Time to find myself

Time to find myself

Some times the hardest person to find is yourself! I have been living my life through others for too long.

This is the start of my journey of leaving a relationship where I have been living someone else's dreams and losing myself


I know it’s a hard lesson...


Don't mistake my positivity for a lack of struggle.

Timeline photos 23/01/2020

Idk who needs to hear this....






One Day 22/12/2019

One Day It’s good to be in love. Ever wonder why people seem more alluring when they’re in love? It’s because something happens physiologically and emotionally that truly does change your overall demeanor. While being in love changes you, meeting your soulmate changes everything. Your overall demeanor...




Wake up. Sit. Breathe. Connect to your beauty, courage, love, and unshakeable faith within.
In the coming year dedicate your life to loving, trusting, and being kind to yourself completely.
The relationship you have with you is the foundation for everything you do so make sure it is a solid, loving, kind friendship with yourself and watch your life blossom in ways you never imagined possible.
You are a complete, enough, worthy, and magnificent human being remind yourself of this every single morning before stepping into your day beautiful friends. ~ xoxo Michelle & Barb

Nah, sorry 05/12/2019

Nah, sorry We all know that staying with a toxic partner is a surefire path to misery, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to let go. If you are in love with someone, your first instinct may be to forgive them when they hurt you, and just hold on and hope that things will get better. Your head may be telling y...


It's okay to walk out ...


You were too busy...


Some people aren't good at asking for help...


It always happens all of a sudden.


This one is for the ladies today


❤️⭐️💜⭐️ Words of wisdom ❤️⭐️💜⭐️

❤ Sometimes, there are difficult people in our lives and we think that life would be easier without them. But they are in our lives for a reason and even though we do not realize it at first, their actions teach us the most important lessons we need to learn. It takes an open heart and an open mind to understand the ways of Life 💖
Remember karma is always a wonderful thing 🦋


The most beautiful part of loving a guarded girl...


Try doing what is best for you.
