

i will write. i will sing. i will act. i will create. singer-writer-actress
cute.but.deadly. ms.anaïs

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 13/01/2024

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. - Joni Mitchell

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 07/01/2024

Today I turned 32 years old. Birthday 🎈

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 06/01/2024

I’ve always loved the trees in Australia.


i hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that you all appreciated it and your blessings just that little bit more this year if you were lucky enough to get through this year unscathed... 🎄now get me the heck out of 2020... 💃🏽


cannot believe I am going to be 29 years old in a couple of weeks... where has the time gone? numerology says that my 29th year will be the most pivotal year of my life... whether you believe these things or not, I find that interesting...


i always feel so much better about myself when my hair and eyebrows are done...

12/10/2020 — if you consider yourself a feminist, then fight for girls and women who don’t have a voice.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 28/09/2020

as time passes and you take a step back, you will clearly see who your real friends are... even if you miss someone who used to be there, it doesn’t mean they need to be there... demand respect for yourself... don’t ever let it be one-sided...

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 27/09/2020

i feel like people take care of others better than they take care of themselves. we look at the people we care about and give them advice about how they should cut back on the bad habits, eat right, exercise and treat themselves with respect. meanwhile, we don’t take our own advice. i guess we have to look at ourselves as someone we also care about... talk to ourselves like we would talk to someone we care about... love ourselves the way we love the ones we care about...


sometimes you have a slump for a few days and you feel bad because there are those bad habits you’ve been trying to avoid. it’s a fight with yourself that isn’t easy, but you have to keep doing it. keep bettering yourself. always have hope.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 03/09/2020

a bunch of photos I took a while ago...

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

made some banana bread because yum.

Timeline photos 28/08/2020

enjoy the little moments.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 05/08/2020

moon appreciation.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 31/07/2020


Timeline photos 17/06/2020

birthday cake from from a few days ago. It was so yummy!

Timeline photos 29/03/2020

created a small meditation space. got my candles & my incense. I just want to practice meditation, preferably daily, just to shush my mind & be in the moment. I also have issues with anxiety & insomnia; so the hope is that it will start to help me with these problems as well. I think it’s good to stop for a second & just be, but I’m not very good at it; so I’m going to learn to.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 26/03/2020

before & after. cleaned up a bit today. all organised & sorted. there’s also more room on this other shelf to spread things out so it’s more accessible. now I just have to keep it this neat.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 11/01/2020

last day of the new year challenge - day 10: dedicate today to your health. today I did the one thing that I know makes me feel so good - especially mentally - I went into nature. my mood always changes for the better when I’ve been in nature & around trees & water & animals. I feel at peace & I smile without even thinking about it.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 11/01/2020

last set from today. went to a cute little secondhand bookstore. I did restrain myself so I didn’t come home with more books than I could carry; which I have done in the past.

would it be bad if my house had that many books though?! 🙃

Timeline photos 10/01/2020

new year challenge day 9: sign up for a class or activity you want to try for fun. lately I’ve been wanting to be more consistent with my yoga practice & there are loads of free yoga classes around Melbourne surprisingly! & I’ve been wanting to go to one of the outdoor ones, which is usually a morning yoga practice. also, a very good way to get me out of bed because it’s easier to get up when you know you have to be somewhere at a particular time.

Timeline photos 08/01/2020

new year challenge day 7: plan a self-care getaway or retreat for myself. I’ve actually booked in some beauty for me tomorrow - getting my hair done & some waxing & my first ever facial! so that should be awesome; & I may get my nails done I’m Friday cause they’ve gotten too long for me. I’m also thinking I may actually cut my hair short tomorrow... bit lazy when it comes to my hair; I like low maintenance. Plus all I seem to do is tie my hair up in a ponytail anyways 🙃


New Year Challenge day 6: declutter at least one space in your home. I’m a pretty neat person in general but at the moment I have a temporary desk, which I’m going to get rid of cause it’s way too big. It’s all tidy at the moment, but I’ve gotten rid of a lot of unnecessary things that I owned that were just sitting around on it. I still have a bunch more stuff to get rid of & it’s just a process as I say goodbye to so many possessions. It is a strange kind of relief to say goodbye to things mentally.

As for the new year challenge yesterday of staying off social media for 24 hours; it was a breath of fresh air. It was also a little worrying how many times a day I found myself about to click into Instagram or Facebook, for really no reason other than to kill time.

Timeline photos 07/01/2020

the birthday haul. I seriously cannot believe I’m 28 years old today. I feel like the last 5 years passed by in like a haze or something. I’m in a very reflective mood today.


New Year Challenge Day 4: make a vision board, which I started the other day. I made mine digitally on Pinterest as my printer died recently so I couldn’t make a physical one; at least not at the moment. I plan to review it daily, maybe add to it here & there if I come across things that inspire me.

Tomorrow for the New Year Challenge Day 5, I’m going to do a social media detox for the whole day. I think it might be a little difficult for me cause I do find that I’ll pick up my phone & automatically open Instagram or Facebook & waste more time than I should scrolling through; so this will be a nice little challenge.

see you all Tuesday, which coincidentally is my 28th birthday! 🎂


New year challenge: read 15 pages of my book today. This is what I’m currently reading.

Timeline photos 03/01/2020

today I got angry at myself for not doing something right. I took a moment & tried to talk to myself as if I was talking to someone else. a friend who’d made a mistake like I had & was beating herself up about it. i said “you can’t expect yourself to change overnight. it doesn’t change into a new year & all of a sudden you’re a completely different person. it takes time & effort; & shaming yourself for not doing it perfectly is never going to help.” it helped to be gentle on myself & to look at it from a different perspective.

I’m doing a New Year Challenge & today I was to take one action towards making one of my goals a reality. I did a couple things: I wrote using a writing prompt to get myself back into writing again. & I did some yoga with one of Yoga with Adriene videos on YouTube to get myself moving towards a healthier body & a healthier mind.

Timeline photos 01/01/2020

Top 3 Goals that would change my life if I accomplished them this year:
1. Write my book & finish it because I’ve wanted to write one since I was a kid.
2. Start going to auditions & really take actions on starting an acting career.
3. Be healthy - emotionally & physically to the best of my ability.

Timeline photos 01/01/2020

today was a slow, but productive day. even though I was up late because it was New Year’s, I still managed to get up early & go to the gym & eat a proper breakfast & have a decent, healthy morning. I wasn’t as efficient today as I’d like to be in the future, but that will come with the as I become more consistent with my good habits; plus I was obviously tired today. I managed to do almost everything on my list of ‘to do’s’ today & even wrote a letter to myself in 10 years. It was a nice reflective exercise on the past decade & who I hope to be & what I hope to have by the end of this decade. I even did some exercises from the 2020 Artist of Life Workbook, which I’m so excited to keep doing. here’s to making this year a good one.

Photos from Ms.anaïs's post 31/12/2019

10 year difference photos. it’s been a hell of a decade - literally. I’ve gone to hell & back & it burned. I like to believe everything happens for a reason so I hope all the things I’ve gone through has a purpose for the future. sometime you can’t tell until some time has passed. I feel like the next decade is going to be pretty tumultuous, but in a good way. I’ll take what I’ve learned & remain hopeful for the future. The highlight of the decade was meeting my best friend & partner ❣️here’s to 2020 & the next decade 🥂🍾

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