

Triumphant Ministry (N.J), was founded by Pst Joshua Joel John. An anointed man of God Filled with


What a revelation!!!

Topic: Understanding the power of faith in the anointing:

Daddy was quoted saying:

Your faith can bring about unimaginable results so long as you maximise it.
(Hebrews 11:6, And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him)

You don’t need to wait for the Holy Spirit to work in the practicality of faith; you must understand that you need faith to receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4, On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.) Now what’s that gift? (John 14:15-31)
The disciples practiced faith by not leaving Jerusalem, even after the death of Jesus. At the time of their wait, they hadn’t received the Holy Spirit yet...

After they received the gift, thy became a sign & a wonder as well as Healing the sick through the power of the anointing. (Mark 6:7, 12-13).

Every anointing carries a spirit that illuminates God’s glory through the carrier.

Joshua Joel John.
Lead Pst T.M.

Photos from TriumphM's post 07/03/2023

March Welcome Letter Sunday Service(Theme: Free From Evil) Triumphant Ministry (N.J)...

Welcome Note: From the Lead Pastor.

Milk & Honour greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

It’s safe to say that God has been more than faithful to us, all through the month of February. As we’ve seen unmerited level of (Unlimited Favour) in the month of February 2023.

Let’s start by stating categorically, that the testimonies as a result of such favour has been mouth watering. Do we begin counting from the miracle jobs or been saved from death or the business breakthroughs or the perfect record of no life lost and so on? Indeed God is in this place.

For all God has done for us all through the month of February, we say thank you Jesus.

But God is not done with us just yet as he has promised a never failing journey ahead for us, only if we keep moving forward.

Therefore what’s God actually saying to us concerning the month of March?

Thus says the Lord, I Am getting you there regardless of the challenges and obstacles in your path. I will teach you my ways and instruct you in the path you should follow in other to give you, life and vitality.

Looking at (Ps 32:8) it becomes impossible to get lost or miss our way when we submit to the leading and guidance of God. It’s also impossible to be counselled by God and make or take foolish steps.

Show me a man who directly looks up to God and his gaze on him, and I will show you a man who never misses his steps nor beg for bread or suffer defeat nor shame. (Prob 4:25)

It’s highly essential that we let God order our steps in the month of March as much as get us to that Glorious destination. We must get to the point where we get tired of our situations and our wondering from one place to the other, in so much as to letting God point us to the right path to take. (Deuteronomy 1:6-7)

Many believers has been asking God to lead them, direct them, and even other their steps; yet they’re the ones in front trying to lead. We must hand over the battle to God and genuinely let him lead as well as take charge so we don’t miss it in life.

Because God can only take over what we have handed over to him.

In the light of the above we must understand that once we follow Gods leading and keep matching forward, every obstacles, problems, challenges, pains, depressions, shame, setbackness, poverty, lack and want begins to clear the way for you to your glorious Land of milk and honey.

By grace we saw the likes of:
1. Job in (job 6:24)
2. David (Ps 5:8, 119:35)
3. We as believers (Jn 10:3-4, 2Chron 6:26-27)
4. Jeremiah (Jeremiah 50:4-5)
5. Ezekiel (Eze 20:1-3)
6. Joshua (Joshua 6:2-5)

Clearly from the above examples, we can see that no one ever gets disappointed from following God and letting him guide as well as lead them.

Therefore what’s God saying concerning the month of March 2023?

I’ve seen your efforts and have heard your cries, I’ve seen your wondering and have come to guide you to the right path too your promise land; only if you let me.

You’ve stayed long enough at the hands of your oppressors (Deuteronomy 1:6) Now match forward as I make your enemies your footstool. (Joshua 6:2-5)

Therefore the Month of March 2023 shall be your month of (MARCHING FORWARD).

To God Alone be all the Glory!

Jesus is Lord!

Pst Joshua Joel John
Lead Pst Triumphant Ministry (T.M-N.J)

Photos from TriumphM's post 26/02/2023

Today’s Thanksgiving Service is one to be remembered for years.

Testimonies of miracle jobs, saved from death by the power of God and so much more, to be thankful for.

To God alone be all the Glory!!!


It was indeed an Encounter with Destiny Service:

One of daddy’s definitely of Destiny was:

Destinies are one’s future possibilities believed to be filled with Glory, Honour, love, might and power etc. (1Pet 2:9, But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.).

From the above definition and scripture, it’s impossible to live an ordinary live.

Therefore work into your ream of endless Glory and positivities in Jesus name.

Photos from TriumphM's post 14/02/2023

Last Sunday

Was indeed an unlimited Miracle Service.

I mean God still works miracles


Welcome Note: From the Lead Pastor.

Milk & Honour greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

I believe that each of you has had an amazing experience of (All Round Rest) in the month of January 2023!!!

It’s without doubt that the month of January has been a lunch into our current ream of Milk and Honey, which in turn births All Round Rest Which has brought about breakthroughs, uplifting, Released souls, Triumph, healings, supernatural supply and so much more to the lives of every believer and members of triumphant Ministry Global.

In the light of the above we give all the Glory and Honour to God.

Now what is God saying concerning the month of February?

We must therefore understand that any believer without favor is one without an open Heaven. Hence it’s favor that guarantees access to all things as Covenanted to us by God through our father Abraham in (Gen 12:1-13) and Isaac in (Gen 26:1-11) and more so Jacob in (Gen 27)

Therefore it’s imperative that every believer believes and seek the favor of God for answers to their prayers this month & beyond.

We saw in (Ps 90:17) that favor establishes the works of every believers hands. And also in (Ps 84:11) reviewed to us that no good thing is withheld from does with the favor of God.

As such any and everything one could ever desire can be gotten if they encounter Gods favor.

Now let’s see examples of does who encountered Gods favor and had a change of stories:

- Noah in (Gen 6:8)
- Samuel in (1Sam 2:26)
- Joseph in (Acts 7:10)
- Daniel in (Dan 1:9)
- Esther in (Esther 5:2)
- Israelites in (Ex 3:21)
- And then Every believer in (Ephesians 2:8)

With the practical examples above we can see and acknowledge beyond reasonable doubts that Favor is accessible so long as we believe and crave enessitly for it.

Therefore what’s God saying concerning the month of February?

I the Lord will pour out favor from the heavens to as many that believes and crave enestly for it.

One that would transform their lives, Families, Businesses, Career, health and finances.

In so much that it will be an explosion of unlimited blessings to as many that believes.

Therefore the month of February 2023 shall be your month of:


Jesus is Lord

Pst Joshua Joel John
Lead Pastor T.M

Photos from TriumphM's post 08/01/2023

Thank God for the success of T.M First Sunday Service Ever!!!

To God Alone be all the glory!!!


We apologise for been absent for awhile now, we needed to look into some changes that may occur soon. We will update you when that happens. Stay Blessed JIL


Sing the song for grace today, because until you have grace you will suffer disgrace...

Photos from Pst Josh's post 19/08/2020

Triumphant Ministry

kicked off it's First screening and interview process in Nigeria for a 15 candidate scholarship award. On the 3rd August 2020.

Just like Jesus the Founder nor Triumphant Ministry hasn't come to take from anyone but to give everyone in abundance. That's why the first item on the ministries list as directed by God is to give. (James 1:17, 2:16, 1 Corinthians 13:3, Luke 11:41, John 13:29, and Matthew 10:8). GLORY TO GOD


Welcome to our month of victory...


This week is declared your week of triumph, everything you lost last week is declared delivered to you this week in the name of Jesus.


October 15th 2015.

On the 8th of October 2015 God spoke to his Servant Pst Joshua Joel John; in a vision where he appeared as his late father, pst Joel Audu.
God told him to set himself aside in a mountain called Kudenden which was located in kaduna the northern part of Nigeria.

He woke up from that vision and told his mom Mrs Helen Joel Audu, what he had saw. And the next morning OCTOBER 9th 2015 they both heard for the mountain, Getting there his mom prayed for him and left only to return in 21 days.

While he went about fasting & praying alongside meditating, God spoke to him on the seventh (7) day of the fast in a broad daylight saying:

My son Joshua, my people are oppressed, depressed, ashamed, pained, beaten, broken and stagnated.
They have gone blind and have lost their way; they have forgotten how I the Lord liberated them from the oppressions of the devil and gave them freedom, they have gone back to the very place from which I liberated them from, Like dogs going back to its vomits.

As a result of their disobedient's and rebellion, I the Lord God of Host have aloud satan torment them until they realise that I alone shall they serve and I change not. I am the God of their fathers of whom I liberated out of the hands of their enemies.

Behold I have heard the cry of stagnation & sufferings and I would have mercy on whom I would have mercy on.

Therefore I am sending you to lead my people to a place flowing with milk and honey, the (NEW JERUSALEM).

Then he asked but how Lord, and God said; Through Faith, Healing, my word, signs & wonders and I would be with you wherever you go. (In accordance to Joshua 1:8-9).

Then he asked again Lord but how do I start? Should I go open a church or begin asking people to follow me, and if they ask me where and I say (THE NEW JERUSALEM) and they ask me for a location what should I say Lord?

Joshua go into the world and preach my gospel for the hour to build a structure for worship is not yet now, if you obey my instructions and keep my ways i would instruct you on the name to give my place of worship and when to open it's doors.

26th May 2020 the Name TRIUMPHANT MINISTRY was given.. Glory
