Greg Mickles

Greg Mickles

Celebrity Personal Trainer, Fitness Expert, Fitness Model, Winning Natural Bodybuilder, Author Actor

Get $7 off your first workout! 12/12/2020

Brand New Classes Start Next Week! Sign Up Today!

Get $7 off your first workout! Find your next online class on Moxie. Live group classes with the world's top instructors.

The Ab Doctor (@gmick29) - Moxie 12/12/2020

Don't Let Covid Lockdowns Slow Down Your Fitness Goals! Sign Up For My Weekly Classes Here:

The Ab Doctor (@gmick29) - Moxie View The Ab Doctor's () studio on Moxie: view schedule, reserve classes, watch videos. Moxie all-in-1 online studios

The Ab Doctor (@gmick29) - Moxie 12/12/2020

Hi Guys! Hope Everyone is Well and Taking Their Health Seriously During These Trying Times!

Due to Complications Stemming From the Covid Crisis, All of My Personal Training and Motivational Speaking Sessions and Seminars are Moving! This is Good News! Our Fitness Clubs Have Been Hit Hard and It Has Been Hard to Stay Opened During Covid Shutdowns!

However, Everything is Now Reachable on a Weekly Basis Online for a Minimum Price, but a Maximum Experience and Maximum Fitness Workout Experience!

Sign Up for My Classes and Seminars at My New Website Here:

The Ab Doctor (@gmick29) - Moxie View The Ab Doctor's () studio on Moxie: view schedule, reserve classes, watch videos. Moxie all-in-1 online studios


The benefits of living a life of individuality
(copyright 2014)

Everyone has heard the old basic concept of “following the crowd”. When a person follows the crowd they sacrifice their difference, their individuality, their goals, and at least somewhat, their true self. How following the crowd evolves and transpires is rather complicated. Somewhere in the realm of things is a leader (or leaders). Perhaps they have individuality of their own. Perhaps they just have money and could buy influence, even though the influence lacks depth or higher principles.

In psychology, environmental influence is right up there with genetic influence in terms of importance. Things don’t just happen. They come to be, due to environmental stimulus, or variables. There is something known as “group think”, where without any subjective reason or critical thinking, a group of individuals accept something as fact, a construct, usually because it is widely influential. Culture sets a large part of this up. Culture is another complicated matter in psychology. Influenced by politics, geography, economics, art, and social evolution for better or worse, it has a major impact on how one views the world.

The fact is, most people follow the crowd. The benefit is they get to fit in, find a sense of security, give up the stress of uncertainty more quickly, and for some find an identity. However, these things can be detrimental in the grand scheme of things if one wants to live life to the fullest.

Fitting in and following the crowd usually consists of dominance about what other people think. People are afraid to look bad so they would rather fit in. For example, it is a fact that public speaking is the number one fear on most peoples’ lists. People are more afraid of public speaking than things that one would find quite obvious. Why? Because they are afraid of being judged, ridiculed, messing up, being different. The funny thing is that speaking up is one of the best things one can do if they have a clear idea of what they want to express to take action in order to obtain a better outcome.

The Selling Out of Original Goals

Through the years in sports, in classrooms, in business, and in corporations, and in gyms, I’ve clearly witnessed the effects of following the crowd and observed the causes. I’ve witnessed too many people sell out on their true original goals that they want to achieve in order to fit in, for fear of being judged, for just pure laziness, or just a sense of power and security. Unfortunately, these people rarely get what they want and achieve their goals.

Here’s where the problem arrives, and where the concept of individuality comes in. If you follow the crowd, then you can only go as far as the crowd. This is commonly known as “mediocrity”. In reality, most people do not dream of mediocrity. They dream of inspirational things, and of achieving success and a vision of what it is they are trying to do. Unfortunately, their insecurities or minor choices lead them to lead down a path of mediocrity.

In Fitness and in the Gym as well As All Areas of Life

Since this is a fitness and bodybuilding article, I have to relate it to the gym. The question is pretty simple in these terms- why is it that very few people achieve the body that they say they want to achieve when they join and enter? Why do so few people not achieve a level of excellence and their true goals in physical fitness? Yet, deep down, everybody knows they want to succeed and achieve that excellence.

One common thing that is undeniable when you see people in the gym who appear to be beginners or in a state of stagnation is they tend to look around at everyone else to see what everyone else is doing. This sounds so simple, but one of the secrets to how I transformed my body in 90 days when I was just starting out is that I only watched and observed and socialized with the person/people in the gym who I wanted to look like. Do you know how many people that was? One. Why would one observe what people are doing who aren’t even in the shape that they want to be in to make decisions?

If you think about it, this carries over into every single facet and area of life. If you wanted to get straight As in your classes, would you observe how the C students took notes and studied? If you wanted to get the promotion at your job, would you talk to your subordinates or people on your own level, or would you query and talk to your superiors about how they got the promotion? If you wanted to learn new schemes on how to invest money, would you talk to those who are broke, or would you talk to those who are successful and experts on real estate investing and stock investing? If you wanted to be happy, would you talk to people who are always complaining and making up excuses about how their life is awful, or would you associate with people who are happy and appreciative of what life has to offer?

The surprising thing is that most people would not even begin to think about these common sense differences, and a big reason is because it takes an individual, a leader, a person who trusts themselves, to go for what they truly want and have the courage to be unique and different. It also takes a lot of work and work ethic, which is another thing followers do not normally display. Individuals not only know what they want, but they will work hard for it to make it happen.

Find Your Individuality and Create a Life Without Limits

I’ve seen too many people sell out through the years on their true goals, dreams, and potential in every single area of life that you could imagine. The main culprit is because they refused to find the individual inside of themselves and be that, and instead they caved into following the crowd. The pressure to do so will always be there because the people in the crowd are the same people who gave up and followed the crowd. In essence, they are leaders themselves, who lead people into the crowd, but they’re not individuals.

If you want to achieve your dreams and potential in any area of life, then you have to be an individual. You have to trust yourself, be yourself, and know yourself. This is the key to unlocking and achieving your dreams. If you do not, then you will always be held down, you will never break through, and you will always be reliant on other people (the crowd) to gain your sense of self or identity. This will be your exact limit. However, if you know yourself, and have confidence in yourself, and aren’t afraid to do what you know is right, then there are no limits.-Greg Mickles

Deadlifts on Smith Machine Greg 04/06/2018

Don't be afraid to utilize the Smith Machine to add variation to your program with Compound Movements like squats, bench press, rows, and here, deadlifts.

Deadlifts on Smith Machine Greg

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century : Part I 04/06/2018

Learn the Philosophies to take your body, life, career, and physical fitness to the next level!

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century : Part I Everything you need to know about how to live healthy, lose weight, get ripped naturally in today's and the future age!

11 Commandments of Washboard Abs: Get the 6-Pack, Washboard, and Flat Abs You Want in 11 Easy Steps! 04/06/2018

If you have Abs, 6-pack Abs, you have the trophy of optimum physical fitness! Learn how to get them in 30-60 days in my classic Washboard/6-pack Abs program before summer beach and pool season passes! Get in the best shape of your entire life by following these principles!

11 Commandments of Washboard Abs: Get the 6-Pack, Washboard, and Flat Abs You Want in 11 Easy Steps! The 11 Secrets you can use to transform your stomach area, belly, abs, and love handles "naturally", without using harmful crash diets, fads, gimmicks, and expensive, but ineffective supplements from celebrity personal trainer and winning natural bodybuilder Greg Mickles, who was also a...

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century: Part II 04/06/2018

Wanting to get in the best shape of your life this summer? Try my books that contain my BEST programs for optimum physical transformation

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century: Part II Part II. Everything you need to know about living healthy, losing weight, building muscle, washboard abs, staying ripped, dieting, and enjoying life in the 21st Century.

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century: Part II 04/06/2018 Wanting to get in the best shape of your life this summer? Try my books that contain my BEST programs for optimum physical transformation!

Natural Fitness for the 21st Century: Part II Part II. Everything you need to know about living healthy, losing weight, building muscle, washboard abs, staying ripped, dieting, and enjoying life in the 21st Century.

Timeline Photos 01/03/2018

From the magazine Exercise for Men, "The Guide to Bigger Biceps"

Cathe Friedrich -STS Mesocycle #1 - Disc #1 28/02/2018

I still say this is one of the best overall total body fitness programs to lose fat, tone up, build lean muscle, get strong, and build endurance . Originally based on a program ripped out of my book and turned into p90x, it encompasses all of the scientific principles to change your body. You can buy it at It's a 30-60-90 day program that can help you to get in shape by the summer.

Cathe Friedrich -STS Mesocycle #1 - Disc #1 Order or learn more about STS at STS Workout Overview STS features three mesocycles, each lasting four weeks. Each mesocycle is desi...


Adding 10 lbs of lean muscle while keeping body fat down is possible thru balance, diet, and proper weightlifting technique.


No excuses, guys. Diet, cardio, and heavy lifting is the key to building natural muscle and staying ripped. Consistency and dedication produces fast results. I put on 10 lbs of muscle in the past year, now up to 200 lbs.


I just finished up filming some scenes for this awesome documentary you can see starting March 11th. You'll see me in a few action scenes where I got to play a Roman soldier. It looks good. Liam Neeson is narrating.

Timeline Photos 27/02/2018

Total Gym FIT w/6 DVD's, Attachments, Training Deck & Wall Chart on QVC

Live tv QVC appearance 2/11/17 Total Gym FIT - 4:05

For More Information or to Buy: This previously recorded video may not represent current pricing and availability.


Total Gym FIT w/6 DVD's, Attachments, Training Deck & Wall Chart on QVC

On QVC 2/11/17-- Total Gym FIT

For More Information or to Buy: This previously recorded video may not represent current pricing and availability.


Exercise of the Week: One Arm Dumbbell Rows

If you want to get a stronger back, it is imperative that you can isolate the muscles of it. Many people struggle with back isolation, and the key comes down to proper form of the movement. The great thing about the One Arm Dumbbell Row is that it forces the muscles of the entire body to stabilize, which makes the entire body work, and this increases calorie expenditure for the exercise. Still, you must stabilize and force the back to take on the resistance of the movement. This happens when you begin with your back parallel to the floor. From there, when you lift the dumbbell up with your arm, you must ensure that you back is working the most and not your biceps. You do this in a very simple and subtle way that many people fail to execute. The first thing you must do is make sure the scapula (shoulder blade) retracts before any bicep work is encountered. This simple 4-6 inch movement will force the rhomboids and latissimus dorsi to engage, which will lead to more development of the muscles in your back. If you fail to first engage the scapula, then the bicep will take over as the primary mover, which will negate any isolation which you are supposed to experience in the back with the movement. You must practice this move and perfect form of the exercise, which in turn will lead to development of the major muscles along the spine and a bigger a broader back.-Greg Mickles


Eating for weight loss without exercise Is it possible to lose weight and burn body fat without exercise just due to what you eat? The answer is yes.


Motivation: How to Accomplish Your Dreams Living your dreams can be the greatest thing you experience. There's nothing more satisfying and rewarding than accomplishing a life long dream.


How to get your diet back on track It happens to everyone.


What is the difference between working a muscle and isolating a muscle? The next time you go to the gym to workout with weights or machines, it is important you distinguish the difference between "working" and "isolating" a muscle.


How to have the best workout of your life Some workouts are better than others, and some are among the best you ever had.


Motivation strategies for getting in shape and more Everything you set out to do or achieve in life will come down to pain versus pleasure.


Choosing to settle for mediocrity The easy way out is always available at any time to anyone. Anyone can give up and live a lie. Anyone can bail out from fear, insecurities, the need to fit in.


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Why muscle should be added gradually instead of rapidly When you're trying to build muscle on the body, you may tend to want to add it fast. You want to see gains overnight and get bigger quickly.


5 famous exercise and weight loss myths debunked Exercise and weight loss myths have been around forever, and many people still hold onto them as truth when in fact it is just the opposite.


The Best Foods for Building Muscle Mass When it comes to building muscle, the kinds of foods you put into your body can make all the difference.

Muscle & Fitness

Greg has been coaching and training people for over 15 years on the most effective scientific principles and laws to transform the body naturally, building muscle while burning fat. His innovative and original formulas and concepts have been used to create some of the most successful video programs of the 21st century and have been featured in his books and articles.

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