana, beans are also a rich source of both magnesium and potassium, two nutrients that have been found effective in fighting off hypertension by decreasing the amount of sodium in the body.

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3. Spinach

Have you ever wondered why Popeye gets stronger every time he gets a munch of spinach? Well, aside from being a great source of energy, spinach also offers essential nutrients that are important to fight off hypertension. It naturally contains magnesium that lowers one’s risk of getting hypertension and cardiovascular disorders. In addition to that, spinach is also a great source of folate, a nutrient that lowers the amount of homocysteine (an amino acid that is being linked to hypertension) in the body.

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2. Potatoes/Sweet Potatoes

When I say potatoes, I’m not pertaining to those fatty and oily french fries you usually eat in fast food chains. Of course, those will just increase your blood pressure reading a little bit higher due to its rich sodium and fat content. However, if cooked in a healthier way (e.g. steamed potatoes), these root crops can be a perfect source of fiber, antioxidants and potassium, nutrients than can help you kick your high blood pressure away.

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1. Banana

Aside from being a perfect, guilt-free, fruit dessert, banana can also be your best friend in fighting off hypertension. It naturally contains fiber that decreases one’s risk of developing cardiovascular disorders and is also rich in potassium that will help you get rid of excessive sodium (a major cause of hypertension) in your body.

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Don't forget to thank God at night, because he didn't forget to wake you up in the morning.


When you get older and become a parent, you realize the sacrifices your parents made that were never recognized or thanked for. Thanks mom and dad.


Says "Family" are those that are there for you no matter what...near or far, Blood has nothing to do with it!


family means: non-judgmental, sympathetic, loving, kind, helpful, supportive group of people who do not seek to harm others in the group


Family is everywhere. Even if they're not with you, you always have them in your heart


says...My Daughter and Son, I think both of you as my best investment, my best work, my best achievement, the very best thing I ever did XOXO


... any prick can father a child ..... but it takes a special person to earn the title of DAD !!!!!


The greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and differences and still finds you absolutely amazing.

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you always be beautiful in my eyes
thanks to you
break up!!
sad.....  movie clip.....
