Twelfth House

Twelfth House

An Apothecary Boutique and School for all Humans.


After having a lovely woman stop by today and ask if I was open, I thought I’d get on here and do an update. We are currently closed. BUT, not forever. I am hoping to get a proper Apothecary, Herbal Boutique and most importantly, a school for herbs, nutrition and astrology back up and running. Please be patient and keep checking back. I promise to update with any news.


1 week….


Aries season ♈️ wild spring edibles going into vinegar.

It’s so nice to see the plants and all life emerging again.

Although we “soft launched” on the Spring Equinox last year, it just never felt fully right to get the apothecary and boutique going. With the shutdowns it was nearly impossible and although their is always the internet and online buying, it’s just not the vision I had for this business. 🍃

So as we’ve begun a new astrological year, I’m looking to move past the vision I had last year, which clearly was not as important as keeping everyone safe and being responsible...

I will be making offerings and putting them up in the shop as the seasons dictate. I’m also available for herbal consults and hopefully will get the school offerings up as well. 🌿

It would be so nice to share all that I have learned and experienced so that it can remain alive and continue to be passed down. 💐

Taking these steps back from what was once normal has given many an opportunity to connect with things that we could never have imagined mattered. So let’s hold onto that and continue to make new connections without regretting losing the old ways. 🪴


Pisces Season!

And just a heads up that I have suspended the website while I move it to another platform that will allow me to sell not only herbal products but CBD products as well.

Thanks for your patience. If you are in need of any apothecary items in the meantime, as always, reach out to me at:
[email protected]

I am a micro business, and fill orders as they come in.

Enjoy the season!



Capricorn Season ♑️

Mode: Cardinal, Initiator of Action
Element: Earth, The Animal Kingdom
Ruling planet: Saturn, planet of boundaries
Keywords: I use
Needs: Structure, organization, accomplishment
Duality: Yin
Energetics: Cold and dry
Organ rulerships: musculoskeletal, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, nails, teeth, knees, gall bladder


Welcoming In Sagittarius Season.
A mutable sign
Element of fire, like burning or simmering coals.
“I perceive”
Yang duality
Hot and dry energetics
Ruling planets Jupiter and Uranus
Organ/body rulerships - liver, arterial circulation, hips, buttocks, thighs, sciatic nerve

Photos from Twelfth House's post 11/11/2020

Tending the fall Twelfth House gardens. Lots of potions to be made. Getting ready for a shop update. Thanks for your patience. Some items are still available in the apothecary and the boutique is still open.


Today we welcome the Scorpio season often associated with life, death, rebirth and transformation. The time to let go of what doesn’t serve you, be it things, people, decisions. We continue deeper into the Yin time seeking depth to our life and purpose. Questioning the norm or programmed thoughts. Identifying with who we really are and what our life is really meant to be. ♏️


Preparing Rosemary Oxymels, infused oils and tinctures to keep us going through the cold seasons. Rosemary is warming and promotes circulation particularly in the small capillaries of the eyes.


Harvesting roots today. Yellow dock to be infused in black strap molasses for that great iron absorption!


Yin and Yang


Apparently loves the herb garden.


Beautiful harvest day





Gout Kola for my Mercury Day! #♎️


Too soon? I love fall!!!♎️🧟‍♀️🎃


Libra season is here!!



Virgo season is also what I call RAGWEED season. For me, this year is particularly bad. I’m relying on my nettles and goldenrod blended with some nervines. My favorite to add is lemon balm. How are you doing this season?


Mercury day! Wednesday...It’s been a big “mind” day. Planning to unwind with some Skullcap. You?


Blossomed from the Bee Balm


Don’t be afraid to tie your love for herbs to your love for astrology together! There are many ways to do it. You don’t have to practice Medical Astrology either. Of course, you can, if that’s your thing. But it can be as simple as looking at a plant and drawing in your own intuition about it. Like Calendula growing in the full sun, in the heat of summer, sure seems like a Sun plant. Especially with the beautiful yellow and orange petals. Or Marshmallow plant, with its fuzzy leaves and how its moistening to our bodies, sure seems like a Moon plant, hah? Spending time with plants and using your knowledge of the Signs and Planets can all be tied together. Beautiful healing and self care for the soul!

Timeline photos 31/08/2020

Fun, cool Astrology Swag in the shop for all you VIRGOS .... check out the Rachel Beyer Art Prints with fun Virgo facts, an awesome illustration and even a fun seek and find. Also, Moonlight Makers totes and stickers “Anything you can do I can do perfectly! Hah, and what about you journaling Virgos? These are beautiful journals made from recycled acid free handmade paper! Check out the shop for more!

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

Poke ink is a great way to set intentions or ask for protection. The ink doesn’t last long, which is what is great about it. You can write your intentions, or worries down, and as they go away, so does the ink. The poke berry juice is very toxic, so be sure to keep it out of little hands.
For those herbalists out there, poke root extract ~ not this ink ~ is a great lymphatic support, but you really need to be careful when using this plant as it is a low dose medicine.
Look for bottles of ink in the shop soon. I start harvesting and concocting this week.

Timeline photos 28/08/2020

Virgo season is a great time for learning! Astrology is an important tool in self discovery and healing. If you’re new to it, try starting a moon journal. It’s one of the best ways to really get in touch with yourself and the signs. And after a few months or a full year, you can go back and notice the patterns in your life. They will be there!

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Working on some beautiful Virgo blends. Love blue vervain for this season. An earth sign ruled by Mercury, a planet that resonates with the mind in a mode that is mutable, resonating with air. So, in the head, mind, but practical. That’s our Virgos.

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Finally able to offer the Leo Elixir. Took some time getting these beautiful bottles.

Timeline photos 23/08/2020

Leo Season Tisane now available. And though in the calendar year, we’ve moved on to Virgo Season, we may still need that Leo support because this Tisane supports the heart and nervous system. When is your Leo Season? For me, it’s in the beginning of winter because Leo rules my 10th house. So as winter begins, I take on those Leo energetics. Curious?

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

Welcome to Virgo ♍️ Season!

Timeline photos 21/08/2020

At it’s foundation, Twelfth House was created to focus self care and healing through the understanding of the birth chart. Living through the astrological seasons is how I learned the signs, planets and houses in the chart. As each season comes and goes, a botanical support is created with intention to help you heal, and grow in the season. Depending on where the season falls in your own personal birth chart, you may need healing, you may just need support, or you may be completely bliss. Twelfth House will support you through it all. But it’s not all about the seasonal products. Many of us practice self healing rituals and techniques already. Twelfth House compliments many modalities with a full line of items to assist with your routines or allow you to try something new. We also offer many small batch herbs, tinctures, essences and oils for you to use as well. And alas, there is the Astrology Swag. Something I felt added a bit of fun and carefreeness to the astrological season. So many of us are “closet” astrologers and enthusiasts. Why? It’s not mainstream? People might think something of you? Judge you? I firmly believe now is the time to be YOU. To not assume you have to live the way you are just to please others. Remember, you are the most important thing. You should be able to be who YOU are at all times and never give that up. Surround yourself with beautiful, uplifting people and things that build you up. And have a little fun with it!

Timeline photos 18/08/2020


We're proud to be a local retailer for Lily Hill CBD Products! Although these products, as well as other CBD products are NOT available on the Twelfth House website at this time, I will be sharing our inventory here on Facebook and you can let me know directly what you'd like to purchase.

Timeline photos 17/08/2020

It’s open, finally! And yes, we will be adding a TON of items over the next few weeks, so please keep checking back.

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

After a long process we have decided to do a “Soft launch” of our online shop. What does this mean? Well, as you can imagine, we’re stuck waiting on supplies to bring you our special creations, BUT, we have tons of items already waiting to be explored. So with patience, please hop on over to our shop this Monday 8/17 and see what’s happening. We hope to be able to fully launch soon, our Leo ♌️ Collection is just waiting for bottles to get poured. But if the season passes we will still offer the collection as we open the upcoming Virgo Collection.
