Integral Shamanism

Integral Shamanism

Universal philosophy and integral transformative spiritual practice. Turning peak states into perma

Gnosis and the Gates of Heaven 22/12/2021

Gnosis and the Gates of Heaven May 29, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Knowledge is Gnosis. It is the part of your mind that knows. It is the part of you that is your True Self. Your True Self that is not of this world but is in this world. It is about being in this world. It is your sense of Right Relationship with Life....

Balance and Letting Go 07/12/2021

Balance and Letting Go May 25, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Come back into balance now, My friend. Always come back into balance with Me. For I Am balance itself. I Am here to provide balance—sanity among the insanity of your mind and the world. Your mind will continue to unravel and move into insanity which ...

Light Vs. Dark Luciferianism, the Hero’s Journey, and Transcending the War 07/12/2021

Light Vs. Dark Luciferianism, the Hero’s Journey, and Transcending the War May 24, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico Lucifer has many expressions. It means light bearer. But there have been many interpretations of Light and what it means. Light is the luminosity of Being and it is expressed through Knowledge. The thing is is that when Light or Lucifer enters...

HeartMind, My Love 01/12/2021

HeartMind, My Love May 23, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Presence-Radiance is your natural condition in a human body. Presence-Radiance is kept in proper balance by the stillness of Emptiness. Presence in relationship to Radiance is yin. Radiance in relationship to Presence is yang. Both are beautiful compli...

HeartMind: Presence-Radiance, Bliss, and Compassion 22/11/2021

HeartMind: Presence-Radiance, Bliss, and Compassion May 22, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico Presence-Radiance, these are two polarities of the same consciousness. Presence could be thought of as more Love-Gravity and Radiance could be thought of as more Joy-Levity. The practice is cultivating both. Allow Radiance to birth out of Pres...

Confederation Message, Evil Self Imploding and the Presence of the Self: I AM 18/11/2021

Confederation Message, Evil Self Imploding and the Presence of the Self: I AM May 21, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico We are here, My friend. We are of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator. We bid you greetings. We are here on behalf of the Planetary Holarchy of Management and Development. We are here to give a message and provide as...

Presence-Resonance Timeline Dynamics, Timeline War and Negative Hyper Dimensional Interference 16/11/2021

Presence-Resonance Timeline Dynamics, Timeline War and Negative Hyper Dimensional Interference May 19, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico All occurs through Resonance. Timelines are created and experienced through Resonance. There is a battle occurring on planet Earth. It is a battle against good vs evil. Good is God or more specifically Christ. Evil is the antichrist. Good is organic. E...

Hyperdimensional AI Interference, Dementors and the Power of Laughter 11/11/2021

Hyperdimensional AI Interference, Dementors and the Power of Laughter May 18, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico HeartMind. Presence. Unity Being. Presence-Radiance-Resonance. Yes, My friend. You are learning the importance of tuning, protecting and keeping your vibration harmonious and high. Your inner child is your joy and play. It is innocence and will be prey...

Align With the Force of Knowledge (Gnosis) 09/11/2021

Align With the Force of Knowledge (Gnosis) May 14, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Knowledge is the key. Anything you want to know is held in Knowledge. Knowledge is the key to all problems, how to solve them or how to not ever enter them. Often, the problem itself is rooted in a falsehood and thus the solution is to leave the proble...

A Message from the Confederation, the Forces of Darkness and the Importance of Knowledge (Gnosis) 06/11/2021

A Message from the Confederation, the Forces of Darkness and the Importance of Knowledge (Gnosis) May 12, 2020 San Cristobal You can relax into what Is, My friend. There is a power in accepting reality as it iI. Because once you do, then you have the power to change it. How can you change reality as it is before you accept it as it is? Relax and sit with sensation as it is. When you relax into w...

Hold This Dear to Your Heart 04/11/2021

Hold This Dear to Your Heart May 8, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico When have We ever been apart from you? For We are You and We are here, holding you and your love, together. Fret not. Fear not, for Love is here. Love is the path of true liberation and unity. It is the path of utmost righteousness. It is the path of Go...

4th Density New Earth Government and the Galactic New Plan 30/10/2021

4th Density New Earth Government and the Galactic New Plan May 9, 2020 San Cristobal The New Earth is a 4th Density Earth. It is a 4th Density Positive Polarity Earth. However, New Earth has something that makes it unique from other 4th Density planets and other 4th Density civilizations and worlds. 4D Earth will be a harmonic Earth. That means that New Ear...

The Cabal, Good vs. Evil, and the Life Path 29/10/2021

The Cabal, Good vs. Evil, and the Life Path May 10, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico What you are seeing, My friend are two factions of the Cabal fighting each other. One is losing power and one is gaining power. And yet this is the optimal timeline for Earth. Because as one losses power and the other gains power, the current power str...

Organic Movement with Presence 22/10/2021

Organic Movement with Presence May 11, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Movement. Movement, My friend. This is very important. Sasm, which means movement or flow, Ido Movement, or Primal Movement or Primal Flow are all different tittles for essentially the same thing. It is about moving the body in a natural, primal and or...

The Power of Knowledge (Gnosis) Within You Opens the Gateway to God 22/10/2021

The Power of Knowledge (Gnosis) Within You Opens the Gateway to God May 5, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Let’s talk about Knowledge and the Power of Knowledge. Knowledge is the Presence Within. It is the Presence of God and His Kingdom within you. It is the Deeper Mind within yourself. It is the place of Stillness and Inner Knowing. It is Gnosis. This is...

The Earth is Healing and the Power of Gratitude 09/10/2021

The Earth is Healing and the Power of Gratitude April 21, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Take a deep breath. Feel the breeze. Feel the breeze against your skin. Feel the cool air against your face. Feel into your body, My friend. Feel the Presence of our Company. You know Who We are. You know why We have come. You know why We are here wi...

Anger, Integrity and Right Relationship 05/10/2021

Anger, Integrity and Right Relationship April 23, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico Anger. Yes, anger. This is a good emotion. This is a rightful emotion to feel when there has been a violation. Feel the anger. See what it is trying to teach you. And then let it go. Let it wash away your pain. Let it wash away your pain. Pa...

Power With 27/09/2021

Power With April 28, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico Power With. Power with is power from the Heart. The Heart is the ultimate source of power. It is ultimate source of everything. Why? Because it is the Source. The Source of power is through the Heart. This you must understand. The Power cent...

The Power of Aloe 17/09/2021

The Power of Aloe May 2, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico HeartMind. Listen to Me. Listen to My Voice and All that I Call. For I Am here to assist you in your evolution and expression. I Am here to assist you in your overall harmonious journey though life. Hear Me. Feel Me. I Am here. You will see that what yo...

God’s Gift is Under the Tree of Life, Knowledge, Presence and Balance 11/09/2021

God’s Gift is Under the Tree of Life, Knowledge, Presence and Balance March 3, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Balance My friend. Balance. You have been out of balance. You have swung from one polarity to the other—knowing Darkness and Light. These are important to know but these are partial. What is Whole is the balance of Darkness and Light—the Stillness...

Collective Initiation, the Importance of Presence and Harmonious Ways of Living 06/09/2021

Collective Initiation, the Importance of Presence and Harmonious Ways of Living May 1, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico We are the Community of Heaven. We are One Mind. We are One Voice. We are One HeartMind. We see and act as One, yet We are Many. We are I and We are We. We are all that is and all that ever was or ever will be. We are beyond time yet we are of time. Tim...

Anger, Natural Law and the Balanced Golden Rule 24/08/2021

Anger, Natural Law and the Balanced Golden Rule April 25, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Hello, My friend. My Voice is your voice. We are One and the same. Rest in this. Rest in this recognition. Anger you feel? This is good. This is your own self, your own anger becoming part of you again. It is time to speak as one voice. Allow anger t...

A Message from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator 21/08/2021

A Message from the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator April 20, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico We are of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator. We are servants of all that is Good, all that is True and all that is Beautiful. We are a Confederation of free worlds and we serve and promote freedom in the Universe...

Endoluminal System, True Self is a “We”, a Contemplation and Prayer 20/08/2021

Endoluminal System, True Self is a “We”, a Contemplation and Prayer April 19, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico A note on the Endoluminal System: The Endoluminal System is regulated by the pineal gland and it influences, regulates, and controls, the quantity, quality and distribution of light throughout the body. Higher Knowledge is transmitted throug...

Contemplations on the Trinity of Body, Mind, Heart. 17/08/2021

Contemplations on the Trinity of Body, Mind, Heart. April 18, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Body is the center of your vital-etheric consciousness. The Hara or Belly is your primary storehouse of vital, etheric, life-force energy. It is the Lower TanTien or Elixir Center. It is the Life Center—the first Trinity Center or first Triad Cente...

Aphorisms of the Heart, the Truth, God, and the Self 14/08/2021

Aphorisms of the Heart, the Truth, God, and the Self April 17, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico Who is here? Who is here, but the Creator of all Life. I AM the Creator of all Life and I Am here. Behold Me. Behold My Creation. Behold Your Creation. Behold the Creator of all Life. Behold the endless Flow of Creativity. Behold the endless...

Breath-Presence, Yin & Yang, and Breaking Reactionary Programs 11/08/2021

Breath-Presence, Yin & Yang, and Breaking Reactionary Programs April 14, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Let’s have a dialogue on feelings, reaction, Presence, and the past. Hold your experience, My friend. Its time to hold your experience. Hold your feelings. Hold them. You are larger than your feelings. You can hold them. Hold feelings. Just hold th...

Emptiness, Presence and Feeling-Awareness 01/08/2021

Emptiness, Presence and Feeling-Awareness April 13, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico Emptiness is the way things are. Emptiness is all there is. Who is here right now? Emptiness. Notice the Space in which your thoughts are arising. Notice the Space in which you feelings are arising. That Space is Emptiness. Let’s talk about feeling...

The Five Rhythms of Life 27/07/2021

The Five Rhythms of Life April 7, 2020 San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico All Life is in Flow. All Life is in movement. All of reality is in movement. All movement is also in relation to Stillness. All movement originally is born out of Stillness and returns to Stillness. There is a primordial Space and that Space is the Gr...