Anchored Meditation

Anchored Meditation

Simple, accessible mindfulness & meditation practices. Just the facts ~ none of the "woo-woo"! Meditation talks, courses, workshops/retreats and 1:1.

Photos from GypsySea Adventures's post 15/07/2024

That not so niggling feeling of needing to get away….? Listen to it. It’s telling you something - and that is that you deserve to do something for yourself. Relax… rejuvenate and recuperate. Learn simple skills that will follow you back into your hectic life. Just 4 spaces left ( in Skipping Stone Cottage) ….bring a friend or come on your own (and meet new friends) but just c’ome on… know you want to…… GypsySea Adventures


What’s been on your mind? Remember just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true. And just because you think it doesn’t mean you have to act on it. Getting to know your thought -habits puts you in the drivers seat. Meditation helps you recognize unhelpful mental habits …and mindfulness helps you choose to respond to them rather than react. Anchored Meditation

Photos from GypsySea Adventures's post 04/07/2024

An incredible opportunity for inner and outer exploration! Your chance to learn what mindfulness and meditation are all about - in an amazing natural environment! Four learning and trying out sessions, 4 extra optional opportunities to practice meditation skills… and have all your questions about these practices answered! Annnnnnd enjoy all the amazing activities GypsySea Adventures has to offer. A very unique retreat here on the beautiful island of Newfoundland ! Come with a friend…. Or come by yourself and make some new friends!


We’re getting closer to our Be-ing by the Sea mindfulness & meditation retreat with GypsySea Adventures!!

Learn all about these contemplative, stress relieving practices, and enjoy a weekend of restful, inner and outer exploration while reveling in first class accommodations and meals. One cottage left… grab a friend , or meet a new friend, and treat yourself to this one of a kind weekend. DM me if you have any questions!

GypsySea Adventures


Normally I hold this workshop in the new year and fall … but since I’ve been getting inquiries about it recently ….I thought I’d offer up an extra one.

Would you like to get just the basics of what mindfulness and meditation are all about and try out three different techniques?

Join us for this informative and experiential workshop and you’ll come away with a clear understanding of the foundations and framework of these practices, how they can improve your experience of life…. And whether you want to jump in and learn more.

For more details:


This is what meditation is all about.

Reducing reactivity.... increases response-ability.

A daily recipe for inner (and outer) peace.

Find out more at:

Photos from Anchored Meditation's post 18/05/2024

It’s human nature to be enjoying one thing ( this May 24 weekend) …and already be looking forward to the next pleasure. Well here it is!

We have one cottage left for this amazing Mindfulness & Meditation retreat weekend coming up in July!

Learn about and practice the foundations of mindfulness and meditation…and experience first-hand new ways of Being in your life! A full weekend of rest, relaxation, recuperation and rejuvenation!

Enjoy a boat cruise, a picnic hike, kayaking and delicious meals cooked for you in Gypsy Sea Adventures new outdoor kitchen designed by HGTV’s Bryan Baeulmer!

Get together with a couple of friends and reserve this gorgeous cottage right next to the sea …for a unique weekend of inner and outer exploration!

Beyond the Buzz: A Dual Approach to Tinnitus Relief 17/05/2024

Essentially we use mindfulness and meditation to help us deal with the stress and struggles in our lives. Whether, the stress and struggle is personal or professional… physical or mental… the approach is still the same.

One of the biggest challenges in my life has been sudden hearing loss, along with tinnitus.

Despite these experiences having serious impact on my life, with mindfulness and daily meditation, I have managed to regain my sense of peace and well-being and now live pretty much as before.

If you’ve wondered whether mindfulness and meditation might help you live with tinnitus - yes - it IS possible to use these science based practices as a way to cope with the effects tinnitus.

I am happy to share a little bit of my approach and talk about my programs that are specifically geared to those with tinnitus in this upcoming event with Canadian Hard of Hearing Association:

Beyond the Buzz: A Dual Approach to Tinnitus Relief

If you or someone you know struggles with tinnitus, we would love to have you join us.

Beyond the Buzz: A Dual Approach to Tinnitus Relief Join CHHA-NL and our two guest speakers for a hybrid Zoom webinar where you will learn tools to help relieve tinnitus symptoms.


Long Post Warning!

Full disclosure: I did not meditate during my vacation.

Despite being a true creature of habit, I did not sit in meditation once while on vacation. I didn’t exactly plan this daily omission, but I quickly decided as I was, for the first time in 5 years, out of my normal element and routine - that I would embrace everything that came with it. Which happened to include not having the time or opportunity to meditate.

Not having time to meditate is the #1 challenge for my students. And my response is invariably: MAKE time - BUILD it into your day!

The irony is not lost on me. This doesn’t mean I wasn’t Mindful. It just means that the conditions just were not conducive to formal meditating - for many reasons.

And strangely enough, previously to this trip, I might have been annoyed over that, but this time it actually felt right. Not meditating became an opportunity to really see what meditation does for me.

Traveling can bring the worst out in people and I am no exception. But….

When the young man behind me in the Customs & Immigration lineup whispered a rude condemnation of me under his breath….

When the “gentleman“ who clearly expressed his irateness over the fact that I squeezed myself into the airport elevator, claiming that was why it was not moving… (he didn’t push the down button according to the other (nervous) passengers)

… I held my tongue ….and composure.

In fact in the 2nd example, when this huge man used his physicality to express his anger….It was Wisdom (gained through meditation over the years) that told me it was only my ego that was in danger …and it was best not to engage with him. So I was able to not “poke the bear”.

My trip to France had many moments of joy …and frustration. Travel is good for the mind … but the body has reservations.

There were a few situations where I simply had to push myself beyond my normal physical capacity… but I didn’t let the mind make it (much) worse.

Travel in a foreign country will also point out your trouble spots. You see where you are mentally rigid. Where you take things too personally. And you experience living proof that when you are equipped to be able to let go of those things quicker …. things tend to go a bit more smoothly.

So I went with the Ebb & Flow in my time away. I walked when I wanted …and sat when I didn’t. I saw art, heard music, smelled food, touched textiles. I allowed myself to drink that wine…. eat that pastry (and the other pastry too). And I didn’t think about it all too much.

For the past 11 years… everything has been about meditation. My life revolved around it. But centring your life on one thing can be extremely limiting.

This trip, where I did not focus my day around “getting my meditation in” has helped me see that you can simply sit, each day, AND have a full life, too. In fact meditation helps you realize exactly what your life is…and it becomes obvious when it becomes myopic. To live a mindful life - you have to have a life to begin with.

My practice and interest in meditation is as strong as ever. But I see now that while they they certainly helped me in becoming a capable, certified mindfulness and meditation teacher… I also need to expand my attention and awareness to other areas in my life.

Meditation itself will help me to do that. To live life with engagement, balance and skill. It’s the whole point.

I imagine that much like the music student who practises daily, over and over and over again might lose a momentary appreciation for the art….when they sit down, outside of practice time, they play for joy.


I really cannot get over the artistic quality of the packaging of very basic items.


Everyone with their eyes on the items in the windows of the shopping district of Monaco. But if you look waaaay down you’ll see the real treasures.


When I travel… I really notice the beauty in the most mundane of daily items.


*🙏 for the ability to pause and take a deep breath. After a very long (and challenging) journey….. finally made it to the land of…..


Things have been unexpectedly busy for me the last few months… and on top of that… I am going on an unexpected trip.

Many people fall off the meditation wagon when they are not on their regular schedule. Totally understandable. But it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing thing. A daily meditation practice needs to be flexible enough to bend to the fluctuations of life.

When there are exceptional demands on my time - or while on vacation - I reduce my meditation from 45 mins to sitting in stillness for 10-15 minutes.

You can also do short stealth meditations - while waiting…walking….. in transit. Keeping your eyes open and simply following the breath.

I also intentionally drop into Present Moment Awareness by keenly tuning into each of my senses. What am I hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, touching and thinking/feeling right now?

The point is: you are never too busy to be Aware. It doesn’t require any time…just a shift into paying close attention to what is going on in and around you.

While I am gone, everyday, I hope to show you something that I may not have noticed had I not been mindful. I am very excited about this little experiment and I hope you enjoy it too.

Now….can you guess where I am going??

How Meditation Supports Health and Healing 15/04/2024

It’s all in the science. Just the facts ~ none of the woo woo.

How Meditation Supports Health and Healing Studies show that mindfulness is ultimately an effective, low-cost way to manage (and maybe even improve) physical and mental health and well-being.

Photos from Anchored Meditation's post 22/03/2024

One definition of “ retreat” is to “step back”.

The Be-ing by the Sea mindfulness & meditation retreat is a unique opportunity for you to step back from your busy, stressful life, to rest, recuperate and refuel …. and learn techniques to help bring a new mindset with you when you step back into your daily life.

There will be instruction, discussion, experiencing…and lots of time for your questions about mindfulness and meditation, as they pertain to YOUR experience. To say nothing of beautiful accommodations by the sea, boat rides, all meals included, a guided picnic lunch hike, and plenty of time for kayaking, seaside hiking…and just Be-ing.

Whether you are a complete beginner or have had a daily(ish) meditation practice, this retreat will help you really grasp (or remember) the foundations of mindfulness meditation, from a secular approach, based in neuroscience, and will help solidify your commitment to living life in a calmer, healthier, more fulfilling and appreciative way.

Only a few spots left …

Anchored Meditation

Five Steps to Worrying Less 16/03/2024

Are you worried you worry too much? Here’s a very helpful approach to turning down the volume on that not-always-so-helpful mental habit.

Anchored Meditation

Five Steps to Worrying Less There's no way to cure worry, says Elisha Goldstein. But we can learn to get better at recognizing it, and gently guide ourselves back to what matters.


Life is like a turbulent ocean. Just below the surging surface is stillness. This is what it is like with our emotions. They are like weather systems blowing in and blowing out.

Meditation helps us tap in to the stillness under our surging emotions.

As JohnKabat-Zinn says, You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

Photos from GypsySea Adventures's post 08/03/2024

Ok… in meditation we learn how to accept the things we can’t change. And of course there’s nothing we can do about the weather. Except….. plan! Warmer days will be here soon. Hang in…stay safe….and check out these pics from the location of our Being by the Sea meditation retreat this summer with GypsySea Adventures!

Photos from GypsySea Adventures's post 06/03/2024

…..And just so you can see a bit more about the Be-ing by the Sea retreat location……


Would you like to learn about (and practice) mindfulness and meditation in a secluded, serene sea-side retreat setting? I have a very unique opportunity for you to do so coming up this summer!

Anchored Meditation and Gypsy Sea Adventures (in the Random Island area) are offering a weekend mindfulness and meditation retreat out in their Deer Harbour location, this July.

I know there are many yoga retreats offered in the province that include a few minutes of guided meditation at the end of a yoga session...but in THIS retreat you will be TAUGHT mindfulness and meditation skills and practices, will have plenty of time to go deep into your understanding of them during the sessions and alongside your time in Nature... and learn how to integrate them into your life when you get back home.

Whether you are a complete beginner or have had a daily(ish) meditation practice, this retreat will help you really grasp (or remember) the foundations of mindfulness meditation, from a secular approach, based in neuroscience, and will help solidify your commitment to living life in a calmer, healthier, more fulfilling and appreciative way.

For more information on the retreat or how to reserve your place visit:


Starting on Sunday Feb 25th!

Learn to Go with the Ebb & Flow: Navigating Life with Mindfulness & Meditation!

Participate in this in-depth 6-week program in-studio or online from wherever you are!

Join us to get started on your path to reducing your stress and anxiety, enhancing both your mental and physical well-being, and learning how to navigate life's challenges with composure, wisdom and resilience.

The Learn to Go with the Ebb & Flow program brings empowerment to all aspects of your life:

1. **Stress Reduction:** Develop practical tools to manage stress in real-time, with a calmer and more composed mindset.
2. **Improved Well-being:** Elevate both mental and physical health through science-based mindfulness practices, promoting overall wellness.
3. **Navigate Challenges:** Gain resilience in facing your particular difficulties, by developing the skills to navigate life's ebb and flow.
4. **Self-Discovery:** Explore mindfulness of body, breath, thoughts, and emotions to deepen self-awareness and understanding.
5. **Kindness and Compassion:** Cultivate a kinder and more compassionate perspective fostering appreciation and acceptance in relationships with others and yourself..
6. **Peace, Wisdom, and Balance:** Acquire skills to live with tranquility, wisdom, and balance, regardless of life's uncertainties.

Explore and integrate the practical wisdom of mindfulness and meditation with simple practices that can be used at anytime and start a meditation practice that can provide support and stability through the rest of your life.

Full details of this program and its supplementary supports are at visit:


Photos from Anchored Meditation's post 12/02/2024

Have you been looking for a sign that points you in the direction of making a real positive impact in your life?? Here it is.

The “Be-ing by the Sea: Mindfulness & Meditation” weekend retreat is your opportunity for profound personal growth.

Whether you are a complete beginner or have had a daily(ish) meditation practice, this retreat will help you really grasp (or remember) the foundations of mindfulness meditation, from a secular approach, based in neuroscience, and will help solidify your commitment to living life in a calmer, healthier, more fulfilling and appreciative way.

You won’t be just guided through a few minutes of meditation … you’ll actually be TAUGHT the foundations of mindfulness and meditation and their practices, have plenty of time to go deep into your understanding of them …and learn how to integrate them into your life when you are back in the “real world”.

Imagine a weekend where you stop doing all the doing….. and give yourself permission to just BE ….by the sea.

Set your notifications to “unavailable”… unplug….and take advantage of this precious chance to get reacquainted with who you REALLY are… beyond the busy-ness of your world….all in the serene, secluded seaside location of Deer Harbour, NL with the fine hosts at Gypsy Sea Adventures.

Look them up at :
…and then try to decide which special person(s) you’d like to share this unique and amazing experience with.

If you’d like to reserve your spot or have questions about the venue and accommodations - give Vera at Gypsy Sea Adventures a shout!

Questions about the mindfulness meditation part? Visit Anchored Meditation or shoot me (Karen) an email!

Can’t wait to join you on this part of your path!


Some of the biggest a-ha moments for people who attend mindfulness and meditation programs is when they hear these truths:

"You are not your thoughts.". And: "Just because you think it - doesn't mean it's true...or that you have to act on it....".

Mindfulness meditation based in neuroplasticity can also train your brain to be more appreciative and grateful for the beauty that can always be found in life.

February 25th is when the next Learn to Go with the Ebb & Flow: Navigating Life with Mindfulness & Meditation program begins. Find out more at

MINDFULNESS & MEDITATION FOR LIFE » Anchored Meditation 05/02/2024

Transform Your Life with Mindfulness & Meditation:

Learn to Go with the Ebb & Flow: Navigating Life with Mindfulness & Meditation!

This in-depth 6-week program runs only two times a year! Participate in-studio or online from wherever you are!

Join us this month to get started on your path to reducing your stress and anxiety, enhancing both your mental and physical well-being, and learning how to navigate life's challenges with composure, wisdom and resilience.

The Learn to Go with the Ebb & Flow program brings empowerment to all aspects of your life:

1. **Stress Reduction:** Develop practical tools to manage stress in real-time, with a calmer and more composed mindset.
2. **Improved Well-being:** Elevate both mental and physical health through science-based mindfulness practices, promoting overall wellness.
3. **Navigate Challenges:** Gain resilience in facing your particular difficulties, by developing the skills to navigate life's ebb and flow.
4. **Self-Discovery:** Explore mindfulness of body, breath, thoughts, and emotions to deepen self-awareness and understanding.
5. **Kindness and Compassion:** Cultivate a kinder and more compassionate perspective fostering appreciation and acceptance in relationships with others and yourself..
6. **Peace, Wisdom, and Balance:** Acquire skills to live with tranquility, wisdom, and balance, regardless of life's uncertainties.

Explore and integrate the practical wisdom of mindfulness and meditation with simple practices that can be used at anytime and start a meditation practice that can provide support and stability through the rest of your life.

Full details of this program and its supplementary supports are at visit:


MINDFULNESS & MEDITATION FOR LIFE » Anchored Meditation Mindfulness & Meditation Workshops & Programs, St. John's, Newfoundland & globally online.


The power of the pause.

Pausing is a life changing skill. And it’s kinda what we are training ourselves to do when we meditate.

Sooooo many times we think: “I really should be….” “This is a waste of time..” … “I should get up before gangrene sets in….”

But we don’t. We learn to take a breath…. Ignore our thoughts …and continue to sit.

This helps us surf the urge to act on every thought we have. To pause. And minimize the unnecessary struggle we cause ourselves ( and others).

Want to learn more about meditation?
Join us this Sunday for a 2-hour intro workshop… online or in-person!


Yes…. Meditation can be relaxing….restful… and revealing. But those moments you spend in the stillness and silence of meditation are also helping you process any stress you are under. It is important to skillfully work with stress or any challenging situation because if you just shove it down and bury it … you’re burying it alive.

And it will come back in the form of physical or mental illness which, of course, affects all aspects of your life.

Mindfulness and meditation practices are simple, easy to learn and can have a profound impact on your life.

Want to learn a bit more? Join us in this introductory workshop, learn the basics and take three different techniques for a test run! Attend in-person or online - Spaces still available!


When times are difficult…you might think: “Who the hell would invite THIS??? “?

But the crucial message is: “…we might as well work with it …rather than struggling against it.”.

This doesn’t mean we have to like what’s happening…. It means what’s here is here already … and we are not going to make the experience MORE difficult (and exhausting) by resisting it.

We do what we can….. and then allow the experience to move through quicker.

Not an easy thing to comprehend…. But if you’re interested in learning how to live your life with less stress and anxiety…and more wisdom and skill…


Are you interested in learning the basics of how mindfulness and meditation can help you reduce stress and anxiety… and increase your overall sense of well-being in life?

Learn about… and experience …these life changing practices at this mindfulness and meditation 2 hour introductory workshop!

For your convenience, you can attend in person… Or online!

Register today!

Videos (show all)

Life is like a turbulent ocean…..
You are deeper ... than you think.....