PSSC expedites your long car lines at school dismissal with our unique, affordable, safety enhanced, high quality car rider hang tags!
PSSC was born from two women combining forces to fulfill a need in the school community. Donna has over 35 years providing fundraising, recognition, promotional, and administrative products to schools throughout the United States. Lisa has almost 10 years of experience working within the school system as a Project Coordinator, Data Analyst, and Safety Coordinator. Together, they noticed there was
an overseen gap in schools across the country - the car lines at school dismissal. Some schools used simple, easily replicated pieces of cardboard to identify which car was picking up which student; some schools used small, difficult to read pieces of paper; some schools used nothing at all! With school safety becoming a national concern, Donna and Lisa saw that this oversite was something they needed to tackle. Together, they created unique Car Rider Hang Tags for parents of students to hang in their car, easily identifying them as a safe, appointed person to pick up students! PSSC's Car Rider Hang Tags are unique to each school, not easily replicated, sturdy, affordable, easy to read, and above all - SAFE!!! They ensure that Each and Every student is picked up by an approved adult, and as a bonus, expedite the dismissal line! In addition to the wildly successful hang tags, PSSC has expanded to include high quality, affordable, and unique to your school Hall Passes, Parking Permits, and Dash Tags, and also carries a top of the line slew of stamps. Donna, Lisa, and everyone at PSSC has YOUR STUDENTS' SAFETY as their top priority!!!