Imeh Royaldeuces Friday

Imeh Royaldeuces Friday

Everything about gospel music




Happy new year. You've conquered


Thank you Jesus



If you're seeing this just type THANK YOU GODā™„ļø





I sat in the hall as the congregation waited for the preacher to appear and begin the business of the day, wondering what I was doing there.
It was a crusade or something like that in Aba. Churching was neither my hobby nor the reason I travelled to Aba.
My younger brother and his wife who were such lovely fellows, and fervent Christians invited me to this meeting. I liked them too much to turn them down. I just couldnā€™t escape it this time.
Apparently, I had made a mistake.
This was not the place to come to after smoking a wrap of fresh green w**d.
The preacher finally stepped out, ending my misery of suffering the barrage of religious singing that had no regard for the reigning sound and style.
It turned out to be Reverend Dr Umah Ukpai.
As he spoke, I half listened, counting instead the number of ceiling fans in the auditorium and wondering why some were old and some new. Obviously, they had been purchased at different times as church funding permitted.
The three times or so that I counted, I got different numbers.
You know a good smoke when it takes you to great heights without a headache. Not this one. My head was pounding. While I was still trying to determine the actual number of fans, with the preacherā€™s voice echoing in the background, the ceiling began to dance, making the task of counting the fans nearly impossible. Treacherous green w**d! Perhaps, I should stick with the less potent brown w**d.
It was in that state of my mind that this preacher broke into a song. My goodness! He sang with his entire being. The atmosphere changed. He sang at his own pace and on his own terms, with a certain peace within.
I couldnā€™t help turning my attention to him. His song and singing provoked a presence I couldnā€™t explain. The air became clean, a light (that was not NEPA) shone even through the walls. I couldnā€™t sit still any longer.
This atmosphere was no longer compatible with my smoke-induced reverie, so I got up and made to bolt out of the hall but an usher quickly stood in my way. The way he looked into my eyes and smiled suggested he knew I was feeling trapped and wanted to escape. Wicked fellow.
ā€œDeliverance timeā€, he explained.
I went back to my seat, cursing.
Of course, as soon as I noticed he had moved forward towards a young lady who was spinning around like ā€œokosoā€, I dashed out of the auditorium.
It was a narrow escape...

Read the rest of my romance with w**d in the little book due to be published on the 30th of December, 2023.
Title: MY W**D AND I: a parable of joy.
Available on Amazon, Kindle and @ Kulture Yard.


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Thank you Jesus
