Weave Impact

Weave Impact

Weave Impact is an advisory firm guiding its clients ‎in creating and implementing social impact investment strategies in Israel.

השקעות אחראיות: מנישה צדדית למיינסטרים בשוק ההון העולמי 09/03/2021

Honoured to have our founder and CEO Dalia Black, selected as a woman leading social impact investing in Israel!

השקעות אחראיות: מנישה צדדית למיינסטרים בשוק ההון העולמי על רקע משבר האקלים, זוכות ההשקעות האחראיות (ESG) לפריחה, ומציעות קונספט המשלב תשואה כלכלית עם השפעה חברתית-סביבתית. לרגל יום האישה הבינלאומי, כינס ice ארבע נשים מובילות ...

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Weave Impact is delighted to introduce Gaby Charnas, who talks about why she loves working for Weave below 👇

We're happy to introduce the latest installment of our series, in which we celebrate the many amazing different ways in which olim are contributing to Israeli society. Today we're featuring Gaby Charnas, an Impact Investment Consultant who made aliyah from South Africa.

🔹Tell us your aliyah story - where did you make aliyah from, when, and why?

Gaby: I moved here from Johannesburg, South Africa in 2007, 3 days after my 18th birthday, although not as an Olah. Initially, I had come on a gap year, where I was going to spend 5 Months on Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael with the potential of staying on and studying at the IDC - which is what I eventually did. Sometime during my studies I decided it was unlikely I was going to leave and formally made Aliya.

I grew up in a very Zionist household, and went to a Zionist Jewish day school, and youth movement. It was never a question that I would spend some time in Israel after high school. However, I can't say that it was ideology that ultimately drew me to becoming a citizen - rather that I simply loved the lifestyle and felt the most "me" in Israel. I think Tel Aviv is one of the greatest cities in the world, and I couldn't think of a better place for me to grow into my adulthood.

🔹Can you share one tip for new olim?

Gaby: As best as possible, try to learn Hebrew. I think that without Hebrew we limit ourselves. I don't think it's necessary for our whole lives to exist in Hebrew but having a grasp of the language means we can understand the news, apply for our dream jobs and meet and learn from people from beyond our communities. Especially for Anglos, it is extremely easy to live and function here solely in English - but we miss out on so many opportunities and so much of what gives Israel its colour.

🔹Please share a little about what you do and why you do it.

I am incredibly lucky to work in a job that I absolutely love! I work for a consultancy, Weave Impact (founded by another brilliant Olah) where we advise families, foundations and even some corporates on social impact investing in Israel. These are investments with the intention to achieve a double bottom line of both financial and social/environmental return. In the context of being an Olah, I am particularly grateful for my work, as it has enabled me an acute understanding of some of Israel's greatest social challenges. I have visited towns and areas, even most Israelis never visit, which as a whole has given me a deeper understanding about the fabric of Israeli society. However, beyond this, and perhaps most importantly, my job has introduced me to the best members of Israeli society who are working so brilliantly to try to close the existing social gaps. There are so many exciting opportunities to invest for good in Israel, be it in incredible technological solutions or simpler businesses like cafes hiring youth at risk and wineries supporting adults with special needs. I don't take for granted how privileged I am to introduce these types of ventures to those looking to support Israel in innovative, sustainable ways.


Thank you, Gaby. and keep up your amazing work! 🙌✨

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00